Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to complain about respect for the non-religious in the military. Update!

Courtesy of Aimee Simpleton McFearscience's Facebook page:

Cowardly Christians can't feign shock as it snowballs. Will free people cower to intolerant radicals; where are the Daniels in the lion's den? You know where this is headed. If military chaplains are censored and banned from doing their jobs speaking about faith, there will be no military chaplains, which is the radicals' goal. And the radical minority won't stop there. Will you cower and cover your eyes and ears to all this? Or will you rise up in defense of freedom? 

Now the article that has Palin's crusty panties in a twist is this one concerning the fact that a defamatory column had been removed from the Elmendorf-Richardson Base in Anchorage, Alaska newsletter: 

A chaplain at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska was ordered to remove a religious column he had written titled, “No Atheists in Foxholes: Chaplains Gave all in World War II,” because it allegedly offended atheists serving on the Air Force base.

Col. Brian Duffy, the base commander told Fox News the column was removed “out of respect for those who considered its title offensive.” 

“The 673d Air Base Wing does not advocate any particular religion or belief set over another and upon learning of the complaints from some readers, the article was promptly removed,” he said. “We regret any undue attention this article may have brought to any particular group or individuals.”

Yes how dare a branch of the government resist the urge to promote a religious belief or insult soldiers who may not embrace Christianity.

And how can Palin and her fellow Teavangelists continue to find new sheep to shear if religion is kept out of public schools and no longer promoted in an environment when many young men and woman are at their most vulnerable, and when they are being trained to respect their leaders and follow their orders and suggestions without question, like the military?

And of course the idea that there are no atheists in foxholes is a ridiculous contention that has been promoted by Christian leaders in this country for years, with no proof to support their claim.  Of course there ARE atheists who join the military, fight in wars, and give their lives for this country. Perhaps the most famous example of that was Pat Tillman who volunteered for the military after 9-11 and gave up a very promising professional football career to do so.

Or was he one of the "intolerant radicals" of whom Sarah Palin speaks?

Update: By the way it should be noted that there are so many Atheists in the military that they have their own monument in, of all places, Alabama.

Look if you are dedicating you life to your country, and putting yourself in harm's way in battles thousands of miles from home, your country should at the very least have the courtesy not to insult your faith, or lack thereof.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Excuse me Sarah, you are a member of what church?

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM


    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      How much money has Sarah tithed to her church? 10% of her annual income? Bristol, whose blog is hosted on a Christian website, Bristol too?

    3. Anonymous2:59 PM

      They're way too busy to go to church according to Bristol.

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I forget, did Keith Olbermann say she was an idiot or a fu*king idiot????

    What a despicable piece of self-serving shit on a platter. There is no logic, truth or honor in anything she ever says yet there is always someone out there ready and willing to give her a podium from which to screech .

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sarah the only prayers you fuckers do is pray that the statute of limitations run out on that son of a bitch wimpy pimp perverted husband of yours you pieces of shit.

  4. angela12:53 PM

    I grew up with christians. I have a whole lot of christians in my family.
    I am not a christian, but----neither is Palin. She is actually the type of person my extremely christian grandma told me to stay away from. These people preach in the street then go back home and give their family hell and do extremely nasty things out of everyone's sight.

    If the cow had the power she'd use her fake religious values to jail and torture. She is so very obvious in her idiocy and is the perfect fake foil for shouting out intolerance and getting attention.

    Will someone close to her just finally shut this rancid piece of flesh up by opening up her closet full of horrors for all to see?

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      So it's not $carah Barracuda, but $carah Torquemada, Angela? I suspected as much.

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    God she's a feckless idiot!!

  6. lostinmn1:04 PM

    What Sara doesn't understand, or maybe she does, is that the Chaplaincy in the military has been slowly but surely invaded by dominionists and other fringe evagelicals. Back in the old days a chaplain supported men of all faith or none at all. There were no requirements you attend church and you could talk to a chaplain much like you would talk to a counselor. As the dominionists took over certain sectors of the military they began inserting their far right christian beliefs into their support. That's what's caused much of the turmoil in the chaplains programs. As long as a Chaplain knows his or her place in the scheme of things I've no problem with them being there but once they step over that thin line they should be shoved aside to let real non-denominational chaplains ply their trade. As for Sara, when I see she's regularly attending church then I'll listen to her christian message. I'll still reject it but I'll respect she's speaking to her actions instead of just shooting off her botoxed mouth about something she take no part in.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Her actions? Her actions are no more Christian than night is day. The very kind of (cough) Christian (cough) that Jesis warned His followers to stay the hell away from.

