Sunday, July 28, 2013

Oh this Obama quote is going to piss off more than a few Right Wingers! Update!

The President gave a rare interview to the New York Times, whihc came out yesterday.

In it he was asked whether he exceeded his authority in delaying the employer mandate portion of the Affordable Care Act and how he would respond to his Republican critics who are convinced that he has overstepped his executive authority by making the changes unilaterally:

...where Congress is unwilling to act, I will take whatever administrative steps that I can in order to do right by the American people. 

And if Congress thinks that what I’ve done is inappropriate or wrong in some fashion, they’re free to make that case. But there’s not an action that I take that you don't have some folks in Congress who say that I'm usurping my authority. Some of those folks think I usurp my authority by having the gall to win the presidency. And I don't think that's a secret. But ultimately, I’m not concerned about their opinions -- very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less constitutional lawyers.

Ouch! But what can you say? he has a valid point.

However currently Right Wing radio and Fox News are losing their shit (My daughter's favorite phrase.) over Obama referring to the Benghazi, IRS, and Fast and Furious "scandals" as fake.

You know, because they are.

So you just KNOW this is going to send them over the edge.

Hell they may be so upset that the release the Kraken again.

Update: By the way there are finally some conservative voices warning Republicans to stop trying to get Obamacare repealed.


  1. Boscoe12:39 PM

    "Hell they may be so upset that the release the Kraken again."

    ROFL Sorry, this is EXTRA funny to me because 20 years ago some friends and I were trying to invent a new euphemism for "taking a shit" and I won with "Battling the Kraken"...

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Here is the latest Fox Noise talking point: wait for it!

    When Sarah Palin sticks up for herself, she is a hocky mom, barracuda, grizzley momma, and tough Alaskan woman with more cojones than any man.

    When President Barack Obama sticks up for himself he is an arrogant (uppity) n****r.

    BTW, I think it's high time we saw the President "Standing His Ground"!!

  3. Sally in MI1:28 PM

    Oh she won't understand what he even said. RAM will have to write something stupid for her to post when she gets back from the 'reward' hike with Piper. Back to the AZ mansion that is...the woman can't tolerate more than 10 minutes in Alaska any more. Too bad her beloved children and husband are still there. She must miss them terribly. Almost as much as they miss her and her tantrums, I betcha.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Does anyone know where she is getting the money to maintain three enormous houses (two in Alaska and one in Arizona), two cabins, several boats, numerous cars and SUVs, numerous jet skis, and an airplane???? With no gigs for her of any consequence for a few years now, and an unemployed husband??? Seriously, how is this elaborate lifestyle maintaining itself?

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Waller is helping out with the bills from working part-time at the coffee shop. Also, too, maybe Toad has picked up a paper route, just to get out of the house so he won't be screamed at so much. That's a rumor I'm starting anyway.

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I keep hoping that some who 'donate' to her cause will notice that she only spends those dimes on her personal life. Vacations, toys, plastic surgery, staff to do her personal bidding and other perks of the high life she has grown quite accustomed to having.

      Do none among them have their own children or grandchildren that they could spend a few bucks entertaining or taking on vacations? The only good that comes out of this is money that won't be spent on legitimate 'R' candidates.

  4. Pat in MA1:49 PM

    "where Congress has been unwilling to act..." that's the story of his presidency! Drives me nuts when I hear people complain that he isn't doing anything. The Executive branch does not legislate! Maybe if Congress would stop trying to repeal Obamacare, stop bullshitting around on immigration reform, oh I don't know, pass a damn jobs bill...

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    With but a tiny shred of intelligence, a person regarding "Obamacare" will immediately see that if only ONE of its features was enacted, it would vastly help the American public:

    80% of the premiums the insurance companies rake in, now has to be paid out again, for claims...or refunded!

    While it used to be common for such companies to hoard up to 60% of your premiums, ripping off their customers unmercifully, that can no longer occur.

    How anyone, even a Sarah Palin, cannot see this one aspect as a good thing, shows just how utterly stupid many people are.

    Add in all the other great points, such as doing away with "pre-existing conditions" (the excuse those insurers used to deny paying most claims) and killing the lifetime limit, along with many others, and we see a vast improvement on the total SCAM healthcare was.

    Is it perfect? No. But its one hell of a good start!

