Friday, August 09, 2013

Australia went and got them their own Sarah Palin. Always have to copy us don't you Aussies?

Courtesy of Raw Story:

 Banister, who is currently facing criminal charges for engaging in anti-Muslim hate-based acts of vandalism, is running to represent her native Queensland in the Australian Parliament. She is representing the far-right One Nation party and hopes to make Australia an overtly hostile environment to Muslims. 

The 27-year-old mother of two told Australia’s Channel Seven, “I don’t oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia.” 

She also said that she would outlaw the Quran.

My favorite part of this story is that virtually EVERYBODY who covered it immediately compared this lunatic to Sarah Palin. This was also included in Raw Story's coverage:  

The woman who some are calling “Australia’s Sarah Palin” went on to say that she supports “the Jews” because “they follow Jesus Christ” (they don’t) and that while she would outlaw halal food — which she repeatedly referred to as “haram food” — she would allow kosher food to remain in stores because it doesn’t carry a tax like “haram food.” (It does.)

This is how HuffPo introduced the story:  

Could this be Australia's Sarah Palin?

And the Daily Mail posted this picture.

 With this caption:

Some have compared Ms Banister to former U.S. vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Remember way back when we predicted that someday Sarah Palin would be a national laughingstock who would be used as the barometer for judging the stupidity or insanity of a given politician?

Yeah? Well "someday" has arrived.

Even ALL the way over in Australia.


  1. Will Palin comment? Probably not, until she figures out what country Australia is in. Then she will explain what an iconic leader Ms. Banister will make after she takes office to lead the freedom living people of Vienna, a small country in the continent of Austria, where the Queen of Vienna lives (Queensland!) when not being the Head of State of Parliament in the city of Britain.

    She will graciously explain how her servant's heart is humbled at so too having this great opportunity there to as always in these uncertain socialist times to lead the way of this real woman as she refudiates the country of Islam (makes perfect sense!) for the peace-loving, freedom-slurping peoples of the idyllicly iconic great land whereof we speak so often as the nation of Australania in the heart of the shores of the Mediterranean, that great lake where so many have drowned over all these years to defend our guns and church bells, and to become such a trailblazer over all these many parts of globe being in the forefront thereof for all to women to look up to.

    So there. Also too.

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      I more couldn't agree.

    2. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Amen, also too. Since $carah mocks President Obama for using teleprompters, the one in the photo obviously was left there by the previous speaker no doubt. Surely her 15 minutes are over?

    3. Anonymous7:05 AM

      where the Queen of Vienna, Dorothy, lives (Queensland!) when not being the Head of State of Parliament in the city of Britain or vacationing during tornado season in Kansas.

    4. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Yaaaawn!! Dont we like to show people that we can use a thesaurus ;)

  2. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Funniest thing is that this woman is much more famous in the US than she is in Australia. Stupidity is not a badge of honor in Australia.

    Nobody would expect anything different from the racist One Nation (where have we heard that before?) Party.

    And nobody will vote for them.

  3. Islam is its own country? Are we sure this isn’t a missing Heath child? Sarah is certainly old enough to be the mother. Was one of her colleges in Australia?

    1. Except for short foray$ over the border into Canada, I'm thinking $he was never out$ide the U$ until her fortie$.

    2. Except for short foray$ over the border into Canada, I'm thinking $he was never outside the U$ until her fortie$.

  4. Leland4:38 AM

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry or barf!

    Guess I'll go for all 3!

  5. Anonymous4:40 AM

    The Governor does not need a teleprompter, she speaks from her American heart!

    She especially didn't have a teleprompter in her house! The one we saw on Sarah Palin's Alaska, it wasn't there!

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Surely you meant "her Alaskan heart" the one she has with her in Arizona?

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      4:40 Sarah Palin has the title 'quitter' governor in Alaska - no one should call her governor!!!

      Remember the pipeline she said was under construction in Alaska while on the campaign trail w/McCain? It WAS NOT under construction then and still isn't!

      And, McCain said she was an 'energy expert'! That was the furthest thng from the truth too, which everyone knows now.

      The woman is an idiot and the world knows it! Horrible title, Sarah! You should be embarrassed as hell!

    3. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Anon 8:09

      Shhhhhh. your ingnorance is deafening ;)

    4. Anonymous12:14 PM
      Ingnorance? What was incorrect or "ingnorant"?

  6. BabyRaptor4:45 AM

    There is not print bold or bright enough for the head-desk this woman caused.

  7. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Make that international laughingstock. I doubt it matters to Esther as long as she's mentioned "See? They're obsessed with me!" Just keep that money coming.

    How pathetic.

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Not only that, but "they're talking about me all the way in AUSTRALIA (wherever that is)!!!"

