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Hey if you don't like being told what to do with your bodies you shouldn't have been born women! |
In the race to cut off women's access to reproductive health services, Ohio appears to be pulling even with Texas. In the Lone Star State, Gov. Rick Perry is calling a special session to pass the antiabortion bill that was dramatically filibustered by state Sen. Wendy Davis. Not to be outdone, Ohio's Republican Gov. John Kasich on Sunday night signed a new, $62 million state budget that includes some of the most severe abortion restrictions in the country.
Kasich's budget, as the Toledo Blade reports, prohibits publicly funded hospitals from entering into so-called emergency care transfer agreements with nearly abortion clinics. Clinics need such agreements to care for patients with complications, and of the 12 clinics that provide abortions in Ohio, many may be forced to shut down as a result.
Another provision in Kasich's budget requires that doctors who provide abortions perform a fetal ultrasound and require the mother to listen to or see the heartbeat. Doctors who fail to do so could be prosecuted. The budget redefines a fetus as "developing from the moment of conception" rather than when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus. (Most fertilized eggs leave the body before implanting, meaning many women who were not actually pregnant would now be considered to be have been carrying a "fetus" in Ohio.)
Kasich's budget also sends Planned Parenthood to the end of the line to receive state funding for family planning services, effectively removing $1.4 million in funding. So-called crisis pregnancy centers, which do not provide abortions and have been criticized for providing inaccurate information, will now get state funding.
So under this new law every month a woman may be guilty of flushing her unborn child to its watery grave, and a doctor who does not feel like subjecting a woman to an unnecessary ultrasound might be arrested and thrown in jail? Wow, how unbelievably primitive of them.
It is really only a hop, skip, and a jump for there to burning midwifes at the stake as witches and insisting that faith healing centers be placed in every hospital.
It looks to me like Ohio needs it OWN Wendy Davis. Come to think of it, which state doesn't?
Fair is fair!
I imagine these draconian measures will drive just about every woman of child-bearing age to the Democratic Party.
ReplyDelete...except for the very ignorant, of course.
It's amazing to me that they are still married. If my husband pulled this kind of shit, his crap would be on the curb, locks changed, bank accounts emptied.
DeleteDon't any of these men have young daughters or other relatives who need these services? WTF is wrong with Ohio?
I live in IN and from now on, I am going to the Indianapolis Costco for my stuff. Springdale is closer but FUCK Ohio. You're not getting another dime of my tax sales money.
Wealthy Republicans can have safe, efficient, affordable abortions in Canada/Europe. This law controls ONLY poor women.
DeleteWhere, oh where, is the medical community in all of this? Doctors, whether ob/gyn specialists or not, know that these laws are insane but they remain silent. Their silence is tacit agreement and that makes me very mad. Alll women and men with enough brain cells should ask their doctors when they visit them next what that particular doctor has done to counter these laws and what the state and local AMA groups have done and plan to do to protect women from this absolute insanity. The GOP is becoming worse than the Taliban.
Thzt's what I don't get, Beaglemom. The silence.
DeleteExactly, where is the AMA? Where is the ANA (American Nurses' Association)? How can these professional organizations not comment on this idiocy? What a disgrace!
DeleteHave you seen what kind of people a lot of nurses are? If they aren't a realtor, they are nurses that put "Patriot" and "Christian" alongside their avatars and Tweet anti-government and anti-feminist rights in their feed. I wish I were joking, most of them are military nurses also too.
DeleteIs this what Christian Sharia Law looks like?
DeleteLucera ... I think you are on to something... :/
Delete"sharia" = "law" in Arabic. So you just said Christian law law.
DeleteSomeone suggested that women should save their monthly pads and send them into the state houses for review. I mean, I cetainly don't want to miss out on being arrested if some of those fertilized eggs passed through me. I want to be punished if I couldn't make them implant! What the F is wrong with these people? If you disagree with abortion, fine. Expand contraception, expand education..end abortion. But this is not about abortion. It is about women. Period. I am disgusted, angry for my grand daughter and my nieces, and sick to my stomach about what the GOP Taliban is doing to us. What's next..burkas and no vote..not so far-fetched is it?
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you what the christian Taliban really wants, and that's a submissive population of females with no vote, no ability to work outside the home, and used only for breeding and housekeeping.
DeleteThe limitless stupidity of ultra religious politicians and their vicious attempts to impose their ant-abortion laws are just the tip of the iceberg.
The first thing to do if you want to slow down abortion rates is to institute universal health care. Then make sure that women have access to decent paying jobs, to good early child care facilities and fathers who take their responsibilities seriously.
