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Click any moron of your choice to see video |
In response host Alisyn Camerota, who I have never heard of before, sitting alongside Mike Huckabee says this:
Camerota: "According to the Media Research Center between May 10th and May 23rd, in thirteen days, the mainstream media covered the IRS scandal 96 times. You can't say the media wasn't covering it right? I mean Americans know about this story."
Mike Huckabee: "They do know about this story. I think that there's been, you know even some significant outrage on the part of many media people and pundits over the IRS scandal for example."
Wow! How far out on the fringe do you have to be in order for Fox and Fiends to feel obligated to fact check you?
Off topic but very interesting: http://m.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/07/bobby-jindal-stays-silent-louisiana-sodomy-arrests
ReplyDeletesee, i just can't get past the hooker shoes. how absurd.
ReplyDeleteNor should you, in fact!
DeleteEither she borrowed them from one of Taahhd's "girls", or he bought them as a gifl for one of them, and she is "breaking them in".
DeleteYes, the hooker shoes! I was completely distracted by the whole hooker/slut look that she has going on here. What's the message Sarah? Abstinence, no abortions, guns for everyone, dress like a slut? Is that the formula for getting in the senate?
DeleteThey did fact check the IRS story, and there is no proof connecting President Obama to targeting political group applications for tax exempt status. It turned out to be a couple of rogue agents, and it is standard procedure to check out any application asking for tax exempt status-- especially if it has words that attract attention like "tea party" and "patriot." According to Lawrence O'Donnell, the original law said that the work of the tax exempt organization had to be primarily for social welfare. It is bad enough that 51% was considered "primarily." The words "tea party" and "patriot" are usually in the names of political, not social welfare organizations.
ReplyDeleteLaurence O'Donnell reported that the original 1959 law said that the work of the tax-exempt organization had to be "exclusively" for social welfare. The IRS at that time, for no good reason, interpreted this to mean "primarily," which means the law was misinterpreted for all these years and that any organization with ANY political activities should NOT have received tax-exempt status. This needs to be reinterpreted with the original meaning!
DeleteSeems to me that Roger may have rehired Sarah to limit her overall access to the media while keeping her handy as a punching bag. She's been rope-a-doped. Youbetcha.
ReplyDeleteHe's a smart man and now he's got Sarah on both ends. She spews her garbage on his shows, then she gets skewered on his shows.
DeleteI was thinking the same. It's like she is a ball he just throws in the air and invites everyone on Fox to take a swing at. She is too stupid to understand what is happening.
DeleteHere's some basketball advice for you, Pissy Pants Palin: Take your ball and GO HOME!
ReplyDeleteAs a secular humanist I sometimes feel sorry for the harpy known as Sarah. She no doubt has been sexually abused by her father/mother/brother, and is being used by her family as an ATM. She is as she was raised to be. But just like a pit bull trained to be a killer, she should probably be put down. No one will ever rescue-adopt her, and she's beyond the point of being rehabilitated.
ReplyDeleteIn a nutshell you just summed up Sarah Palin, exactly as I have seen her since she opened her mouth of the national stage.
DeleteI agree with your prognosis, as well.
I agree also. On one level I feel sorry for her, she is an embarrassment to herself and our great State. When she is on television or the news she never has anything new to say, just the same canned rhetoric over and over. She and some of her family members seem to have trained their self worth for a quick easy buck, instead of using the opportunity they were handed they abused it.
DeleteSarah, Your world is collapsing around you.Come clean with the Trig lie and all is forgiven!
DeleteOh HELL no! I want ALL of it to come out. I want to see this broad be hauled off to prison!
DeleteOnly Trig? Not a chance!
Really, time is running out Sarah. Come clean with the Tri-G hoax and how you were enabled by the fundies in the GOP. Take them all down before they take you down alone or they suicide you in a small plane crash. (I know that makes no sense, suicided in a small plane crash, but that's how they roll lol!)
Delete4:46 PM
DeleteThat is how it works. I won't be surprised if they get to Todd to see the job is done. I know they would make it worth his effort.
