Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Officials want inventory of weapons purchased by police chief /YouTube gun fetishist and to have him take down any references which connect him to the Gilberton Police Department on the internet. Update!

Courtesy of The Morning Call:  

Gilberton officials want an inventory of embattled police Chief Mark Kessler's firearms registered in the borough's name. 

And they want Kessler, who was suspended last week over his profane, pro-gun YouTube videos, to scrub the Internet of any reference to his employment as Gilberton's police chief. 

In a letter to Kessler through his lawyer last week, Gilberton Solicitor Karen L. Domalakes said officials have been made aware that Kessler purchased many guns in the name of the borough police department. 

"At this time we are requesting an inventory of the weapons currently registered in the name of the Borough of Gilberton Police Department. We also need to know the location of these guns," Domalakes said in the letter dated Thursday. 

The letter notes that at the meeting Wednesday where Gilberton council suspended Kessler without pay for 30 days, it also passed a policy barring borough employees from using their affiliation in any public statement, video or document without council's permission. 

"We are advising that Chief Kessler should remove any reference to his employment with the Borough of Gilberton from his 'YouTube' posts, 'Facebook' posts and other Internet statements," Domalakes said. 

Kessler's lawyer, Joseph P. Nahas of Frackville, Pa., did not immediately return a phone call Monday afternoon.

You know we all wondered how this lunatic's employer would react to seeing that video Kessler put up. And now we know.

Like I said before the more of these guys who want to go publicly with their adoration of guns and fear that the government is coming to take them away, the better it is for those of us who want to limit the number of guns sold in this country and who want to make sure that those who DO purchase them are mentally stable individuals who will only use then safely.

This guy, and many others, are not doing their cause any favors, but there is certainly no way I am going to try to stop them from having their say.

Update: Just when you thought this story of Police Chief Mark Kessler could not get any more bizarre, there's this:  

Gilberton, Pennsylvania is a small borough which is currently living under the constant threat of terroristic violence. Armed men block the entrance to public meetings. Public officials openly threaten every member of society who holds a different political view than they do, and councilmen are strip searched and arrested without cause if they don’t fall in line with prevailing opinions. 

Anyone who tries to fire the Police Chief is be forced to live in fear of retaliation from a militia of armed terrorists. Pennsylvania police chief Mark Kessler is the head of a political organization which refers to itself as “The Constitution Security Force.“ Kessler was recently given a thirty day suspension, for using police property as props in a video where he threatens and insults “libtards,” otherwise known as people who hold political views which differ from his own.

Apparently this is a town where the idea of a militia rising up to confront authority then taking over the town is not only a threat, but something that has been a reality for a number of years now.

I would assume that the Feds are aware of this and are considering how to respond, but taking into account the mood of a certain segment of the population right now anything they do may be the spark that lights a fuse under the next great civil war in this country.


  1. My gut feeling while watching this fuckstick burn off all that expensive ammo was that the good old taxpayers of his fine hometown were paying for his fap session, not this dork himself.

    Misuse of public assets, fraudulent purchases of automatic rifles and ammo, and being just a punk-ass pencil-dick in general should guarantee this guy never works in law enforcement again unless Arizona Joe TeaTard Sheriff hires him. He's a disgrace and a crook.

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I too am glad to see these fools reveal themselves for what they are with their guns and ammo. Most men that obsessed with guns have nothing else going for them and they are cowards.

    Look at the maniac who went into the Pa town hall meeting and shot it up. Very disturbing that this can be happening and nothing at all can be done about it because of the high dollar NRA and the Tea Party morons who back it.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Yes he was angry and over-reacted. Thanks to the NRA he had guns to express his displeasure. And three people are dead. I am absolutely NOT excusing him. But, read the story more carefully.
      He was disabled and on a fixed income and the city forced him out of his own private property and prevented him from returning. Government officials who act with such disregard, can only expect that when pushed to the wall violence was the only answer. At least now, instead of living in his car, he has the possibility of three hots and a cot for the rest of his life.

    2. Anonymous7:42 PM


      "when pushed to the wall violence was the only answer"

      You are one sad stupid fuck.

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      I've read about him, too. His property was an environmental hazard, including raw exposed sewage and collapsing buildings and a propane tank in a dog house. This argument between him and the government had been going on nearly 20 years.

      None of us get to do exactly what we want on our own property. Having some rules and guidelines, permitting and inspections, safety precautions that protect the property owner and his neighbors...it's all part of the social contract.

    4. Anonymous4:40 AM

      My point was that instead of looking for an answer that allowed him a place to live,( which he had bought and paid for) they simply wrote him off. Despite the hazardous conditions (and they sound horrible) the town officials could have worked for some kind of resolution that left him with some dignity. They left him with nothing and no reason to be reasonable. This man could have been my stepfather. That's why I recognized his way of thinking and his 'inevitable' reaction.

    5. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Again, this had gone on for nearly 20 years. This was not a case where the government decided last week to just kick the guy off his land.

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    One of the reasons that I like sci fi and fantasy movies is because when the macho guys with the guns try to take out some sort of creature, or a magically endowed being, no matter how much fire power they use, it leaves them with no way to take it/them down.

