Friday, August 09, 2013

Megyn Kelly reportedly taking over Sean Hannity's spot on Fox News. Glenn Beck smiles knowingly.

Courtesy of Fox News:  

Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes announced last month that Kelly would move to a prime time position when she returned from maternity leave. 

Now the Drudge Report says she'll take over the 9pm ET slot in the prime time lineup, but Fox News isn't spilling the beans. 

A Fox News spokesperson said no official announcement would be made at this time. 

“We will neither confirm nor deny any programming schedule changes," the spokesperson said. "As previously stated, the network has signed long-term deals with Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, Shepard Smith, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren.” 

 I find it interesting that Fox would simply report that the Drudge Report is reporting something that you would think they had the inside track on reporting. (Did that give anybody else a headache?)

You know if they "neither confirm nor deny" a story that essentially proves that it's true. (Yeah like Drudge DOESN'T have a Bat phone linking him directly to Roger Ailes office!)

And this news comes on the heels of news that Hannity's talk radio program has been dropped by the second largest broadcaster in the country.  Sucks to be Sean.

However what this means for Hannity is anybody's guess. I understand he still has an iron clad contract with Fox so they probably can't simply dump his as like they once did to Palin, until he crawls back on his hands and knees (like she did) and renegotiates for a fraction of his previous income. (Like she did.)

Of course their is always room on the Fox and Friends couch between Steve Doocy and the poster child for bike safety helmets, Brian Kilmeade.

Currently the #NewSeanHannityJob is trending on Twitter.

Here are some of my favorites:

 #NewSeanHannityJob Authoring the book How Obama and His Liberals Got Me Booted Off Fox News. (I'd buy it.)

#NewSeanHannityJob sets up a deck chair in Congress and shouts "Benghazi!" anytime someone tries to legislate.

#NewSeanHannityJob Sarah Palin's tampon (Oooh, that's harsh! Funny, but harsh.)

Dunce hat tester #NewSeanHannityJob

#NewSeanHannityJob Brushing out Rand Paul's toupee (And we have a winner!)

Personally I would  suggest that he and Glenn Beck team up and start broadcasting from an undisclosed bunker somewhere in the deep South until this whole progressive wave finishes washing over the country.

Or until Jesus returns. Whichever comes first.


  1. lostinmn6:34 AM

    Sorry Gryphen but "Sara Palins Tampon" wins the day.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    #NewSeanHannityJob Sarah Palin's tampon (Oooh, that's harsh! Funny, but harsh.)

    But, but menopausal $carah doesn't need feminine hygiene products. More like her Depends.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Another found: #NewSeanHannityJob Spokesman for Summer's Eve, America's premier douche.


    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      And, female products to make her smell better - we've all heard she is not clean about herself. What an idiot!

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I hear GVS is contracted for a prime time spot (maybe her husband was better at TV contracts than slush funds) or it might have been her in Hannity's shoes.

    Megyn Kelly is as hateful and lying as any of them at Fox but she contrives to look deadly earnest while she does it and she doesn't drawl so she sounds more intelligent than the other performing monkeys. Plus she has tits.

    I'm not sure that she can keep an audience, though, from what little I've seen of her.

    And I can't see her routinely feeding pap to Sarah Palin ... but Sarah probably wouldn't appear on the same program as Megyn Kelly again after all the negative comparisons last time.

    I don't know what Ailes is trying to achieve unless it's a more slick, more urbane hate - because that's all he can get from Kelly. Aside from tits, that is.

    1. lostinmn7:33 AM

      Sara won't be with Megyn. As much of a snake as Kelly is she doesn't suffer the idiot Palin.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      @7:09 -
      Agree completely. The look in her eye just screams entitled bitch. I would hate to have to have gone to high school with her.

      That's a good description - a slick, more urbane hate with tits. Thats' what Ailes was going for. And that's what he got with Megyn Kelly.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      11:01 --- If you want a travel backward in time, you can find Megyn's high school graduation picture from Bethlehem Central High School in Delmar, NY, spring of 1988. She was really rocking the '80s look; could have been Sarah Heath's little sister.

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    1 less Y chromosome, good.

