Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Newly elected Republicans being sworn into office.

Okay that was mean.

In fact this is one of a series of very disturbing images depicting a day in the life of the Klu Klux Klan.

Here is the actual caption that accompanied the above photograph:

Candidates are blindfolded are led through the woods at a sometimes vigorous pace. They are questioned about Klan craft and history, and they swear certain oaths. They are then "knighted" through anointing with sacred waters, a sword touch on both shoulders, and a benediction. The new members are greeted and welcomed by the officiating officers.

You know upon further reflection perhaps my comparison was not that far off. 

What do you think?


  1. The Rotary Club wouldn’t take them?

    There's a lot of corruption out there, Gryphen.

  2. angela6:13 AM

    I think that the KKK may be less functionally insane than their congressional GOP counterparts. At least the KKK makes no bones about the fact that they are racist piles of shit and pus. While the GOP covers their eyes with their hands like infants----believing no one can really see them for the bigoted, rancid, racists that they really are.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    What is it with copying the pope's costumes?

    1. angela6:33 AM

      Back in the 70s I went to Spain and was there doing Holy Week. I almost had a heart attack when men in pointed white hoods and white robes marched down the street around a float. Then I recalled that the KKK thought they took their mission to hate from god. I think they stole some of their fashion sense from the catholic church. Creepy.

    2. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Originality which requires creativity and intelligence is mutually exclusive with a willfully ignorant mind.

  4. American Flag - check.
    Christian Cross - check.
    Left Hand Over the Heart - check.
    Raised Right Hand Over a... Bible? - looks like it. - check.

    I see how you were confused - it does look like a GOP swearing-in.

  5. Watching the posts that currently show up on FB from my bigoted, ignorant "friends" and relatives, then reading the Comment sections on those posts, I frequently think that today is not any different than the remarks I heard as a kid from a crazy uncle who liked to brag that he was a member of the KKK.

    In fact, today it's worse than the rantings of 30 years ago. That uncle got fired from his job as head of security at a very large, Southern airport for targeting 3 Hispanics, pulling a gun on them - terrorizing them. It wasn't job related, they were walking down a country road when he stopped his truck to harrass them. He was publicly humiliated on TV much to my entire family's delight. Today he wouldn't be fired - he would become a TeaBagger hero and probably would become rich from donations. It's sickening.

  6. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

    I looked at the photos and comments on the link, not only racist, but ignorant beyond belief.
    I don't think you're too far off with your analogy with the exception of better dental work.

    KKK, proof that there IS one out of five dentists that doesn't recommend Trident Gum.


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