Sunday, July 28, 2013

Piper Palin, Sarah's last remaining travel buddy. But at what cost?

Courtesy of Politically Poisoning Pit bull Pundit's Facebook page

Piper was a great right hand man helping out at the Ag PhD Field Day in South Dakota this week. Here we are in the green room between ag events.

Essentially Piper seems to be the last child that was willing to accompany the Grizzled Mama on her various tours to garner donations and appearances at pet shop openings and State Fair animal exhibits.

However even Piper started to get over it around 2011, during Palin's ill fated "We the People" bus tour. As evidenced by this CNN report.

I remembered early on, back in 2009 even, being told that the whole family was based on a kind of barter system. In that in order for Palin to get anything out of her family, she had to make a deal with them first.

At the time I got slammed by her flying monkeys as attacking her as a mother. (How dare I!) However I think we have seen more than ample evidence that those early reports were spot on.

From Bristol's appearances on DWTS and her own failed reality shows (Not to mention a completely undeserved book deal,), to Willow's" hair school" education attached to a promise to help her start her own business, and now to THIS payoff to Piper for standing in manure with her mom in South Dakota:

Piper’s reward for helping me out in South Dakota was a little field trip where she proved herself much braver than her mama, and here’s the pic to prove it!

Now ALL parents do some negotiating with their kids in order to get them to behave, or to help out around the house, but I think that Palin has taken it to all new heights. (Or depths if you prefer.)

Of course what can one expect since the family motto, as Todd Palin so eloquently pointed out, is "What's in it for us?"

Of course the problem with this approach to family cooperation eventually ends up with the price being too high for the parent to pay. And after that just WHERE do these children, who are now conditioned to receive a monetary or vacation payoff for their acquiescence, supposed to get their fix?

After all there is less and less money rolling in from SarahPAC, Palin has now accepted a much less lucrative contract with Fox, her appearances at these low rent events CANNOT be paying much, and let's face it her next book is going to fail miserably. So just how does her family get their grifting needs met?

Hmm, that's a conundrum alright. Or is it?


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    That girl in the blue bathing suit looks pretty developed and mature to be 12 year old Piper. Her figure does not match the girl standing next to Sarah in the first photo.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I'm with you. I'm calling total BS that it's piper in that pic.

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      You're right. I didn't notice, until I read your comment and enlarge the photo. The chest is quite developed.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Yes, she has significant taa taas. I wouldn't put it past the Tundra Turd to google an image and claim it was Piper. The Alaskan Dingbat is such a bullshit artist.

    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I have to agree with you. Unless Piper has the Belmont girls on in the waterfall jumping photo, then it isn't Piper.

      This there anything that family IS honest about?

    5. Anonymous11:20 AM


    6. Anonymous11:21 AM

      I don't believe that girl in the water pic is little Piper. Where is this water hole anyway? anybody know?

    7. Anonymous12:30 PM,+AZ&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=ZX31Ub20BOHniALZ14HADA&biw=853&bih=398&sei=aH31UfD4DKOEiAKqnoGwBg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&

    8. Crystal Sage1:11 PM

      That is a mature woman. I enlarged it as far as I could and the woman has a mature body and looks as though she may have had children. Definitely not that of a teenager. Hair looks different as well. Bet it is a stock photo.

    9. Anonymous1:23 PM

      You can go to and reduce that mutha to

    10. Anonymous1:32 PM

      maybe the girl is just destined for a large chest.

      when I was 12 years old, I had a 34c chest. by the time I was sixteen, I was pushing DDs, and now at 27, I'm a size E, and I wear a size six. if that's the genetic path she is taking, all I can say is good luck finding clothes that actually fit, and get yourself a seeing machine.

      and it comes from my fathers side.


    11. Anonymous2:50 PM

      The problem is not that the girl jumping off the cliff is well developed. The problem is that the same girl, in the green dress, is not. Perhaps it's the dress, but they don't match.

    12. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Fossil Creek is in AZ no SD!!! Agains Pants on fire Palin!
      sure if I look long enough it a google image and
      not from SD but Az. Wasn't there a pic of her and Piper PIG at the airport?
      So its not like she drove there.

  2. Piper looks cute in that photo. Sarah should take some fashion advice about appropriate dress from her youngest daughter. No snark whatsoever. Just the unfortunate truth.

    Sister Molly, it looks like you're doing a good job raising Piper. Please continue so the young lady won't be caught in the same trap of ignorance & anti-education that her sisters were pushed into by their self-centered, grifting mother.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      In the top picture, Sarah's half a head taller than Piper, but her belt is slung lower than Piper's waist. Piper looks normal, with normal proportions, dressed normally for a twelve-year-old on an outing.

      Her mother looks like a witch about to lure Piper inside her gingerbread house.

      What kind of "green room" is necessary at a farming event? Wasn't the point that Sarah could meet and greet the attendees in between her speaking gigs? What kind of prima donna does that? I'll bet her hosts were mighty disappointed that their star attraction didn't want to mingle with the hoi palloi.

      Clearly, Sarah's not running for any political office, or she'd be shaking hands and making nice with anyone she met.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Why does $arah often look so hunched over?

      It might be because she leans in/bends down a bit in photos, but it sure makes it look like $creech is developing a Dowager's Hump.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Piper is in AZ with a couple friends, Trig, Todd and SArah.

