Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sarah Palin would like you to believe that she is VERY excited to be talking about farming this week. Yep, that's what she'd like you to believe alright.

Sarah Palin at Iowa State Fair in 2011
Courtesy of the Harridan of Horticulture's Facebook page:

I'm so looking forward to joining hard working farmers in America's heartland this week at the Ag PhD Field Day in South Dakota. It's an honor to get to travel with my entourage (er, that would be Piper) to be with those who are feeding the nation.

You know I used to love to poke fun at Sarah Palin back when people took her seriously and suggest that someday she would be giving speeches at the opening of a Piggly Wiggly's or a talking to just about anybody who would pay her air fare and give her a six pack of Red Bull.

Now that it has happened I cannot decide if I am please with my powers of prognostication, or sad that there were SO many people in this country who did not see it coming, or who actually thought she had the ability to hold an important public office.

By the way I understand that Palin will be standing in the middle of a field giving a policy speech later in the day. Apparently nobody will be out there to listen to her but the farmers think it might help to keep the crows away from the crops.

Well I know she frightened a bunch of Alaskans for about two and half years, so she just might have found her calling.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Pigs DO sweat. The pic above proves it.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM


    2. jcinco2:28 PM

      haha, "You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think"..
      Dorothy Parker

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      I hope a cow shits on her!
      Or maybe a bull will hump her leg?
      Do ya think she might talk about Mat-Maid and the indictments?

    4. ManxMamma3:18 PM

      My favorite Dorothy Parker quote...and there are so many.

    5. Anonymous3:53 PM

      It's highly likely, 2:58...

      She smells just like them

    6. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Maybe she will talk about how she laundered $4 million dollars to her dairy farmer friends and got away with it. Perhaps the Quitter Queen would like to speak to Kyle Beus about his indictment and impending court trial for fraud/Federal grant money........

  2. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Ethanol and corn syrup and pig feed are not "feeding the nation", you strange big-headed twerp.

    Or does your awkward round-heeled daughter feed ethanol and pig feed to her child?

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      To say nothing of GMO corn.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      One of Ag PhD radio and lecture circuit is Monsanto - say no more.

    3. Anonymous7:20 PM

      And the Hefty Bros, of Hefty Seed? read all about 'em:

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    That photo is from 2011 and she looked terrible then! It's amazing what hate and bitterness will do to a person.

    I wonder what's up with Fox? Obviously she us not back on the air. Hysterical. Don't her pea brained fans see this yet ?

    1. janice12:04 PM

      I think the last time she was on was on Hannitys radio show. They don't need her anymore and she knows it. Geraldo will be the next Weiner to get canned from Fox too.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      So true. It's been at least a month. She has absolutely nothing to say.

      I think she got under Ailes skin on her last interview with Hannity on his radio show. I think she broke some rules and went rogue. And, she made some statement she might consider running for AK Senate. Is she being punished by Roger?

  4. Okay that first picture of Baldy! BWAHAHAHAHAHA...she looks so fucking retardilly(I know that's not a word but WTH!) STOOPID! Look at the HOG's trying to get close to the ugly TrannyMan!

    Was this a big Titty contest between big belly guy and Baldy? If so...Big Belly guy is the winner...all the way! LOL!!!

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Considering the harridan's harping over Michelle Obama's healthy food initiative, what steaming pile of poo will she shriek this time? The virtues of Monsanto?

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      She's called a "Wasilla Steamer." Or, Gov. Steamer, your call.

  6. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Car auctions, now a farm seminar....LMAO! Poor Sarah will be selling her old sex tapes soon, you know the ones before she started looking like the crypt keeper.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      It beats being the speaker at the high school graduation of 25 kids in a small town in Washington state.

  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    lol The thing is, she'd made these types of speeches for the last 4 years. Many just aren't publicized well if at all. I'd say only half her speeches are nationally recognized by MSM. And that doesnt even touch where she goes privately.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Nobody wants to touch where she goes privately.
      Not with a ten foot pole.

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Lol. .... U are a Moran with a capital M

    3. Anonymous4:12 PM

      >> I'd say only half her speeches are nationally recognized by MSM.

