Sunday, August 18, 2013

Is Sarah Palin persona non grata with the folks at Fox?

That is a picture of Greta Van Susteren fishing in Alaska.

You may not have recognized her without a Palin milling around her attempting to get attention.

This is Franklin Graham, who Greta is hanging out with here in the Last Frontier.

Notice anything missing?

Now. remember this from a few days ago?

That is Fox News very own bill O'Reilly who was, and may still be, up here as well.

Now that is two Fox News personalities, including Palin's favorite interviewer Greta Van Susteren, and Franklin Graham, Palin's all time FAVORTIE evangelist, and nary a Palin in sight. WTF?

How is it possible that Palin has not been pimping their visit on her Facebook page?

How is it possible that she is not cozying up to Graham right along with Greta for some of that evangelical cred she is always fishing for?

And how is it that Greta has not announced an upcoming interview with the half term governor and former teabagger queen?

I mean we KNEW that the relations between Palin and Fox were somewhat strained, but this appears to be a whole new level of Fuck Off!

I mean sure there MIGHT be something in the works that we just don't know about, but how unlikely does that seem? Especially since Greta has already been here for three days.

You know it almost seems as if Greta and O'Reilly came up specifically to make the point that Palin is no longer allowed at the cool kids table.

But hey don't forget, she DID get to make a cake for an octogenarian race car driver. So you know, she has THAT going for her.

(Pictures courtesy of Gretawire.)


  1. Sally in MI5:31 PM

    Yes, I'm sure she was WAY too busy with her famous guest baking cakes and whatnot and opening that canned icing. Not to mention getting Trig dressed for his photo op.
    But there's always the horny Bill Kristol pmping her to 'resurrect' herself and run fro Alaska's next Senator. Guess he doesn't know she no longer qualifies as an Alaska resident.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Kristol was Chief of Staff for Dan Quayle. 'nuff said. He wouldn't know stupid if it bit him in the ass.

    2. Anonymous4:06 AM

      Here is a link to Bill in denial about his biggest mistake:


    3. Canned icing! Bleargh! And yet, whenever a Palin gal is trying to show off her Mad Bakin' Skillz, the frosting can is always front and center!

      Now, how hard is it to sift a pound of powdered sugar, add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of vanilla (or vanillin, that fake stuff that smells like antifreeze), beat in a stick of soft butter ($arah probably has Country Crock or some other poliomargarine--the crippling butter substitute!--around, but no matter), and dribble in a little milk or cream or liquid coffee whitener or Bailey's Irish Cream until a spreading consistency is reached?

      Too hard for $arah, given that she doesn't know how to take her one-layer cake out of the pan.

    4. GinaM11:01 AM
      One of RAM's sock puppets posted a picture of Baldy and the Toad from Greta's site...check out Baldy's mis-shapen plump face and the wrinkled ass jacket!

    5. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Gina, Todd looks like he's in love in that photo, never seen him like that!

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    'Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham welcomed Greta Van Susteren, host of “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel, and her husband, John Coale, this weekend to the Operation Heal Our Patriots wilderness retreat in Port Alsworth, Alaska. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, were scheduled to arrive on Sunday to welcome a new group of veterans as well.'

    1. Really? Well that's interesting.

      I wonder if they actually showed up? And if they did, why have they not been all over Twitter and Facebook bragging about it?

      I will believe it when I see it.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I think that is why she voluntarily phoned that radio station. LOOK AT ME. LISTEN TO ME. IM HEEEEERE!!!!!

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Ok. It's Sunday night. Any sighting yet?

    4. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Also, too, she implied that she was with Parnelli Jones TODAY but didn't say it. Posting the lie today made it seem like that was what she did today. His birthday was last week. Trying to fake it to make the Pees think she was too busy with Jones today to be with Greta.

      Greta would have known ahed of time that Palin could not attend if Palin was expecting Jones. Greta would not have posted the comment on her blog.

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      The Samaritan's Purse mention of the Palins plan to visit came only after Greta had arrived and Todd let them know something better be done fast to soothe Sarah's damaged ego. We should find out soon whether Todd has to fly Sarah to the fishing spot to complete the ruse or whether the 'surprise' visit from Jones will pass as an excuse for a no-show. Should be interesting.

    6. Anonymous5:36 PM
      "Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, were scheduled to arrive on Sunday"..

      The key word is "scheduled"....remember Baldy doesn't adhere to "no stinkin schedules".

