Saturday, August 03, 2013

Attorney General nixes plan by Arkansas school district to allow teachers to carry concealed weapons. Finally, Arkansas does something intelligent!

Courtesy of USA Today:

 A plan by a small Arkansas school district to arm 20 teachers and staff with 9 mm handguns has run aground after the state attorney says the program is not covered by state law. 

The Clarksville School District was trying to mount its program using a little-known state law that is meant to apply to licensing private security agencies. 

A state lawmaker requested the opinion a day after The Associated Press reported on a plan by the school district in western Arkansas to use more the teachers and staff as volunteer security guards armed with concealed handguns. 

"Simply put, the code in my opinion does not authorize either licensing a school district as a guard company or classifying it as a private business authorized to employ its own teachers as armed guards," Attorney General Dustin McDaniel wrote.

We talked about this earlier this week, and at the time I think almost EVERYBODY knew it was a bad idea besides the school district and a handful of teachers.

The idea of introducing firearms into elementary classrooms is such an ignorant idea that I almost could not imagine that the people who came up with it were college educated.

So I am pleased beyond measure that the AG at least demonstrated  that he recognized the potential for disaster in this scenario and took measures to prevent it from happening.

I am just surprised that it had got as far as it did before somebody had the foresight to put the kibosh on it.

However prepare yourself for the inevitable campaign by the NRA to override this decision and attack the Arkansas AG for making it. Because you know it's coming.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Don't knock Arkansas -- they elected bill Clinton a bunch of times, didn't they?

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Yea, Arkansas! Guns do NOt belong in schools!

      And, thank you for helping provide us Bill and Hillary Clinton! I look forward to voting for Hillary should she put her name in the hat. Republicans have no one that can compete against her based on her knowledge, experience and debating skills! She'll kill any opposing candidate and I mean that literally!!

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      That's before the Tea Baggers turned the idiots lose and they started coming out of the woodwork Brainiac. You do remember Huckaby?

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Ah, yes. That's right. Hillary will literally kill any opponent. She's had practice turning her back on American citizens.--Benghazi!

      I won't be checking back in. The fact that most of the responses will include insults shows that ya'll are not interested in tolerance or healthy debate. Good luck with your lives. You will need it.

    4. Thanks for stopping by, Creepy, Jr.

      Yes, we know you're too busy to hang around and have your ass handed back to you because you're a coward, just like your sister. Too bad you're not nearly as good of a writer as her ghostwriters.

      But you've earned your allowance today, so we won't stop you from getting around to what's important to you--- molesting and sodomizing your nieces. The apple didn't fall very far from the tree, did it? . Fortunately, you have your kiddy-fiddlin' name, which serves as a reminder of your pervy nature. Unfortunately, you have the same compulsive habits as your daughter-molesting Dad. I pity your daughter when she reaches puberty. Hopefully, she will do what no Palin female has ever done--stand her ground. Have a nice weekend, Chuckles the Clown.

    5. SarahPAC - Cash Cow for Sarah Lou3:07 PM

      Hey CREEPY JR!

      You just got SERVED! (shut up y'all....I'm bringing this one back....along with YIPPEE KYYY AYY MOTHERFUCKERS!)


      Creepy Jr is reading this (and yes cradle robber you are reading else can you afford to pay for two families!) and wondering if that "postage" stamp is worth reading about his nasty proclivities!

      Better call RAM and have her try and clean your shit up Creep! Good luck with getting RAM to put down her plate of food to defend your nasty ass though! LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Yeah, we really believe you won't be checking back.

  2. Don't worry, hours and hours of important legislative time all over the nation is being wasted trying to get guns in to schools. More boneheaded legislator time will be thrown away on that than will ever be devoted to improving teaching and learning in schools.

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    As a nurse that has worked on the mental health floor at my local hospital, I have cared for several of my children's teachers during their inpatient stays at the hospital. They had been admitted with different problems; some with depression, some with bipolar disorder. There were also two incidents over the years in surrounding district where teachers snapped and assaulted student.

    Police officers are required to undergo psychiatric testing prior to employment; are these schools bothering to do anything similar?

  4. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

    Whew! The AG did the right thing, the kids in Alabama deserve an environment that's conducive to learning, ALL kids deserve that.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.