      That may or may not be the case, but you're full of horse manure if you think that C4P and various other rabid pro-Palin sites don't follow her every fart.

      If she's been somewhere, it's on our radar. She isn't doing anything 'privately'. That's not how Sarah rolls. She broadcasts everything but a blow-by-blow description of her plastic surgery episodes.

      Last four years, my ass. She's a fucking has-been who never really was. She's rah rah-ing anything she can to point a finger back in her own direction, for attention.

      She's STARVED for attention, since Roger Ailes seems to have soured on her faster than he may have expected and she has been put out to pasture on the Fox News scene.

      She's old, she's dried up, she's desperate and it comes across, and that isn't good for ratings. They gave it a try or two and clearly they didn't like the ratings. She's locked in because she can't afford to make a definitive step, since she'll look like a quitter, again, or fired, again, so she's in media limbo, grabbing at any opportunity to be in the news, any news, even if it's all to do with bullshit and bad crops.

      Sarah doesn't have an altruistic bone in her skanky little body. Sarah is only and ever about Sarah. She uses her children as excuses and shields, or a way to garner attention back to herself. She has such a full blown case of narcissism that no amount of attention, 24/7, can sate her desperate cry of LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!!

      The internet is a big ol' place and if you NEVER watch TV, or read any mainstream publication, there's still the bots, like you, that will be either in outrage of some attack on their queen from any corner, or frothing at the mouth with their pumped up 'OMG, she's gonna run...' stuff.

      If Sarah had been to any sort of event in the last four years, it would have been covered here, by many people. Gryphen has his stellar local sources and there's no question in my mind, for OUR safety sake, he taps into those sources whenever possible to keep us alert to her next scam or fest of lies.

      So yeah, you're full of the same BULL shit that Sarah will be traipsing through, coming up soon.

  8. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Gryphen----Guess you might say she's "outstanding in her field" of work!

  9. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Isn't that nice! Sarah looking forward to being with the 'get off your butt workers" who rarely see much profit from these hard workers. Just having her there should be an insult to all hard-working entrepreneurs and labourers and farming equipment operators and investors (who believe in the traditions of farming), who keep their chins up hoping for good crops (despite harsh weather conditions). These folks work and sacrifice and sometimes yield nothing - yet they stay (don't quit) in the business hoping for a turnaround and rarely see any profit until years later. Farming is something that one has to LOVE doing, despite the risks. And they take many risks, work hard and sometimes succeed and sometimes lose the shirt off their backs.

    Sarah and her entourage (camera-hugging family) all pop in for a photo op and a paid speech, showing her gratitude and givin' em a big thumps up, cause she's so darn salt of the earth and can relate (wink wink) to those real Americans; she comes, complete with her filled udders and 1st prize fair ribbon jewelry, and her chawing children and Captain America Todd.

    It just doesn't get better than that.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Well who invited her then?

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I wonder if old $quawk will hang around and mingle with the real Americans? Or if $he will zip away as usual, protected by her 'handlers.' We all know how courageous $arah is!!


    3. Anonymous4:09 PM

      She's such a bitch..Will pimp tawwd be there?

  10. Randall10:34 AM

    Well at least Sarah will be outstanding in SOME field anyway.

  11. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Dear Mr. Schaefer,Since you were the person who took the statements of Shailey Tripp regarding Todd Palin and David Chaney, I’m sure you’d like to get to the bottom of the dispute between Tripp”s statements and that of David Chaney.  Here is a web site that has posted copies of documents confirming the allegations of Ms. Tripp.

    My understanding is that the statute of limitations regarding claims against Todd Palin may run in August, so I’m sure you will want to act on this information immediately.

    Here is the link:: would appreciate an update when charges are filed.

    Malia Litman

  12. Anonymous10:37 AM

    What size breasts will Sarah Palin bring to South Dakota?

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM


    2. jcinco2:35 PM

      the kind you can tuck in the waistband of mom jeans?

    3. Anonymous4:11 PM

      the big honkers for sure to get all the old guys hawwt..

  13. Anonymous10:40 AM

    That's right Ho, stick those fake titties out for the Goobers old girl. Now strike the hooker pose. Look at the smile on the face of that knuckle drager on the left in that picture. Yep, that is her constituency alright.