  6. Sorry but as a Democrat I object to having to purchase health insurance or be penalized for it.

    My health care has never cost a taxpayer a DIME.

    It has always been against the law for the government to mandate that citizens purchase a product and it still should be.

    Am with the repubs on repealing Obama care and I hope that as a nation we can create SOCIALIZED medicine.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      The problem with siding with the repubs on repealing Obamacare is that the repubs are not the least bit interested in creating socialized medicine. It doesn't make sense to have employers provide healthcare packages to their employees since too many people are then left out. The perfect solution is medicare for all. It already takes care of insurance needs for millions of people. It can work for everyone.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      You are wrong that your healthcare never cost a taxpayer a dime. Federal money helped build a lot of hospitals (even though at times charities also chipped in) under the Hill-Burton Act. Taxpayer money contributes to the Social Security Disability Fund, the Medicare Fund, and the ongoing funds for many nursing homes; and it is a certainty that if you live long enough, you will qualify for at least one of these things. Federal money helps with Emergency Medical Training and treatment, and provides almost all the research money for any drugs you take. Federal money hugely subsidized the medical training that all your doctors and nurses took. And most importantly, federal money, even without Obamacare, helps keep your private insurance company from ripping you off. Next time you decide to open your mouth, please do some research first.

    3. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Many of us hope to see universal health care a reality in the US but until the GOP grows up it will not happen. And, frankly, I think that everyone should have to have health insurance; it lowers the costs for all of us. Your health care may have never cost any one a dime yet but you could become very ill and then dependent on the rest of us. Not that we'll mind but why not chip in and help everyone else. In addition, insurance costs are going down dramatically in several states, states with Democratic governors and legislatures where the state governments are fully partnering with the federal government and Obamacare.

    4. BabyRaptor2:57 PM

      Cool. The fact that you're willing to Fuck over hundreds of thousands of people simply because you personally feel that being made to do something is offensive says exactly what kind of person you are.

    5. Anonymous3:09 PM

      that is wonderful !!! you have a job or some other for health -- but may I ask what happens should that company shut down or for some other reason you lose your health care what will you do ? how will you single handedly keep your price of insurance affordable? what happens if you get sick and then have a pre existing condition and then lose your current health insurance -- do you have another way to get insurance ?? if so, please let the world know and we most certainly won't need government to make the insurance cover you -- I was unaware that such a person as you existed with such powers -- I will defer to your plan as soon as you make it public

      also what state do you live in? I will move there - my state government requires me to buy car insurance and we all know that is a waste of money too - after all if I am injured or my car destroyed -- I can just walk the miles and miles to work or use a wheelchair I can borrow from some where (since I won't have insurance to pay for said wheelchair) and should I be so unfortunate to hurt someone else or damage their car - no problem I can just sell everything I own and live in a box but I will be FREE from big government making me have car insurance !!!!

    6. Anonymous3:22 PM

      And your healthcare will continue to cost the taxpayers nothing. Idiot.

      I guess you don't have anyone in your family who's sick and who, therefore, doesn't need to worry about a "pre-existing condition" such as being pregnant. I guess you don't have any young adults in your family who might not be able to find a job immediately after college or who can only find a job like mine, where I work my balls off but am only part time so I don't get benefits. And I guess you don't have anyone in your family with serious problems who has to worry about reaching their insurance policy's lifetime cap on benefits so you don't need to worry about that, either.

      Mostly, I suspect that none of this bothers you because you're a TROLL which I suspect is true because today there have been a lot of posts from people saying they aren't Repiblicans but.... And I don't like Sarah Palin...but I'm going to defend her! Like, a lot of them. And most of them use idiotic reasoning such as yours. Which, to me, means you're probably not a democrat but actually a republican, possibly posting for a nickel a pop.

      Because seriously, I have never met a democrat before in my entire life who had such poor reasoning skills -- only Repiblicans.

    7. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Sorry you are wrong. If you own a car, government requires you to purchase insurance. Also, if you havehealth insurance, then CONGRATULATIONS. Nothing will change for you then. You may in fact get monry may notice no co pays on mammograms,check ups, colonoscopies etc.

      Also, think of others that aren't as fortune.

    8. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Also, it's not against the law to mandate people buy a product. Ever hear of CAR INSURANCE, idiot? I guess people all magically decide to do that on their own, right?

