Saturday, August 31, 2013

Conservative candidate in Maine posts "shoot the ni**er" on his Facebook page in response to misinformation he received about Obamacare. Seems surprised when Secret Service shows up to pay him a visit.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

A conservative candidate for Maine town selectman received a visit from the Secret Service after he posted a photo of President Barack Obama on Facebook that was labelled “Shoot the ni**er.” 

According to the Bangor Daily News, David Marsters of Sabattus, ME has taken the post down, but remains defiant in the face up the uproar sparked by his remarks. 

“(The Secret Service) didn’t see no pictures of Obama with bullet holes in his head,” Marsters told the Daily News. “It’s not a threatening statement, in my opinion. People take it out of context as a threat.” 

“I didn’t say I was going to shoot the president, or kill — Shoot the ni**er. Shoot the ni**er. — that’s what I said,” he continued. “I’m pissed off at the system, OK? We’re about to lose our benefits because of this asshole.” 

Marsters has convinced himself that the Affordable Care Act — also known as “Obamacare” — is going to take away his ill wife’s spousal benefits. In an interview with Daily News reporter Douglas Mcintire, the retired police officer said perhaps he should have chosen his words more carefully, but that he believes the remark was not racist because he insists that he would have said the same thing about former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) had he been elected president. 

“I would say, ‘Shoot the ni**er,’ because white people are ni**ers, too,” he insisted, claiming that in his native Massachusetts, the racially charged epithet is applied equally to whites and African-Americans. 

The would-be selectman insists that Obama is not a native citizen of the U.S. and therefore not a “legal president.” He believes that like-minded citizens of Sabattus will elect him in spite of his controversial statements.

"White people are ni**ers too?" Really?

Even if that convuluted thinking were true, how would that excuse the posting of a picture of the President with the words "shoot the ni**er" on it? Somehow I think that even if this were a picture of a white President this idiot might have had the opportunity to meet the Secret Service face to face.

Clearly this guy has bought into the entire birther meme and does not believe that the President is legitimate. That plus his obvious racism, means in his mind the President is somebody that he can threaten with impunity.

Hopefully the good people of Sabattus, Maine recognize that this hateful POS is unfit to represent their town and will give him the big heave-ho.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    “It’s not a threatening statement, in my opinion."

    Noooo, not threatening at all!

    What's really frightening it that this lunatic is a retired police officer, which means that he is very likely the owner of at least one weapon. It also means that he was responsible for insuring the safety of members of his community at some point in time.

    Glad I don't live anywhere near this asshat. And I HOPE the people in his town have better sense than to elect this nut to any position of authority.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    In the security office located in the main lobby of the National Guard armory on Ft Richardson, they used to have a sign hanging up that read, "Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8"

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      What does 109:8 say? I'm not a Bible reader or Christian and I'm sure there are many like me in the Alaska National Guard!

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      OMG that is vile!!!

  3. Well, he sure is a select man all right. Oh wait--no, he isn't, sadly enough. Perhaps more the, ah, “voice of the common man"?

  4. "Marsters has convinced himself that the Affordable Care Act — also known as “Obamacare” — is going to take away his ill wife’s spousal benefits. "

    No, the republican monsters and racist rwnjs who lie lie lie lie and lie some more about the ACA (which I believe will proudly be called Obamacare in years to come) convinced him that his wife's benefits would be taken away.

    Of course, he is clearly disposed to willingly read and go along with these lies instead of checking into the facts.

    Which is a very good reason for the townspeople to not elect him. He's too fucking stupid and lazy to study up on important issues that will affect them.

    1. Sally in MI8:18 AM

      He looks old enough for Medicare..hey bud, it's the GOP not Obama who wants to end that program for your wife. Wake up.

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Thank god that President Clinton is going to be out there nationally explaining this insurance law to the Republicans who are putting out so much untruth about it.

      I detest his racist comment! What is the matter w/idiots like this guy?

    3. Anonymous1:17 PM

      It would be fun taking this nasty old coots Medicare away from him because I'm sure he is one of these 'that wants his country back' which makes zero sense!

      Go live in Syria folks and see how good you have it in America! Idiots!

  5. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Scary thing is, people will vote for this asshole. Anybody who votes for this guy should have to have their name and address revealed. Own your BS! The thing that sucks about a voting booth is people's bigotry and racism have the cover of anonymity.

    1. Sally in MI8:20 AM

      Not sure what you want here. The parties already have access to voting records, I think. It is how they develop lists for mailings. And the voting booth is not anonymous. In case you never noticed, you have a ballot number and the same number is placed on your registration card when you go to vote. So it can be tracked.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      8:20 I think you misunderstood 7:18's comment. No one knows HOW we vote in any booth - they just know we DID vote. And, that is where they DO get our addresses.