If anyone around here ever saw Deliverance they would know how risky it is to drop her into any body of water.
DeleteNever underestimate the cunning of the Bitch(666). She would love for us to think of her as the victim, but in reality, she controls this Band of Gypsies.
DeleteI think $arah may be gettin' to the bottom. If being fact checked by the kids on the curvy couch isn't the bottom, it's within spittin' distance, also, too.
ReplyDeleteYeah, when Huckabee drops you...you are finished in the GOP.
DeletePalin went way too far for even them to make note of what a ludicrous statement she made.
DeleteThe 'fancy' Ellie Mae Clampet reporter outfit with the shoes that would match well with a metallic mini dress revealing nipples has me wanting to gag. The woman is clueless the McCain campaign
stylists were right and she was attractive. Now she dresses like the classless fucking idiot she is. She can't get a fact or ine outfit right.
Palin slapped Fox news in the face saying that. She deserved the push back and more. She threw them under her bus.
DeleteFOX News can you Fact Check if Sarah Palin is America's energy expert? What was her qualifications besides being the 1/2 term quitter governor of an energy producing state and sitting on a local state board? Did Sarah Palin go to college and earned a degree in this field? Did Sarah Palin work her way up in a energy producing company? I thought Sarah was a beauty pageant contestant, when did she become America's energy expert?
ReplyDeleteDamn! Sarah Palin is getting pimp slapped by her own employer!
ReplyDeleteA "pimp slap", to the contrary, is regularly delivered without announcement and oftentimes over breakfast at an IHOP, on a subway platform, or numerous other indiscriminately chosen venues. The blow is always, always struck with the back of ones hand as to do otherwise is bad form. And the hip motion that accompanies a pimp slap provides the torque to knock a bitch silly.
DeleteIf Ailes pimp slaps Sarah hard enough then hopefully he can straighten out her retarded eye?
DeleteFox and Friends?
ReplyDeleteSomebody is on Sarah Palin's shit list!
No, Gryphen said, rightfully so, "Fox and Fiends." Haha!
DeleteOh, snap!! Sarah is being used as a pinata over at Faux. Maybe that's what happened to the deflated boobies last week in South Dakota.
DeleteHah Lucera!
DeleteI wondered when anybody was going to pick up on that.
I think that will be their new name over here from now on.
I think it's too late for the American public to remember the difference between reporting and commenting.
ReplyDeleteFox has helped blur the line, as have most cable shows.
Reporters don't have a viewpoint, at least in public, and don't offer opinions, despite what politicians want to allege. Reporters tell the public what is new.
That's "the news."
Pundits, commentators, talk show hosts, sofa-sitters and most of the Fox gang give their opinions on the facts. Sometimes facts get squeezed in, but the main purpose of these many, many hours of infotainment is not to offer facts but to make a judgment or criticism of the facts as they've been presented.
Nowadays, it's common for these opinions to be skewed and twisted to fit an ideological framework. It's getting harder and harder to pick out the relevant information from the judgments that surround it.
But, back to this nugget: the fact that Palin's fellow Fox talking heads have felt the need to follow the network's own position -- that the scandals might not be so scandalous after all -- is just one more example that her days of offering her breathless diatribes on tv are numbered.
That's the salient point here, there is no scandal regarding the IRS process, as many liberal/progressive groups were flagged - and denied status, as opposed to only two being denied for Tea Partying.
DeleteNo rogue agents. No scandal.
Investigating the Palin PAC would reveal scandal.
That the Tepublicams
The scandal is how Chariman Issa deliberately skewed the review and make a successful political hay and take down the IT'S head and have Obama look complicit.
DeleteLess pay and getting the crap knocked out of her, what an idiot.
ReplyDeleteSarah is on Hannity tonight. Two dumb losers.
ReplyDeleteI'll be,watching some real talent on another network. Keep whining Sarah. Every word makes us more sure you should never hold office again.
DeleteWord salad supreme and nothing of substance from the Pimp's Wife and mother of unwed teen mothers.
DeleteSarah Bitch how does it feel to ride under the bus?