      And the issue was already taken up by the Supreme Court and deemed legal, so shove it up your ass, trollie!

    9. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I agree with one thing you said---single payer is the answer. But ObamaCare was a step forward in the right direction. If this country waits on the Republicans, it will never happen.

    10. Anonymous4:50 AM

      PBO tried to get single payer and the Rethugs wouldn't allow it! He wanted "Obamacare" (so the trollie will understand) incorporated then into a system similar to the VA system a single payer system.B/c they(Congress) are being paid by the lobbyists for the healthcare those Corp fuckers (health ins comp) would of lost out as people in droves choose the single payer system over them.

    11. It has always been against the law for the government to mandate that citizens purchase a product and it still should be.

      Actually, you're wrong there. When you live in that GOP bubble you just don't get all the information. Yes, you said you were a Democrat, but your lack of knowledge and the screaming caps of SOCIALIZED medicine gave you away.

      The Government Does In Fact Force You To Buy Vegetables.

    12. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Sorry, but as a Democrat, I object to having to purchase AUTO Insurance. But the State Mandates that I do, or no driving privileges.
      So Dragonfly, what is the difference?

  7. Anonymous2:22 PM

    i always laugh when some schmoo like Palin trys to say he, a law professor, does not understand the constitution, and that maybe he should read it.

    bill in belize

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Dude, I know! Not only was he a law professor, but he taught at one of the top five law schools in the country. You think University of Chicago keeps people who don't know the law on their faculty?! They have a reputation to keep!

  8. Anonymous3:19 PM

    That bottom picture needs a bit in its mouth.


    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I always see a donkey braying when I see that picture. Too funny!

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Omigosh. I left almost the same message before reading any comments! I had the old tv sitcom Hee-Haw going in my head from the time I looked at that silly pic until I read your comment. Haha. Great Minds...

  9. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Nice of Obama to interrupt his Ramadan holidays
    to give this interview

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      No I think he stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night, not a Ramada Inn. But thanks for playing.

      Now scram back to the PeePond!!!

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Boy, if he is a Muslim, he's one of the lousiest Muslims around; drinking beer, eating pork and supporting gay marriage! And he even goes to CHURCH!!!

    3. Anonymous9:35 AM

      3:58 PM Nice of you to stray away from Todd Palin's Bordello to post your nonsense here. By the way, how's that crackdown on Pimps treatin' ya? Pastor Muthee on a Witch Doctor's Holiday? When is Bristol's new due date? Who is the latest Trial Daddy?

  10. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Why do I hear the sound a donkey makes whenever I see this photo of the Quitter?

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    My, what large nasal passages you have, Mrs Palin!

  12. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Sorry, but Obama said that the IRS cannot behave like they did. Whether or not it is an Obama scandal, we'll have to wait for the investigation, but it IS a scandal....for someone. They cannot do what has been proven!

  13. That was interesting. I believe it's the first time I have ever read Bloomberg. (Guess I need to get out more). Thanks, Jesse.

  14. I thought a Kraken looked similar to a giant squid. They don't look similar to a member of the Equidae family. Gryphen, Heads Up! That photo at the bottom of your post is of a giant Ass.

  15. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Sarah looks like a moose in rut. But I still hear the He HAws....

  16. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

    He DOES have a valid point, and I hope to see more smackdowns like this from our President.

    That last photo is a doozey, didn't Sally ever tell her "It could freeze like that"? - is this the same person who played the flute in the talent portion of "Sarah Heath, Miss Alaska Runner Up"?

  17. Anonymous8:19 PM

    To the poster who stands against mandated health insurance: there are people who can afford health insurance but chose to not have it. When they get sick or need emergency surgery they expect the rest of us to suck up their costs. Many people can't afford the premiums, hence, the Affordable Care Act.

  18. Anonymous9:16 PM

    BRAVO !!!!!!!!! Well said Mr. President !

  19. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Hay All you COMMUNIST. Bunch of lazy asses.You get free food, free housing,free obummer phones,free education,government substadized auto insurance.All you have to do is walk out to the mailbox every mounth to get your "gommut"check.And you don`t have to do a dam thing for it.Yea it all stands to reason that you should be able to get free health care to. At the expense of all the hard working tax payers.
    Hell Yea!! makes perfect sense.To a leftist COMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.