Tuesday, August 06, 2013

CNN accuses Reince Preibus of premature excitation over news that Hillary comes first.

"Oh how cute. The RNC Chairman is already throwing a tantrum about me."
Courtesy of TPM: 

In letters to both CNN and NBC, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus demanded that the networks drop their planned film productions of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or face losing their partnerships with the RNC for 2016 presidential primary debates. 

"If you have not agreed to pull this programming prior to the start of the RNC's Summer Meeting on August 14, I will seek a binding vote of the RNC stating that the committee will neither partner with you in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates which you sponsor," Preibus wrote. 

While NBC News said it was not involved with their respective project, which is commissioned by NBC Entertainment, CNN's statement to the Huffington Post was much more confrontational: 

"CNN Films, a division of CNN Worldwide, commissioned a documentary about Hillary Clinton earlier this year. It is expected to premiere in 2014 with a theatrical run prior to airing on CNN. This documentary will be a non-fiction look at the life of a former First Lady and Secretary of State. Instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more. Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters."

Aww is the RNC gonna stomp their feet and bang their head against the wall EVERY TIME somebody pays more attention to Hillary then they do them? Because that will be a lot of head banging.

You know somebody pointed out in the other thread on this topic that the whole reason the country is in the huge mess that it is right now, and the reason why millionaires and billionaires can essentially purchase elections, is because of another Hillary Clinton film from way back in 2008.

You all remember this right?

In January 2008, Citizens United, a nonprofit corporation, released a 90 minute documentary entitled Hillary: The Movie (hereinafter Hillary). The movie expressed opinions about whether then-senator Hillary Clinton, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, was fit for the presidency. Citizens United distributed the movie in theaters and on DVD, but also wanted to make it available through video-on-demand. It produced advertisements promoting the film and wanted to show them on broadcast and cable television. To pay for the video-on-demand distribution and the advertisements, Citizens United planned to use its general treasury funds.

That case went to the Supreme Court which resulted in the much reviled Citizen's United decision

I believe the phrase is "Hoist with your own petard." So if NOW the conservatives want to complain that the deck is stacked against them as they approach 2016, then they have to take responsibility for helping to stack that deck.

Or, they can take their ball and go home. After all WHY frighten away the voters with yet another clown car full of self injuring morons when we all know they don't stand a chance against Hillary anyway?


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    >>>I believe the phrase is "Hoist with your own petard."<<<

    In general use that is correct. When referring to republikkkans the phrase is often slightly modified to be more specific.

    "Hoist with your own retard."

    1. Sarah Palin or Rick Perry?

    2. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I`very been very amused by the use of the made up pejorative "lib-tard", when everyone knows the real word they are referring to is "RE-TARD".

    3. Or GTFOH and go joust with your own Tea-Tard.

      That would be Sarah Palin for *your* party, Mister Pre-bust. Donald Trump will serve as a stand-in if needed but he must have some camera time to do self-promotion. Trump also insists on being able to use the N-word as desired.

  2. It’s my understanding that Rick Perry thought he was in Florida instead of Louisiana. That crowd hasn’t improved. Let them take their ball and go home. When they finally try to come back, their supporters will have died or become (more) senile.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    More repubs keepin' it classy:


  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Why doesn't Fox News host them all. After the last fiasco of a gazillion debates with those idiots, it's only the retards watching them. Heck, they might have the grifter moderate one of them and they wouldn't get to say anything but good evening as she would word-salad the questions and no one would know what to say. I'd watch that one just to see the looks on their faces trying to get a word in. They might even give her a bendy straw and a Big Gulp! We all need a good laugh!

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      The republican goal is to have CNN, et al, host these 'debates' in order to continue their efforts of 'mainstreaming' the republican party. If the debates were held solely on Fox, where they belong, the pretense that anything whatsoever about the GOP is mainstream would be gone.

  5. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Hey, GOP. You want government out of private affairs. So you government-wannabes just leave the broadcasting to the broadcasters, and you continue to do what you do best: putting your foot in your mouth.

  6. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Gryphen, I just got this email. How the hell I'm on their list is unfathonable to me, but at least it alerted me to their plans:

    >>Conservative Intelligence Briefing is a new media organization trying to spread the word about Benghazi, the IRS, the Justice Department and every other story that’s been denied by liberal media organizations. We think that this is just the kind of thing that will interest you, but if you would prefer not to receive our emails, please click here.

    What’s different about Conservative Intel? We’re on the ground, getting news the moment it happens from the conservative campaigns across the country we care about most. In addition to the current scandals rocking the Obama Administration, Virginia and New Jersey will hold gubernatorial elections and state house elections this year while many campaigns have already begun to position themselves for 2014 and 2016 races.

    We’ve just brought David Freddoso over from the Washington Examiner to be the editor at Conservative Intel. He’s also author of several conservative books including one from the New York Times bestseller list: The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate. While David has just started working for us, he’s actually been covering D.C. politics for over a decade.

    Conservatives don't believe in top-down governance, and we know that we can't save our country without paying attention to who's in power at every level. Conservative Intel will help you track what's happening across the country, as well as finding the next generation of up-and-coming political rockstars who will lead our movement. Who will be the next Marco Rubio and Rand Paul? Get in on the ground floor with us and find out.