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      I think a lot of the new "christian" push in the military is due to the lowered standards of the people that are being pushed into military service, basically those that enlist because their lives are at a dead end; no high school degree, no GED, wayward teens that need to find some sort of grounding.

      I believe that the military is ramping up this christian message because they have a bunch of misguided boys and girls on their hands whose parents never gave them any sort of education or guidance and it's all they can do to control them and teach them discipline and send them off to be blown up by IEDs, which is much more palatable if one has found the secret to immortality through heaven and Jesus.

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

      The chaplain's role is to support the needs of the troops, not to impose his or her view on the troops.

      Gryphen's comment about Pat Tilman compels the question: is THIS (the fact he was discovered by his fellow troops to be an atheist) the real reason for why he was gunned down by 'friendly fire' – and then why that (perhaps deliberate) event was so doggedly covered up at such a high level for such a long time???? Tilman's atheism should compel an inquiry, asking person by person of those who served with him, about what really happened and why. I'm not making an allegation, but merely raising questions.

    4. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Meh....who knows what happened there. Conspiracy theories are what the bitch and her ilk are made of. Such a stupid pic of her above when we ALL know who she is down deep.

      "Keep the Christ in Christmas." Yeah, right, skank. One look at your family screams FRAUD.

    5. Anonymous7:44 PM

      lostinmn, you have stated the Chaplain situation very well...thank you for your post.


  7. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Todd Starnes is one of the most disgusting, scummy, right wing asshole people at FOX and he's the one who is spinning his up. No surprise. Google him and see the kind of filth he spews on his Twitter and Facebook.

  8. Randall1:12 PM

    Poor Sarah...
    Poor stupid, stupid Sarah...

    poor thing can't wrap her mind around FREEDOM.
    She just doesn't understand the concept.
    I don't think she has the capacity.

  9. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Let the woman rant already. Ain't nobody but C4Pers and IMers paying any attention anyway.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      You mean RAM. She does the Facebook crapola.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Oh, she will rant, whether it's a high school class of 25 or to her family when she's mad about getting fired again from Fox "news".

      But as long as she continues her road show of stupidity, I intend to laugh and invite others to enjoy the freak show.

      After all, it's free to everyone except the useful idiots who dig deep into their savings hidden in the coffee canister of top of their fridge in order to give their best *love gift* to the Grifter's QuitterPAC, just so she won't have to sit in a middle seat in the back of the plane next to a lavatory on the 3 or 4 hops in a puddle-jumper on the way to South DaFuckingKota. (Or is it N.Dakota that is our ally?)

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      It's a dog whistle to her fan base. Give money so I can fight those heathens who want to take away your religion. Never mind that the military has rules regarding preaching outside of an organized religious service. Sarah found found another bone and she won't let go of it. (She has written about this before, and no one cares).

    4. Anonymous2:14 PM

      RAM is a very very unhappy and bitter person. Sarah's soulmate.

    5. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Sarah and her followers don't know the difference between faith (which is lived, and which bears lovely fruit in the lives of others) and religion (which is orated and barren).

    6. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Anon # 3:25 - well said! I enjoy people of true faith but I move away from religious people. There is a huge difference between the two that you have eloquently described.

    7. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Come on RAM, you are better than this. This can't be your best stuff.

  10. OMG...that crazy ass teacher Adrienne "Token" Ross posted a video blog about this at the Asylum! She is STILL chasing after Baldy's stank ass! Here's the video!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      "and they are coming for you next" "an attack against our liberties"

      hahahahahahaha not sure which one is crazier Sarah or the youtube lady.
      Thanks for the laugh GinaM

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      GinaM, I can't watch that! There is something wrong with that poor woman. I hope that her close friends and family will consider an intervention. The body language, her eyes, rocking back and forth, the extreme facial expressions, they are all so telling. Sarah Palin's biggest fan, OMG!