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Don't know much about Megyn Kelly, so I went to wikipedia. I found out she'd grown up in a suburb of Albany, N.Y. Then I discovered that two of her three sons are, quite obviously to me, as an Albany native, named for 1) Yates, for a street in a hip part of town; and 2) Thatcher, for the John Boyd Thatcher State Park, near Delmar.
    So, politics aside, she's got that sad Palin habit of trying much too hard to label her kids with faux (not Fox) WASPY names. Although, admittedly, it's unclear what Sarah's aspirations were with "Track" and "Trig."

    Not that either of these women are too far from the peculiar habit of modern parents to choose names that have nothing to do with them or their families, but which either aspire to the pretense that they can trace their ancestors back to the 18th century (Everett, Schuyler [often unfortunately spelled as "Skylar"], Madison, Jackson) or that a geographic moniker is somehow distinctive (Savannah, Logan, Brooklyn, Paris, Tennessee, Dallas).
    Too dim-witted to be discussed: Jade, Apple, Crystal, etc.

    Okay, hit "reply" and tell me why I'm wrong. And why Megyn Kelly, who lists herself as a Roman Catholic, forgot to giver any of her children a saint's name -- as a middle name -- as the church desires.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      The RCC could care less what the fuck you name your kids as long as you pour water over their heads and make sure they stay RCC and donate (or can be used as sexual fodder).

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Worst name choice: North West.

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Yates and Thatcher are horrible names.

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I wonder if Sarah thought that she had a chance at that job? Maybe, when she showed up in New York to appear on Fox and Friends, she should have dressed like Megyn instead of a.....well, we all saw the photo of Palin showing off her big boobs, wearing stripper shoes and a wacky wig. If she wanted to be taken seriously, there's that picture of Megyn, who does dress tastefully for her job.

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    "the poster child for bike safety helmets, Brian Kilmeade."

    This why I come here every single blessed day.

    These gems drop like candy from the sky.

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Has Roger Ailes gone mad? Meghan Kelly is pretty , bright and she has good taste. It is just not like him not to go for a cheap hoochie mama or a charlatan patriot.

    OT Did anyone see documented proof that Bristol was on the $13,500 a week boat vacation with the Palins? Family branding at it's best (for the Palins) Anyone else standards not, just more floozy crap.
    I am wondering if Bristol really is pregnant again?
    I think Junker was set up. He left Anchorage to party without her. The pictures of Tripp and Trig jumping in the pool were posted long ago, they are not the same time as the c4p $13,500 cruise they gifted the Palins at Lake Powell.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Wow, she certainly looks preggo again...she prob needs $$ I bet those palin white kids got for big bucks on the White Xtian black market.

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      I don't think she looks pregnant, I think the white top sticking out is the result of Bristol's tiresome media-trained posing. You can see through the white top and there's no bulge there.

  9. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Sean Hannity will be forever connected to Sarah Palin and that has been his downfall. Everyone who supports, and/or supported (kissed her ass!) her, has turned to shit/crashed. She is evil and the kiss of death!

  10. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Everyone noticing that Sarah Palin is rarely seen on FOX even though they were suppose to put her on more? The nation (and world) think her an idiot and the folks are FOX appear to be moving as far away from her as possible.

    Hannity will ALWAYS be connected to Palin and that will be the kiss of death for him!

    1. I think that whole re-hire thing was Ailes' way of slapping her in the face with her reduced value.

      Threw her on the couch with a bunch of others who regarded her as just one more couch-sitter, not the royal guest to be fawned over. Did not provide her with any wardrobe or grooming help.

      The bewildered moron was clearly uncomfortable with the others but had no idea why.

      I'll bet it was spread around that there were big changes on the way involving prime-time and I'll bet that idiot thought that's why Ailes' re-hired her. Because she's so hot! Just look at her shoes! And her boobies!

      And then what? Five minute radio call-ins to the other washed-up clown that was going to get the boot from prime-time. The losers can talk to each other.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I think they refused her salary demands and then, months later she went back with her wig in her hand.

    3. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I think he just had too many staff movements and plans and realized he'd be in need of an occasional seat-warmer.


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