    We'll have fresh polls before anyone else does, and inside scoops before they hit any of the big newspapers. If you want to be on the inside track of what's happening in America's conservative movement right now, then we're just what you're looking for. Check your inboxes for our regular newsletter, or get the info as it happens on our website,

    ConservativeIntel.com <<

    I immediately unsubscribed with a scathing 'FUCK YOU, you assholes who are destroying this country' letter back, but we do need to be alert to their troublemaking, so I thought I'd post it for you to see, too.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I guess in GOPspeak, "rocking the Obama Administration" = steady or improving approval ratings for the President.

      Maybe they should spend a little more time contemplating why the approval rating for Congress is at a historical low, mostly because of their party's obstruction.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      I got a robocall from Santorum recently, and listened to the whole thing, hoping to be able to tell a person the truth at the end. Alas, the only way to talk to a person was to promise them cash, so I just clicked the 9 to end the calls. He went into the whole GOP laundry list of lies. I was fuming. How do they get away with this crap day after day? And why are they so intent on destroying democracy and freedom?

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      I'm SO darn glad I'm an Indie. NO robocalls!

  7. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Last debates from the gop were a total waste of time. We all know they are unqualified for the WH. The gop must be getting all their ammunition ready, though, someone leaked a tape to the Nat. Enquirer of Monica Lewinsky talking to Bill Clinton. Doesn't matter that Hilary knew nothing about that fiasco, they will use it against her anyway. Saint Santorum is seriously thinking about running - again! What a joke. Gingrich is sure to run, he has books and DVD's to sell. Jeb Bush will likely run, even though his Momma said not to. Perry is still nuts, so he will runNot a truly viable candidate in the entire "party"

  8. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Republicans are a riot to watch! They (majority of them in some position of authority in their party) are nothing more than bullies trying to rule our country,

    I can hardly wait for the upcoming elections. Americans are truly sick and tired of their continual bullshit - ever since President Obama and VP Biden were elected.

    VOTE THEM OUT!!! Nationally, state and local levels!

  9. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I so hope Hillary Clinton DOES run for POTUS and that she gets in at the last minute to absolutely drive the Republicans nuts across the nation.

    They have no one in their party that can compete against her and they know it. They'll play nasty and evil as they've been doing against President Obama since 2008! But, they cannot go after her for being white and a woman!!! Haha!

    Can you imagine how pissed they'll be to have another Dem in the White House for another 8 years? They are going to go friggin' nuts!

  10. Anonymous8:58 AM

    He's just looking for an excuse to cancel the number of debates, to minimize the exposure of the eventual nominee having to say crazy batcrap things to the base to get the GOP nomination. Previously he's already said he wants to reduce the number of debates. This gives him either an excuse for cancelling them, or a old standard fallback of "The MSM is biased against us." when crazy things said in the debates is replayed.

  11. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Let's face it, these crusty old white folks know their days are numbered. As someone who is white it can't come soon enough for me. They are a total embarrassment. Since they know the voters do not agree with their views, they have to cheat, lie and game the system so they can win. I despise them beyond words. I am so sick of everything they do or say. It's always about them and never the country.

  12. eclecticsandra9:03 AM

    What are the Republicans afraid of? If Hillary is such a bad choice for President an independent examination of her public life will show how bad she is. Just as we want more exposure for SP, they should want more exposure for Hillary before a campaign begins.

    1. You can compare Hillary Clinton to Sarah Palin with a straight face?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      Even Greta has a hard time trying!

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Priebus Defends Ultimatums: ‘We Have To Control The Referees’ On Our Playground (VIDEO)

    Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus on Monday defended letters he sent to NBC and CNN demanding the networks drop planned film projects on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, arguing that the GOP needs to "control the referees" in 2016 primary debates to protect its brand.

    "The fact that these folks, including many people that are at NBC, one of which is a major bundler for Barack Obama, would be surprised that we would actually exercise our own right to filter who deposes our candidates and who doesn't," Priebus told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "I think I'm being very reasonable here."

    Priebus accused the last election cycle's moderators of promoting the Democratic Party and characterized the 23-debate schedule in the 2012 campaign as a "traveling circus."

    "My point is this. We have to control the referees that we're bringing into our playground," he added. "Right now I can't trust two organizations that are willing to spend millions of their own dollars in promoting a candidate that they know is gearing up to run for president."

    Watch the interview below, courtesy of Fox News:


    Be sure to read the comments.

    1. Yeah, they're all about control.

      What they don't get is.....refusing NBC or CNN to air the RNC debates is no threat at all. They'd be more than happy to pass as the ratings would positively suck.

      Let FOX have all the Republican debates. Their viewers are the only ones that care anyway. The rest of us can wait for the juicy embarrassing clips to air on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report the next night.

  14. Anonymous9:40 AM

    David Corn Explains How Journalists Are Colluding With Conservatives to Create Propaganda

    During an interview with 92Y Producer Jordan Chariton at The Jefferson Hotel, Corn explained his recent reporting on the conservative coalition known as Groundswell. Members of the group include prominent tea party activists and politicians as well as conservative journalists like Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News.