ReplyDeleteI keep wondering what would have happened if Sarah had really gotten that journalism degree, and gotten a job on ESPN. Then she would have left Alaska, not gotten knocked up and had a quick elopement, and would have NEVER gone into politics. Wouldn't that have been great?
ReplyDeleteYou have to have talent to get hired by ESPN.
DeleteReally? My husband has it on a,lot, and all the guys do is talk about Tiger or baseball players. On and on. Sarah could do that. And she,wouldn't' tear the country apart. Of course, a year in she would have had an affair with some basketball player, and been fired.
DeleteFrom what I've seen, she was a horrible reporter.
DeleteWonder if the Grizzly Mama, Barracuda, I'm-Tough,This is How I Roll Rogue will defend herself against Fox and Friends? Or will she cower in a fetal position with 3X5 cards? Come on, Sarah, grow a stick! Man up and show us what you got.
ReplyDeleteThat isn't all. Ellen Brodsky at NewsHounds (We Watch Fox So You Don't Have To) posted a poll asking which Fox News Outrageous Quote Of The Week Poll – 7/20/13-7/27/13 - gets readers' votes. Here's the results to date:
Bill O’Reilly whitesplaining .............................17%.......41
Juan Williams gushing over O’Reill..................10%.......23
Birther Donald Trump’s latest
inflammatory attack on Obama .......................4%.......10
Sean Hannity sounding more ready for middle
school than for national prime time news .........12%......29
Ed Whelan going over the top over an
Obama judicial nominee ...................................0%........1
Charles Payne accusing Obama of
fomenting civil unrest ......................................20%......48
Sarah Palin’s harangue against
the Republican party ......................................36%......84
Total ........................................................................236
DeleteShe won! She won!
DeleteFinally. Sarah won something.
DeleteWho thinks Ailes is playing with Palin like a cat with a tuna encrusted mouse?
ReplyDeleteI hear she smells more like sour cheese than tuna.
DeleteYou do have to wonder what the hell is going on with Ailes. Having Sarah on the network is like using old toilet paper. She really is that disgusting at this point.
DeleteI'm convinced now that they brought back the world's wealthiest bag lady just to kick around.
ReplyDeleteCould be...
DeleteSarah Palin earns yet another "pants on fire"
Roger Ailes must be so proud!
Supposedly her nickname down at Fox News studios is Fromage.
ReplyDeleteMore like Menage a Trois...Todd, Ailes and Hannity.
DeleteAbove all things, the raging jealousy and monumental angst that consumed $arah Palin's entire being after her humiliating loss to Obama/Biden in 2008 is most responsible for her stasis in hatred and bitterness.
ReplyDeleteWhen she realized that her disastrous interviews had ruined her in Alaska, and that she was a punch line and joke to 90% of the country , it was bad enough
But to lose the VP race, and return to a workaday humdrum bullshit job that she hated in Alaska? Unthinkable!
To think that she had the fame, the spotlight, the notoriety, and the amazing luxury and decadent lifestyle of the VP within her grasp, only to lose it to a black, liberal Democrat man was unthinkable.
Who was that elite Harvard brat to deprive the vaunted Esther of recent prophecy by her prayer group of her birthright?
The bitterness and gall has festered in her heart and feeds the incessant need to lash out, to demean, and to vilify.
The unmitigated bilious hatred she carries in her heart for being robbed of fame and fortune drives her on to new depths of despair and rage on a daily basis.
As to her current incredibly awful physical condition, we can conjecture forever, but I put it down to the resulting psychosis from being defeated, having to quit as Governor, and being humiliated nationally.
Sarah Palin is above all things , still striving for political fame and revenge, and longing to be the Political Prom Queen, and until she can burst the chains of shame and infamy forged from her loss in 2008, she can never recover.
Nice summation!
DeleteWhy do you think she had to quit? Trig? Criminal activity, involving $$$$ and prostitution or use of sports arena materials for their house? Just interested.
DeleteSpot-on AJ! Could not be said better!
Delete6:48 Probably all of the above.