DeleteMaybe the GOP is acting out against women because they are so afraid of gay rights. Defending women must seem unmanly to them and, God forbid, that a Republican seem to be unmanly! LOL
To SallyinMichigan: "What's next..burkas and no vote..not so far-fetched is it?"
DeleteYou forgot to mention clitorectomies. That, plus the denial of voting rights, would probably come before the burkas. not counting out the burkas, of course, it's just that clitorectomies and denial of voting rights would be a more powerful expression of meanness, and that's what this is all about: meanness. IOW, a political form of sado-masochism. No, seriously.
All women should unite. Ladies charge up your vibrators! No sex until all these draconian "laws" are repealed. How long would that take? Men will just have to rely on Rosy Palm.
DeleteI would like to see a doctor challenge this in court. How do a pack of dipshits with no medical education whatsoever get to barge into an examination room and demand that a doctor perform any procedure that is not medically necessary and that the patient has said she does not want?
ReplyDeleteThe blowback has to come from the medical community, thousands of screaming women in the Texas chambers apparently makes no difference.
Delete"thousands of screaming women in the Texas chambers apparently makes no difference"
DeleteHow much do you want to bet that at least one of those Texas Republicans has claimed that all those protesters must have PMS?
You KNOW that's what they're thinking!
I would think that the insurance companies would not want to pay for unnecessary medical tests as well.
DeleteThis is a stupid, unenforceable law. Mere dog and pony show for the mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging masses.
ReplyDeleteThat may be true, 4:13, but that won't keep them from TRYING!
DeleteAnd now that they have figured out a way to sneak this shit in, watch it stat happening all over the country.
DeleteIt may very well be unenforceable and likely unconstitutional, but working its way through the courts takes a very long time.
DeleteHow many women will die or be permanently hurt in the meantime?
Or how many fetuses will become children and then the Republicans won't be able to find money to support all of the unwanted fetuses who have become children?
DeleteHow do these people explain the fact that 30 - 40% of fertilized eggs never implant and are "lost" during the next menstrual cycle? Why does their gawd allow this to happen? Is he trying to populate heaven with tiny embryos?
ReplyDelete"30 - 40% of fertilized eggs never implant and are "lost" during the next menstrual cycle."
DeleteThis fact is mostly unknown due to the lack of sex education in America! The GOP's intention, assuming they know anything at all about reproduction (a huge assumption, I admit), is no doubt: "Just keep defunding sex education, and soon no one will be able to argue against our stupid laws."
I seriously think this fact should be printed on bumper stickers that are distributed nationwide. This fact, more than any other thing, would help greatly to expose the stupidity of the life-from-conception movement. How about a bumper sticker such as: "30 to 40% of all fertilized eggs never implant: does that make God an abortionist?"
Republicans hate women. If you vote Republican, you hate women. If you support Republicans you are a wife beating misogynist.
ReplyDeleteThere are pro-life Dems that are just as eager to 'save' babies. Always check out your politicians record on women's health issues.
DeleteThat's exactly what it seems like. And how can any woman ever consider voting for a Republican anymore?
Republicans don't hate women. They hate women who enjoy sex as recreation and not for procreation. What's a Republican marriage like? Anybody have experience with this? What are Ohio Republican politicians going to do when their mistresses have a mistake and get pregnant? Oh, that's right, they'll go out of state for their abortions.
DeleteRape crisis clinics are also in jeopardy, thanks to passage of the new budget. If these clinics are caught counseling sexual assault victims about abortion, they could lose their public funding, Reuters reported.
ReplyDeleteAny abortion providers that manage to remain open under these restrictions are compelled to tell women "of the probable anatomical and physiological characteristics" of a fetus during various stages of its development. They must give women seeking abortions information on adoptions and alternative family planning options.
ReplyDeleteAnd if a woman is able to obtain an abortion in Ohio and develops some sort of medical issue during the procedure, clinics will no longer be allowed to transfer these patients to public hospitals for additional care. In the midst of a crisis, these patients must find a private hospital to help them.
Based on the laws that require hospitals to treat any and all patients in an emergency situation, I can't imagine that this provision can possibly be legal.
DeleteWhich is probably why the courts okayed Plan B with no age restrictions. They knew that all common sense had left the rape discussion.
DeleteIr's not legal but what poor teenager or older poor person is going to know this? Scare tactics. It's all they have. The rich, affluent women will still be able to get abortions and the poor will not. Easy as that.
DeleteThat man is very angry to not have any eyebrows, so he takes it out on women's plumbing?