      Sally, think you need to read more carefully!

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    His statement that "white people are ni**ers too" is the equivalent of the typical GOP apology, "Sorry if you were offended." Never "sorry for what an awful thing I just said or did." Never a real apology. This guy from Maine is as stupid as most Republicans. He and his wife are on Medicare probably along with a supplemental. Well, my supplemental also comes courtesy of my husband's employment. The former employer pays a pittance towards my husband's coverage but we are both in the group which is a savings for us. This guy from Maine is like the idiot who lives near us and had, until this summer, a lawn chair with a big poster of Stalin sitting in it. I guess he needed the lawn chair for his very pricey bay front view behind his property. Or maybe someone in his family told him that President Obama was not at all like Josef Stalin.

    1. Sally in MI8:21 AM

      There's an idiot near us too, with a huge sign reading "Wake UP! Before all your rights are gone. Impeach Obama!" He had to take it down because it was about 8 ft by 6, and was against all kinds of codes.

  7. As a fellow Massachusetts native...nope. Nope nope nope.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Me too! That guy is wicked ignorant!

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Agreed! I'm living in Massachusetts, have for 25 years, and have never heard the word used for white people.

  8. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Are there no rules to disqualify anyone from running? This should be one. What a bunch of bullshit this man spews, brought to him by Fox News and conservative radio. God this makes me sad for our country.

  9. Anonymous8:00 AM

    And yet, the POS would most likely vote for Ted Cruz the Canadian if he ran for POTUS.

    1. Sally in MI8:22 AM

      Oh but Canada isn't a foreign country. In Lalaland anyway. But Hawaii is.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Yes indeed he would!

    3. Anonymous9:10 AM

      You see, Sally, the difference is that the people in Canada must be white 'cause there's snow there while lots of the people in Hawaii are brown so they MUST be furriners.

      Just ask Princess Wind Between Her Ears and she'll tell ya!!!

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    He should just own up to the fact that he is a racist. Embrace it and quit being a chicken###t.

    I don't understand that ignorant ideology nor would I respect his limited view of humankind, however it would be nice if teabaggers would at least be brave enough to be responsible for their own actions.... Just say it sir, you are a racist!

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      " would be nice if teabaggers would at least be brave enough to be responsible for their own actions.... "

      Or at least take their hate back under their rocks with them. I really preferred the days when these dolts kept their mouths shut for fear of being found out.

      Of course I would like the world to be non-racist and educated, but I've lost all hope for that- at least in my lifetime.

  11. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I wouldn't bet on "the good people of Sabattus" I have family there and they seem to be like-minded. Sorry to say! He only shows his ignorance with comments like that IMHO.

  12. Anonymous8:37 AM

    fuk_tard really needs to be kicked hard through the goalposts of life

  13. Anonymous8:42 AM

    1) Hopefullly, when Clinton and others start the education program right after Labor Day, some of the lies told by the right will be dispelled. Some people will never believe it, but some might listen.

    2) To say that "Shoot the _____" is an injunction -- an order. Anyone who is trying to incite violence against the President will be immediately visited by the Secret Service!

    3) The ACA was passed by both Houses of Congress. The majority ruled!
    That's democracy, sir.

    4) I think his injunction to "Shoot the ___" is equivalent to Sarah Palin's rifle crosshairs on electd representatives she didn't like. She was sending an only slightly less direction to "take out" liberals. Do you see the evil you wrought, Sarah? Violence is not part of our vocabulary.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Republicans are one nasty bunch. The Dems are too nice!!! Thinks it is time the 'other' side give them back some of their own medicine.

      I'd like someone to pick up the likes of this guy, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck or Sarah Palin (who actually caused deaths to occur in AZ!) and transport them to Washington D.C. where they'd be put in locks on a very public square for all to see and taunt!

      Remember how we learned in our history classes that they used that treatment years ago?

  14. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Makes you wonder just what the Republicans and the people they've fooled are going to say, once all the aspects of the ACA are in place, and costs come down, while coverage is better.

  15. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Sarah's monster paws all over this one:

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      She was the kiss of death to him - as usual!

  16. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Cheney's can't keep their house in order:

  17. A. J. Billings9:34 AM

    This is the kind of shit that $arah Paylin would post if she thought she could get away with it.

    This kind of rhetoric is the direct result of the Limbaughs, Granny Grifter, the Mark Levins, Glenn Becks and the Bryan Fischers of right wing Christian radio.

    I would like to have seen a photo of his face when the black Chevy Tahoe pulled up in front of his house, and 2 secret service guys with buzzcuts and Glocks walked up his front path.