  14. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Sarah Palin Plummets Into Obscurity

    She appears in the middle of nowhere. She speaks about nothing, The event is free to the public. She gets paid nothing. She is one of the free attractions along with free food and drinks.

    -Malia Litman

  15. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Sarah Palin's Facebook post:

    Sarah Palin Yesterday at 12:13pm · I'm so looking forward to joining hard working farmers in America's heartland this week at the Ag PhD Field Day in South Dakota. It's an honor to get to travel with my entourage (er, that would be Piper) to be with those who are feeding the nation.

    Who is is paying for Piper's expenses? SarahPac?

    Is Piper getting paid as Sarah Palin's assistant?

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      and why isn't Piper in school?

    2. vegaslib1:33 PM

      Education is a four letter word in that stupid ass family.

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Piper serves as much of a purpose accompanying Sarah to a farm appearance as Sarah's whole family did when she took them along to Alaska state events. Yes, it was an ethics violation and she had to repay her family's travel expenses, even though Sarah and her fans want you to believe that she was never found guilty of anything.

    4. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Because her diploma is already arranged...

    5. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Anon 12:11

      Um, because Piper is on summer break like every other American kid. Why must you be so critical about people you don't even know?

      Sorry folks. I couldn't resist filling in for our resident troll. LOL.

    6. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Maybe $carah wants to make sure Piper does not get "mono" while she is gone?

  16. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I do not think this is a tea party event. There are democratic, progressive farmers. Some day, some one, is going to hand Sarah and "her entourage" their respective ass's at one of her "events".

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      yes, there are some great progressive farmers, there are democratic farmers, and there are some thoughtful, moderate republican farmers. But this event has few of those - this is for the corporate types, the farm managers. Look at the sponsor list for the PHD ag days. i's all about selling the product. It is a duplication for profit of what the Extension Serivce has been doing for free since the Morrill Act.

    2. Anonymous2:57 AM

      I doubt the grifter is appearing free. Some way, somehow she will be paid. Is Tahd afraid to show up in front of hard working people, carrying her purse?

  17. vegaslib10:59 AM

    This is the one and only time she will be out-standing in her field. Yuk-yuk.

  18. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Well, her "entourage" would be larger if these cheap people who send money to her Pac, would increase their donations. Is Tawd still included in her "entourage"? I hope he asks a big, burly hard working farmer "What's in it for us?"

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Is Piper strong enough to handle the luggage and carry Sarah's purse?

  19. Anonymous11:17 AM


    Clear Channel Pulls Ads for Women’s Clinic Citing “Decency Standards”

    "Clear Channel, a conservative media empire that controls numerous U.S. airwaves and has a history of sexism, has pulled South Wind Women’s Center’s radio ads. South Wind opened in the wake of Dr. Tiller’s murder and the shuttering of his original clinic in order to ensure abortion access in Kansas. Although the clinic bought air time for two radio ads, Clear Channel pulled these ads, claiming that they violated 'decency standards.'"
    Here’s the first ad:
    "At South Wind Women’s Center, our physicians are committed to providing quality reproductive healthcare in Wichita. Each physician is board-certified in family medicine or obstetrics in gynecology. Between them, they have over 50 years of experience and dedication, ensuring women are able to ensure the care they need when they need it."

    And here’s the second:
    "South Wind Women’s Center was founded to reestablish full access to reproductive healthcare. The center provides high-quality medical care and trusts women to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. South Wind Women’s Center: entrusting women with their own medical decision-making."

    "We see nothing “indecent” about these ads. Do you? A lack of knowledge about (as well as a lack of access to, but that’s a whole other issue) safe reproductive health centers is incredibly dangerous — do we really have to bring up “flea market abortions” again? As Feministing pointed out, Clear Channel’s hypocrisy and bias is evident once you recall that this is the same media company that allows the infamously offensive Rush Limbaugh to be his uncensored self on air. These ads are too raunchy for American ears but calling N.O.W. a “bunch of whores” is a-ok?"
    "... tweet at them, raid their Facebook page, email them, and/or call them (212-549-0965). Do whatever you can to do to let Clear Channel know that women deserve to know about and have access to safe, legal reproductive healthcare."