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Gina if you were prettier and thinner you might not be so jealous of Sarah's wit and beauty. That photo of yours is none too flattering.

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Just what kind of school does Adrienne nut job Ross teach at?? If it isn't a private Christian school, I hope someone has notified the school a out how over the top and bizarre her adoration of "the Guv" goes. Now I'm not saying to out her. I just wouldn't want her teaching my kids..

    5. Anonymous3:13 PM

      I know, 2:16, isn't that photo HIDEOUS? Anyone who looked like that must be completely hateful, maybe even hateful enough to actually work for Sarah Palin (RAM).

    6. Anonymous3:16 PM

      2:16 Obviously you are a Palinbot who does not know that Gina's Avatar is a photo of Sarah Palin's Ghostwriter, Rebecca Mansour. And if you think that Sarah Palin has beauty and wit, you are a delusional Pimp's Wife's worshiper.
      Sarah Palin might not like your criticism of her Top Aide. Without all of the Liposuction, and Plastic Surgery, Sarah would look just like Gina's Avatar, you are one uninformed sheep.

    7. *GinaM speaking in a golf announcers whisper throws out her fishing pole with a tiny bit of moose shit bait attached to her lure...uh oh she looks like she has a looks like she's SNAGGED a BIG ONE folks*

      LMAO @ 2:16PM

      You troll....are quite the DUMBASS!

      If you only knew!


    8. Anonymous2:07 PM & Anonymous2:32 PM

      Y'all gotta understand that "Token" Ross is a Palinbot from WAAYYY back! This crazy chick made a pilgrimage to Alaska to to see Baldy and company but when she got there she found out that Baldy made the screech to step down as "Guv"!

      She ended up staying and meeting the Creepy Chuck's and may have given CreepyJr a little sumptin sumptin on the side to remember her by...WONK WONK...uh....I mean WINK WINK! LOL!!

      She's a teacher in upstate NY...her family looks and treats her like she's INSANE because of her OBSESSION for all things Baldy!

      I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Token sleeps with a pair of Baldy's old crusty panties under her pillow every night! The only question is....where did she get em'? wanna answer that?


    9. angela3:38 PM

      Oh good dog. Adrienne is still pining away to be besties with the Quitta. I think Adrienne needs to stop whatever it is she is doing and move to Wasilla. I'm sure Sarah has room for another fake stalker on the payroll. I'm sure she can pay her in old 2008 RNC clothes.

    10. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Another uninformed bot who doesn't know that Gina's avatar is none other than a picture of RAM.
      You are in soooooooo much trouble 2:16!!
      You just insulted one of Palin's bestie postage receivers lol!!!!

    11. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Y'all have no sense of humor. I'm 2:16 and I was joking about Gina's avatar because of the skirmish with Sarah's #1 fan 😊

    12. Posted at the Asylum....things that make you go....hmmmmmmmm....

      chuckjr • 3 hours ago −
      Go get em' Adrienne! Excellent job.

      Maybe we should start a, "I am Daniel" campaign. It's time to stand up.

      Adrienne Ross chuckjr • 2 hours ago
      I love that idea, Chuck!

      I bet she does..."love that idea"


    13. Anonymous4:28 PM

      OMG. GinaM. I am ROLLING again! I LOVE it when they take the bait. You GO, girl!

      DYING of laughter............

    14. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Sure....we believe you.....NOT!


    15. Anonymous6:23 PM

      2:16, if you would have taken the time to google Rebecca Mansour, you'd see what posters are telling you here is correct.
      GinaM's avatar IS RAM.
      Here is an article about her:

      RAM makes about $8,000 a month paid by SarahPAC.

    16. Anita Winecooler8:06 PM

      Good Job Gina!
      Can't take anyone who posts a you tube video from an outhouse serious, just sayin'

    17. Anonymous3:53 AM

      OMFG! That woman! I can't believe she is a teacher! I would yank my kids out of her class so fast.
      She's nuts! Of course she is. A AA woman who loves the racist Sarah Palin.

  11. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Any news on what words of wisdom Old MethDonald shared with the boys down on the farm?