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Sarah has a Dowager's Hump. It is hard to tell proportions with the hump posture, can't see how high her heels are. Piper's boots are regular height. Piper does look better than her usual. Someone may be grooming her to try and handle her mother. She may have a full time job.

      The "jump" pic looks like if that person straighten her legs they would be long. Piper is how tall? 5'1 or so? Below and under the water it looks like rocks there. Is that a good place to jump? How high is it? Did anyone go with Piper to where the jump took place? Something isn't right.

      Sarah teaches her young mother followers some strange things.

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    She's the only one without a job and who's not an adult. So, yes, she's going to travel with her mother during the summer months occasionally. It's not like she doesn't have a full, normal life. Sarah isn't gone that much with outside engagements.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Normal life? Oh fuck me twice on Sundays. So why doesn't she take Trig during the summer months? Actually Sarah's absent all the time, whether she's at home or not.

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Sarah is gone from Alaska only enough to disallow her AK resident status. To some, that would be considered "not very much"

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Hahahahahahahahahaha................HA !

      Pretty fucking funny.

      You are joking, right?

    4. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Define "full" and "normal."

    5. Anonymous10:51 AM

      What is Track's job? Just curious.

    6. Anonymous10:52 AM

      "Sarah isn't gone that much with outside engagements"


      Wow. The stupidity is overwhelming.

    7. Anonymous11:17 AM

      You, @10:20, have OBVIOUSLY not been paying attention. Google is your friend.

    8. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Actually,Krusty is correct. $carah does NOT have that many 'engagements' anymore. Makes you wonder just WHAT $he is doing with all her time away from her home...

    9. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Kristy, obvi.

    10. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I think the live life vibrantly, YOLO, etc. troll is Kristen Cole. Krusty is another matter all together, though!

    11. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Trig is in AZ. Why do you insist on dictating things that you know nothing about?

    12. Anonymous2:26 PM

      There is absolutely no indication that Track has a job. He may chop wood or do things to help friends on occasion. He may have a lucrative underground business. He does not have a job in a traditional sense. Someone must pay Britta child support? They may set Track up like Bristol, in a faux dermatologist type job. That does not mean he works or has legit income. He may also be paid by a paid consultant to pick up stamps, deliver meds or what have you.

    13. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Why not send Piper to camp for the summer so she could enjoy playing with other kids.

    14. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Piper is in training to be a consultant for SarahPac. She doesn't need school. Sarah hates California because the brats there can have some protection for parents that exploit and use them.

      Piper is learning how to negotiate her pay. She is happy with a day at the park. In a few more years she might be smarter than that. Remember she has watched how things work for Willow and Bristol.

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Piper's trip to South Dakota was punishment for constantly singing ....

    Glory days well they'll pass you by
    Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
    Glory days, glory days ....

    Even Piper knows Sarah is a washed up has been.

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Soe of her good friends are vacationing at their family's AZ homes too. Seem to be Alaskans' favorite state outside.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Snowbirds DO NOT vacation in Arizona in the SUMMER! Do you have any idea how hot it is here in the summer?

      I know because I live in Arizona year round. The population swells from November to April and then disappears to less than half what it was during the summer.

      PS I wish the Snowbirds would roost somewhere else. Especially the ones from Alaska.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Sarah is saying they were at the Arizona falls July 26 to 27 2013? Would that make sense? What is the name of that place? How far is that jump?

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      @10.22 Sorry, people in Arizona leave the state during the summer. People from cold climates (snowbirds) go to Arizona in the winter, to escape the snow. Right now, it's probably the only nice weather that they'll see in Alaska. People stay home to enjoy it.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Your manipulative blog is getting sadder by the day Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Maybe to YOU....but not the rest of us. If you don't like it, WHY are you here to begin with?

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      What exactly is he manipulative about? Oh yeah, that's right - it's the Tundra Skank's word of the day. Talk about sad.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Is that the best you have? You're the sad one, Shit For Brains.

    4. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Even Gryphen knows he writes crap to see if his readers will believe it, or takes a simple event and distorts is beyond recognition.

    5. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Nah....all $arah has to do is go on Faux once again, and this time go UNHINGED on five years ago for me to know he's spot on.

      The QUEEN (in her own mind) isn't running for anything, is no "Mama Grizzly" nor "pit bull with lipstick." Just your regular five and dime store whore. Why do you think she dresses and talks the way she does?

    6. Anonymous2:31 PM

      WOW. Gryph is moving someones. Cool.

  7. Sally in MI10:24 AM

    I know it's from far away, but the girl jumping looks much older than Piper. In the first place, she is filling out the top of that two piece swimsuit (which one would never wear to jump from that height,as the top would ride up and the bottoms fall down once you hit the water) and the legs look too long. Or maybe I'm just so conditioned to Sarah lying that I don't believe anything she offers us?
    That said, the money issue will become pressing soon. These people are used to getting whatever they want, when they want it. How will they ever deal with a budget next year when she has refused to run yet again, and even the insane ones have had enough of her?

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Gryphen, did you see Sarah and todd at the car races in Alaska about a month ago?

  9. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Guess Piper is being groomed to live like an exhibitionist, just like her ma. First a picture of her shootin', now jumpin'. Next, her own reality show about life as Sarah's entourage.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      shush.... don't give Sarah any more ideas for reality tv.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Makes one wonder what happened to Tawd, no? Perhaps Malia Litman made him go underground?

