Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Right Wing moron chooses name for his daughter based on the fact that Rush Limbaugh once said "there is no name out there that strikes fear in the heart of liberals like Palin."

Worst parent ever!

Well besides the parent that he named his daughter after of course.

Can you imagine how much this little girl is going to despise her father for doing this?  And you just know this guy's house is filled to the brim with guns so the chances of patricide occurring is pretty damn high I would say.

Oh and by the way, NOBODY is afraid of Sarah Palin. In fact she is about the best thing to happen for the liberal Democrats in quite some time.

Her early help in bringing attention to the Tea Party, and her constant attacks on the GOP establishment, has undermined the party and allowed the Teabagger contingent to grow until it has just about strangled the life out of the Republican party.

We could not have planned it better if we had tried.

(H/T to Little Green Footballs.)


  1. Palin is Sarah's husband's last name. And there is also the actor Michael Palin, a starring member of the Monty Python group. Most kids won't even blink twice when hearing her name because Sarah will have become a tiny footnote in history, unless she really does something super stupid!

    1. Let us hope she embraces the fabulousness that is Michael Palin and the Pythons when she grows up. That would show her parents.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The only GOP that concerns me is Christie and Paul. That and Rove as he tries to fix elections.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      You're forgetting about the democrats who went on trial for fixed elections. urban city

      What about big cities and the FACT that all you have to do to vote is walk in and get a ballot. NO ID needed. No named asked and check off.

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Heheheheheehe - and you don't even name the city? try again. Walk in and get a ballot and sign teh register, which must have your name on it, otherwise you get a provisional ballot until your registration checks out.

      And you are aware that it is innocent until proven guilty? So if someone "went to trial" it means nothing unless they are convicted. You teatards are so willfully ignorant.

    3. Cracklin Charlie8:12 AM

      In how many big cities have you voted?

      I live in a big city, and have to show identification to my neighbor who volunteers to help with every election. And she lives right next door to me, knows my name, my kid's names, and even my dog's names.

      These kinds of comments do nothing to improve your credibility.

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    That man should be put in prison for child abuse.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      So, did he name his child Bitch, or Oxy?

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Where you should be

    3. Expect a nasty Tweet and Fakebook post brimming with envy and hatred towards the President who was on Jay Leno tonight from Baldy/RAM tomorrow y'all!

      And because we all know Baldy hangs out here like a bat hanging upside down in a cave... I just want to remind Baldy... that the President will NEVER acknowledge YOU or your insane thoughts stupid....unless...you do something that we've all be waiting for...wanna guess? LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous6:45 AM

      No more black dick for you Bitch.

    5. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Please please please keep it decent! We only give fuel to the Palinista fire when it gets nasty here at IM. There are so many reasons for legitimate criticism of SP; no need for the conversation to deteriorate into the gutter.

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    "In fact she is about the best thing to happen for the liberal Democrats in quite some time."

    "allowed the Teabagger contingent to grow until it has just about strangled the life out of the Republican party"

    I don't get this tactical political gamesmanship at all. How does increased polarization and the mainstreaming of the fringe help democracy and the country? Will we get to a point where Democrats will look at the Rand Paul and Ted Cruz-types in Congress and wish they'd allowed the truth about Palin to demolish her rather than keep her around as a plaything?

  5. A. J. Billings2:43 PM

    For most people the name of "$arah Palin" simply invokes the notion of a vapid, idiotic and ignorant fruitcake who just happened to win the political lottery in 2008

    My Dad, who's voted Repub since 1947, told me that when he first heard her speak, he thought it had to be a parody, because no one could sound so stupid.

    He could not believe they'd nominate a dingbat like her to be VP.

    Wise words from a wise old guy

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Hurray for your dad. There must be millions of seniors out there who agree with him, and who are now voting accordingly.

      I agree with Gryphen on this one: if Sarah Palin did not exist, the democrats would have to invent her. It's pathetic and dangerous tat the entire GOP seems to be following her lead, however. On the one hand, it is losing voters by the millions as a result. On the other hand, the nation would be in far better shape if we had two parties that could both function as adults. Right now, we have a democratic party on one side, and a large group of well-funded – and dangerous – pre-schoolers on the other.