  12. Anonymous1:22 PM

    So, let me get this straight? She is now against the Constitution? Freedom of religion (or freedom to believe however the F you want) is a basic pillar in our rights. She wants us all to only believe one way?

    Respect for others; beliefs is inherent in freedom of religion.

    I guess Sarah considers those beloved founders of hers to be unacceptable radicals. Hey, Sarah, they really were radicals in that they did not want any religionto dominate our system of government,. LIke it or not, the military has become an integral part of our governmental system.

    Suck on it, Sarah. OUr troops have the right to be free from your relgiious harping. I'd like to see your scrawny ass out on the front line and then be told you have to put up a belief system you not believe in - go home, Sarah and study the basics before you open tat silly mouth.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      YES. Remember she supported AIP big time.

  13. Anonymous1:27 PM

    A study by Oxford University psychologists suggests faith in the explanatory and revealing power of science increases in the face of stress or anxiety.[23]

    So, in fact, there are more atheists in foxholes than there were before the shelling started.

    Sarah, it's a gift that the U.S. taxpayer funds any chaplains, who, by rights, should be paid for by their denominations.

    There's a whole group called, I think, the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers. They cite, as notable atheists who've been in battle, Ted Williams, Ernest Hemingway, Pat Tillman.

    There's no expectation of requirement that a "warrior" have a belief in anything other than his country. That's what our soldiers are fighting for -- the freedom for all of us to believe whoever and however we want to.
    It's enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution, Sarah.

    Stop all your talk about "cowards" and "cowering" and that kind of pseudo-macho posturing. You don't know what you're talking about.

    By the way, what church do you and Captain America belong to? Do you tithe 10% of your income, as Jesus instructed you to do? Do you serve Him with acts of charity and kindness each day?

    I don't remember Christ talking about fighting. He said to be meek, turn the other cheek, and show your opponents the right way to live and they'll convert to your beliefs He didn't say to hit them over the head until they relent.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Oh, yeah. And Kurt Vonnegut, too, who lived through the bombing of Dresden.
      Look it up, Sarah. Here's a hint: it's in Germany. Can you name in which war it took place, who was bombing Dresden, and why?

      If not, then don't talk to us about "warriors" and "cowards" and all your bs. You know nothing about war, combat, fear, or faith.

  14. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Wasn't Pat Tillman an agnostic? And if the truth be told the "friendly fire" murder could have been committed by fundies who could not force him to pray on the battle field?

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    G, you have a typo: " fight in warts" should be "wars"

    1. Well I don't think we should shy away from battle to exterminate warts either.

  16. vegaslib1:36 PM

    When is the last time this judgmental, hypocritical asshole has been to church? I guess only "Christian" soldiers are worthy of our respect. Bullshit.

    Sarah, don't say anything else until you can say something nice. You would hear crickets if that were the case.

  17. Anonymous1:45 PM

    My dad spent a lot of time in foxholes in WWII Italy, then some time in a German prison camp. Went to Catholic Mass whenever he got the chance. In regard to the other guy(s) in the foxhole, the very last thing my dad cared about was whether they were atheist(s).

    This chaplain's newsletter article is garbage. People were right to complain. It was correct to yank it from the newsletter. The religion industry has to be taught that their product doesn't sell so well anymore.

  18. Caroll Thompson1:46 PM

    As a Navy Veteran, I can say that all in the military have a duty to uphold our constitution. The very first amendment prohibits the Government from establishing any religion. Folks can worship as they please (or not worship if they please) and the government needs to keep their nose (and their Chaplains) out of our business; be they a service member or anyone else. Chaplains in the military are there to serve those who wish those services. Chaplains who try to convert those who do not wish such services, should be shown the door.

  19. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Off topic but speaking of losers...

    Venue has less than 2400 seats but lots of tickets available STILL (with 3 days away). Haha Shitty Pants is playing to Sarah-size audiences in a city that the TeaBaggers congregate for every cross-burning or dogfight.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      And today he was publicly dissed by the NRA: the organization actually wants him kicked off the Board of Directors for being too racist.

  20. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Oops Gryphen, I think fight in warts should be fight in wars. Just sayin'


    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      The spell checker just kissed a frog.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    As a happy athiest, I almost hope there is a god, just so she could send sarah straight to Hell for her sins, of which there are many.