  8. Anonymous4:52 AM

    So Islam is a Africa? Oh my. This one should debate Sarah (on Fix, of course.) They could set education and religion back two centuries.

    1. Leland5:47 AM

      COULD set them back? Their very existence does that!

      Of course, I would hope they could set religion back about a thousand years before the Neanderthals, but one can't have everything! (I would LOVE to be able to travel back in time and MURDER the bastard that started all that crap!)

    2. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Whoa there, religion may well have served a laudable and even necessary purpose in the times before science-or science may have arisen from it. And some shamans were pastors/medics/shrinks/event planners for their small communities. Shamanism was an accepting refuge for the different: the androgynous, the disabled, the gifted.

    3. Anonymous7:31 AM

      The Good Me wants to agree with 7:09

      The Bad Me wants to help Leland build that time machine

    4. Leland3:18 PM

      @ 7:09

      Uh huh. And look what it gave us!

      As long as the shamans remained just medicine men and didn't get into the crap about spirits and gods they were fine.

      Then they got into godhood and the shit hit the fan.

  9. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Sarah Palin has definitely earned the title of Laughingstock of the World :) I hope she enjoys this recognition.

  10. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The Sydney Morning Herald's headline:

    "Stephanie Banister compared with Sarah Palin as gaffe-ridden interview makes headlines around the world"

  11. Anonymous5:14 AM

    They do have one essential thing in common, STUPIDITY!

    1. Leland5:48 AM

      Stupidity is NOT essential!

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      For them it is - it's all they have.

  12. She doesn't object to "Islam as a country"? Yeah, that definitely sounds like Palin, who thought Africa was a country.

    This world is going bats. I keep wondering if it's something in the water. Something leaching from plastics?

    The one bright spot is that the nutcases are becoming so extremely over-the-top nutty that all but their nutty counterparts are horrified by them...fascinated by their absurdity, but horrified. Their grabs for power are undermined by their own demented, proudly held opinions and beliefs and offensively arrogant self-rightousness. They defeat themselves. There's is still a majority of quiet decent people who reject the loud hatemongers. Let's hope they vote.

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      "This world is going bats. I keep wondering if it's something in the water. Something leaching from plastics?"

      I wouldn't be surprised.

  13. Anonymous5:38 AM

    The Aussie is uninformed and probably stoopid but she doesn't speak word salad.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      No word salad is a drawback for her. The pee ponders (or Jester does anyway- apropo name btw) think sarah's greatest virtues are her gorgeous bod and her commanding voice.

      "Her voice just has such a great presence, and it's pleasant to listen to."

  14. Anonymous5:47 AM

    It says a lot about "One Nation" that their candidate has no idea who she's running against.

  15. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Today's pee pond open thread pic is a kangaroo. HAH!

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      With no explanation, and the ponders are making kangaroo jokes! Wait till it dawns on them...

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      • 3 hours ago

      All right, there's some secret message here with the Kangaroo, Aussies, Palin and what not. How does the Kangaroo tie in to Palin's Lake Powell vacation? Or does it?
      Ian, you haven't been hitting the bong again, have you?
      They are SO stupid!

  16. Anonymous6:04 AM

    This Stephanie said that everyone has something to learn all their lives. Well, one of the things is learning our limitations. Guess she and Palin failed that lesson.

    Yes, it is disconcerting how the US media just parrots everything Sarah quoted without pointing out the fallacy. What I've observed is, that the reporting just feeds the quote and leaves it at that. The evening news pundits enjoy unraveling it, but they only preach to the choir. It's up to the journalists who delivers the story to immediately refute any lies in the quotes.

  17. lostinmn6:25 AM

    Two thoughts.
    First is at least this woman is under indictment for a crime. Maybe Sara can follow that one up.

    Second, this woman appears to have her own hair and, for now, dresses better. Let's see how that changes

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Well yeah, she's twenty years younger.

  18. Anonymous6:26 AM

    And what does Sarah 'Drill Baby Drill' have to say about this new development under her nemesis President Obama? Weep Baby Weep, Mrs. Palin.

    The US Is Well On Its Way To Replace Saudi Arabia As The World's Largest Oil Producer

  19. Anonymous6:28 AM

    "As as trained welder, Stephanie Banister says she is used to hate."

    I beg your pardon? Is there some wide spread hatred of welders Down Under that we're not aware of? Sounds more like Bristol than Mrs. Todd Palin.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Perhaps welding is seen as a man's job, and she has been harassed. That's my guess.

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      If she truly is as stupid as her comments make her appear, I have no doubt other welders hated working with her.

      Welding While Stupid can be a very dangerous activity for those around you!

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Welders are exposed to a lot of lead and other toxins. Maybe that's part of the explanation?

    4. Anonymous9:00 AM

      I think you explained it...Mad Hatters and what not (lead and mercury poisoning)

    5. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Maybe she is a trained welder who hates welding trains?

