Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Idiots with Guns. Almost a little TOO accurate!

Of course this video was well received on You Tube.  Just kidding.

"U racist left wings pigs. You would be the idiots with guns. Fuck u for disrespecting the confederate and don't tread on me shirt. Go live in communist china. Soldiers lay down their lives for our freedom. Freedom of speech and even the right to bear arms. If you choose to not exercise your rights that's your own choice. But don't disrespect the sacrifice of millions of men to defend our ability to speak and defend ourselves. You disrespect our military and everything we stand for."

And here's another.

"Wow so this is what they think of gun owners, that is sick, and imature.People who doent know how to use a gun are far more dangerous than somboby who does, because the fact they tend to pull the trigger the moment the gun is in there hand. I've seen it happen and heard storys from friends. Thats why I'm extra carful when handing a gun to someone who's never held a gun in there life. There stupidity is beyond belief." (Well I for one am glad he is so "carful.")

It's really getting harder and harder to parody these people, don't you think?


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Wow, only 12 misspelled words and a half dozen grammatocal errors..must be a Palin.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      The one on the left is no doubt patterned after Nugent.

  2. lostinmn10:58 AM

    Look. This is a pet peeve and not about being a snob. I was the worst English student in High School and even the first two years of college. I couldn't write worth a damn and even to this day I don't know adjectives from pro-nouns. When I was about twenty it became obvious the world was not going to waste a lot of time trying to decipher my coded language and I put myself to the grindstone and started writing. I kept journals, went back and really read literature, and even started writing short stories. Thirty years in the business world taught me to write business letters. I'm not the world's greatest writer but it's downright embarrassing (with apologies to those with learning disabilities) to read some of the unintelligibly childish material that comes from these gun nuts, Palinista's and general teabag nutjobs. Don't they understand how quickly their message gets ignored when you need to read their comments like they came from a short story written in southern slang dialect?

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Include word salad with that, lostinmn, and good for you! My English 101 prof was always sending my papers back for rewrite. At the time I hated him for it but, boy, he taught me to write succinctly!

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I got up to 8 mistakes in spelling, punctuation and sentence structure in the first two sentences, and I wasn't even finished!

    And these people are armed???

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Speaking of right-wing parody, here's an ex-GOP official who mocked Anthony Weiner and Bob Filner, and was just arrested for sexting a minor. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/06/scott-hounsell-arrested_n_3712596.html?utm_hp_ref=politics

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Gilberton officials demand inventory of suspended police chief's guns

    Gilberton officials want an inventory of embattled police Chief Mark Kessler's firearms registered in the borough's name.

    And they want Kessler, who was suspended last week over his profane, pro-gun YouTube videos, to scrub the Internet of any reference to his employment as Gilberton's police chief.

    In a letter to Kessler through his lawyer last week, Gilberton Solicitor Karen L. Domalakes said officials have been made aware that Kessler purchased many guns in the name of the borough police department.

    "At this time we are requesting an inventory of the weapons currently registered in the name of the Borough of Gilberton Police Department. We also need to know the location of these guns," Domalakes said in the letter dated Thursday.

    The letter notes that at the meeting Wednesday where Gilberton council suspended Kessler without pay for 30 days, it also passed a policy barring borough employees from using their affiliation in any public statement, video or document without council's permission.

    "We are advising that Chief Kessler should remove any reference to his employment with the Borough of Gilberton from his 'YouTube' posts, 'Facebook' posts and other Internet statements," Domalakes said.

    Kessler's lawyer, Joseph P. Nahas of Frackville, Pa., did not immediately return a phone call Monday afternoon.

    At a meeting where more than 100 people jostled for space inside the meeting room and others carried semi-automatic weapons outside, Borough Council voted 5-1 without discussion to suspend Kessler, the police department's only member. In the meantime, state police will cover the borough.

    Residents had been angrily calling Borough Hall as media all over the country, as well as at least one website in the United Kingdom, carried the story of Kessler's videos.

    Kessler maintains he did nothing wrong by shooting a video on his own time, saying he used profanity to focus attention on gun rights.

    In one video, Kessler profanely complains about the United Nations and Secretary of State John Kerry. In another, he wears his badge and begins what appears to be a tutorial on how to shoot a gun, using a picture of a clown he calls House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the target.

    The video that created the media firestorm was an "apology" for the Kerry video. The video was taken on an old strip mine road, away from homes, where he said he goes for target practice.


  6. My eyes are bleeding after reading the comments left on that You Tube. Speaking of idiots with guns, I can't wait to see how the NRA will spin this one: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/aug/6/3-killed-pennsylvania-shooting-over-property-dispu/

  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Here's a very unfortunate event, caused by another white, right-wing, male terrorist. Angry, obese, (believed-to-be) right-wing white male murders 3 and maims 2 after shooting his way into a local town-planning meeting in Pennsylvania (you know, the same state where the profane and life-threatening Chief-of-Police lives?). Since the shooter is neither black, hispanic, nor Muslim, it is doubtful that he will face multiple capitol murder charges. JMO.

  8. You must admit this.

    It is so much easier to spot these guys since you only have to look at the bad grammar and poor spelling.

    BTW, does the second guy think for any reason he is not an Idiot with a Gun for handing his piece to someone he knows has never held a gun in their life? Seriously?

    And yes, I do believe that is Nugent on the left.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I thought of Ted Nugent, too...the one that shows the video creator's "disrespecting the confederate."