  10. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I'm humored by the fact that people here would rather believe a lie than even consider the true, positive stories told by those deemed "bots."

    1. Sally in MI11:19 AM

      "true positive stories?'Name one. Name one true thing that has come from Palin or her 'bots. Seriously. The woman has spent more time on airplanes this year than in Alaska. She doesn't even pretend to mother Trig any longer. She'd rather do a freee event than spend any time with her family. And gee, I thought she and they were all about writing that homey "litigious" Christmas book this summer? I mean, shouldn't it be going to the editors by now? Or was that another lie like the 'fitness book' she and Brissy were writing during DWTS?

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      You're humored, are you? I don't think "true" and "positive" mean what you think they do. LOL You're a complete dork.

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      In your context, "true" and "positive" make an oxymoron.

    4. Anonymous2:03 PM

      All is true. Just because you feel the need to invent lies and exaggerate shit is your business and problem.

  11. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Maybe I'm just seeing things, but if you look closely at the photo of Piper jumping it looks like she avoided breaking both legs by a few feet. Just to the right of where she must have landed looks shallow.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I know, it looks like she would land on boulders. I can't wait to hear from someone that knows the area.

      I am way past believing anything the Palins claim. The young man in Tennessee was just released after Bristol lied in a federal court just so he would have to do time in a federal prison.

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Sarah always needs a traveling companion, a prop, someone to carry her luggage or keep the reporters away. That farm visit couldn't have been very interesting for Piper. It certainly wasn't as exciting as being led around a horse ring while taking shots at balloons with a pistol. When is Piper going to go sky diving?

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      When is Piper going to school?

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      She's been in school and is welliked. Not that YOU, a stranger, should care. Get a life.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      One of their friends does work for a skydiving company in AK.

    4. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Can you imagine Hillary Clinton manipulating, adopting children to take on her business trips? Or President Clinton. Sarah is the biggest joke, the best part is she will never get it. She can't help herself. I can't wait until Roger will allow her on teh tv again. I am also looking forward to seeing what she wears to her next shopping center opening gig, she will have to beg or give some good head. I am amazed she can wear the same filthy wigs over and over, that is always a site to behold. Oh yeah, the "presidential" hooker shoes that exude professional.

  13. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Of course that is Piper! What young girl doesn't pack a swimsuit for a trip to the middle of nowhere to a farm? $carah must think we are all as stupid as she is, to believe all her lies and whatnot.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Know you're being facetious, but the Monsanto farm event was in the Dakotas, and Fossil Creek is in AZ, near Phoenix.

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Did someone change the name to Fossil Creek after taking a look at $carah? She looks awful, plus her shoes look just like the ones Frankenstein wears in movies, with thick soles.

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Just around the bend from this beautiful area is the place named after Sarah:

      Skull-Fuck Outfitters, Tobacco & Paraphernalia Shoppe

  14. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Oh geesh, she's trying to keep up the "what a bunch of fearless, adventurous people we Palins are" stuff. Not sure what you're trying to get at by the cunnundrum comment--a tease about a Senate run?

    Does it strike anybody else as creepy that Sarah (allegedly, if that indeed is Piper) posts a photo of her young daughter at the self conscious age of 11 in a BIKINI. Especially after the bitching about people leering at her kids and wanting to hurt them....the woman really is twisted.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      And Piper at twelve already has a rack. Pervs would never notice that. I think Sarah is going for being a Kris Kardashian.

  15. Anonymous10:46 AM

    There is no way that is Piper jumping into the falls. Palin must have found that picture on the internet and used it. Besides, didn't they leave straight from the farm shindig and go to the airport so when did she have time to do dive? Yet another pathetic lie by Palin.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Her friend also has a picture of herself jumping.

  16. Anonymous10:51 AM

    WOW! Piper has more boobage than her mother.

  17. Anonymous10:51 AM

    If that photo was of Piper Palin diving into a waterfall, then her mother sure doesn't care about her daughter's safety.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Popular jumping point.

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM have hit a nerve lately...the C4P is dragging up this crap from four years ago:

    I wondered if anyone knows of a rich couple who Michelle Obama regularly hit up for money who was behind the lawsuits against Sarah P.

    I don't know the answer for sure but this may refer to a wealthy couple that Dan Riehl wrote about several years ago establishing a possible connection between this couple and the notorious Gryphen (aka Jesse Griffin).

    Jesse Griffin: Just Asking Questions

    1. Yeah I STILL don't know who those people are or how they think they made a connection.

      That post was one of the most fact free things I have ever read.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      The only lawsuit regarding Obama I care about is the one where Larry Sinclair was sued for slander and a judge threw it out.

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Gryph is evil, well-connected, and according to rumors he dares not refute, well-hung. And Dan Riehl is riehlly, really closet case who adores Marcus Bachman and wasn't riehlly a necrophiliac until Obama had Dan's soulmate neutralized.

    4. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Sounds like you're getting under RAM's skin. That's gotta be what---about six inches deep? Like Fred G. Sanford said, beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone. It doesn't have far to go with Sarah Lou. She ain't nothin but a bag of bones anyway.

  19. Anonymous11:06 AM

    So after they flew 'home' to AZ from SD, they still had time after unpacking and resting to make the several hours trip and hike out to the waterfall in Fossil Springs. Once again Palin's math skills trip her up cause nothing about this picture adds up either.

