Thursday, August 08, 2013

Chick-fil-A does not welcome homosexuals nor do they welcome heterosexual boobs. Gee, what's left?

Courtesy of WKRN-TV:  

A mom at a Knoxville Chick-fil-A was criticized last week for breastfeeding her five-month-old daughter in the restaurant's play area. 

Jennifer Day was not using a cover and an employee approached her after several customers complained. 

"An employee came up to me and told me some of the other parents were afraid of allowing their kids to play in the play area while I was feeding her, especially without any cover," she told Knoxville TV station WBIR. 

Day said she did not use a cover because her daughter does not like it and would've ripped it off. 

It should be noted that the breastfeeding law in Tennessee reads as follows:

68-58-101. Right to breastfeed in any location. — A mother has a right to breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, where the mother and child are otherwise authorized to be present.

§68-58-102. The act of breastfeeding shall not be considered: 

(1) Public indecency as defined in §39-13-511; or 
(2) Nudity, obscene, or sexual conduct as defined in §39-17-901. §68-58-103.


Not only that but it looks as if this Tennessee Chick-fil-A may soon have even more boobs to contend with then just the ones working there.

According to WBIR, several of Day's friends are planning a "nurse in" in response to what happened. Similar to a sit in, they plan to revisit the Chick-fil-A as a group on Wednesday evening and nurse their infants together.

I have to wonder if the same people who complained about seeing a breast at Chick-fil-A are the same ones who go to Hooters for lunch? I bet they are!

Personally I would think it more acceptable to have one breast exposed to feed a baby then to have two silicone injected ones exposed in order to earn tips. But hey, that's just me.

You know I have another question. If Chick-fil-A is so focused on keeping offensive boobs out of their stores, how did these two get served?


  1. Rebecca4:38 PM

    I also wonder how Palin would feel about this. Didn't she supposedly nurse Trig...or at least wore him in a nursing sling when she went right back to work.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Didn't Tri-g have a hole in his heart and was premature? How could any Doctor or ICU of a Hospital allow her to remove him from the Hospital(It was all Fake)?

    2. Sally in MI5:35 PM

      Actually, she stowed him under her desk. If she were nursing, she'd have never gone off to McCain's AZ retreat to learn facts for the debates without the infant..OK, to pretend to learn facts for the debate while surviving on RedBull. I was interested in her at first because I breastfed, and I was curious as to how she was going to pull this off when she was giving speeches and flying around. Milk letdown happens when you are nursing...the baby crying can trigger it..when it's been three hours you leak. Think about her in her fancy skirted suits. She was not wearing nursing pads. There is no expenditure for nursing bras or tops. Heck, she never even bought a maternity top while carrying her pillows. The one who looked all full of milk was Bristol, but I doubt she could be bothered to nurse any of hers either. Too hard. Too much commitment. "What's in it for me?"


      Notice how far Sarah leans forward with her legs crossed. Her legs crossed. Her legs crossed at 6 months pregnant! And she STILL leans forward. Sarah's face is pregnant with all of those collagen injections to her jowls. Only problem, a Mother's face does not have a baby; instead, the uterus has to expand. Watch this, and if you've ever been pregnant, you never sat in this position and leaned forward nor crossed your legs where they were wrapped around one another, not at 6 months pregnant. But just as telling is the obvious effort to make her look pregnant "in her face". This is Sarah, as she was beginning to be *rolled out* to the nation, 5 and a half years ago. One day, these clips will finally either disappear, or they will go viral as Sarah is exposed to the rest of those who've been sleep-walking or have been in denial for the past 5+ years. Just sayin'.

    4. Anonymous5:26 AM

      If the Bitch nursed Trig, then we need to check the poor little boy's lungs for dust. That OLD dried up skank, GOT NO MILK.

    5. Anonymous6:24 AM

      5:26 - what's the point of going there?

  2. lostinmn4:40 PM

    Well, we all know jeebus was bottle fed. No one ever suckled the Virgin Mary's teat.

    1. Sally in MI5:30 PM

      I was just thinking that same thing.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Any parent who would actually be afraid--AFRAID--to let his or her kid play around a breastfeeding mother has a real problem and that problem is going to be passed on to their child.

    Seriously people, get a grip!