DeleteYou know it's almost over when a couch full of your supposed allies unite to point out how wrong-headed your statements are.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you’re not among buddies anymore. Shut up and go home before someone (Rove or Ailes) hurts you seriously. That said, I’m going to miss the scathing comments; shame on me, hi GinaM (jumping up and down and waving). I think Sarah deserves all the derision for her exploitation of the naïve and brain-dead, so there.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious that the title of Palin's
Deletenext book will be " Going Rove " .
No, don't listen, sarah. Please stay. if "serious hurt means devastating public humiliation and perhaps a perp walk - I'm all for you're continued spewing.
DeleteO/T but, dayum:
take that fundibagers!
she is still like a baby bird: squawks and shits a lot...no more no less...
ReplyDeleteangela, I think it too. I'm pretty sure of this scenario:
ReplyDeleteAs Palin's popularity is waning, she went to Fox to BEG for her job back.
Ailes, not being a dope once more with her, gave her a job at a reduced rate and thought of how happy he was going to be by putting the QT word out on the others, to knock her down a peg or two when called for.
I'm pretty sure he is laughing at her continued stupidity and lies, as are the others.
Anonymous3:34 PM
ReplyDeleteSarah is on Hannity tonight. Two dumb losers
Please be nice to me tonight. If you're nice to me I'll....
let you see my real breasts.
DeleteGo camping with you in Bristol's canvas tent.
DeleteNo I'm not going to say suck your dick. That wouldn't be right on IM
DeleteGive my interview form under the table, on my knees. And we already now she swallow...uh... gulps - she was so eager to advertise her ... talents.... with that drink.
DeleteAhaa, now I understand why she is always using the phrase "crammed down our throat"
DeleteWow! Margaret Thatcher wore the exact sames shoes.
ReplyDeleteAngela Merkel also has the same shoes, but hers are yellow.
Yes, Sarah knows how to dress for success.
Wow, she was only on 5 minutes, and only audio, as the satellite apparently went down, so said Hannity.
ReplyDeleteShoot. Just shoot. I won't get to see her. Todd probably couldn't get her out of bed in time to do the "show."
DeleteUsually the audio is the first thing to go. I bet hannity made it up because sarah was not camera ready, more than usual, methinks.
DeleteDo you think she forgot to put on her wig?
DeleteI picture the guys in the control room laughing their asses off, with Ailes smiling in the background.
DeleteMaybe Sarah Palin went on the wrong show? Sarah went to the Fox And Foes show instead of Fox And Friends show.
ReplyDeleteThey're laughing their asses off at FOX. They can't wait until Sarah shows up again with her mightier than though talking points.
ReplyDeleteLet's have fun with this retard who took a cut in pay and kissed Roger's ass to come back.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is going on FOX with Handjob tonight?
ReplyDeleteWhich Sarah will show up?
1. DDDD Sarah
2. DDD Sarah
3. A cup Sarah
4. Saggy Sarah
Can;t wait to see her latest outrage. She's coming undone.
Deletewell dumb unprepared $carah sure showed up. Hannity asked her about howard dean's op-ed - stooooopid $carah admitted she didn't do her homework/doesn't read,saying she hadn't read it. Uh oh - someone forgot to pre-feed her the questions. roger is laughing $carah ... and it is definitely AT you. even Hannutty won't have you on again.
DeleteFact-checking Sarah's rants?
ReplyDeleteThere is a gold mine in fact-checking all of Sarah's lies. Someone will capitalize on that. It would be so ironic if it were Faux. Wow.
ReplyDeleteSusan Mertha shared a link. near Rapid City, SD · Good hearing you on Hannity Sarah. Well done. Sorry the satellite went down so we couldn't see you. You're being followed by Ted Cruz which is good, and Karl Rove and Dana PeRINO. In case you didn't see it this is a great article.
Susan are you sure the satellite went down or Sarah Palin looked like shit so FOX turned off the video feed?
Damn, first they treat Sarah Palin like shit by fact checking her, then according to Susan, Fox shuts off the camera feed on her.