    “Decency Standards” MY ASS!!!

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Clear Channel is owned by Bain. Bain is owned by Mitt Romney. Mitt has been channeled, and he is clearly offended at these innocuous ads.

      Question: did some other advertiser (ie, a competing hospital, clinic, or other medical provider that wishes to obtain Medicaid or Medicare funds for providing similar – even if not identical – services to women) object to Clear Channel running these ads? IOW, What is the real monetary reason for this nonsense? Because of Obamacare and probable future limits on how much providers can gouge patients for their fees, the competition in the medical services industry is heating up considerably.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Clear Channel airs Rush Limbaugh also too.

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      I'm opting for the FCC to pull their license.

  20. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Hah-! Now that's something to add to her resume! know the old joke about the farmer who was "outstanding in his field"!

    Wild Tortoise

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Yeah, when it rained, he got wet.

      Heaven forbid that anyone would have to see Sarah Palin get rained on in her t-shirt, although it would be good for lots of lulz to see one of her Florida Grapefruits fall out of her stretched, soggy bra. Them thangs ain't real, Sarah. You can't even fool Piper. She knows the truth! Haha

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Hell, Piper has bigger real tits than Old Yella.

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Well, that would be one way to give that old stink Bitch a bath. So I say, let it rain baby, let it pour down on her nasty ass.

    4. Anonymous6:25 PM

      What the fuck is wrong with you, 3:44??

      What the fuck are you talking about a little girl s chest for? ?

  21. Anonymous11:19 AM

    A 'policy speech?" About what pray tell? The woman didn't give policy speeches when she was playing governor; why is a person out of elected office for 4 years giving policy speeches in cornfields? Come on,South Dakota. Surely you could have hired someone with a brain not made of straw.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      If you pay it,

      It will come.

  22. Anonymous11:19 AM

    The dude in the grey shirt has bigger boobies than Sarah. What's up with that?

  23. Anonymous11:21 AM

    She remembered to pack "the twins" - her pose is so silly, shoulder back, thrusting them forward and mugging for camera geeez what a joke she is

  24. Irishgirl11:22 AM

    How the mighty have fallen. Love the pic of the old hooah, er, scarecrow, er, fishwife.

  25. She totally flaunts it, doesn’t she? Pride goeth before the fall, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Er, it ain't much there to be flaunting, but whatever she can stuff in there, she puts in on display.

      You won't catch me looking. I'd just as soon eat a piece of plastic fruit from some cheap artificial fruit bowl display at Hobby Lobby.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      It's a such a rediculous shirt for a grown statesman to wear also too. Just wanted to be fare-dressed Sarah?

  26. jcinco11:25 AM

    I read some of the comments over on the harridan's fakebook page. I swear there isn't a person over there with a an IQ higher than room temperature. They are the poor ignorant souls this hateful opportunist preys upon. Her daughters are as embarrassing to our gender as she is. I would be so ashamed of such lay about, unmotivated, shallow bimbos if I were her. I'm so proud of my daughter, she'll be entering her junior year of college this fall. She's maintained stellar grades and is currently working two jobs over the summer to help pay for her education. She'll turn 21 in September and is so well spoken, mature and responsible compared to the whine bag and delinquent vandal sarah has as daughters..she taught her girls, lol, what a load of crap. she taught her daughters how to be grifting know nothings.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      "I swear there isn't a person over there with an IQ higher than room temperature."

      Is that Fahrenheit or Celsius?

  27. janice11:29 AM

    Sarah spends half her time in Arizona, running around the US speaking at these small functions, nothing to do with politics; so why would she want people to think she was serious about running for office, Senate, in Alaska. She is never there. When is the last time she gave a speech in Alaska? When is the last time she donated her time to her state, free, for causes. When is the last time she spoke to groups about Downs Syndrome?

  28. The very first time I heard this woman speak, I knew right away that she was under the influence of some drug she hasn't got prescription for

  29. Anonymous11:46 AM

    It's an honor to travel with Piper -- how so?

    Once again it's impossible for Sarah to travel alone. What was she saying just yesterday about strong, independent women??