    1. Super Fan In Atlanta7:08 PM

      Dear Anonymous 4:45pm,

      I've got a firm grip and am unafraid to completely disagree with your opinion. Here's my take (which is based on respect not fear.)

      A breastfeeding mother should not create a situation that will force other parents, families or visitors to endure what could become an uncomfortable situation or conversation -- especially in a public place. I understand the mother's right, pride, care for her baby, but I also understand other families' and individuals' rights that choose not to or couldn't or simply don't care for breastfeeding (for whatever reason). Breastfeeding is a personal decision a mother makes, therefore she should respect the public in general to wear a cover to keep it that way. And this is coming from a mother of two that breastfed my first child for 1 year and couldn't (due to labor complications) with my second.

      No Fear!
      100% Respect for my Fellow Man

  4. Anonymous4:48 PM

    How did they get served? One: Palin was screeching about their right to ban gay employees. 2. The idiot right thinks any publicity is good publicity. 3. Sarah didn;t have to rpetend to EAT any of the fried garbage in those bags. 4. Since they got takeout, they weren't in the store very long. 5. Sarah HAS no boobs, and Trig wasn't with her to pretend to breastfeed, so no problem.

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I tip my hat to those who can breastfeed. There's many who want to and cannot. I tried, my son and daughter never took to it. Almost thirty years ago, what they said you had to eat to provide correct nutrients? I have a very small frame and could not eat that much. Formula it was. Women have breasts for a reason, like female animals have teats. GET OVER IT, Chick-Fil-A.

    The GOP. Once again, keep that fetus in the womb and NO support when it's born. Working women who CAN in bathrooms pumping like mad and it's OUR fault that we aren't at home making you dinner and keeping your house clean, SIRE?

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      I understand it was 30 years ago but WHAT? One eats. good nutrition - but one only needs about 300-500 calories more per day. Milk production declines? drink a beer (it's teh brewers yeast. My mom breastfed 50 soem years ago - 5'2 and @ 108#. No problem!!!

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Sarah Palin won't have any problems at Chick-Fil-A. Sarah can't feed anybody with those fake boobs.

  7. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Sarah Palin's Boobs are Fake and Toxic.

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Nice parting shot there, Gryphen. That was a thing of beauty.

  9. Anonymous5:52 PM

    CFL has just about pissed everyon off now.

  10. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I remember my mother, who had five children,told me about visiting her doctor in the '50s. One day he took her out to the waiting room and told the other mothers, and expectant mothers, that "See, Mrs. _____ knows what breasts are for. Nursing is the healthiest and best way to nourish your child."
    Most mothers then, as now, turn to bottles instead of what nature gave them to feed their children.
    Bonus: just this week, it was reported that women who breastfed are much, much less likely to develop Alzheimer's. So, besides all the proven ways in which breast milk is better for the baby, it's good for the mother, too.

    I doubt Sarah Palin, or Bristol, ever breast fed. They think breasts are only for men, not for their children.

    1. BabyRaptor6:22 PM

      So, your mother's doctor shamed her. Nice.

      There is absolutely no definitive proof that breastfeeding is better than formula. And people like you who shame women who won't, or can't, are no better than the pro-forced birthers who want to tell everyone exactly what vaginas are for.

      By the way? My chest is MY CHEST. It's for what *I* say it's for.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Who knows about the Palins? What we DO know is they pass their kids off as soon as they can. "Family Values," baby!

    3. Anonymous7:03 PM

      There are many benefits to breastfeeding for infant and mother.
      Some of the benefits for infants include higher IQ's, less chance of allergy and asthma because of a stronger immune response due to mother's milk. Mothers will benefit from uterine contractions which prevent hemorrhaging. She will also get in shape quicker because of the extra calorie expenditure. Along with creating a closer mother infant bond, it's free, warm, sterile, no need for extra paraphernalia and available at anytime an infant is hungry.

      There is no excuse NOT to breastfeed unless the mother cannot physically do it. It can be very painful in the early stages and I think many women give up too soon. Along with American cultural intolerance and US women's self centeredness it has become taboo. It is a complete non issue in European countries and should be here.

      There was a call to boycott Nestle corporation for aggressively marketing it's formula to third world mothers over breast milk. Women who couldn't afford to BUY formula but could offer their child FREE nourishment.

