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"Hey, that didn't happen!" |
This, ex-Romney aides contend, NEVER happened.
Courtesy of The Salt Lake Tribune:
A former 2012 Romney spokesman says that obviously pure fiction.
"You all would have heard about that if it had happened" in the real campaign, says Ryan Williams, a Romney campaign spokesman who traveled with the former Massachusetts governor. The show "doesn't seem to be very close to the truth," he adds.
Well thank goodness they cleared up the fact that a fictional character's experiences as depicted on a fictional show were in fact fictional.
Gee I simply cannot understand how the Romney campaign managed to lose that election.
However on a more serious note, the Harper character's frustration about the talking points and limited access to the candidate were well documented by reporters during the actual campaign. So THAT part, you know the part that was the point of the fictional interpretation, WAS based in fact.
Pardon the O/T, but Gryph? Better take a look at this, like we didn't already know it. Now there's a tape.
Is at any surprise that people who think Jesus came to America and that the barbed wire and guard towers surrounding Chinese factories are to keep people OUT, have difficulty discerning what is real and what is not?
ReplyDeleteWell, Jesus could walk on water, and well, if you wear something called "magic underwear" then you've pretty much been indoctrinated to the point that you'll do and believe in ANYTHING :-)
DeleteIt was well documented that during the last days of the campaign 20+ days Romney Refused to talk to the press. He refused to go on The View (with those "sharp tounged women") The Nicolodian to speak with children etc. His campaign knew that when he opened his mouth he shot himself in the foot. And now they lying MF says he never said his infamous 47% statement. Even tho it is on tape.Unfucking believable.
ReplyDeleteYes, they're very good at fiction, as in Mitt Romney recently saying "that's not what I said" about the 47%.
ReplyDeleteAs you say, how in the world did he manage to lose that election! Workin' at it, making sure there was at least one demonstration of total dysfunction a day, that's how.
ReplyDeleteLet me paraphrase a recent Romney quote:
ReplyDelete"Actually, I didn't say (the 47% remarks - recorded on videotape) that. But people perceived that I said them. So I had to respond to that perception. Because perception is reality."
In Mittens mind, perception = reality. All through his campaign, it was more about "playing the part" of a presidential candidate.
He and his team were all about IMAGE, not substance. So when a tv series portrays his campaign in less than a flattering light, they all freak out. Because to them, fiction = fact.
As for Mittens himself, I can't decide if he is a pathological liar, or has had some kind of break with reality since losing the election. It's as though the existence of recording devices with a playback function is a mystery to him.
I think that must be part of the Mormon mindset: reality is what they say, not what it really is. The Romney crowd must be ballistic over the portrayal of their campaign in the HBO series. Remember that this is the network that created "Big Love."
It is hard to get over the inanity and stupidity of Mitt Romney and any and everyone connected with his campaign. Thank God he did not win!
Not to mention "you people" Ann as First Lady!
DeleteHEY! Give the guy a break! He had enough problems just keeping his foot out of his mouth! Don't ask him (them) to understand what "fiction" means - or ask him (them) to tell the truth, either. He's MORMON! They don't HAVE to tell the truth. After all, if they can lie for jesus, they can lie for/about anything!
Mittens has had a buffer zone cadre his entire life. Why would anyone think his campaign would be different?
ReplyDeleteMitt's reality was he was winning the election before election day. He and the campaign's reality was "yeah, we are winning!" even after not winning Ohio and the next states.
DeleteMaybe he was told factual polling numbers but told himself fiction!
Oh for fucks sake, are these former Romney people slow learners, cause only a total retard would make a stink about SOMETHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED ON A FICTIONAL TEE VEE SHOW.
ReplyDeleteThank God Mitt and his band of idiots never made it to the White House.
Virginia Voter
Um, 1:22, you need to re-read Gryphen's last paragraph up there!
Delete"...documented by reporters during the actual campaign."
Me thinks [him] doth protest too much.
ReplyDelete(the facts of Newsroom might not be real, but a nerve was sure hit!!!)