  9. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Here's still another very unfortunate event, caused by still another white, right-wing, armed male terrorist. Angry, right-wing male who plots to murder Planned Parenthood doctor, never expressed remorse, and refused to promise that he would not repeat his plan once released from jail, gets sentence of only 10 years. Longer sentences in Wisconsin are reserved for blacks, hispanics, Muslims, and foreign terrorists.

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Here's yet one more example of the unfair advantages shown by righties to white, angry, right-wing, armed killers: In a recent poll, 2 percent of Alaskans (not yet aware that their selected candidate, a registered democrat, had voted for Obama in 2008) declared that George Zimmerman would be their favorite pick for President in 2016. However (and unfortunately for Zimmerman), the Alaskans' favorite candidate was Harpo Marx-inspired Rand Paul. In a further display of looniness, 12 percent of the Alaskan responders said that they could see Russia from their houses.

    The poll was put out by Public Policy Polling, which knew that Zimmerman had high favorability national polling figures, and wanted to know how that might translate politically. Fortunately (for the sake of sanity), Zimmerman's brother and spokesman Robert Zimmerman opined that he saw the poll as a mockery of the judgment of the people of Alaska. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/06/george-zimmerman-2016-poll_n_3713943.html?utm_hp_ref=politics

  11. Anonymous12:02 PM

    A few things are for sure: At some point in the near future Congress will pass legislation to fund the government; it won’t defund Obamacare or make sequestration-level spending semi-permanent; and some Republicans will vote for it.

    It’s possible there will be a government shutdown between now and then — I wouldn’t bet on it, but it’s possible. And even if a shutdown happens, the impasse will break when Republicans agree to government spending legislation that neither cripples Obamacare nor bakes sequestration into the budget for the coming year and years beyond.

    It’s also a good bet that the same group of Senate Republicans who voted for immigration reform and helped confirm President Obama’s top executive nominees will be instrumental in avoiding or ending a government shutdown.

    And yet the Senate’s governing coalition is fledgling enough that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was able to overpower it last week when he organized a successful filibuster of bipartisan legislation to fund the Departments of Transportation and Housing & Urban Development for a full year — precisely because it was drafted under the premise that sequestration will probably, eventually, be lifted.

    That might seem like a contradiction: If these more moderate Republicans are going to partner with Democrats to fund the government drama-free, why are they mounting filibusters of bills that don’t assume sequestration-level spending forever?

    It’s a fair question. And at a glance they don’t appear all that committed to breaking ranks with the GOP over questions of basic governance. But if you were hoping for a total and immediate GOP crackup over the budget, or the debt limit, you’ll be disappointed by the answer.

    The idea that McConnell’s filibuster is a harbinger of autumn crises doesn’t really fit the facts. Many, many Senate Republicans — not just the moderates — have made it clear that they won’t use a threat of a government shutdown (or a debt default!) as leverage to take an ax to the Affordable Care Act. Several have telegraphed that they’re comfortable funding the government, even if the fight over sequestration has to be settled later, and they aren’t prepared to threaten the country with a debt default.

    Rather, as a demonstration of power, McConnell’s filibuster was pure artifice — a gambit meant to prove that he can still steer his party and win fights for conservatives. It came at the end of a series of defeats, including the confirmation, over his objections, of several key Obama nominees, and the news that he’s facing a well-heeled primary challenger. He needed to put an end to that streak.

    And, notably, it came the day after House Republicans gave the lie to their entire budgeting raison d’être, when their own Transportation/HUD bill failed spectacularly. If McConnell’s filibuster had failed, the GOP would have had a real nightmare on its hands — the contrast between the incompetent Republican House and the responsible Democratic Senate would have spoken volumes to voters about where responsibility for the mess in Washington lies.

    But just because the filibuster succeeded doesn’t make the victory any less pyrrhic. The path to avoiding a government shutdown still runs through the Senate. And just as was the case when the immigration reform passed, and when Obama got his administrative vacancies filled, it ends with McConnell voting along with the conservatives in his party against funding the government, but unwilling or unable to win their fights for them.


  12. Anonymous1:04 PM

    OMG...you're right! The comments show the video to be less satire and more like a news report. Hilarious!

  13. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Oh how I weep that our nation will not spend more money on education and less on the military complex.

  14. Anonymous4:46 PM

    What The Rest Of America Can Learn From California's Strict Gun Laws

    California, the state with the strictest gun laws in the country, has seen a 56% drop in its gun death rate in the past 20 years, according to a study that the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence released last week.

    The study points out that 5,500 Californians were killed by gunfire in 1993, but that number dropped to 2,935 by 2010. The number of people per 100,000 who were killed by guns also dropped dramatically from 1990 to 2010 (see chart at right, and note that the numbers on the Y axis seem to be spaced unevenly).

    While violent crime (including gun deaths) dropped everywhere in the U.S. during the 1990s, gun deaths declined even more in the Golden State. The nonprofit Law Center argues that there's a correlation between the state's strict gun laws and the dramatic drop in the number of deaths from gun violence.

    This theory is bolstered by other studies done elsewhere — a Center for American Progress study found that states with the weakest gun laws have the highest rates of gun violence, and a study released by Boston Children's Hospital in March found that states with more gun laws have fewer gun-related deaths.


  15. His eloquence and intellectual rigor will go far to convincing people to embrace his argument.

  16. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

    Your last sentence sums it up quite well.

    Translated: "Dang, Your Rite! Yew Betchya!"

  17. I saw a lovely family going for a walk with two little kids, one being pulled in a wagon and one riding a little bicycle. Then I saw the gun on the father's hip. It shocks me every time.


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