ReplyDeleteSomebody is having fun with Sarah.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving Ho.
DeleteWhile Hannity was doing his intro for Sarah, he said she was delayed for a few minutes and wasn't ready yet to make her appearance. Then, she arrives in as a phone interview. Then, he explains that the satellite went down. So, she was supposed to be on camera, but satellite went down?
ReplyDeleteThat means Sarah wasn't wearing her titties or wig.
DeleteSarah Palin only has one job, a couple of minutes every two weeks and she can't show up on time?
DeleteShe must have been too burnt out. Taking Piper cliff jumping and all. It could be many things. Doubt it was the satellite. More like someone saw how she looked and pulled the plug.
DeleteShe is so dumb she will allow Roger and Fox to humiliate her. What else can she do? Who would let her say what she really wants to say? Greta and Hannity are all she has now.
Who is her agent, Todd? He must be scrambling to get her better work. Or he went back to his old job. Piper took her to the farm.
I remember reading in the Palin emails that Todd would email the staff to let them know what "mood" Sarah was in.
DeleteIt's entirely possible she wasn't in the "mood" for tv tonight.
Todd was probably wiping her ass, and cleaning the shit stains out of her drawers, with one of his infamous wash cloths.
DeleteAnyone who has been paying attention knows she is fact-free. What's to check?
ReplyDeleteTodd must have put her falsies in the dryer by mistake, and they shrunk. Satellite down is code for 'wig and falsies out of commission'.
ReplyDeleteOMG!! That outfit! And the fake ta ta's. What a tart. Look at the outfit the other woman is wearing. Tasteful and simple. Palin looks like a street walker. Imagine her Jon's disappointment when he finds out the titties are fake. And his shock when he finds something extra under the skirt?? LOL!!
ReplyDeleteHoly shit - just read Dean's op -ed. Took me all of three minutes.
ReplyDeleteOmigosh, $carah was fact free, as usual. First, Sebelius didn't intervene in the Murhnaghan case because she didn't have authority to do so, btu did do what was within her authority - review the policy:
As far as the Medicare IAPB, this has nothing to do with death panels. It is a mechanism for reduicing overall spending:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Payment_Advisory_Board
Dean's op-ed was primarily about his new lobbyist gig.
One more time and ALL together now.... STOOOOOOOOOOPID $CARAH
You know I have big boobs and I suppose it's been alright, they get noticed for better or worse. I really don't know what it would be like otherwise. And I've even considered getting a reduction. So I can't help to imagine if I showed up to work one day with B cups. I mean I'm sure people would notice. So what exactly does SP think she's pulling off?? It's just weird big boobs one day and flat chest the next. And come on people notice but don't say a thing. Her boobs are like her whole schtick, pulling off an obvious hoax but no one says anything.
ReplyDeleteThat is the woman that strapped on a belly so she could be mother of the year from a wonderful family. What's a couple of inflatables to a star shape shifter?
DeleteIf tonight's interview with Hannity is any indication, Fox is rather "over" Mrs. Palin. She was given only a telephone interview as her "satellite connection" was down and then she was only given a 5 minute question and answer with Hannity and even then her faithful found her "off her game". Ted Cruz also was given short shrift, timewise, but Karl Rove was the star of the show. Looks like Fox News might be finally muzzling the Tea Party folks, so sad, NOT!
ReplyDeleteCruz offered to debate Rove, for what reason I'm not certain as Rove is a pundit, and not running for any office. Last I heard political debates usually happen betwixt candidates, but hey, Rove would eat Cruz for breakfast and then have an early lunch because he was still hungry, so yeah, go for it Cruz.
The P's are having a meltdown over Mrs. Palin only being allowed to speak for such a brief time and they are wondering if this "satellite malfunction" is just an excuse to muzzle her.
HA, Ha, ha! Slow clapping and giggling....
Here's another thing. The C4P's call themselves "Palinistas" and then turn around and say that those who don't like her suffer from "PDS" (Palin Derangement Syndrome).
ReplyDeleteTo me it seems as if they are the ones who are obsessed and not those of us who are critical of her.