      AND never mind the infants who died in China because a manufacturer added Melamine, yes that plastic stuff that your fake BBQ platter is made from, to infant formula killing many infants. Just another reason to say yes to the breast. At least you know your kid is only getting last nights tacos and not a mystery powder.

      For information and support please refer to this website. The La Leche League and their book "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" was my baby bible when I had my first child in 1987.

      If you care about the health of your child then you would seriously consider breast milk over formula. Even six months is better than none. But of course if your chest is more important than the well being and health of your child that's your choice.

    4. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Wow, are you angry. I'd say you're probably very defensive because you chose the bottle for your child. There aren't any La Leche Leagues to promote formula, for a reason -- it's there only as a substitute, when mother's can't or won't breast feed.

      No, he didn't shame her. He shamed the other women in the waiting room, who didn't want to breastfeed.
      There's substantial scientific proof, over many years, that breast feeding gives added immunity, intelligence and longevity to babies. You can look it up. I doubt you will, though.

      Do with your boobs what you want to. Formula is second best. If that's what you want to give to your child, it's up to you.

      If you can't, that's a different story.

      If you decide to have a baby, then the baby has a say in what your chest is for. That's why you were given breasts to begin with.

      The Palins can't breast feed because silicon implants don't provide nourishment for a baby.

    5. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Breast milk is best for your baby, and the benefits of breastfeeding extend well beyond basic nutrition. In addition to containing all the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs in the first six months of life, breast milk is packed with disease-fighting substances that protect your baby from illness.
      That's one reason the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months (although any amount of breastfeeding is beneficial). And scientific studies have shown that breastfeeding is good for your health, too.

    6. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Boy, literacy issues huh? The doc was praising the poster's mom.

      And if you don't want to breastfeed, then don't have kids, baby raptor. And yes, the studies ARE conclusive. Higher IQ's, less infections, especially ear infections, lower rates of obesity. Lie to yourself all you want - breast is best. If someone truly can't breast feed, then there are breastmilk banks. Formula for babies is just as bad as fast food.

    7. Anonymous8:31 PM

      $arah and Bristol dont "think breasts are for men"

      they just flaunt them to get favors and attention from the mouth breathers and P-bots

    8. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Hey BAby Raptor:

      Tits, Breasts, Boobies, Titties, Female Mammalian Mammary Glands are meant for just ONE thing; FEEDING INFANTS. Nothing else, nada. No reason to cart these big old things around except for providing nutrients to our offspring.

    9. Anonymous9:04 PM

      I am a nutritional writer and, yes, the studies are conclusive. Breast-feeding not only raises immunity levels that remain higher life-long in the child, but raises the child's IQ as well. (No wonder the Chick Fil-A crowd would be against it, lol!) It also improves child behavior and parental bonding levels. And a new study shows that breast-feeding slashes the mother's risk of Alzheimer's by two-thirds.

      To add insult to injury, most formula contains soy, a highly-pesticided, GMO (genetically modified) plant. Babies who drink from bottles may tend to be more susceptible to future dental decay as a result of the bottles remaining in the baby's mouth for longer than necessary. Some bottle-fed babies tend to have a higher rate of speech impediments as well. By contrast, breast feeding actually promotes a healthier palate shape that also aids in baby's breathing abilities (breast-sucking, unlike bottle-sucking, strengthens a baby's lungs). The complete list of differences between bottle and breast-feeding will probably never be known, but those that are known are profound. For a full panoply of research on these issues, go to and peruse the articles.

    10. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Wow, so much shaming against women who don't breast-feed. A whole lot of weasel words about how breast-feeding MAY do this and MAY do that, but in the meantime, there are several generations of Americans who were bottle-fed walking around perfectly healthy and smart with no speech impediments.

    11. Anonymous5:15 AM

      Nope, breasts are not only there for babies. They are also there for sexual pleasure. Still, breast feeding is best.

    12. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Wow, the La Leche shills are certainly strident. I notice they're projecting by calling everyone else "angry".

    13. Anonymous1:12 PM

      I'm with 4:10

      My child, my choice.

      This shaming of formula moms is bullshit.

      And there are PLENTY of childless women walking around with breasts! !!!

      It does NOT mean they wouldn't miss them if they are gone! I.e. They do NOT ONLY serve one purpose.

      You ladies sound like judgemental asshats.