      So when she woke up from her drunken stupor this morning and the Toad got a look at her and knew he would have to rinse her off like Meh Rmoney's poor pooch...the Toad opted to have Baldy call in to that obscure Fake News radio guy and spew what RAM threw together at the last minute!

      Baldy's contribution to that screed was based on the last thing she watched before she passed out....

      "The Flintstones"

      Amirite RAM you fat hack or amirite! LOL!!!

    7. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Why do you use the term brag? That is a specific term and really doesn't have anything to do with anything else.Sarah doesn't see her self as better. In fact, she often admits she's definitely not the best and often gives accolades to people more deserving. Always has, in writing and speaking.

      Not her fault you can't hear or read with an open. intelligent mind.

    8. Anonymous8:17 PM

      7:41 !!! Bwhahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You know Sarah so well, don't you????? No, you don't. And she talks about you and thinks you are a mentally disturbed loon. That's what she thinks of you so keep spinning your bullshit.

    9. Anonymous9:50 PM

      She's still bragging about "winning" the big game in high school, 7:41.

    10. Anonymous10:10 PM

      $arah was notorious as 'governor' for scheduling things and pulling a no show. Or she'd appear at the last minute and throw everybody off kilter.

      No way $creech would hang around in AK with O'Rielly. He thinks she's a moron, and of course, he is right.

      Besides, $arah is too scared to come out from behind her Facebook bunker and show her face in Alaska.

    11. Anonymous2:38 AM

      Greta posted:-

      NOTE FROM ME: I will post more pics tomorrow from Samaritan’s Purse / Reverend Franklin Graham’s program OPERATION HEAL OUR PATRIOTS and one other note: Governor Sarah Palin and Todd Palin flew in tonight to have dinner with the injured soldiers and their spouses

  3. Ooooh, the butt-hurt that Todd Palin's ex-wife must be feeling about this snub from O'Reilly, Graham, Greta V, and their guests...

    Watch out for those cans-a-flying and stay low, Toad!

  4. Anonymous5:56 PM

    It's all Todd's fault as Sarah's scheduler. He keeps the calendar of what the cool kids are doing so he can arrange a competing event to keep Sarah occupied, create the appearance that she had better things to do, and mediate her meltdowns. I mean he messed up - forgot all about the fishing weekend when he invited Jones to visit.

    Greta took some amazing bear photos, btw.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Greta shot the bears with a camera and not a gun!!!??? Why Sarah Grizley woulda had those bears skins on her sofa by now!

  5. Very odd. But isn't that Sarah herself in the pic w/Greta? And yes, why hasn't it been all over twitter and facebook?

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      That's Sarah?

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Naah, that gal in the pic w Greta has too much meat on her bones to be the Quitter Cadaver, LLC. Probably just one of the guides to net and unhook the fish for the guests. Purely an educated guess on my part.

  6. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Well Saturday came and went and Mrs. Palin wasn't on Eric Bolling or any other Faux news show. Is she down to five minutes a month now?

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    "Operation Heal Our Patriots wilderness retreat" = "Operation Rich Hypocrites Get a Free Alaska Vacation While Pretending to Care About American Soldiers."

  8. Anonymous6:10 PM


    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Name One time Bill Kristol has been right about anything.Ever.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:52 PM

      Palin can resurrect herself? Does that mean she's a vampire or is she seeing the voodoo priest again?

    3. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Looks like Bill's still got tight pants over Sarah Palin. What an embarrassment.

    4. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Even funnier, Kristol said, "or rehabilitate herself" ...

      Bwhahahahaha .....

  9. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Simple, she's at her home state of Arizona.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      This trip wirh Parnelli has been planned for months. You missed the dozen articles in May?

    2. Anonymous4:23 AM

      Just exactly where were these "dozen" articles posted in May? In May Sarah was busy at the iconic Kentucky Derby, the iconic Indy 500 and the iconic high school graduaton of 27. I do not remember one mention of the iconic Mr. Jones

  10. AKinPA6:17 PM

    AWWWW! But Bill Kristol, who has to be in the later stages of dementia, still loves her. He thinks she could resurrect/rehabilitate herself by running for the Senate in AK.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      He has to say that because he pushed McCain so hard into taking on Sarah as his VP. They cannot admit that they made a mistake, not a mistake as big as choosing Palin.