Just sayin.
When's the last time you heard someone call themselves an "Obamanista". Yeah, never, I know.
These people are simply unhinged and operate like a cult, yet they love to turn around and point the finger at her detractors. A very odd lot, that one, considering that even Palin herself runs away from an actual dinner engagement with a room full of her worshippers. What does that tell us?
Perhaps, as crazy as she is, Mrs. Palin isn't EVEN as crazy as her cult.
Delightful. Fox must want to get rid of them as graceful as possible before any serious election season. I am disappointed if we can't see Sarah's wigs. They have more vibrancy and are more interesting then any of her moose crap.
ReplyDeleteWonder if Alisyn (with one "i" and a "y") is on Lady Tata's enemy list?
ReplyDeleteHey Tata - that's what friends are for! Call you out on your bullshit.
Would have loved to seen her face when she saw this! After all she did for Roger, this is the thanks she gets?
Hope her next paycheck bounces!
I tuned in to Hannity at the 1/4 hour mark and he was already into his interview with Rove. I assume he wouldn't have Mrs. Palin on after Rove, after her very public dis of Rove.
ReplyDeleteHopefully I will be able to "hear" Mrs. Palin on IM.
Maybe Sarah was on her period and couldn't show up on Hannity?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous5:30 PM
ReplyDeleteShoot. Just shoot. I won't get to see her. Todd probably couldn't get her out of bed in time to do the "show."
"Click any moron of your choice to see video"
ReplyDeleteGood one Gryph
Sarah, you can WIN the Senate race in Alaska! Simply talk about Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers during all your stump speeches, nobody will stop you now!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin should run for the Alaska senate seat, she can beat Obama.
ReplyDeleteDear idiot at 10:44--Alaska has two Senate seats.
DeleteOur wonderful President isn't running for Senate from the state of Alaska.
Sarah isn't well-loved in Alaska. In fact, she is detested. She is just trying to pump up her PAC funds by getting all you ignorant panty-sniffers stirred up.
Besides, it is hard to run for Senate in Alaska when you live in Arizona. With a pimp.
But I suspect you already know that.
Sarah Palin I say run for Senator of Alaska and then after you win, submit a request to the Alaska state legislature for per diem to live in Arizona. Don't worry, they will pay you again. It worked last time.
ReplyDeleteI see 3 laptops and a stack of papers. Is that her "hillbilly apple" ?
ReplyDeleteStupid son of a bitch is still in denial.
ReplyDeleteIn a wide-ranging interview with The New Republic published Tuesday, Sen John McCain (R-AZ) praised former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, his running mate in the 2008 presidential race, for "exciting" the GOP base in a way the senator couldn't achieve.
Asked if it "bothered" him when people said his legacy was choosing Palin as his running mate in 2008, McCain said "no."
"We were four points down when I chose her and three points up afterwards," he told the magazine. "She held her own and, some people said, won a debate with the vice president. She did everything I ever wanted. She excited our base in a way I was unable to achieve."
I betcha Sarah Palin knows a lot of his underhanded campaign secrets and McCain is afraid to piss Palin off.
DeleteSarah Palin has that old geezer by his shriveled up nut sack. If he goes against her then she would squeeze his sack and tell FOX everything about the campaign until he dropped to his knees.
DeleteMcCain should finish the thought. "We were four points down when I chose her and three points up afterwards. Then we lost the general election by seven."
DeleteThat was one hell of a blow job she gave him. Todd probably has it on tape.
DeleteMcCain remember this? This was your dumbass running mate!
ReplyDeleteLarry Kudlow of CNBC's "Kudlow & Co." asked her about the possibility of becoming McCain's ticket mate.
Palin replied: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?
What is it exactly McCain's vp pick does?
This is the imbecile leading the Republican senate choice in Alaska? Alaska deserves her!
Delete"...somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"
Deletea) Apparently no one ever did answer the question for her, and
b) God forbid the lazy dolt should look it up herself.