  6. Anonymous2:44 PM

    There are no names out there that strike uncontrollable laughter in liberals like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      RINOs and REAL Conservatives enjoy laughing at the idiot as well. About 2/3 of our Golf Club are Republicans. But none of them are like the Rush & Sarah crowd. They loathe the idiots that are immature noisemakers just as much as we do. I might be living in a bubble of civility, but politics isn't the center of anyone's world in my family or circle of friends, neighbors and business associates. But then again, I have no doubt that Donald Trump wouldn't walk through the doors to the clubhouse without getting tossed out on his ass within a minute here. He's a clown, just like the others ---Rush, Hannity, Palin, Gohmert, Steve King, Bachmann... Too damn many to list!

  7. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "Fear"??? Strange, I think the word most liberals think of when that name is mentioned is "disgust" That's what I feel whenever I hear that name. Limbaugh falls into that same catagory also, too.

    1. jcinco3:19 PM

      they continue to confuse fear & jealousy with contempt and amusement...

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      I reckon those unibrow goofballs think I puke whenever I'm scared. They *think* a lot of things that have no connection to reality. Like they were *thinking* and believing 'Romney in a landslide'. The really pitiful ones are the Sarah for President believers. There aren't many if she only got $312 in her money bomb yesterday. If the ones who actually gave their cash thinking the other posters were real people instead of sock puppets didn't notice they were on their own, they'll never get it.

  8. PalinsHoax2:50 PM

    Imagine that! Naming your child after someone who stuffed a pillow up her shirt to pretend that she was pregnant!

  9. lostinmn2:50 PM

    H.S. nickname will be "nailin"

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      By 6th grade the kid will be smarter than her parents. Maybe she'll stand her ground against her creepy dad better than Sarah ever tried to.

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You must consider how out of touch this guy is! Remember when he said Palin was the answer for women unhappy Hillary Clinton did not receive the nomination in 2008? He still doesn’t get it! I am absolutely gobsmacked he is still so stupid. He is so incredibly clueless about women and there is no hope for men (or women) who actually listen to his bullshit.

  11. jcinco3:01 PM

    well if he wanted to name her after sarah he should have named her dumbfuck so as not to have folks be confused by which palin...

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Nope, still doesn't help. When I hear "dumfuck Palin" I have to wonder which one, it applies to any of 'em, and all of 'em.

  12. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Well, the people who contacted the advertisers for Limpballs show surely struck fear into HIS heart (that is supposing he has one). What I do not understand is how this freak can still be broadcast to all the troops around the world. How must the African American, Mexican or other ethnic groups feel hearing this blowhard spouting his racism? Taxpayers fund that, and it should be stopped. Poor Rush, his income is shrinking, pretty soon even the gold diggers will not want to marry him.

  13. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I remember when I heard this lady I had never heard about had been nominated and thought. " Oh shit, we are screwed" Then I did a Google search and it brought up her giving that welcome speech to AIP and I felt lots better. Horrible voice, dressed in an very ugly outfit, she seemed like a stupid hillbilly. I searched AIP and thought who would welcome such a group. The more I read about her, the less worried I was.

    This nomination will go down in history as the worst ever. Quite a legacy, John McCain.

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      If only McCain could have learned teh Google he would have saved himself ultimate humiliation and disgrace.

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:07 AM

      Not knowing how to use teh Goggle would not have saved McCain. He knew all about her. The excuse that they didn't have time to vet her is laughable. They may not have known everything...but they certainly knew enough to know better than to choose her.

      It only took most people here a few hours, or maybe days, to educate themselves about her poor qualifications for the job of vice president. There is no way McCain did not know.

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    The kid is getting off easy. She won't get called "Piper Diaper" on national TV.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      And yet Piper's popular AND the class sweetheart.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      If she has any siblings, she'll be begging them just to call her "sister" by the time she can talk.

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      And yet Piper's popular AND the class sweetheart.

      Does that mean that Piper will soon be dating, going camping, drinking wine coolers and following in the tradition of the other women in her family?

    4. Anonymous4:05 AM

      7:29 PM: YEP! It's the PALIN way!

    5. Anonymous6:18 AM

      "Piper Diaper's" mother also tagged her P.I.G.

  15. Anonymous3:33 PM

    How is naming your child Palin courageous? Rush you are an idiot.....

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      I think it is particularly funny that Rush didn't even remember what he said about Palin. The stupid father was so proud of himself for naming his daughter for a pimp.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      I agree. It is probably really hard for Rush to narrow down what idiotic thing he said in the past that this moron would have named a child after....