  11. Donal7:03 PM

    I count four offensive boobs in that pic. Two of them are on one of the others.

    1. Leland12:44 AM

      Donal, could you be a little more specific?

      " that pic." WHICH pic?

    2. Donal6:56 AM

      Yeah, I should have realized there could have been confusion. I meant the pic of $arah and Toad. The breasts in the first pic are beautifully illustrating their true purpose. The boobs in the second pic are doing what they do best; looking like shills and, well, boobs.

  12. Anonymous7:23 PM

    And pssssst, Gryphen, nursing boobs can be lesbian boobs.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      You are correct, as Lebians, as females are certainly able to procreate. What diff should that make?

    2. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Lesbians are hot. So are straight chicks if they can just fake it and do a little kissy-kissy and rub boobies. Oh man...Fap city!!!

  13. Anita Winecooler8:04 PM

    Sounds like Chic Fil A isn't too family friendly. People only get hungry monday to saturday, gay marriage is wrong, and now breast feeding is unnatural. Guess they want moms to buy their crappy food, chew it well, then feed it to their kids? WRONG!
    FWIW There are valid reasons to bottle feed. Sometimes the mother's body doesn't produce enough milk or enough nourishment, some drugs can pass from mother to infant, etc. etc.
    I was lucky to work for a company that provided a lounge specifically for breast feeding and/or pumping, something I appreciated a lot. I was once told to go to the ladies room to "do that" in a restaurant, so I know how this lady felt.

    I'm pro choice on breastfeeding. I support women who choose either method. Every time breast feeding comes up, the tug of war starts, there are valid reasons for both sides and we need to stop shaming women for their choices.

  14. Anonymous8:39 PM

    First Photo: Tits

    Second Photo: Boobs

  15. Oh man you libs crack me up!!! Pro choice when it comes to the life of a child but you better breastfeed, that's what boobies are for! What happened to its my body and I can do what I want with it? Seriously you are such hypocrites! If it is OK to kill a baby because it is your uterus why would you only have breasts in order to feed the poor child if you decide to let it live? If boobies are only for babies then wouldn't your uterus only be for babies as well? So if we then get pregnant, guess what? Our bodies are no longer just ours, so your whole "it is my body and I can do what I want" crap is out the window. SMH

    1. Leland5:02 AM

      SMH, try reading the postings again. I could find not one comment or reply that says one HAS to breast feed. Lots of comments about the efficacy of breast feeding. (Lots of comments about all sorts of good things coming from breast feeding, in other words.)

      Not ONE about MUST do it!

      If you want to pick an argument, try using a little bit of intelligence and pick one that MIGHT have half a chance of being POSSIBLY defensible.

    2. You sure can misread - breastfeeding is not compulsory - no-one has said it is - no-one is forced to breastfeed. The conversation has been about the benefits of breast feeding which are many and varied.

    3. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Nobody is saying breasts are only for babies.
      Nobody is saying the government should force anyone to breastfeed.

      Wow, you're dumb.

    4. Anonymous5:22 AM

      There is no left wing fanatical zealot political faction trying to make laws which would force women to breastfeed or be criminals.
      A woman still has the right to choose formula!!!

    5. Anonymous5:42 AM

      I knew that some anti-abortion crapper would show up.

      My uterus is mine, whoever I birth is my choice, I have difficult pregnancies where I almost died. I spent months on bed rest and drugged to keep me from labor.
      Some women choose to stay pregnant and others don't. YOU don't want an abortion, great but keep you trap shut about it because you don't know what that person might have to go through to handle either choice.
      SO if I choose to stay pregnant than it is again. MY CHOICE! Keep you rosaries off my damned ovaries"

    6. Look again assholes:

      "There is no excuse NOT to breastfeed unless the mother cannot physically do it. It can be very painful in the early stages and I think many women give up too soon."

      "And if you don't want to breastfeed, then don't have kids, baby raptor"


      "Tits, Breasts, Boobies, Titties, Female Mammalian Mammary Glands are meant for just ONE thing; FEEDING INFANTS. Nothing else, nada. No reason to cart these big old things around except for providing nutrients to our offspring."