That's because the Romney campaign disdained the press so much. Remember how he wouldn't talk with reporters; the only interviews were carefully scripted and they were few and far between. I think the "Newsroom" treatment is just so on target. I wish the reporters had revolted!
Most of us know that Republicans have no idea what HUMOR is...so it appears that the dysfunctional mental condition extends to not being able to distinguish between reality, and a dramatic television show.
ReplyDeleteThe elderly among us will recall back when another PRETEND politician got all the way up to vice president (Dan Quayle) and ranted about how the character Murphy Brown acted sinfully, on a comedy show...revealing to many who were unaware of it, just how utterly stupid the man was.
Like Romney, he LOOKED good, with the right hair, etc. That the public uses that as the main criteria for voting, reveals a lot about US, too!
I had forgotten about Dan Quayle but you're so right! What is it with these people? Are they living on planet earth along with us or on some other planet?
In Romney's case, its the planet Kolob.
DeleteI keep hearing that more Mormons are fleeing their "church" due to having found out just how batshit crazy its teachings are, thanks to the internet being chock full of that stuff, during Mitt's campaign.
Not exactly the legacy he had wished for (being the cause of a huge downturn in members of his silly "faith.")
Off topic, but not really:
ReplyDeleteLeaked Audio Tape Proves that Republicans Are Conspiring to Manufacture Obama Scandals http://www.politicususa.com/2013/07/30/wife-conservative-supreme-court-judge-conservative-activists-blogs-conspire-force-benghazi-scandal-gop.html via @politicususa
Pass it on.
Even Greta pissed and moaned about having to stay on a bus during his pilgrimage to Isreal and yadda yadda yadda...
ReplyDeleteHey, Mitt, once it's squeezed, you can't put the Ben Gay back in the tube.
I'm trying so hard to like 'Newsroom'... but the dialogue is so forced and rapid-fire that it comes off as completely unbelievable. Plus the characters are so whiny and unlikable I hope they all get fired and divorced or whatever. This is Aaron Sorkin's little dream world we are seeing. As a lifelong left-wing pinko socialist, I think I am qualified to say that an irritating liberal is WAY more irritating than an irritating conservative.
ReplyDeleteThis is the same Mitt Romney that wants airplane windows to open in case of fire.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know that if America had elected Mitt Romney, he'd still be arguing over whether or not he made that famous 47 percent quote. You know, the one on tape. Apparently, he thinks we forget or something (or that Google disintegrates after 200 days.) David Corn:
ReplyDeletePoor Mitt Romney. He seems unable to come to terms with one of the most significant episodes in his public life: the 47 percent video that undercut his chance of becoming president of the United States.
Sunday's Washington Post featured an article adapted from reporter Dan Balz's new 2012 campaign book, Collision 2012, and the excerpt focused on Romney's take on why he entered the race and why he lost. Toward the end of the article, which was based on a series of interviews Balz conducted with Romney, the twice-failed Republican presidential candidate was forced to confront his 47-percent remarks, and he just couldn't do so forthrightly.
There's a shocker.
[Romney] was in California and said at first he couldn’t get a look at the video. His advisers were pushing him to respond as quickly as he could. "As I understood it, and as they described it to me, not having heard it, it was saying, 'Look, the Democrats have 47 percent, we’ve got 45 percent, my job is to get the people in the middle, and I’ve got to get the people in the middle,'" he said. "And I thought, 'Well, that’s a reasonable thing.'... It's not a topic I talk about in public, but there's nothing wrong with it. They've got a bloc of voters, we've got a bloc of voters, I've got to get the ones in the middle. And I thought that that would be how it would be perceived—as a candidate talking about the process of focusing on the people in the middle who can either vote Republican or Democrat. As it turned out, down the road, it became perceived as being something very different."
In other words, he tried to pull one over on Dan Balz. What Romney actually said of course, was:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what… These are people who pay no income tax..."[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
David Corn should know, he was the guy that got the tape and broke the story...and most likely ended Mitt Romney's 2012 run cold. But he's outright lying to the DC press, because they figure they still won't hold him accountable for his own actions. They figured we forgot. We did...we just didn't forget why he lost.