ReplyDeleteI joke, but we have to laugh in the face of horrendous, assbackwards thinking of combining their flawed concept of sex and politics.
I am so glad my only granddaughter is being raised in Canada.
ReplyDeleteWhy doctors may not be speaking out? Capitalism. There is much more money to be made by producing children. A conception to death cycle of retail sales. Yes, medical care is selling goods and services just like a car dealership....extended warranty anyone?
ReplyDeleteRJ in Brownbackistan (Kansas)
You have my sympathy, RJ in Brownbackistan. I'm in Indiana and Mike Pence is trying to keep up with Kansas, Texas, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, and Wisconsin. Why do our states keep electing these bastards?
DeleteOTOH, fewer and fewer docs are going into OB-Gyn practice because of the hugely increased cost of malpractice insurance, and the increased inclination of prospective parents, either naturally impregnated or by IVF, to sue if they don't get the desired results (as if the live birth of a healthy infant is akin to plastic surgery).
DeleteFirst, the legislators in Ohio should be called out for their cowardice. By putting it in the budget, it prevented debate and kept it's supporters from having to take a public stand by defending it. And by putting it in the budget, it prevents the citizens by overturning it with a referendum like they did with the anti-union law that the Ohio Legislature passed a couple of years ago. And I was watching Chris Hayes last night and he had pictures of all the abortion bill signings by various governors and except for one African American man, everyone in the photos were white males. At the rally in Austin yesterday, Stephanie March of Law and Order and a Texas native brought up the obvious, to paraphrase her, if women tried to pass laws telling men what they could do with their penises, their heads would explode.
ReplyDeleteWhich head, the little one or the big one? lol I saw that last night too and had to do a double take and say what!?
DeleteThis is what happens when you elect a Fox News loudmouth Governor. Hey ho, way to go, Ohio....
ReplyDeleteIt's a $62Billion budget. So much for slowing spending.
ReplyDeleteThey have to make slaves out of all those babies they save! They want women at home so they only have to provide jobs for men. and children, since they want to do away with minimum wage, as one of my senators from TN wants, to happen. They talk about how bad it is for woman to be breadwinners. Well I'm sorry, but a lot of men here in TN are not the bread winners, so many just live off of women. I'm sick of these****### They won't hear of any limit or regulation or mandate on a gun or healthcare, but it's just fine to put all these mandates and lists for women.
ReplyDeleteOK, we probbably cannot send used sanitary materials through the mail or via private courier (Fedex, UPS), but perhaps an unofficial "daisy chain" delivery system in which every woman opposed to this muck masquerading as a budget line item could collect her used feminine requisites,all of them gather their "collections" together at a central point, and then have someone volunteer to truck the entire collection to the capital and deposit it in the Governor's office, that might make an impact on them, and no laws would be broken. Here Governor, please sort out the reputable menses from the criminally actionable spontaneous "abortions" and have fun matching up which bloody item came from which woman. Seriously, have fun with that.
ReplyDeleteMargaret and Helen
If my Vagina shot bullets, could I conceal it from Rick Perry and John Kasich?
Margaret and Helen absolutely ROCK!
DeleteAnd I mean it
To require a medically UNNECESSARY procedure AND to FORCE a person to listen to sounds that ONLY a trained technician/doctor can correctly interpret is morally indefensible. It's also loony as hell.
ReplyDeleteTo put an object in a woman's vagina when she does not want that object in her vagina is RAPE.
I think this law will not hold up in the courts, but meanwhile women in Ohio will be raped for the pleasure of Ohio's current governor.
The restrictions on emergency medical help as an adjunct to a women's clinic are a vicious attack on women. To mandate rejection of a woman in a medical emergency is morally indefensible. We wouldn't treat a DOG or CAT that way.
I am so ANGRY! I will never, ever, vote for a Republican for any office.
So a 12 year old rape victim has to an ultrasound wand shoved up her vagina because the governor of Ohio thinks she deserves it.
ReplyDeleteI guess if you're conducting a WAR ON WOMEN that would make sense.
Kasich and Perry were the ones that attached, thrived and were born? Seriously, their mothers should have been "probed", chained to the radiators and forced to give birth. Oh wait, I might not be too far off, these idiots learn what they live.
ReplyDeleteCan we put the 62 billion to better use?
No woman should vote for them, when will they learn "Erections have consequences"!
We have got to get these jerks out of power. What they are doing is beyond irrational.
ReplyDeleteThe Handmaid's Tale.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't read it, read it NOW.