Please, Anon 7:09--I don't know who is pushing the idea that Sarah Palin would be a viable Senate candidate, but it isn't the Republican establishment in Alaska. Read the comments on *any* article in an Alaskan source about this and you will see the public overwhelmingly is sick of the former half-term governor. You see, real Alaskans have no use of quitters and whiners and Sarah is both in spades.
DeleteSo you can keep your contempt of Alaskans if you must but up here our motto is: Won't be fooled again.
Sarah Palin has established herself as perhaps the most ignorant commentator ever to speak in public. From lessons about Paul Revere warning the British, to building dikes to stop the Gulf Oil leak, she seems to amaze with her total inability to register any reading on the IQ scale....
This is the imbecile leading the Republican senate choice in Alaska? Alaska deserves her!
DeleteYeah, clueless person at 7:22--we heard you the first time. And this Alaskan doesn't agree with you.
DeleteSarah Palin would never be elected for anything in Alaska - even dog catcher. She quit her governorship - has a pimp for a husband (that is hiding out the recent past months) - is a fraud and a liar.
DeleteAlaskans are NOT that stupid! Yea, Mark Begich!!!!
I like that picture because Palin had obviously thought she was so incredibly hot in her trashy, tacky, clueless, slutty getup and she was just going to wow everyone with her triumphant, victorious, condescending, return to the airwaves.
ReplyDeleteYet it is abundantly clear that she was extremely uncomfortable and lacked confidence on that couch.
She clearly felt like an outsider but couldn't figure out why. No one was bowing down to her, and some little corner of her tiny brain was scrabbling to figure out why the other women, with their plain Jane simple clothing and shoes somehow looked... better? Younger? Hotter?! No, that couldn't be!
But, but, then what? And why are they asking me trick questions about other people? Why aren't they asking about me? I don't understand how they can think there is something to ask about or talk about besides me! I don't get it! This is not how it is supposed to be!
I do live a tasty dish of schadenfreude, especially when seasoned lightly with Palin's cluelessness.
You nailed that comment, Nefer!
DeleteAs for me, it's the shoes...I just can't get past the shoes! And the outfit! Who would wear that get-up to a nationally televised appearance? Megan is looking at her like she is some kind of lab experiment gone horribly, disastrously wrong.
She looked like ten pounds of crazy, stuffed into a five pound crazy sack.
Oh oh John McCain's vp pick won't like this. No mention of Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteSen. John McCain, R-Ariz., isn't making many friends among the conservative wing of the Republican Party these days. In an interview published Tuesday at the New Republic, he slammed the Tea Party, called Fox News "schizophrenic" on certain issues and called Hillary Clinton a "rock star."He also said that in a presidential matchup between Hillary Clinton and Rand Paul, he would have a tough time deciding who to support.....
First FOX and Friends turned on Sarah and now McCain. Who's next, Todd?
DeleteIf McCain doesn't give Rand Paul a chance then he doesn't give Palin any chance at all against Hillary
Delete"With 58 percent of Alaska voters saying they have an unfavorable opinion of her, Palin trailed incumbent Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) by 12 points in a hypothetical general election matchup."
...only 58% Gryph?
Sarah Palin's PAC funds consultants but few candidates
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's leadership PAC spent nearly $500,000 during the first six months of the year, and made just one donation to a political candidate, new campaign filings show.Much of Sarah PAC's money went to operating expenses, including more than $217,000 paid to consultants and more than $124,000 on postage and mailings. More than $48,000 covered airfare and other travel expenses.....
The political action committee made a single campaign contribution during the first six months of the 2013 — a slow period in the political calendar. It donated $5,000 to Republican Jason Smith, who won a special election in Missouri to fill former representative Jo Ann Emerson's House seat."The PAC has the resources ready to contribute to whomever the governor decides to support and endorse during the 2014 election cycle," its treasurer Tim Crawford said in an e-mail WedneThe political action committee made a single campaign contribution during the first six months of the 2013 — a slow period in the political calendar. It donated $5,000 to Republican Jason Smith, who won a special election in Missouri to fill former representative Jo Ann Emerson's House seat."The PAC has the resources ready to contribute to whomever the governor decides to support and endorse during the 2014 election cycle," its treasurer Tim Crawford said in an e-mail Wednesday.