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Someone has to make sure Sarah doesn't overdose. Why not P.I.G. Palin? It's good mother-daughter bonding.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Actually, Palin said that it's an honor that she gets to travel with Piper. She always says that she is so happy that she gets to be someplace. It sounds juvenile. I am so happy that I get to have ice cream after the movie.

  30. Yes, sure, whatever, Palin. You go right ahead with your little jibber-jabber talk. You won't say anything intelligent or useful, but hey, have a good time!

    Meanwhile, important, accomplished, educated, brilliant, talented women like Nancy Pelosi will continue the important work of governing this country (and then will go home to their equally brilliant, talented, educated, and accomplished families).

    Remember governing? You tried it but you were lazy and incompetent and eventually quit.

    1. Anonymous3:06 AM

      Even with her American Hero Tahd helping govern, they could not handle the job. They honestly think "What happens in Alaska, stays in Alaska" No, that is not true, we ALL know what happened there.

  31. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The Ag PhD gathering is an annual gathering put on by 2 seed farmer/brothers (soybeans, corn, etc.)at their private farm. The list of featured speakers/programs is all about food crop productions, yields. She'll probably have a book and bj's booth.

  32. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Piper drew the short straw this time. Poor Piper. Attending boring lectures with old people in the middle of nowhere. Is this Piper's summer vacation?

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Why doesn't Trig get to go? Chuck Heath gave a radio interview and he said that Trig likes to look at videos of animals. I bet that Trig would love to see the farm animals, and the corn and the big tractors. Aw, give the kid a break and a little vacation.

    2. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Who? Oh, yes her Gift from God, that is never around for any fun stuff. Well, since he is growing and showing his dislike of his "mother" she is afraid to take him anywhere.

  33. Anonymous12:15 PM

    OT, but very impotrtant to waking up the TP types.

  34. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Entourage. ENTOURAGE? I mean, REALLY? Good grief woman, grow up. You're not Madonna. Now get busy packing your best t-shirt, water bra, glitter-belt & oh so patriotic stretchy flea-market bracelet. Oops! Don't forget the FM pumps! Watch for cow pies!

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      That's the narcissism. She THINKS she's all that and more. Which she isn't and never HAS been.

      Did I just say "has been?" That's more like it!

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Maybe Piper has never seen a farm before.

    3. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Don't forget the hair! !!!

    4. Anonymous5:31 PM

      The stupid 'entourage' statement might have just been a smart-ass dig at her pimp-boy ex-husband who told her he was tired of following her around and wanted to stay at home and tap to HBO. Shes like that, as we've all seen. Just a bitter, angry, ignorant fool.

  35. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What a perfect fit ...

    the Palins are the seediest folks around.

  36. Anonymous12:51 PM

    One of the disturbing things about the Palin family is their insistence on bringing at least one child at their speaking functions. At least one child every time. Doesn't anyone ever find this strange? Is Sarah Palin that busy that she can't leave her kids home and spend quality time with them instead of dragging them everywhere for show? Why does she do this everywhere she goes? This goes for Todd and other in her family as well. It appears like they feel they are the "Royal American Family" and her suitors and staff and 'entourage' must walk with her and 'do' the crowds, and carry the flowers she receives from well-wishers. She gets Todd to screen people from approaching her as though she's some star. It's embarrassing.

    Also, it's as though she, who claims she's a professional, cannot be untethered from at least one family member. It's as though she feels naked without them with her. Has she ever travelled alone? Has she ever addressed an out-of-state crowd without the presence of Todd or her parents and kids close by, or standing, waiting in the stage wings?

    Working professional speakers don't bring their kids to events, keeping them close to them, while they walk into and out of buildings, only to have the press and media take photos of them entering and exiting. What public figure, a parent, puts their child in harm's way and keeps their faces in the limelight, except celebrity-wanna-be's?

    With all the harping she and Bristol do about feeling threatened or having received threats, why do they continue to do this?

    It's obvious that either SP has some insecurity issues or promises her kids some 'celebrity' activity if they go with her. It's sick.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Maybe she is trying to get Piper a gig on Dancing with Stars, or her own reality show. At least Piper knows how to keep the reporters away when the Palin family is enjoying a private family vacation.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      They are shields, pure and simple.