    7. Anon5:42am

      Boo fucking hoo
      I had a pregnancy that was difficult and I was in the hospital for months. I developed an anxiety and depression disorder because I was so worried that my baby would die. That is why I get so pissed at people who just throw their babies away in the trash. It is a blessing and a miracle to carry another human life and I never knew how much until I almost lost one of mine. You can do what you want with your ovaries but don't sit here trying to make me feel bad for you because you almost lost a baby. Obviously if your still pro choice you didn't learn a damn thing during your difficult pregnancy. I will keep my trap shut and you keep your legs's that? I got my tubs tied to make sure I can never be in that situation again to where I could potentially loose a child. How about using some birth control? You went through so much to have a child, would you abort if you get pregnant again?

    8. Anonymous7:08 AM

      That's right Gimp the Pimp, have those 5 babies and stay at home Homeschooling them like a good Xtian Republican sheep for your husband. He enjoys leaving you at home while he does his John thing for Todd Palin. Many Republican males are Todd Palin's customers.

    9. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Hey, Gimp. You're not interested in saving fetuses You want to control women's sexuality. Your statement "you keep your legs shut" says it all. Anything else that you say is just hot air to camouflage the fact that you want to punish women for being sexual. Keep ranting about your BS but the anti-abortion stance is just window-dressing for wanting to keep women barefoot and pregnant.

    10. Anon7:08am
      If you can't come back at me with anything intelligent please keep your mouth shut.

    11. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Anon 7:08

      . He enjoys leaving you at home while he does his John thing for Todd Palin. Many Republican males are Todd Palin's customers.

      You homophobic pig!! as a member of the LGBT community I am offended and I mean offended that you, you would have the balls to use such rhetoric!!!!

      So the only way you can slam Palins husband is to link him to the LGBT community, as if it is some type of sordid depraved lifestyle.... Gurl you done screwed up !!

      One pissed Bitch

    12. Anonymous12:48 PM

      compliments of....
      One pissed bitch

    13. Anonymous1:11 PM

      I had zero desire to breastfeed back in the day when the majority of women did so. I took a class on it and then decided it would not be my desire.

      I delivered a healthy baby girl, feed her formula, she was never sick, slept well and grew into a well educated, wonderful woman that is now nearing 41!

      No one should be forced into doing it or not doing it. It's up to the individual. Children are raised to be healthy either way.

    14. Anonymous1:18 PM


      PHEW!! Thanks for getting your crazy self fixed!

      8:43- you are a fucking moron. The insinuation was that the Gimps hubby is a hooker for todd. But way to focus on what's important.


    15. Anon1:18pm

      "PHEW!! Thanks for getting your crazy self fixed!"

      Your welcome bitch. You libs should try it, but I know you gals just LOVE throwing your babies in the trash.

    16. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Hey Gimp, we Libs learned proper word usage in school. WTF is 'your' welcome ? You Fundie Freaks are lacking in your educational needs. You might try attending real learning institutions.

  16. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Remember the IM commenter ("two-bull") talking about Piper grabbing the bottle "like a grizzly bear on a gimpy salmon" while Sarah was talking about how she was still breast-feeding "fussy" Piper?

  17. Anonymous5:18 AM

    But apparently, they do welcome Pimps and Ho(s), as evidenced by the picture of the Bitch and Toad.

  18. Anonymous1:06 PM

    It appears justifiable in sending "Boys Will be Boys" to this company. Why would anyone enter the front door of their establishment when we already know the "idiot and pimp" had graced (?) them w/their presence? Barf!!!!

    1. Anonymous Lee2:03 PM

      "Idiot and The Pimp" Hey, wasn't that a 70's TV series? LMAO

  19. Super Fan In Atlanta6:56 PM

    I'm not buying her excuse not to cover up. I breastfed my daughter for an entire year in and out of the house but was mindful enough of the fact that everyone was just not that into it. I think it's not so much people hating on the act of breastfeeding. I believe it's more of some people just don't want to see it. I know I don't and my daughter's 13. A cover in a public place -- especially where children play -- is always in order. And no, babies don't care if their heads are covered. She just needs a bigger cover so that her baby won't pull on it. Anything else is forcing people to accept her enjoyment and display of her baby over their own preferences and happiness. Nope! Not buying it one bit.

  20. Anonymous8:07 PM

    super fan I agree

  21. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I personally do not care if I am under the covers or or not. Either way not a problem


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It just goes directly to their thighs.