"The PAC has the resources ready to contribute to whomever the governor decides to support and endorse during the 2014 election cycle," its treasurer Tim Crawford said in an e-mail Wednesday.
DeleteBullshit! SarahPac has a history of giving little to political candidates
That means she will be making another donation to the Bacon Belly Bristol baby factory.
DeleteSarah Palin’s leadership political action committee has taken a fundraising nosedive this year — and most of the money it has raised isn’t directly going toward helping her fellow Republicans seeking office, new Federal Election Commission filings show.SarahPAC brought in more than $460,000 during the first six months of the year, a sizable amount by most PAC’s standards. But the haul falls well short of what the former GOP vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor’s PAC raised at the same points during the past two years.
ReplyDeleteBy the end of June 2012, for example, Palin’s PAC had raised nearly $1.2 million on the year. In 2011, that figure stood closer to $1.7 million.
SarahPAC spent about $500,000 during the first half of 2013 and had more than $1.1 million cash on hand through June 30, FEC filings indicate.Palin’s PAC spent the vast majority of that money on consultants, travel, speechwriting and other logistical fees.
Huff Posr
SarahPAC spent about $500,000 during the first half of 2013
DeleteWhat did they spend it on? Salaries?
Looks like less morons are giving to Sarah Palin
DeleteFirst, the spending picture: In the first six months of 2013, Sarah PAC spent $496,505.68. That's $35,967.85 more than the PAC was able to raise. To be clear, Sarah PAC isn't in debt: In the latest filing, the PAC reports having $1,113,971.25 on hand....
Delete....The way Sarah PAC is spending its money may be a bit more concerning. According to the FEC filing, the PAC spent just $5,000 in contributions to political candidates. That money went to Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., who won a special election this June. The rest? It went to expenses and consultant fees. That includes $7,500 apiece to Grey Strategies and NorthStar Strategies, and $15,640 to Advanced Response Systems. Oh, and at least $11,5000 a month went to just one consultant.
National Journal
WTF? And Sarah Palin considers herself a conservative.
ReplyDeleteFirst, the spending picture: In the first six months of 2013, Sarah PAC spent $496,505.68. That's $35,967.85 more than the PAC was able to raise.
National Journal
Sarah was obviously marketed to the old and white Republican geezer crowd - similar to a blow-up doll that they could pleasure themselves with. Instead of putting a bag over her head, they like what they see in her face with imaginings of her sucking their manhood - which speaks volumes of guys thinking with the wrong head.
ReplyDeleteThen, they defend her to their deaths but not before pulling out their wallets and sending her their security check monies with the higher Repub bigwigs donating corporate funds during the 2008 presidential campaign and sponsoring her at talking events which cost them a fortune. But the negative IQ types lined up anyway.
Anybody see the movie 'Idiocracy'? But I digress..
The Tea Party, was NOT a grassroots movement. It was funded by Ed Koch and others. Amazing what people believe - they had NO idea how they were and are being used. Notice how Sarah stepped in and was dubbed 'the queen of the Tea Party'. That was hilarious.
Sarah, now left on her own, cannot figure out how to professionally dress and cannot understand why her memorized rhetoric isn't pushing anybody's buttons anymore other than her dementia followers. And presently, she is attacking her own. How funny is that? Hello API? We have a new patient for you.
Maybe it's the incest, the meth, the coke, whatever; the woman is clearly out of touch with reality and has been for her entire life, except when it came to stealing materials for her house on the dead lake, taking out Curtis Menard Jr. (the father of her oldest and only biological son), and taking out anybody else that got in her way. The body count is there.
Alaskans are highly aware of Sarah's deadly and manipulative ways. Even if she ran against Mark Begich (all hat, no cattle), she would not even make the primary. First and foremost, Alaskans don't like quitters of any venue.
IMO, people like Sarah don't live to be old and wise. Enjoy the show while you can as Sarah won't last much longer. Will you miss the SP show? I will. Sort of.