  22. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Did you read the article? I just did and I really didn't find anything offensive about it.

    I'm not a person that follows any sort of religious idea, and I didn't feel any sort of proselytizing was going on in the article at all.

    In fact, it was respectful to a secular point of view of 'faith' as well.

    'What is the root or object of your faith?

    Is it something you can count on in times of plenty or loss; peace or chaos; joy or sorrow; success or failure?

    Is it something you can count on in times of plenty or loss; peace or chaos; joy or sorrow; success or failure?

    What is ‘faith’ to you?'

    It was asking what is faith to you and how do you live with that concept. The basis for the article was drawn from the old quote about atheists and foxholes, but that was just part of the story. I realize that there is insidious trend toward extreme religious belief in the form of evangelical and dominionist beliefs happening in the military, but this article was no where near that. It was reasoned, thought provoking and very, very benign, so I really don't see why it was removed.

    I don't share Baldy's outrage for the reasons she's using, but I do find it hard to understand why it caused such a strong response from a secular audience.

    But then I've never been in a foxhole, either.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      The problem is that atheism isn't faith, which by definition is belief without proof or in the face of contrary proof. "Faith" is insidious - it makes adherents lazy thinkers. And in foxholes, that will get you, or your neighbor killed.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Don't be fooled. The are not talking about secular faith, no matter what they write.

      And the "no atheists in foxholes" thing is extremely insulting.

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Check out the crazy photos of "the wigged bobble head" at C for P.

  24. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I fail to see how any "Christian' chaplain can support and encourage men to kill each other. There is nothing Christian about that message. It's why so many soldiers come back from war mentally damaged for life. If you truly believe God created us, then he also created 'our enemies,' and all their wives and children as well. You can either folloow Jesus and love them, or you can follow these fake preachers from Satan and kill them. I know we know who Sarah follows.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Christianity is based upon killing others that don't share your belief, example A: The Crusades.

      All religions, except for those few peaceful ones like Buddhism, just want to wage war against anyone else that doesn't cotton to their belief system.

      This is why religion is bad, and should be exterminated.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM

      B: The Burning times.

      "Christianity is based upon killing others that don't share your belie"
      Exactly!!!! And lets not forget the "jesus rifles"!

  25. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The atheist version is better: "The only people in foxholes are atheists and fools!"

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      The only people in foxholes are those that didn't choose college.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Not anymore, my friend, not anymore.

  26. Anonymous2:34 PM

    She's an asshole. And a bore.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      She's too dirty and smelly to be an asshole.

  27. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I love that the memorial says; "atheists in foxholes".

    I remember when my atheist grandfather was dying (1972) and my grandmother told me he was talking about god. I asked my father about it and he said that you don't judge a person when they have been reduced to a child like state (my grandfather had also reverted to speaking only Polish, his native tongue), but rather how they lived their life when they were in full control of their faculties.
    I always respond to the "there are no atheists in foxholes" bullshit with "there aren't any continent soldiers either, but that doesn't mean they wore diapers all their lives".
    Just because you're scared shitless for a few moments doesn't change who you are and who you've been as a human being.

  28. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Fuck you very much John McCain for inflicting this idiot upon all of us!

  29. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Omg why does skank think farmers dress like Walmart trailer trash dollar hookers?
    Gina look at this picture from today- LOL

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Ahh Urban Cowshit

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM


      That PICTURE! Why.....what.....huh....who....have MERCY! Best thing about the picture...the top of Baldy's fucked up wig was CUT THE FUCK OFF! The rest....

      *GinaM takes a DEEP breath*

      That is one UGLY ass TrannyMAN! Why is she smiling with those fucked up "teefus"...sporting a dead animal on her head...while wearing TWO...countem....TWO shirts....half ass tucked into her pants?

      She looks like she's one hit from Beerfarting herself on the sidewalk! Look at her skeleton hand!

      As a side note....I see Baldy stopped wearing that flag bracelet....probably because we talked about it so damn much...the nasty ass skank!