      If anyone asks Sarah anything she doesn't like,

      Either Todd gets her out of there

      Or Sarah uses the kids as an excuse to change the subject and get out of there.

      It's very simple.

    3. Anonymous3:11 AM

      SOMEONE has to dole out her "medications" to make sure she does not overdose.

  37. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Sooo, when does Sarah the Fox Employee appear on Fox again?


    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      She's not an employee and was not really rehired.

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Don't care. Glad that they found a way to keep her quiet.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Is Sarah listed as a contributor on the Fox News web site where her name appeared before she was canned in January? I never knew where to look, but readers here at IM confirmed that her name had been removed prior to her 'announcement' that she was through preaching to the choir.

    4. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Ooooh, Anon 2:30 -- do tell!

  38. Anonymous1:15 PM

    The Palins were enabled into a situation where they could mine the dumbest. It continues but the pool of the dumbest is shrinking. The dumbest get distracted by other shiny objects. Sarah is desperately trying to hold on to the primordial ooze.

  39. Anonymous1:18 PM

    She has never held any position of “expertise" (and that is certainly questionable) outside of political office. She has no previous work experience beyond that of pretending she is an informed politician. She is a great actress who managed to hoodwink about 200,000 people to cast a vote for her for governor in 2006. She has no idea how professional women conduct themselves. She does not have a cadre of women friends who rose through the ranks of a profession in her life as she quite honestly has no profession. It is weird how she hauls about her kids and is just another example of how absurdly out of touch she is with professional women.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      I agree with most of your comment, but it was actually only about half that amount--- less than 115,000 (under 50%) voted for Sarah in the general election. She knows wouldn't get half that amount today, but it would be entertaining to watch her get humiliated once more in the Senate race next year. Just sayin.

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Thanks for the fix, I may have seen the total who voted that year.

  40. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Why are you guys complaining about Sarah Palin bringing P.I.G. to speak to farmers?

    Piper Indy Grace Palin

    Don't get mad at me! I didn't give Piper those names. We all know that Sarah gave her children's names that means something to Sarah.

    Sarah Palin said she does not believe in coincidences!

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      LOL LOL!

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I'm thinking the topic of farm subsidies won't come up. Will Palin just sit on her her anti-big-government, anti-crony-capitalism mindset and say nothing? If this bitch REALLY had balls she'd get in the middle of a cornfield and tell those "hard-working" farmers they have to give up the government tit. But she won't cuz she's a dumb, cowardly hypocrite.

    3. Anonymous5:51 PM

      She is leaving the real Pig at home, aka, Bacon Belly Bristol.Evidently,
      the farmers didn't have a tractor wide enough for her fat ass.

    4. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Government tit is her brand! She rails against entitlements and then rubs right up against the very people who are on the government tit. Go to the Department of Agriculture website and it shows state by state who is receiving these handouts.

    5. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Hmmmm.... if $carah is all big government BAD, then I have to wonder if she'll discuss Michigan's new interference with hog farmers?

      And oh, yeah, he's an (R).

  41. Anonymous1:26 PM

    50% of the corn goes into ethanol. Doesn't the energy expert know that you don't drill, baby, drill for ethanol? It comes from corn, corn that was subsidized by government payments. So far, that's two things that Palin ought to be against.

    Then there is the high fructose corn syrup. While Palin was happy to hold her Big Gulp high, it is making people fat and sick. High fructose corn syrup is found in processed foods because it gives them a longer shelf life and makes them taste good. Thank goodness, Palin only eats organic protein. (Hint, all protein is organic).

    A lot of that corn is going to be corn starch, the basis for much of the solid pills that we take. That's not feeding a nation. That's mediating a nation after all of the garbage they just ate. Sarah has no idea about soy beans, GMO, drainage or marketing their farm products. This must be the only speech that she can land. We haven't even seen her on Fox lately. Thank goodness. I wonder what kind of manure she'll be spreading at the farm.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      While I agree with most of your post, les than 15% of corn goes to ethanol.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      @anon 3:47 I got that number from Sarah's facebook. Her fans wouldn't lie, would they?