    “Groundswell is a messaging strategy coalition, kind of hush hush, wasn’t announced really to the world that was set up by some conservatives after the Republican defeat in last year’s election,” Corn explained. “All these advocates…are sitting around hatching talking points, messaging points, strategies for beating back progressive groups, congressional Democrats, the White House, but also Karl Rove.”

    Corn claimed the group helped “gin up” the Benghazi scandal. He said conservative reporters were “scheming” with activists, politicians, and legislative aides to help advance a conservative agenda.

    “In this town, reporters are always talking to politicians and advocates,” he remarked. “But in the context of attending meetings and being a regular amongst a group that has been created to work on messaging — I mean, that’s the thing. In some ways, you could call it propaganda without being pejorative. In fact, they have said, ‘We’re losing the propaganda battle.’”

    Corn added that conservative journalists were not simply covering the meetings to stay informed. They were actively participating in the meetings to help develop political strategies.


    Gryphen, you may want to consider adding this blog to your blogroll, they're always on the money.

  15. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Poor little girl has no clue to how she's been branded:

    Limbaugh caller tells Rush he named his daughter “Palin”


    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Dumb@ss would have been just as easy.

  16. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Today, however, Priebus is admitting that the content of the programs isn’t the issue, telling Fox News that “it doesn’t matter what the movie is like.” Regardless of the substance of what the networks air, Priebus said the RNC would forge ahead with the ban. Here’s why:

    I think 23 debates is ridiculous, but the second thing that is ridiculous is allowing moderators, who are not serving the best interests of the candidate and the party, to actually be the people to be deposing our people. And I think that’s totally wrong.


  17. But don't you understand that the RNC has never embraced the concept of what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

    They want to do whatever they want but don't want anyone else to enjoy the same privileges.

    You know. Like voting.

  18. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Bill Clinton Obliterates the Latest Republican Attempt to Stop Hillary

    It took Bill Clinton less than 60 seconds to destroy the latest Republican attempt to stop his wife Hillary from running for president.


    Former President Clinton was asked if the Weiner scandal was difficult to watch. He used the opportunity to knock down the Republican attempts to tie his wife to Anthony Weiner.

    Clinton said, “Well, not because it is a political campaign. Neither Hillary or I was ever involved in the political campaign, and they understood that from the beginning. There are too many people running for mayor who have been my supporters, who supported her for senator, her for president. One was once a campaign manager,Mr. de Blasio But there are literally five people in that race, including one of the Republican candidates Mr. (John) Catsimatidis, who are personal friends of ours, so we are a hundred miles from that race and everyone understands that we are not going to be involved, as long as our personal friends and people who we feel obligations are involved. So, the feelings I have are all personal and since they are, I shouldn’t talk about them.”

    This is all started with a New York Post story that reported that the Clintons were livid with Weiner, but the story went on to baselessly speculate that the Clintons were worried that Weiner’s scandal would hurt Hillary’s potential 2016 campaign. Conservative media picked up on that point, and have been speculating that Weiner’s sexting romps will hurt Clinton if she runs for president.

    Former President Clinton’s comments revealed two things. One, there is no way that the Clintons are going to let the right use former Rep. Weiner to smear Hillary, and two, on a personal level they are probably understandably personally angry about what Weiner has done.

    Republican strategists are trying their best to connect Hillary Clinton to Anthony Weiner. In a memo released to reporters on Friday, they wrote, “Hillary Clinton, has stayed mum about all of it. For someone who has not-so-veiled aspirations to lead her party, she’s failed to show any leadership in publicly denouncing Weiner’s habits or his candidacy.”

    Former President Clinton stopped the whole effort to Hillary Clinton to Anthony Weiner dead in its tracks. Republicans are desperate, so desperate that they are trying to stop Hillary Clinton’s candidacy before she has even had a chance to announce it. The Republican Party couldn’t stop Obama with these types of smears and attacks. It definitely isn’t going to work on Hillary Clinton. Right now, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s messaging is more powerful than the entire Republican Party.

    The Clintons have been playing this game with Republicans for twenty plus years. They know what they are doing, and over these past few decades Republicans have never won. Bill and Hillary Clinton are big leaguers, and Republicans are kidding themselves if they think that their efforts to smear Hillary will even make a dent.


    1. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      That's Bill at his best, the man is a genius!
      Thanks for the link.

  19. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Priebus Battles Erin Burnett Over GOP Debate Threats: ‘The Sun Doesn’t Rise And Set With CNN And NBC’


  20. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

    Yeah, he's running his mouth without his brain engaged. The thing about political strategy is you try to get your message out to as many media outlets as possible. President Obama has appeared on Fox News, even invited Billo to an interview in the White House. Anyone believe for one second President Obama actually "cares" for fox news?
    Rience is still chasing his tail over this "premature excitation".
    Keep it up Rinse. POTUS could pre-empt the time slot with an announcement/address, and send flocks of viewers to CNN and NBC. Heck, HBO could rerun "Game Change" and cut the RNC ratings. After the fiasco last time, even Republicans would rather tape it and watch something else.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.