    2. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Maybe Kristol STILL has obviously not come to his senses and realized what a horrificly toxic sociopath $arah Palin really is.

      You could be right 7:07, in that he won't admit his colossal blunder publicly, but at least he did sort of admit that she has to be "resurrected"! Dead $arah?

      Paylin will never run for Senate in Alaska, no way in hell, because she's been ruined there by her idiocy and gaffes, and her crimes and ethics violations might get exposed

      If she ever has any hope of national office it's going to be in Arizona where Christian Taliban gun fanatics might be stupid enough to elect an anorexic narcissistic meth addict monster.

      Oh, sorry $arah, did I insult you? Tough shit you fucking bitch, you deserve that and a lot more.

  11. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Gretawire has several pictures of wounded soldiers -- it looks as though all of them have artificial limbs -- but she keeps pointing out that they're SMILING.

    Yes, Greta. While the camera's pointed at us and the dozen or so other wounded soldiers you took along on your vacation, we didn't feel like crying or saying angry things about the pointless wars you and your neocon friends sent us to fight. Sent us to die in, or, if we were lucky, come home from to no job, no legs, food stamps and PTSD. But, hey, thanks for two days in Alaska. I'll balance that against three tours in Afghanistan. Wonder which memories will stay with me forever.
    Oh, and Greta? All Americans are "patriots," not just the poor souls who signed up for the Army because it was the only way out of West Virginia.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM


    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      They were there last year, too, healing in the name of Jesus, and it's spiritual healing for the wounded vet and his spouse. (Sounds kind of exclusive, singles and non-Christians-- no healing for you).

    3. Anonymous3:20 AM

      6:23 Great comment. Ueah, people can smile at all times - I've seen parents smile at their children's funerals. Doesn't mean they are happy about burying their child.

  12. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Weird that Franklin Graham would hang out with Greta and her husband who are Scientologists.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM


      I think Greta and husband John are hoping most Fox News viewers don't know and want to keep em- in the dark. It's a given that Fox viewers don't study up.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      It's no small coincidence that Greta has interview the Grahams almost a hundred times. She has her own charity, "Greta's home" in Haiti, associated with Samaritan's Purse, Graham's charity. The people who are in need will be healed in Jesus' name. (If you don't believe, I guess you are out of luck and no health care for you. Talk about your death panel!)

    3. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Their religious differences are smoothed over since they both have told Sarree they won't provide a husband for Ol' brisket.

    4. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I agree, but hell, anything for publicity!

    5. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Weird that Franklin would hang out with Greta...Greta has done hour specials about her trips to Haiti with Samaritan's purse. It's free publicity for Graham, and it makes Greta look good,too. They feed each others' egos. Maybe Greta makes a substantial contribution to Graham, and in return, she gets the exclusive interview which will attract the Religious Right, the Right demographic for Fox. It's a win-win all around. Or, another way to put it is "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."

    6. Anonymous9:53 PM

      They're all publicity whores who love money.

    7. Anonymous1:05 AM


      graham is not religious, he's a fukin' fraud, so it matters not that he hangs with self proclaimed scientologist's


    8. Anonymous3:21 AM

      It's a weird cover operation for something that both parties are gaining from. Guarandamteed

    9. Anonymous6:29 AM

      B/c she IS a Scientologist! Notice how they always take pics of their "enemies"? That's a classic Scientology behavior.
      Bictchol even does it!

  13. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Of course, on Gretawire, you'll be informed that our good-for-nothing President is, get this, taking a vacation! In August! With his family! And not even pretending to care about wounded patriots, like we're doing and blogging all about! The nerve of that uppity boy.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:02 PM

      And GWB didn't take ONE vacation. She's just bitchy cause she got stuck with the seven dwarves in Alaska.
      She always looks like she's practicing tying a cherry stem with her tongue. Every Single Picture. Come on, Greta, it's not rocket science!

  14. Anonymous6:51 PM

    If one checks the pages of Gretawire, she has posted more than a dozen posts on her trip to AK, with her readers enjoying being updated, but no mention at all of the One who calls Alaska her own. What IS going on?

    And the fact that the Samaritan's Purse site mentioned that the Palins were to meet up at the camp with a group is somewhat odd, given that Sarah called into a radio show today, and celebrated a belated birthday with a visitor AND when Caribou hunting, although it's been said that this isn't the season for Caribou hunting.

