Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Listed under "Things that should make you outraged," the House Republicans are spending 2 million dollars a day to do nothing.

Courtesy of BlondeWonk:

  • It costs an estimated $2 Million per day to operate the House 
  • The House has only passed 15 bills that have become law this session 
  • The House only passed 23 bills that became law last session 
  • The House effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has been ‘in progress’ since Jan. 19, 2011 and has received 37 votes votes so far, with votes #38 and #39 expected Wednesday. 
  • The first bill introduced to the House of the 113th Congress was a bill to “repeal Obamacare in its entirety” Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) 
  • The 113th Congress is on track to be even less productive than the 112th, which was the least productive on record. 
  • The House has no replacement for the Affordable Care Act 
  • Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-OH), spent $2.3 Million defending DOMA after the Department of Justice declined to do so in 2011
 When people say that government is broken, the Congress is who they are talking about. 

And the truly frustrating part is that it was broken on purpose by the Tea party to prove their point that "government is broken."

This would be funny, if it were not so damn depressing instead. There is SO much work to be done, and some many important issues to get dealt with, and simply put none of it will be addressed.

Turnout in 2014 needs to be historic, and it needs to incredibly lopsided on favor of the Democrats. Only then will America start moving forward again.

P.S. Over at Blond Wonk there are citations for everything listed above.


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The right wingers love that no new laws are being passed, or very few. They want LESS govt and law. Now all that time wasted on repealing Obamacare is just fine, not a waste whatsoever. They are hoping that one of these years it will be repealed.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      It's like someone throwing themselves at a brick wall and thinking it will eventually fall down.

      If we're lucky, they'l knock themselves unconscious and the Democrats can get something done while they're out cold.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      And if they have their way, when everyone is "out cold", when they wake up from the stupor there will be no health care waiting for them. Like 'trick or treat', but on a massive scale.

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Yet go to any 'mainstream' site and it's all blamed on President Obama in comments I swear that those who bitch the loudest have no idea how government works, let alone understand the Constitution they're always touting. I'd like to shake 'em until their teeth rattle.

    You hear me, Palin/RAM??

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    If any one of us performed so poorly in our jobs, we would be fired!

    I wish we could do that to Congress without waiting for the next election cycle.

  4. Anonymous3:20 PM

    We need Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Ann Richards, and Molly Ivins. That's why we're in such a mess.

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    It's the senate that does nothing. The House does more than them

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM


    2. Oh please, besides 40 failed attempts at repealing the health care law. and naming a few post offices...what have the GOP in congress done?...And don't say Sandy relief because Boehner went hat in hand to Pelosi with only 18 GOP votes out of 234 to get those 2 bills passed.


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