    In fact enlarging the photo will show a young woman who looks a bit older than PIGP with a full bosom, long legs and from one report - tattoos. Oh well, Palin has had such good luck with photo-shopped mini marathons and cadging photos of others in the past that she just had to give it one last try.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      It looks like a stock photo to me.

      I don't know where Fossil Springs is but if it requires hiking, I wouldn't expect Sarah to make the trek. Maybe somebody else took Piper swimming, but then where are the pics of all the family/friends having fun? Wouldn't that be a big "dill" on one of their FB pages?

    2. Anonymous11:47 AM

      They flew "home" to AZ where Sarah gave her latest tirade on Greta's show the next day. Who took Piper swimming?

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      The bitch just can't help herself from lying even when it isn't necessary. I hope Piper doesn't read here but if she does she must wonder why her mother put this phoney picture out there.
      She's definitely old enough to be embarrassed.

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      You're too old to be this stupid.

    5. Anonymous2:51 PM

      The date the airport photo was posted was
      5.25 pm 7/25/2013

      The post date of the jump is 21 hrs ago at 2:51 PM 7/28/13

  20. Let alone the question of who it is in the jumping over the waterfall picture, where is the jumping point? It must be quite a ways higher than where the camera captures the *jump*. Photoshop may be involved here. Doesn't it seem like the human form is larger than expected against the backdrop?

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      You can find several photos of people jumping at that site. It's Fossil Creek Falls, AZ. The girl jumping, however, is pretty well-endowed for an 11-12 year old.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      No she's not. For one, you can't tell anything from a distance photo.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I wore a C cup in 6th grade. Piper's not that big.

    4. Anonymous2:54 PM

      In the Bailey picture it looks way different.

    5. Anonymous3:03 PM

      1:57 "you can't tell anything from a distance photo" Maybe THAT is what $carah counts on, but I still do not believe that girl is Piper.Oh, and I still think $carah looks like HELL, skinny, stooped over, wig on sideways, Frankenstein shoes. What a mess.

    6. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Both 1:57 trolls
      Have you heard of enlarging a photo, idiot? Nice try. You must be a Palin frantically trying to cover her ass.

    7. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Piper could have only been there during a narrow time frame. Most likely sometime July 26. Some people are saying the park was closed.

      One way or another Sarah Palin is lying and using a child for a prop and her own selfish purposes. She is going into "balloon boy" parenting territory.

      Don't put your children at the center of a hoax. Not ever a little hoax. The P-bots will send money without using the kids.

  21. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I hope that the actual woman in that photo sees it and calls Sarah out for what Sarah really is. A skanky, no good, lying bitch.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      It' probably a photoshopped stock photo.

  22. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Hmmmm..... THAT explains Bar$tools approach to parenting... Bribe the little hellion with Popsicles to clean up etc...
    Right now it is Popsicles, once he gets older, it will become more and more expensive...

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Sugar has a high rate of exchange in childhood.

  23. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Piper had one demand: "For Chriz sake do not stuff your bra, Mom! I sooo means it. It's sooo embarrassing! I am sooo not going if you look all cuckoo birdy."

    I can't blame the poor thing. It's bad enough reading and writing and counting on a First Grade level.

    That is certainly not Piper jumping off that waterfall. No Palin gal has the courage to wear a swimsuit.

  24. Anonymous11:31 AM

    So sad that Palin would post a photo of a 12 year old in a bikini. After years of bloggers commenting on every detail of her older 2 daughters physical development, grooming, shape, etc. This just disgusts me.

    Please consider that the child is 12 before any of you post a nasty comment about her body.

    Gryphen, I really wish you would have avoided this one. Piper spent the last year essentially out of the spotlight. Damn her mother.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      There are pics of the obamas in bathing suits. And what's the criticize. She's in good shape.

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      One post about her isn't changing things. She lives privately.

    3. Anonymous2:38 PM

      The girl in that photo is not 12 years old. She's older than that and has a more mature figure.

    4. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Who thinks that is Piper's body?

      Sarah is going to bring attention to Piper. Last week she was on a horse with a cap gun and shooting balloons. What else does Sarah have? Get use to it. She uses photo-shop so it may not be Piper. Sarah is creating her image now, sexy adventure girl. Complain to the Sarah Brand or the mommy blogs and who writes about children Piper's age.

    5. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I haven't seen anyone being negative about Piper's body-- they just don't think the two images match up body-wise because one picture portrays a girl who appears much older.

  25. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Gryphen----I guess in SD someone's dining room serves as a "green room".

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      A green room is a holding area.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Like a branding chute. They get Sarah in there so she can't turn around and try to get her wig straight on her head. Meanwhile, she's snortin' and kickin' and clawin' and spittin' and shittin' herself.

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      1:55 and this one appears to be holding a dining room set.

      Makes a person suspect that it isn't really a "green room" as most of us use the word.

      This is why so many of us question everything Sarah says. Because even the most basic no consequential events and items get so convoluted as to make no sense.

      And for what reason? Why can't Sarah just say we were hanging out in the dining room? Or this is where we waited before the big event?

      Why confuse the issue?

  26. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Rewards for doing what is expected? Like Tripp getting popsicles for doing what he should be doing anyway?

    What's in it for me seems to be the family motto.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Notice Tripp adapts to change well and is an obedient 4 yr old, something I, as a mother of young children, as jealous of.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      1:55 Thanks for the comment, Willow.Nice of you to try to cover for your family, the pay must be pretty good, eh?