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Hint, 1:26? All protein is organic? uh, no, it isn't. If you are feeding cattle or hogs non-organic feed, it ain't organic as in certified, organic.

  42. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sarah if you ran for president in 2012 then you could have brought a real entourage and Todd's Secret Service agents/johns with you.

  43. Anonymous1:49 PM

    How come Sarah doesn't want to take Trig to see the farms in South Dakota?

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      She could take him to Mt Rushmore or some of the other tourist places, but poor Trig is abandoned by Sarah.

  44. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Oh crap! Now the SarahPac consultants will have to explain to Sarah why there are two Dakotas.

    1. She'll probably be very proud of being able to remember that North Dakota is our enemy, not South Dakota.

    2. Beldar J Conehead3:56 PM

      "...North Dakota is our enemy, not South Dakota."

      That is literally almost too funny.

      You rock, Nefer.

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Hahaha. Outstanding, Nefer. +1 and then some.

  45. Anonymous2:02 PM

    She also is amazingly brain dead or is turning a blind eye when it comes to Monsanto, a sponsor of Ag day. Nobody in their right mind would attend this if they really understood the consequences of Monsanto’s genetically engineered products in the MIdwest. My husband’s extremely conservative farming family hates Monsanto. She really ought to pay attention, this goes right to her base!

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      She really isn't capable of getting it,

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Agreed, Monsanto has destroyed agriculture and replace it with genetically modified products that can only be bought and controlled, with thanks to Monsanto. It's not even agribusiness, it's an agri-monopoly, squeezing out the small, individual farmers.

      Palin must think that she is going to some cute little farm. They are part of big business agri-monopoly business.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      The farmers hate the cost of the genetically engineered seed and they also hate the restrictions Monsanto places on them, pretty much having to purchase from Monsanto.

  46. Anonymous2:02 PM

    You can lead a "horticulture"' , but you can't make her think...

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Sounds like her VP run....

    2. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Best comment!

  47. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Ag PhD Field Day, where hard working meets hardly working.

  48. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Did Willow ever get her cosmetology license?

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Apparently not. I wonder why.

  49. Beldar J Conehead3:54 PM

    "Harridan of Horticulture"

    C'mon, Gryphen, that's just MEAN!!!

    Good job!

  50. Beldar J Conehead4:27 PM

    ps, this is mean, also, too. heh heh heh.....

    "Apparently nobody will be out there to listen to her but the farmers think it might help to keep the crows away from the crops."

  51. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Note to Gryphen: Here are some documented facts regarding the corn growing industry. It's not really farming any more. Sarah Palin is going to meet the farmers feeding American. Let's check so facts:
    1. More than a third of the corn is feed for livestock
    2. 14% is shipped abroad as livestock feed13
    3. 40% ends up in ethanol.
    4. The remaining 13% is used to feed people.

    The US government subsidies crops, primarily corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton and rice. In the last decade, the subsidies for corn were $50 billion. Over $34.5 billion in corn subsidies was paid between 1985-2002. Soybean subsidies were $11 billion. The farm that Sarah will visit grows corn and soybeans. I wonder how much money they received in subsidies. There is government encouragement to grow corn for ethanol, by way of corn subsidies.

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      hmmmm. Wouldn't government subsidies go again the grain of Mrs. Palin's core values?

  52. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Oh let the Ho earn a dollar. After all, she has as entourage to support, and all those wash cloths to replace.

  53. Anonymous5:40 PM

    How come nobody thinks Sarah Palin doesn't know anything about farming? Sarah went to six colleges!

    Sarah Palin knows everything.
    Sarah Palin is America's expert on everything you are willing to pay her to speak about.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      She is a Super Duper all American Patriot. She is also the 'Knower of All Things'. Just visit c4p, they they speak in tongues over her. They don't call it Cretins for Palin for nothin'... doncha know!

  54. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Oh great. Now Mrs. Todd Palin can add ag experience to her long list of fake creds. Will she now "run" for Sec of AG?

  55. Anonymous5:44 PM

    What's so hard about farming?

    Farming and sex are basically the same thing.
    Plant your seeds.
    Wait a while.
    Harvest the fruit of the seeds that was planted.