    Something is very very fishy.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Something is very very fish. Maybe Jones will go fishing with professional fisherman Todd since the non-resident caribou season won't start until the end of the month. Fish, fish, have you any caribou?

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Maybe Sarah is standing them up - she is htat crazy. Maybe it was all arranged and Sarah or one other personalities is giving them the big FU. I think that is ehat she is doing - and Fox put out the disclaimer that Sarah was scheduled, and when she doesn't show it is on her..
      That will work out SO well for her lol.
      But, really hope Fox is giving her the big FU by being in her state and totally ignoring her.

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      A NPD queen is never crazy enough to miss a chance for the limelight. That's what they live for. Wasn't there a recent occasion when she was supposed to appear on Faux, then "appeared" late and by phone due to a "communications problem"? My money is on something similar here: maybe they invited her to be part of an event (the dinner) well outside the main show, and made sure either in advance or on the spot that cameras be kept away.
      She's getting less presentable by the second. Growing concern for control of the video feed, I'm guessing.

  15. Anonymous7:02 PM

    But seriously, besides us, the peepond and the insane old testament fans at her fakebook, the rest of the country could care less about that evil mean bitch.

  16. Anonymous7:19 PM

    A hypothetical scenario for why she didn't show: on Greta's blog, she and John and Franklin and the Mrs. flew on Franky's private jet to the the camp. She didn't get an invitation and is fuming. I think both the Franklins and Van Susteren, who have an investment in Saramitan's Purse with their involvement in Haiti and other places, never received a pledge or donation from the Queen and snubbed her.

    I'm surprised she didn't just 'crash' their fishing pad and show up with her you-tube camera crew. Something is coming down the pike (pardon the pun).

  17. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sarah said last May Parnelli was coming up here in August to hunt.

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Then we shouldn't trust her as an election candidate for anything. Really - what kind of person who is in the media, would chose a nearly dead old sports hero that only a few people in the country remember yet care about, versus the people who can hire her for lots of money and give her airtime.
      She is stupid in business as she is stooopid in everything in hr life.
      Im 50 - heard of Parnelli Jones, think he was a race car driver. That's about it....

  18. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sarah is a busy lady. It was widely reported that Parnelli was coming to Alaska to hunt with them this month.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Nice try, but caribou season for non-residents won't open in Alaska until August 29, and even then out-of-staters can't hunt without a special permit that had to have been purchased last fall (2012).

    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Really? When it isn't legal for non-residents to hunt caribou this time of year? Who are you shitting?

    3. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Oh I see-the good Christian of samaritan's purse was too busy entertaining parnelli jones to celebrate and help wounded soldiers instead of being with rev graham-is that what you are saying? Well since skank claims they took parnelli caribou hunting then why didn't she take him to hunt and fish up with Greta and graham? Wouldn't that have made for a great inspirational deed?

      Liar!!! Skank wasn't invited because no one can stand to be associated with her stench.

      Greta posted that skank and her purse carrier were flying in for dinner because skank begged Greta to save her ass from the obvious-fox doesn't want her for anything except as Ailes little joke.

      Amirite Gina?

    4. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Amirite Gina?

      *GinaM speaking in her Barry White voice*

      Shoo ya right!


    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I love me some Gina M.

  19. Anonymous7:43 PM

    $he is no longer a resident of Alaska. $he is a resident of Arizona now. So.... If/when Fox Noise goes to Arizona, THEN $he will be a part of it.

  20. Anita Winecooler8:05 PM

    Never thought I'd say this, but Billo got a shred of sense. Who'd want to hang out with the seven dwarves?

  21. Anonymous8:09 PM

    So the good Reverend Bible thumper Islamaphobe is cool w/ hanging out w/ Scientologists?

    1. Anonymous3:27 AM

      As long as they can launder money together, sure why not?

  22. Anonymous9:18 PM

    It will be funny as hell and a great bridge-burner if Sarah forced a belated invitation out of Graham for today and then purposefully stands him up.

    I hope you'll do a follow-up post no matter how this ends.

  23. Anonymous9:39 PM

    That Frankie Graham sure is a scumbag....

  24. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Ok, can we say that neither Sarah nor any of her stand-ins were not there today?

  25. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Perhaps the rumors about the "Rev" and Sarah are true after all? maybe mrs Graham didnt want the oh so Christian Sarah on the trip...

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      "Spread em, then hope to Wed em".