    I read an article about him that said he's for making firearm ownership mandatory in his little town. Does that mean he's willing to arrest someone who chooses not to have a gun?

    I am totally convinced that if Hillary or another Dem wins in 2016, there will be armed uprisings in the deep South and far West states like Idaho.

    Texas in particular has hundreds of thousands of idiots who would like nothing better than to get all their guns, ammo, and grenades, jump into a few thousand pickups, and descend on Austin to shoot the place up as a "2nd amendment remedy"

    I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet, given the vicious and nasty prodding from the ultra right Christian pastors and the assholes on right wing radio.

    There are few things more tempting and exciting. to bored old fat white idiots than pickin' up their guns for a religious war on Democrats, libruls, Muslims, hippies, and Prius driving granola eaters.

    Specially them that is led by a Kenyan Muslim commie like Obama.


    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Well said A.J.

    2. These cowardly crackas assholes know they would be dust.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Austin is a part of TX that votes blue - have family there and they are appalled at what goes on in the majority of their state.

    4. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Nah. A white Democratic woman is still better than a Black man, in their opinion. Unfortunately, I think they will crawl back into their holes when they don't have Obama to hate . . . while they enjoy the benefits of Obamacare.

  18. Anonymous9:50 AM


    I just want to rant about this because GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! THE HYPOCRISY!!!!

    Someone from the bush admin is talking about syria and is saying how it's not justified and how the president has flimsy evidence.

    so...intelligence about a chemical attack 20 YEARS EARLIER from a regime that we were, at the time of the attack, allied with while vaguely hinting that there was some connection between Iraq and 9/11 = OKAY!

    an action to get a regime out of power that is actively gassing people when there is a genuine concern that the leading group to take over is al Qaeda = BAD!

    Just want to point that out.

    I'm sort of on the fence on this, although I trust the president to make the right decision, I just can't stand all of this ridiculous partisanship from all of these doofuses who were in favor of the Iraq invasion talking about a LIMITED STRIKE in Syria as if it is the WORST. THING. EVER.

    It makes me want to vomit.

    Also, everyone is talking like we're going to send troops there, but this is going to be like Libya. We're just going to aid a bunch of people who are trying to overthrow the jerk in power.

  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    WTF Maine? Is there some connection between Maine and Alabama or South Carolina or Texas that we don't know about? There was a recent SNL skit about "Maine Justice" where the judge, bailiff and plaintiff act like they are from Louisiana. Maybe the SNL writers got a whiff of something malodorous coming from Maine. This is an ex-cop. How would he like it if the rethuglicans took away his bennies like they want to in Wisconsin? Probably blame that on the black man in the white house too.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Outside of the small tourist towns on the coast, Maine is actually pretty rural with lots of small towns that tend to breed crazy wackos like this.

  20. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Whether or not a person qualifies as a "Ni**er," I don't see how decent folk would put up with a person who wants to be empowered to make decisions on their community's behalf - calling for a shooting of innocent, American citizens.

  21. Anonymous11:08 AM

    The chicken behind him says it all.

  22. sewnup11:10 AM

    He's a twisted sort, obviously. The town management of Sabbatus was on TV last night, obviously embarrassed and apologizing profusely on the behalf of the whole town. While I'm sure there are still some there who agree with him (there are stupid people everywhere, it seems, these days), all the folks I know down there are are most other Mainers. This very-bad-excuse-for-a-governor we have now encourages such behavior.

    Marsters resigned yesterday from from all town boards and committees, but as I gather it was only because he knew the town boards were about to vote him out--he did it just a couple hours before their meeting; he just didn't want to say he got fired, apparently.

  23. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Here is the story about him quitting just before he got sh*tcanned:

    1. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

      awww. the white "ni**er" got a taste of his own medicine.

      Marsters said one angry call came from a Sabattus man who told Marsters he should go back to Massachusetts before he was "shot in the back of the head."

      "Marsters reported that call to police, who interviewed the caller earlier this week. Gilmore, the town manager, confirmed Marsters' account of the threat but said police did not take any action because Marsters did not want to pursue it."

      I wonder how many diapers he filled when the Feds knocked on his door?

  24. Anonymous2:14 PM

    In other news, a Maine website is warning that it's going to publish one at a time the names of the "anonymous" Hate merchants that have plagued it for years. Apparently there's no shortage of Hate in Maine.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Do you have the link?

  25. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

    It takes a lot of courage to post racist threats against a sitting president, and I'm glad his courage got rewarded with a knock on his door from the feds. His explanation that white people are n words too is a bit much.
    Any one wanna guess which television news station he watches? Talk Radio Station? Which PAC's he contributes to?

  26. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Is that fucking cracker a ghost? He is one pasty ass old white dude. Too much Rush, Faux, and Glen.


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