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Also, what the hell are you trying to say?
      And you betcha, did you not see all the evidence of his poor behavior and hear Bristol say she was a terrible mom? What do YOU think "obediant" means?

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      as jealous of. wot ya smokin'? wills ya shears?

  27. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Dean Larsen > Sarah Palin · Sarah I love you but if they told you not to talk about Obama's pass it's your fault for staying in the race. You should have stood up and said if I can't then I quit. Where are your principals??

    Where are Sarah's principles? They're not in Alaska. Have you checked to see if they are with SarahPac?

  28. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Photoshop really comes in handy for ole skank.

  29. Anonymous11:58 AM


    Start with naming Todd's john list. It must be a very long and impressive important clients since somebody is protecting Todd from an investigation and prosecution.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Naming names?

      1. Glen Rice
      2. Curtis Menard
      3. Brad Hanson
      4. Roger Ailes
      5. Glenn Beck
      6. Any of em
      7. All of em

  30. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Piper, the best looking of the Palin clan, dressed more appropriately for SD than her mom. Can't figure out what is on her hooves, but dirty kleenex is in her claw, and her too long cowgirl belt resembles a strap on. Where oh where do those clothes come from?!
    And she and Tawd seem to have a carefree, empty-nest lifestyle gallivanting to different ports in the US. But what about that special need preschooler at home? If I'd birthed a special baby the needs of the child would be front and center to my lifestyle. Tri-G needs early childhood spec. ed, speech, occupational and physical therapy, all of which is orchestrated by the parental unit. Piper can fend for herself, Tri-G cannot.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Trig is in AZ with her.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Sure he is. Uh huh. We believe you.
      If he is, he is with a nanny in separate rooms and never sees his fake mommy or goes anywhere with her unless it is a photo op.

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Trig is a resident of Alaska, unless you are accusing his parents of committing fraud to get his Alaskan check. And Sarh resides in Arizona. I will never understand a mother of a child ( adopted or bio) abandoning her child like Sarah has.

  31. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Scott Tourtellot > Sarah Palin · Governor, you were maligned and denigrated by the GOP, the DNC, and the media. Keep fighting, the country needs you

    Scott just everybody maligned Sarah. Sarah Palin is done as far as politics goes. Sarah just has to rely on her scams to try to stay relevant.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Yes, there will be a series of bad schemes until the hammer finally comes down.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Keep fighting Sarah. Scott Tourtellot loves how you look with black eyes. Maybe if you stopped putting your foot in your mouth your face wouldn't bruise so much.

  32. At least she's not trying to pass this waterfall off as being in SoDak. Other than that I'm more than skeptical that's actually the pipette. I've seen the marathon photos and know she'll use photoshop for anything

  33. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Hey kids, want to help mom out? I'll let you do something real cool and put your photo on my facebook for full exposure!!! Piper, come on, do it for your maw, I promise you'll get your picture on the cover of National Enquirer.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Keep in mind that various outlets pursue them all the time for LA opportunities. If they were true media junkies, they'd do things like Bachelorette. Sarah isn't a hollywood person.

      These are the most down to earth kids.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      1:33 I doubt that they are being asked to do more TV shows. Every one they appeared in TANKED big time. No talent, no personality, nothing to offer. Whine, whine, whine. They might as well face it, they are not marketable as far as the entertainment industry goes. Their 15 minutes lasted too long already.

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      " If they were true media junkies, they'd do things like Bachelorette. Sarah isn't a hollywood person.
      These are the most down to earth kids"

      Aah shit! SNORT! GASP! WHEW! That was a good one, Shit-For-Brains! BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!

    4. Anonymous3:36 PM

      is that Wasillian for a hick?

    5. Anonymous4:25 PM

      I think you are forgetting that their "opportunities" are broadcast on television. We know, for instance, that Bristol's latest venture was wife swap -- hardly a show on which one would appear if they have their pick of opportunities. Also, too, we've seen their kids on those shows. We saw Willow push Piper's face in a cake. We saw Willow and Bristol doing an extremely poor job raising Tripp. We've seen this family in any number of reality shows. Popular with the Hollywood types, they ain't, at this point.

  34. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Stalker troll KatieDyd ID'd the falls over at C4P -- Fossil Creek. Agree the person jumping the falls is not Piper.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Why is someone a stalker if they think they recognize something from personal experience?

      Why is Gryphen not a huge, creepy stalker when he's hired people to do drivebys and assumes things he doesn't and couldn't know?

    2. I usually let this kind of thing slide, but for the record I NEVER paid anybody to drive by anywhere.

      If this is about Bristol's house in Anchorage, I just happened to drive by it on my way to an appointment every morning and noticed Levi's truck.

      Not exactly stalking.

      But please crazy eyes, proceed.

  35. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This is too weird and beneath your considerable investigative skills.
    I think Palin is loathsome and dishonest, but posting a picture of her tween daughter from a distance is neither an indication of dishonesty or bad parenting.
    I am obsessed with knowing the truth about the Trig pregnancy and wanting to see Todd brought to justice over the pimping, but when there seems to be a lack of news on the Palin front, this blog, and Malia's, degenerate into minute suppositions about Palin's bra size and her parenting.
    Almost everything that has been said about her accordion bosom can be attributed to different bras, lighting, posture and outfits.
    While I think she is a lousy mother (because of the dishonesty , the hideous politics and the phony moralism), I am sure that she loves her children.
    In tearing apart every move another person makes, it ends up degrading the very points you want to make- AND your own credibility.
    Please- just give us more about the Trig birth and about progress being made on the Todd/pimping case.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      You should just start your own blog and do it the way you want it done.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Investigative skills? Do you know how much crap Gryphen makes up hoping his readers will use bad logic to make it make sense?