      One more thing....she REALLY looks like she SMELLS.....BAD! That poor chick standing next to her looks like she's holding her breath and gritting her teeth and saying...."HURRY...HURRY...I'm about to faint from the stench"...amirite RAM or amrite! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      What, did she have a mastectomy or forget to bring her push up bra? Seriously, the upper half of Mrs. Palin goes from flat to fabulous in the time it takes to speed from one speech to another. Very odd, that Mrs. Palin is, even more odd that I thought she was when she was our Governor. A very strange woman, that one is.

    4. Needed to add....I just saw another picture of Baldy and she IS wearing the flag bracelet! It's probably fused to her bony ass arm and she's not able to remove it! LOL!!!

  30. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Not all soldiers enlist in the National Guard to avoid jail like Sarah Palin's son, CAIN'T GET RIGHT. Most Soldiers did not have an OXYCONTIN HABIT before enlisting into the Military like Sarah Palin's and Curt Menard's son. Sarah Palin should STFU about Military matters, she made sure that her son had a safe job as an Officer's Driver away from the front lines. The Governor of Alaska is in charge of the National Guard's top administrators.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Yup, I'm sure all Christians go around cutting brake lines on school buses, to kill innocent children. Show me the chapter and verse in your bible Bitch, that speaks to that. You really have to have a warrior body to pull that off huh Bitch?

  31. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hey - did I miss it?
    Where is the obligatory picture at Tri-G at summer vacation bible school......all b himself in a big auditorium.

  32. Anonymous4:27 PM

    50 years old, and taking to Facebook and Twitter like a teenager, to battle with the other girls in school. DELUSIONAL...

  33. The laughs just keep coming! Picture of Baldy from the back! Not only did she leave the big ass titties at home...she also left her ASS!

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Todd will be fapping steadily when he sees her with her 12-yr-old-boy-looking ass.

    2. Anonymous5:42 AM

      There ain't no ass at home. That is why Todd gets his ass on the street. I would not do her with RAM's dick.

  34. In this picture she's signing the back of somebody's PHONE?? WTF!!

    This must have been when she first got there...her wig still had some curl to it! LOL!!

  35. this picture...she looks straight up RETARDED!!

    The dummy never stops smiling! She's has to know that she's being controlled.....right? LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      yay gina m!!! i can always count on you to tell the real story and to keep me laughing and yes you arite!!!!

      so, explain please if you can get yourself into a skank brain-why would she wear a sparkly tank under that red blouse? i know i would wear a cami or a tank top but i really wouldn't think to wear a whole different 'top' under my top. is this her way of being edgy? hip? nah, the red flowy been used and worn and put away dirty blouse is way to "polyester blend" to be edgy or hip in any way at all so, what is the dealio with wearing the two tops gina?

      and the belt? whaddup wit dat? seriously did piper pick out her clothes and pack for her?
      and can't wait to see the shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      She's stoned, high, coked up, etc. 24/7. That is the face and outfit of a drug addict deep in addiction.

  36. Anonymous4:44 PM

    What part of the Separation of Church and State, don't these dominionists zealots not understand? The Constitution was not founded on this narrow minded bullshit. Yet they are quick to condemn Sharia law or the Taliban. How are they any different?

  37. Anonymous6:24 PM

    What's with Sarah? She's got her eyes closed and lips puckered up like she's waiting for somebody to kiss her.

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      She is having a flash back to Glenn Rice.

  38. Aimee Simpleton McFearscience! I laughed at that--like, out. Loud, even.

  39. Anita Winecooler7:48 PM

    Where are the cowardly christians who let those murdered, maimed, and injured during the Arizona Gun Site Map Massacre?

    YOU BUILT THAT, Baldy. Blood Libel my ass.

    Go in the Lion's Den yourself, coward!

  40. Beldar J Conehead5:55 AM

    "Aimee Simpleton McFearscience"

    Well played, sir!

    As only the best insults can be, it's extremely mean AND entirely warranted.

  41. Anonymous6:29 PM

    With all due respect, my teenaged son saw a book with this title and assumed it meant that no atheists are allowed in foxholes - and it others take it this way, I guess they would be offended. You have to use full sentences to avoid misunderstandings: "There Are No Atheists in Foxholes." It still might not be true, though.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.