    6. Anonymous2:42 PM

      As an Australian let me translate. It wasn't 'hate' but 'heat'! Lol. We aren't New Zealanders, who can't pronounce their vowels correctly - i's become u's etc.

      A New Zeanlander would say 'heat' when saying 'hate' but we just say 'heat'

  20. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Hahahahaha. Sarah and Todd can't control Australian media. Hahahahahaha.

    They were able to control AK press - and possibly through McCain and his good old buddies, were able to avoid being vetted and exposed, and Rupert and Roger Ailes and the Koch brothers may have been on their side, but one thing they can't control, is international media. Like GinaM says, "amirite?" LOL

  21. I really miss the old tabloid "The Weekly World News" with its pictures of aliens and and pronouncements of how Abraham Lincoln was actually a woman. It did not take itself seriously. There is quite a history behind this tabloid:
    It scares the bejesus out of me how the most absurd stupidity imaginable is now taken and accepted as the truth. The sad thing is how the Palin bots and teabaggers are so deeply sucked into this type of fantasy....I can see the irony, but can't laugh because it depresses me so....

  22. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I went to Google News and googled "Palin" to see what stories are out there, but the only ones there were about how Rush Limbaugh thinks Obama makes more gaffes that Palin or GWB. Slow news day, Sarah? Nothing goin' on worth talkin' about?

  23. Anonymous6:55 AM

    OMG! Would someone, anyone please rip that fugly Wonder Woman bracelet off of Bullshit Betty's boney wrist and burn it?

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      No!!! Leave it on her wrist and burn it. I wonder how long hate will smolder.

  24. Anonymous6:56 AM

    15 things everyone would know if there were a liberal media

    Prince Riebus (and apparently many others) still thinks there's a liberal media.

    While I share Prince's frustration with the media, as a liberal, I'd like to go on record and state that the media isn't focusing on issues I care about. They seem to be far more focused on entertainment and making money.

    Don't believe me?

    If you know anyone who still believes in a "liberal media," here's 15 things everyone would know if there really were a "liberal media"

  25. Anonymous7:24 AM

    This is the website for the party she is representing:

  26. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Stephanie Banister compared with Sarah Palin as gaffe-ridden interview makes headlines around the world

  27. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Love the photo of the idiot Sarah Palin w/a teleprompter....remember, the thing she constantly went after President Obama for using.

    She is such an ass and has always been! Evil, a liar and fraud!

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      There is something seriously wrong with her mouth after all the work she's had done....aside from the fact that she opens it, of course.

  28. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Gryph I am shocked you are not having some fun with Chuck Jr.'s facebook post

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      It appears that her brother doesn't know her very well!

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      You beat me to it, 9:28 AM!

    3. "Her school records have always been open to the public."

      Hah!!! Cough, wheeze, gasp....

      I'm dying here. Srsly.

    4. Anonymous11:38 AM

      "No major network newsman has ever said that he gets a tingle up his leg when he thinks of her.'"

      Chuckie Jr WROTE THIS in his tribute to his sister Sarah.


      Creepy. Eweee.

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Maybe Ms Banister will invite Ms Palin to Australia to campaign for her.

      Some on, Sarah, wouldn't that be a fun family vacation? And you could add that to you foreign policy er, party, experience.

    6. Anonymous1:46 PM

      "Viscous" indeed. Also too never forget that this obvious mental midget, Chucky JR. is responsible for teaching primary school students. Can you just imagine the poor education that his pupils receive? He does teach in a rather low middle class part of Anchorage, most likely where the parents have neither time nor education themselves to police the education their kids are receiving. So sad. No wonder that those with the means send their children to charter schools or private schools, what with a man like Chucky JR teaching them in the public arena.

      If frightens me to think what sort of education those poor kids are getting if their parents are unable to afford better.

    7. Anon 11:38 -- guess creepy jr forgot about Rich Lowry's "Starburts".


  29. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Perhaps if this chickie becomes more wealthy she can fix that hair and those snaggly teeth? What a dry stick of hair she has and well, that out of place tooth really takes away from anything she has to say as I just become focused on the fact that her parents didn't care enough to fix her dentition. Oh, also too she's just stupid and crazy, there's that as well.

  30. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

    It's a tie. What a coincidence. I wonder if Bannister will age fifty years for every five she lives?

    Not to be outdone... Sarah posts photo of Beefy eating vegemite sandwiches and a facebook rant titled:

    "My Baby Ate a Dingo"

  31. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Hi Gryphen,

    UPDATE: Stephanie Banister has withdrawn her nomination

  32. Anonymous3:17 PM

    AHHH -one nation. ......doesn't attract the most brilliant minds , just the small jealous one .
    shes probably after money ( if you get enough votes you get $$$)


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