      This was evident back in summer 2010 when he reported outright lies because he had no idea what he was talking about

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I agree with you (except about hte accordian bosom) It does seem petty and hurts the blog's credibility.

      And if the glog owner wants dissenting opinions to go elsewhere, he can manage that.

    4. Anonymous2:14 PM

      But it's all part of the charade that is Palin. Why leave out the charade she plays with her body? As far as 'tearing apart every move,' you know, if that's what it takes... I don't notice her refraining from tearing apart the President's every move. Or protecting her children from the likes of us.

    5. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Excuse me but the woman who is jumping is not a tween.

    6. Anonymous3:17 PM

      1:45 Why do you come here, if you think it is lies? Are you afraid that your family will be exposed for the lying grifters they are? Is the money drying up, afraid you might have to actually WORK? Blame your mother, she is a lying skank who actually thought she belong in the VP position!! What a joke.

    7. Anonymous3:42 PM

      If a person lies a little or does little hoaxing you know they do a great deal more that hasn't been noted. You must scrutinize it all, every tiny detail. Believe me it pays off. You'll be surprised.

      Sarah Palin was a public servant that screwed the public that fed her. She is among the lowest of the low the ways she violated fiduciary trust. The people that don't understand yet, well, they will in time unless they are evil doing like their she devil mistress.

    8. Anonymous6:14 PM

      12:26. Okay, Chuckie Junior. If anybody would know if Sarah's big boobs (with*zero* cleavage) are real, it would be you. Describe how they feel, and I'll confirm one way or another.

  36. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That waterfall looks like a 25-foot drop. Was Sarah certain that this was a safe thing for Piper to do? I don't see signs or indications that this is a park site that allows diving or jumping in that water. How did they know it was deep enough?

    Why does Sarah never elaborate on these things to let people know she's concerned about child safety. She could have said, kids, don't do this at home, or at least explained if it was a valid water park that gave out safety instructions. No helmut? No floating device?

    What is it with these people?

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      She's a jerk, but there is no obligation on her part to answer all your concerns about her daughter.
      This is a well-known swimming hole.
      Don't fret.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      You have so much hate in your heart.

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM


    4. Anonymous2:02 PM

      As a mother who loves kids and wants them safe, who are you to tell me I can't fret?

    5. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Sarah is a roll model. Don't you know Bristol's peers worship all she does. Most of them have kids about Piper's age by now.

    6. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Palin is posting on social media. You don't have to give a hoot about Piper. Care about the message she sends to the gullible.

      If Fossil Falls was closed yesterday this is a total hoax. People should fret about that like they did with that young kid whose parents suckered him into the adventure in a balloon.

      Anyway you look at this Palin is a sorry role model and good parents will fret. The skanks never care.

  37. Anonymous12:31 PM

    At least Piper is dressed appropriately and looks for her mother...yikes & ugh!!!!!! She belongs out in a field somewhere scaring away crows!

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      And she can sing, "If only I had a brain".

  38. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Jerry Conner > Sarah Palin · Please ask John McCain to retire, he is really hurting us now

    Jerry have you seen Sarah Palin's appearance on FOX? Sarah already threw John under the bus. John better watch his back, Sarah is locked and loaded and is going after him.

  39. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Fossil Creek Falls is in Arizona and the temperature yesterday was 90 degrees.
    I go out of my way to do special things for my kids all the time- with each trip we make sure that there is something of interest for every family member.

    Again, I can't stand Palin, but there is nothing to criticize about here, unless you are just really, really bored and feel like jabbing at someone you already can't stand makes to make yourself feel good (which it can, but let's not pretend that that makes it valid).

    1. eclecticsandra1:23 PM

      Because of fire danger the road to the falls is closed. That must have been quite a hike in that heat.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Right, except that sure isn't Piper with those big, round boobs. So one has to wonder why Sarah would lie again.

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Dude, the photo was taken from a distance. You're an idiot.

    4. Anonymous1:47 PM

      They're not lazy. they live in Alaska and are outdoorsy people.

    5. Anonymous1:54 PM

      I agree. I could easily see me taking my kids someplace they really want to go after we go someplace I really want to go. I don't like Sarah, and I feel sorry for her daughter because she seems to have been taught to be so unlikeable, but I don't see a problem with this.

    6. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Critical? What mother, who constantly complains that her kids are hounded and attacked by media still posts pictures of her yet teenage daughter? What kind of mother does this? Does she want them exposed or doesn't she????????????????

    7. Anonymous2:34 PM

      One of the first rules we learned when we were taught swimming was not to jump in someplace if you don't know how deep the water is. But who am I talking about? Both Sarah and Piper are Olympic champion swimmers and divers.

    8. Anonymous3:10 PM

      @1:47 Dude, Shit For Brains, Kristy, Bristol, Whoever,

      Are you too stupid to enlarge the photo? The jumper OBVIOUSLY is well-endowed as several people have noted on this thread. We are not stupid. What a maroon! And, well, it's not like the Tundra Turd never lies to promote herself. Therefore the suspicion about the authenticity of the photo. So, since you are too dense to figure that out, go vomit all over some other blog, Dude. You aren't intelligent enough to play in this sandbox.