    The part that is satisfying is that they think they're all THAT with their guns and when it turns out the guns are for shit, they run like scared junkyard dogs with their little penises between their legs. And THAT is the type of guy this guy is.

    Without his loud mouth, his profanity, his gang of thugs backing him up and his weaponry, he is a punk. He would be squealing with terror if something or someone REALLY big came after him and his arsenal was impotent.

    Now THAT would be a sight to behold, him running scared down the road, squealing and yelping for HELP from anyone he can.

    These thugs are really just grown up school yard bullies, only now they have guns. The mentality is the same, the bully will back down when confronted face-on, alone, without his posse or weapons.

    Just ask the Superheros.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    O/T but this is such a positive result that our First Lady put in motion. What a huge difference she has made for children, for their future, and ours. And in such an uplifting and fun way that who WOULDN'T want to participate? This video will show you what I mean:



    New CDC Report Shows Declines in Childhood Obesity Rates Among Low-Income Preschoolers


    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      LOVE that beat. It's so catchy and uplifting.

      LOVE our First Lady and her dedication to children. She doesn't just say it, she DOES it.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Michelle Obama turns to hip-hop to promote childhood obesity campaign

      Michelle Obama is adding another fun element to her healthy kids campaign that seeks to tackle the issue of childhood obesity. Like her husband, the first lady has turned to hip-hop to demonstrate a point. She is distributing a hip-hop album complete with 10 music videos and 19 tracks to support her “Let’s Move!” nutrition program. Obama is partnering with Hip-Hop Public Health and Partnership for a Healthier America to release thenSongs for a Healthier America album on September 30th.

      The single “Everybody” features the first lady joined by songstress Jordin Sparks, emcee Doug E. Fresh, and medical expert Dr. Oz. The video shows children of all ages dancing lightheartedly between takes of kids doing jumping jacks push ups, and drills.

      “For years I have known that we need to reach children in the formative years to educate them to live a life of prevention,” said Dr. Mehmet Oz. “The best way to do this is to build a bridge with the artists that they see on television and listen to. When someone like Doug E. Fresh shows our youngsters that health can be fun and cool, we are winning the battle.” Some other songs on the album include “Veggie Luv”, “Hip Hop LEAN”, and “Get Up Sit Up” most of which will be hip-hop based, according to U.S. News and Wold Reports.


  5. I am getting a seriously bad vibe off this guy! He's just beggin' to get pushed into a corner so he and his buddies can act out. Let us hope he has someone close to him who has some reason left in them. He's bad news waiting to happen.

  6. Anonymous6:01 PM

    O/T Well, it looks like things are ramping up, even with all those stupid repeal votes the GOP has been engaging in and all the tantrums and hissy fits, dire end of world predictions and general, all out hysteria. Man, this is gonna burn their asses that these big players are moving ahead and are dedicated to educating and informing people.

    The WebMD guide is pretty amazing and packed with information, graphs, charts, with a step by step plan for each state. I just checked out my state and found out so much I didn't know before. Gryphen, you might want to share this with your readers.

    WebMD launches online ObamaCare guide



    AARP announced Monday that it has launched two websites — healthlawanswers.org and healthlawfacts.org — ahead of the enactment of the healthcare reform's major provisions.


    Walgreens, CVS and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association are working to promote the law's benefits.

  7. vegaslib6:13 PM

    While I know there must be some left wing extremist out there, for the life of me, I can't remember any of them being this extreme. They are so stupid they don't realize this just puts them in a very unfavorable light.

    I hate the usual Nazi reference, but damn, how can they not see that they are trying to force the public to share their views and wipe out everyone else's rights.

    They can kiss my big fat white liberal ass.

  8. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Like an infected boil, the only way to "cure" the country of "baggers is to lance the boil and let the smelly ooze seep out into the light of day, where it can be wiped up and tossed.

  9. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I don't think we have anything to worry about in regards to a civil war. Not really.

    Oh sure there are pockets of people that are behaving like this, and I feel sorry for the citizens of towns like those, but you have to remember there are more than 300 million people in this country and the majority of them live in the big cities.

    The rural towns like this one that is being threatened don't hold the population capacity.

    Is this a problem and a growing one? Yes, in some areas. Is it going to result in an all out civil war? Nope.

    There will be people who die over it. A town is being terrorized by a gang of gun toting thugs. That's not ok.

    Just like any mafia type of situation, they are only in power until they're not anymore. This guy is a legal problem and he will be dealt with legally. As far as the 'militia aka lynchmob aka gang aka thugs', they'll get theirs. In time.

    There may be a few squirmishes as Sarah would say, but an all out war, nah.

    Now when the Dems take back the House, that's another story. Then they'll be heads exploding all over the guns, god and country crowd. And when Dems move legislation for gun control, all hell is gonna break loose. But again, in pockets, not in huge numbers.

  10. Anonymous4:26 AM

    And, he's a member of the school board...

  11. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Yep, I hate seeing people express their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights so freely. What do they think they are? Americans or something?


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