    Any Palin and Heath can do that with their eyes closed and legs spread wide.

    They're taught that before they're marriage.

  56. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Why did Willow quit high school in her Sophomore year? That was two years ago.

  57. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I can't wait to see what outfit she wears this time!
    What outrageous prop will she use to highlight her snark?

    So her entourage consists of Piper, poor kid. What possible interest could she have in this event? Will she push the cows out of the way because they are too bossy?

    At least it gets Willow off the hook for Sarah's hair wigs. Bristol probably doesn't think farmers make good trial husbands, so she will pass on this tour.

    That leaves Todd. What's Pimp Daddy Todd up to? Hanging out with hookers in Anchorage?

  58. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Sarah should have taken Willow to stand in the farm field with her. Willow ain't doing a damn thing with her life.

    Another regular fuckin useless Palin waiting for Sarah to call in a favor or waiting for Sarah to ask for a favor.

    My daughter needs a job. Wink wink

    Do you have a reality show Willow can do? Wink wink

  59. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Sarah Palin is posting a lot of useless crap on her Facebook. Did she get fired from FOX again? Sarah sure does have a lot of time on her hands to do nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      She has always done nothing (well, except for that 'fancy' pageant walking). She is dumb.

  60. Anonymous6:13 PM

    If Sarah Palin is very popular, how come Sarah Palin doesn't give speeches in Wasilla or anywhere in Alaska?

  61. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I don't get it. Sarah Palin said she is thinking about running for senator in Alaska. Isn't Sarah supposed to be kissing our asses instead of going to South Dakota, Arizona, Republic High School and showing her face all over the lower 48?

    Somebody needs to to tell Sarah to get her ass back to Alaska and start baking cookies for the Native Alaskans up here.

    1. I don't think she ever said Alaska.

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      She mentioned someone running against BEGICH.

      that's Alaska.

  62. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Sarah Palin is so damn dumb. Bristol is basically crying out in her blog asking for mothering tips and what does Sarah do? She runs off to the lower 48.

    That's why Bristol got pregnant in her Junior year.

    That's why Willow dropped out in her Sophomore year of high school.

    That's why Track had to marry his pregnant girlfriend and she shortly divorced him.

    Sarah Palin is so self centered with her narcissistic personality that her kids suffered and ran wild in Wasilla without any parenting and now look at them.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Yep, after I read teh itchtol post, I thought about that. granted, Bristol and Willow are pretty close in age, so maybe Bristol doesn't remember a lot about how her parents raised her. But she's what? 10 years older tn Piper? Surely, she can remember some of what it takes to raise a 4 y o and teach them manners?

      Heck, $carah, her mom, has a son very, very close in age, Trig, right? Surely, in a normal family, the daughter would be asking her mom for parenting advice, trading tips, etc. WTF?

      Then I thought about Piper's horrid behavior to the media, and it became pretty clear that Bristol never had parental role models.

  63. Anonymous6:50 PM

    It's very peculiar and inappropriate for Palin
    to bring her 12 year old daughter to a rural event like this where the majority of attendees are middle aged and older men.
    It's not a county fair.
    There are no activities for young girls , in fact there are probably no women in attendance.
    I wonder if Palin made Piper don a pair of mini Belmont girls
    under a tight t shirt ?
    Wouldn't put it past her.

    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      My first thought on hearing Sarah was taking Piper was "poor child!"

      What's there that would keep her interest? Sounds boring to me, so to a 12-year-old?

    2. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Its a pay job for Piper.

      What's her consultanting firm's name?

      Pig Pen?

  64. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I wonder what has become of Chuck Heath senior & junior and all the rest of the palin/heath hillbillies now that the gravy train is running dry?

    1. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Getting paid licking stamps and envelopes for SarahPac?

  65. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Hey, Senator McCain, still proud of your you little running mate?

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Bitch cost him his presidency. What do you think?

  66. Randall9:27 AM

    I live in South Dakota.
    I live in Sioux Falls - about 20 miles from the Ag PHD event.
    I'm not going.
    I haven't talked to anyone who is going.
    Even though nearly everyone I know is a Republican - no one cares.

    Sarah WHO???


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