    9. Anonymous3:11 PM

      It would be more adventure to sneak in. The park no doubt allows children of all ages to jump with out an adult in sight. Is it a rogue park?

    10. Anonymous3:24 PM


    11. Anonymous3:49 PM

      1:47 PM

      We have a bridge for you.. for you, special, a rill dill. You'll be no where in no time.

    12. Anonymous4:31 PM

      outdoorsy people that did SPA to show how little outdoor they were all their years in Alaska. They are a joke.

  40. Anonymous1:20 PM

    "Waterfall Area: On a popular weekend, you will probably encounter loud people swimming, jumping, and having a good time. Parental warning: It would not be uncommon to encounter music, alcohol, or recreational drug use amongst some of the visitors. Swimming too close to the waterfall can be dangerous due to the strong current. Caution should be paid especially for those who are not strong swimmers. There are other less-impressive swimming holes and smaller cascades further downstream that may be more suitable for children or families."

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      The point of this is?

      There's nothing wrong with Piper and her friend playing in a popular swimming hole.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      1:46 w/ shit for brains. OF COURSE there's nothing wrong with playing in a popular swimming hole. What's wrong is her sick piece of work of a mother posting her picture so she can bask in the reflected glory she thinks this is about. Why not send the pix to her family and friends PRIVATELY, instead of posting them wherever...I suppose FB. Why am I wasting my words, you truly are an idiot, just like the Quitter.

    3. Anonymous2:33 PM

      @1:45 What friend? Piper is with her BFF, Sarah.

    4. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Where are all the people that fill up this popular place during the summer?

    5. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Troll is too funny today. They have nothing to say but are worth a few chuckles.

  41. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Climbing around on slippery, wet waterfall rocks is never a risk free endeavor:

    Most states/places allow one to swim in the fall pool, but caution against climbing, jumping, diving from the falls themselves. Figures, it is AZ that does this go for it, fools!. Then again - Darwin= Yeah!!!!

  42. Anonymous1:45 PM

    It should be illegal to blog, or bloggers should be mandated to pass a morality test. Because the ease at which Gryphen takes a simple, fun outing and manipulates it is sinister. Remember, these are people he doesn't know, nor knows their closest friends.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Right. They are just people who regularly post personal information about themselves on the internet, and invite comment, e.g. Facebook.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      And you do? Why don't you go work on your next white board rant so you can look more foolish than you already are, "postage" 1:45 PM?

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      ...ever heard of the FIRST Amendment, 1:45PM, or are you too busy fondling your gun?

      IM'ers, the big time trolls come out when we've hit the nail on the head. REMEMBER THAT.

    4. Anonymous3:14 PM

      You are working overtime on this post Troll, you reporting to Sarah's FB page about how you alone are defending her honor?

      You waste your breath/

    5. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Palin blogs manipulate photos and that is moral in your book?

      Sick and twisted.

      In your world Sarah Palin would be banned from Facebook. We might agree on a few things but you would say she can lie and cheat and manipulate on her blogs.

      Sorry but Palins are a very public family and YES THE PUBLIC DOES KNOW THEM. We are talking about their public life in this thread, the one they post for the public to see. There are no rules about everyone who doesn't comply with what the Palins want to control. Once it is out in public it is public domain. Even if it was private minutes before. People have rights to their own vision, thoughts and investigations of what is public. LIKE THE PALIN'S PUBLIC LIFE. Public servants should answer to the public, there is some privacy for those in the public eye. It comes with what they bought into that they are under more also scrutiny. Anyone that gains riches by having a brand like 'wonderful traditional family' has very little private life when they are suspected of the slightest deviation from what they claim.

      The Palins make money and are major deviants.

      How foolish can Palin-bots get?

    6. Anonymous6:31 PM

      "Postage" working overtime today, I see.....

  43. It should be illegal to be ignorant.

    As for stupid--well, one may be mentally challenged (see, e.g., Palin. Bristol; Palin, Willow; Palin, Todd; Palin, Sarah)--

    But when you add willful ignorance on top of stupidity, that is (or should be) a crime.

    And then when you stir in bigotry and self-righteousness and selfishness and avarice--now that is a dangerous combination. Equal to any so-called terrorist.

    Thank you to the Gryphens of the world who help educate those of us who don't want to be ignorant.

  44. Anonymous2:42 PM

    HEY, if George Zimmerman can rescue a family, right there on the scene as he was, I'll believe that was Piper Diaper.

    IDGITS and those who believe/support them.

  45. Okay haven't read through the comments but as the mom of an 11 yr old who JUST went bra & swimsuit shopping (quite literally JUST did. I'm sitting exhausted in Target food court as same kiddo munches breadsticks!) It very well could be Piper. All the swimsuits even at their age are lined and padded. It is incredibly frustrating and hard to find something appropriate and not super padded at their age.

    As for the rest I think it is a horrible way to parent. I feel badly for her children. Because I was raised by an ill mother, I really feel for them. Even Bristol-the horrible way she manipulates Levi Is probably because she saw her mother do the same to her father. It is hard to break those patterns even as an adult. I have hope for Piper because she has been around her mother less than any of the children (except maybe Triggy bear.)

    PS The dress seems okay to you Gryphen? it looked a little over the top to me. I wouldn't let my daughter wear a dress that low in the front.

