Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lighter from the Vietnam War.

Just as true now as it was then.

I was a kid back in the 70's and naively believed that after that debacle we would have learned our lesson as a nation.

God kids are stupid.


  1. Leland2:32 AM

    Many of us who were of draft age (or serving) at that time were also naive, Gryphen.

    Fortunately, I believe a lot of us have actually learned that lesson.

    UNFORTUNATELY, what we haven't seemed to learn is dumping our sorry-assed leaders who consistently seem to push us into things like that.

    I am NOT saying we don't need a strong military. Man hasn't reached the stage of being smart enough to get past that yet. I AM saying (as you are, I feel) all these useless wars need to be stopped.

    We need to have congressional leaders who examine really closely everything that is told them. VERY CLOSELY!

    If they don't?

    Vote them out! Our children are too precious not to.

  2. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Actually, kids are only following 'orders' from the so-called adults. I am sick about Syria. Just sick. Why are we in this position? Because some evil men over there decided it was just fine to kill their own people. And now the good old USA thinks that they can rectify this by what? Killing more people? Aligning ourselves with Al Queda is going to help? Tell you what. The people who think "Hillary did nothing as Secretary of State' are wrong. We did not start any wars did we? Nope. Get a man in there, and here we go. Men need to be macho and prove they are tough, or something.So our already stressed economy will be thrown back into recession, because heaven forbid we raise taxes to PAY for this next debacle. I think we should start a movement and get the right on board...we cannot afford another war. On so many levels.

    1. Omg you are so ignorant and naive. Yeah people will die, of course a civil nation will respond with an act of aggregation. That happens except when chimpy unilaterally nvaded a solvent nation Iraq, for his ego.

  3. Anonymous3:28 AM

    That applies to just about every armed conflict in history with few exceptions.

  4. Anonymous3:29 AM

    I know what you mean, Gryph. I thought racism was dying back then, too.

  5. Anonymous3:38 AM

    I don't believe I am stupid. But I so desire to live in a country where we r not killing each other and the planet. Act local - think global.

  6. Beldar J Conehead4:08 AM


    Say, Gryphen, here's the answer to that perennial trivia question "What's the best state in which to be convicted of legitimate rape?"

    For those guessing South Virginia, I'm sorry, that is incorrect. Turns out it's Montana. That's right. Montana.

    From LAT: A Montana judge has come under fire after handing down a 30-day sentence to a former high school teacher convicted of raping a 14-year-old student and for making statements in court that the victim was "older than her chronological age" and "as much in control of the situation" as her teacher.

    (a 14 year old student who later committed suicide, btw),0,1463530.story

    Let's be clear, I am NOT advocating legitimate rape or even problematic illegitimate rape. I'm merely pointing out the apparent benefit for rapists of all legitimacies to have their cases adjudicated in Big Sky Country.

    As the ad campaign says "Montana is for lovers, like it or not"

  7. From my calculations, Vietnam was our 'longest war' although for many years officially 'undeclared'. Those of us who viewed it night after night on the news and who have friends and family who died or were maimed will remember Vietnam as the war that absorbed our consciousness, our innocence and our youth. Robert McNamara in the documentary "Fog of War" basically apologized for the escalation, lies, and continuation of the war for no real good reason except for his personal legacy. This war consumed an entire generation's formative years. "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent." Isaac Asimov


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