  16. Anonymous3:45 PM

    What about the Wasilla moron who named her child after a farm animal?

    Piper Indy Grace Palin

    P.I.G. Palin

    That's the worst parent ever.
    Well, after thinking about it, Sarah and Bristol are at a pretty close tie.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Bacon Belly Bristol, Wallow, and PIG Palin. Well, at least they kept it all in the "swine" family.

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      You're disgusting. I feel sorry for you. You DO know that Bristol isn't that rare a name in Alaska, WIllow is common, and Piper is more common.

      Grow up.

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM


    4. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Promiscuous skanks.

    5. Anonymous8:13 PM

      The Palin 'grow up' troll is defending that Dysfunctional Family of Pomps and Grifters again. I hope that you are being paid PAC funds for your moronic posts.

    6. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Piper is more common.

      Grow up.

      What about Piper Indy Grace Palin?

    7. Anonymous5:14 AM

      Oink Oink!

    8. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Ok, I concede, lets just call the kid Scammer, or LimbHo, or Twinkle Twat.

    9. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Tripp must be common, also, too. Bristol is common and dimwitted. How many people would name their kid after their Pop's prostitute?

      Sarah is disgusting to label a child with P.I.G. How hard would it be to name Piper Grace Indi instead? P.G.I. or G.P.I.? She must have given a lot of thought to the P.I.G. for life label.

      Sarah's nick name Diaper Piper makes it believable she would say "the retarded one" instead of using Trig's birth certificate name, if there is a show-able birth certificate.

  17. Why not name her Kabuki or Cyborg or Godziller or Sasquatch? But Palin? Why fuck up your kid's life just because you're a fucking idiot?

    Goddam Baggers. They just don't know any better, do they? When Sarah and Todd are serving 25-life, this dumbfuck might realize why stupid parents like them should be sterilized.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      You sound mental. Go out and breathe in some nature. so hateful

      Sarah would say, " go out and help someone, say something encouraging, feed a child, give money so someone can eat."

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM

      No, Sarah would say give your money to SarahPac, we need money for Family Vacations.

    3. Anonymous3:46 AM

      6:46 PM: BULLSHIT. Ask Native Alaskans.

    4. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Post proof of Sarah or a single member of her tribe of grifters has ever done a single one of those things.

      While you are at it, post proof that you have ever been close enough to her to know what she would say.

      The Sarah who lives in your sick brain does not exist to the rest of the world. I suggest you watch the movie A Beautiful Mind to understand your problem.

    5. Anonymous6:38 AM

      "give money so someone can eat." is one of the funniest lines yet regarding Palin. She may talk lie and suckers may bite but that is as far from Sarah as it gets. She is a poser, she is not a charitable or giving person. Unless it serves her somehow to put on the act.

    6. Anonymous6:50 AM

      As Todd would say, "where all my Bitches at"?

    7. Cracklin Charlie7:58 AM

      Say something encouraging?

      Oh, yeah...that sounds just like something Sarah Palin would say. I have never heard her say one thing that I would consider encouraging. Except maybe "get off your butt, to make a buck". She's a joke.

      Your delusion knows no bounds.

  18. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Show your kid's birth cert or you're a liar like that yahoo idiot that you think anybody's scared of. Whatsa mattah, TeaBag Daddy? You gotta ugly baby, or what?

  19. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Do you now how many babies are named Palin now? A lot.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Poor things.

    2. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Low-IQ parents screw like rabbits? Appropriate name for offspring then.

    3. Anonymous6:42 AM

      I feel bad for the name Palin. I first thought of Michael Palin. It was not a bad name before loser McCain and his run away ego cursed America with that charade those two pulled.

      No one heard of the quitter Palin before and the name Palin was liked by many. Now it is soiled.

  20. Anonymous7:13 PM

    It always amuses me that wingnuts mistake the emotion of hilarity for anger and fear. No, Rush, we are not afraid of Sarah Palin. We think she is ridiculous.

  21. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Sarah should sue them. She trademarked her name. This is her chance.

    1. Anonymous4:12 AM

      HAH! She and the PIMP only bully and thresten.

  22. Anonymous3:05 AM

    You got it partly correct Rush.......Fear and LOATHING.......

  23. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Sarah reeks, Rush reeks and the name reeks! I must take a shower now.

  24. Is this any different than naming your child after your Dad's mistress?


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