  46. Okay I showed my daughter the dress and she said I'm being silly, it's appropriate. Then again you wouldn't believe some of the things she would wear if I let her! Piper is a cutie though!

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      The dress looks like something a Mormon kid would wear; unfashionable, dowdy and way to long. I'd not put my kid in such an ugly garment.

  47. Maddies_Mom3:47 PM

    Hilarious! I work at a TV station with green rooms and that ain't no green room. That's someone's tacky dining room!

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Sarah don't know all that fancy, *elite* terminology... There were a couple of potted plants in there that were green, so she thought it was a green room.

  48. Lucera3:49 PM

    Sarah has lost any beauty that she may have had in 2008. Does she own a mirror?

  49. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Speaking of loudmouth Republicans...

    Meghan McCain is getting her own show on a new TV network targeting the generation of Americans known as millennials.

    "Raising McCain" will debut on Pivot, a general entertainment network that launches Aug. 1. It's described as a documentary-talk series for viewers ages 15 to 34. McCain will star and serve as executive producer.

    The 28-year-old author and blogger told the Television Critics Association on Friday that the show lets her "be crazy, be myself and talk about issues."

    "I came to Pivot because I think there has to be some sort of middle ground between the Kardashians and C-SPAN," McCain said. "I want to give people information but not talk down to them. I am so excited. This is the best thing I've ever done."

    McCain said her 76-year-old father, Republican Sen. John McCain, has already seen a highlight reel of her show.

    "We have had conflicts many times. He did not love when I worked at MSNBC," she said. "He has really been a great champion of this show and believing that young people want more substance."

    The younger McCain, who is also a Republican, calls her generation the most politically engaged.

    "I believe in more than this country is being given in news and entertainment," she said.

  50. Anonymous4:42 PM

    What kind of sick puppy posts pictures
    online of her 12 year old daughter half dressed ??
    The same woman who said Joe McGinnis was a Peeping Tom trying to peek into Piper's bedroom treats every pervert to
    shots of nearly naked Piper.
    PimpManager Kris Jenner and Sarah Palin are creepy mothers who delight in showing the world their daughters nearly naked.
    Normal parents go berserk when the media tries to photograph their kids at the airport fully dressed .
    Palin and Kris Kardasian Jenner do not protect their daughters, instead they titillate the perverts and stalkers with
    photos of their young daughters barely clothed .
    Apparently Sarah couldn't find a truck stop to showcase Piper's talents.
    But, give her time.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      It's been a while since the Palin's have had a stalker, and they need to be able to play the victims here. This should bring some of the pervy stalkers out of the woods.

  51. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I remember several tragedies where kids dived in rivers off bridges, or from high points in water they thought was deep, and ended up dead or paralyzed from the waist down. Just because hikers party on weekends and swim at Fossil Springs and dive in a pool that might have strong currents, doesn't mean that every 12 year-old should be allowed to. Sarah said she wasn't as brave to try it?

    She should have said she wasn't sure if it was a good idea for Piper to try it first. A concerned parent would have gone first to 'try it' before letting their child go.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Mama Grizzly said that she was afraid to. A real Mama Grizzly would protect her cub and go first.

  52. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It could be worse, we culd have gotten a picture of Sarah in her bathing suit, or even worse:

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Ah, the good life. And someone has to sneak up on my ass (literally) with a camera phone. Remember, payback is a bitch.

  53. Anonymous5:04 PM

    The bottom line I see is Piper is rewarded with highly "risky" activity. Is Piper going to take even greater risks in the future as she fulfills Sarah's image as an outdoors adventurer, which she is not?

    One hallmark of a narcissistic mother is that she will use her daughter(s) to project the image she has or wants for herself. The Mini-Me syndrome, I call it. Bristol became the Celebrity Mini Me and now Piper will be the Alaska adventurer Mini Me. Willow got thrown under the bus for some reason.

    After reading about the accidents at Fossil Springs Falls, it was a dangerous activity. Just who did Piper go with? Adults? Kids who know the area? Todd?

    Or did she really go at all? One photo of a barely identifiable woman jumping into the pool below is not proof Piper was even there. Sarah sez: "and here's the picture to prove it." Prove what? No, it doesn't prove anything. That could very well be a stock photo from the Chamber of Commerce.

  54. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I keep waiting to see that photo of Piper with her friend, both of them jumping off the falls. It must have been so much fun that they did it a couple of times, right? Where are the girls, posing for photos together after swimming in the old swimming hole? Didn't they swim over to where Sarah was standing with the towels to pose for more pictures?

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Who are the adults that took the two twelve year old for a jump? Girls that age don't just go and jump. They take a while to find the courage. Unless they are athletic and been doing it for a long time. I've never seen much activity out of Piper, not saying she doesn't have some. There was something about she quit a gymnast class in grade school, she just looked mad in the basketball picture and the horse set up is too humiliating. Poor kid looks like she was used and abused.

      Someone looks like a pro in the Fossil Creek jump. That is a sudden change from the Piper we have been shown for years.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Oh HELL no, lest David Letterman and Joe McGinnis were hiding in the brush.

  55. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Where's purse carrier Todd? Hidden out thanks to Malia? Works for ME, Palin FRAUDS. Pissy Pants sure told US on Greta, now didn't she? I know I'm skeered.


    Bring it, bitch, you coward!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.