  26. PollyinAK11:01 PM

    From Greta's Blog

    Posted 2 hours ago
    NOTE FROM ME: I will post more pics tomorrow from Samaritan’s Purse / Reverend Franklin Graham’s program OPERATION HEAL OUR PATRIOTS and one other note: Governor Sarah Palin and Todd Palin flew in tonight to have dinner with the injured soldiers and their spouses

  27. angela2:24 AM

    With Bill Kristol bloviating about a Palin senatorial run, Billo in Alaska and Greta and her hubby skulking about the state . . . . .I think the Quitta is about to announce a fake run for the senate. Attention must be given and boy will they give it to her. Just a guess . . . .

  28. Anonymous3:55 AM

    From Gretawire:

    NOTE FROM ME: I will post more pics tomorrow from Samaritan’s Purse / Reverend Franklin Graham’s program OPERATION HEAL OUR PATRIOTS and one other note: Governor Sarah Palin and Todd Palin flew in tonight to have dinner with the injured soldiers and their spouses

    ...the Palins came to say goodbye to them on their last night.

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      They had dinner with the soldiers and their spouses, but not with Greta and Franklin? Is that reading too much into the sentence?

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Wait a minute...they flew in?...I thought they lived there...shouldn't that have been "they arrived home tonight"...?

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Did Sarah and Todd crash the party?

    4. Anonymous11:59 AM

      It sounds to me that Sarah or Todd read about the events on this site and made a stink to get "some relevance."

      No mention of Palins in any of the promo or previous materials.

    5. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Here's the link:

      But no photos yet from either Greta or Palin.

  29. What Sarah was too stupid to understand when she excitedly put on her 20-something-going-clubbing-shoes and her 1980s sitcom blouse, ratted up the ol' wig, and inflated the boobies to their biggest size evar!, was that that morning appearance on fox and friends followed by a couple of chickenshit appearances elsewhere was intended as a bitch slap to put her in her place.

    (How is that for a long sentence?)

    She still doesn't get it.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      That vile and disgusting Bitch will never get it.

  30. Anonymous5:15 AM

    It kinda tells something about these people. Greta and husband are scientologist and Graham supposed to be a Christian minister, all these so called false prophets. They all are in it for the money.
    They will pimp together as long as it helps them line their pockets. The thing they all have in common GREED! They convince people it's all okay as long as the purpose is portrayed as a good thing. Just think how much good could be done if all the profit for those above, were taken out

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Agree. While it helps 84 couples (a year?) or at one time and houses them in the renovated campground (paid for by Samaritan's purse for several millions dollars, including purchasing of land), I wonder how they the Samaritan's Purse donors feel that their money is placed in a very isolated state like AK. It's costly to fly to AK from the lower 48 and most couples, recovering veterans with injuries wouldn't be able to afford to travel there. If Samaritan's Purse even pays for their travel fees, why not buy land in an easily-accessible spot in the lower 48?

      I don't understand why Graham would set up a marriage counseling and retreat for veterans way up there, especially when he relies on the little people's donations.

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Who can forget a few years back when the AK Fluff Girl and Franklin flew to Western AK where folks had no fuel and were freezing -- and brought cookies and Christian hand outs??!!!

      Meanwhile, Hugo Chavez donated heating fuel from Venezuela. That's how $arah 'governed" , you betcha!!

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Anon 9:21, That in a nutshell says it all.

  31. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Don't hold your breath...if Palin is in Alaska she'll figure out a way to meet up with her meal-ticket-brethren.

  32. Anonymous6:46 AM

    How did the Palins fly in to the camp? By chartered jet (paid for by PAC)? Or did Fox News pay? I can't imagine them paying for anything themselves since Todd would have to ask, 'what's in it for them'?

  33. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Everyone hates Sarah Palin. She is literally the most hated person in America. Even her own family hates her guts.

  34. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Palin is no longer allowed at the cool kids table.

    Too funny Uncle Gryph

  35. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Where are the pics of Sarah and Todd at dinner? Was Sarah's famous "word salad" served as the first course? Was Track, the famous warrior body there also too? Was Bristol and/or Willow looking over the attendees for a potential trial husband? Did Sarah show up with her "videophotographer" to capture the event for her next video/book?

    The Palins are always looking for "what's in it for them!" And Greta and Franklin KNOW this. That's probably she wasn't invited to participate. She would have turned the even into a circus.


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