Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ex-Special Forces veteran gives some very valuable advice to young people thinking of joining the military.

As a parent whose daughter very seriously considered enlisting. I applaud this gentleman's honesty, and hopefully this will reach other youngsters thinking of joining the military,  and will help them to understand that it does not exist to pay for their college or to make them heroes.


  1. That was well put, and I’m glad he’s functioning and productive after what he’s seen and done. I hope this goes viral.

  2. Sharon6:07 AM

    I have often said...just look at our history, this man sums it up perfectly. Generating money and protecting money have been driving our military. Being the big dog on the porch has cost millions of lives, ours and theirs. I can't imagine how complicated this mess in Syria is, I am just glad Obama is in charge this time.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Right before Gulf War I, old man Bush's war, my husband was flying tanker escorts in that area. He was basically being paid by the US government to escort oil tankers owned by Exxon and the rest. Why they didn't pay for it is beyond me, but we all got stuck with the bill. All that military operation was for was to protect "our oil". Same with the second one.

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      We're always "Protecting our INTERERSTS." You know who's blowing it with respect to the Constitution? The Snoopy NSA. Which brings us to this:

      ALL 3 Branches of our Government are falling down on the Constitution. Senator Feinstein types, the President who is in charge of the Executive Branch, and the rubber-stampy FISA Court.

      And DOJ Holder is letting the Money Launderers at HSBC get away with laundering drug money, because it's in someones interest not to break up the Too Big Too Fail/Prosecute/Jail systematically important BANKS.

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Amen to all he said. Powerful. Still, he left out the part where if you come back damaged or wounded you will have to fight again for the care and support that was promised as an inducement to get your name on the enlistment papers.
    He left out the high ratios throughout the country of Veterans, male and female, who are homeless.
    As a veteran who served during Vietnam, but not in Vietnam, I couldn't agree with him more.
    These new recruits should know that when they raise their right hand these days, what they are really saying is that they promise to protect and increase the investments made by folks like Cheney (Halliburton) and Rumsfeld (arms manufacturers). It has nothing to do with the constitution.
    When I was in the military, roughly one third of the Legislature had served in the military and many had seen direct action. These days that number is a tiny drop in the bucket. The biggest hawks who cheerlead for war, death and destruction are those who managed to get multiple deferments from service and never served. We aren't talking about conscientious objectors - I respect them -- we are talking about those who simply refused to fight when it was their turn, but have no compunction about others into battle.

    I believe there should be an enforced two years government service for everyone - some could serve in the military as well as rebuild forests, roads, serve in hospitals etc.

    I'm in my 50s - growing up in the heart of the Vietnam war era - everyone I knew had someone in their family or neighborhood who was serving or had served. Today, that isn't so. Those who serve have been ghettoized into a somewhat hidden and often denigrated substructure of our society.

    It's shameful.

    Jessica - U.S. Army Veteran

    1. What she said.


    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      You're right Jessica, keep the low wage jobs and what else is there for a lower income kid to do but join up to be cannon fodder. You don't see many senator's sons or daughter in uniform.
      Like my husband always sad, you can't make money fighting in a war you make it by supplying those who do. His family ought to know since they've been doing it for at least a century.

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The politicians screaming the loudest for everyone to "Support the troops!!!!" are usually the first ones to cut the benefits of those same troops, award contracts to companies who provide inferior and often dangerous equipment, and essentially abandon the men and women in uniform once their corporate friends make a profit off of them.

  5. This was very, very powerful. I have never heard things stated so clearly before.

  6. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I work with a number of vets in my office and they are well paid, well respected professionals. Our office also employs military spouses and they are also treated well.
    I am sure there are homeless vets and vets who are struggling, but I don't see the substructure you mention in my day to day.
    War is never the answer. I agree with this man 100%.
    We have become a government of by the rich, for the rich. To the detriment of the nation as a whole. To the detriment of our food supply, water supply and environment. Our entire way of life is on the brink of destruction and all that the major players care about is protecting profit at all cost.

  7. Fantastic video...plain spoken and very understandable for anyone anywhere. Well done!

  8. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Just as the Republicans fight to have those contemplating their choices about pregnancy so that they are compelled to be exposed to opposing views and purported consequences, should there not be legislation prohibiting enlistment without assurance of informed decisions? Prospects should have two weeks or so where they are required to attend sessions where they hear all sides. Of course we know the answer. Few would be conned if they actually heard from voices of experience such as this victim.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

    I applaud this man for his courage to speak the truth and for his service.
    When the attack on 9/11 occurred, the armed forces decided to open recruitment offices in my daughter's public school, you know, get them when they're stunned, vulnerable, unsure of what to do with their lives, shocked and feeling most patriotic.

    The parents marched into the principal's office with the assorted propaganda pamphlets, and "Free" visors, water bottles, tee shirts, gift cards, movie tickets and application forms.
    I don't mind if it's "career" day and someone's relative happens to be enlisted, I just don't feel right with the school allowing armed services as THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE career choice or option other than further education.
    They moved their centers to the malls, but at least there, the kid's using his own free will to explore this option, hopefully among many others.

    This man's calm demeanor adds to the important message he's giving. This should go viral.


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