Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Reince Prebus says this of NBC and CNN if they don't refuse to broadcast Hillary movie, "If they want to air our debates, I don't care if they want to air it, they're just not to have anything to do with them."

I loved this part: "They're not going to moderate our candidates, and slice and dice our party, in front of the entire country."

You know I am pretty sure that the "slicing and dicing" of the party has come from within thanks to the Teabaggers, and NOT from CNN or NBC. But nice try.

Prebus also made it cleat that he only wants moderators who favor the Republican party to moderate their debates:

"I think 23 debates is ridiculous, but the second thing that is ridiculous is allowing moderators, who are not serving the best interests of the candidate and the party, to actually be the people deposing our people. And I think that’s totally wrong." 

So to be clear the chairman of the Republican party is so concerned with how badly his presidential candidates might come off that he ONLY wants those who are sympathetic to the conservative cause to moderate their debates.

So essentially they are going to be forced to hold all of their debates on Fox News and Right Wing radio.

Oh yeah that should really help with the whole "expanding the GOP base" idea.


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    "deposing our people" WTF??? These Republicans - even the professional mouthpieces like this guy - can't stop themselves from revealing the truth they'd really prefer to hide in order to win. Slicing and dicing? Deposing our people? Really? How about allowing voters to hear directly from candidates in response to a question, so that voters can choose.

    1. Sally in MI5:22 AM

      And how about a moderator who isn't in the pocket of the party, so the candidates can't get away with lying? Oh, right, the GOP refused to let Rachel near one of their hatefests last time. Guess what, RNC PR BS? None of us even WANT to see one of your clown car events. This will just make it easier to not watch. And if you don't like the number, golly, aren't you the guy who sets them up? Or are you a token head, with even less credibility than the previous one? Or, let me guess, Obama made you do it?

    2. Anonymous7:37 AM

      The GOP was the one who held allllll those debates, which served to show them tearing eachother down so hard, they couldn't even field a candidate for President because they had reviled every possibiltiy.
      Why don't they simply let debates happen as they're supposed to, and let the citizens make their own decisions, based on the candidates' stances?

    3. What Pre-bust is saying:

      We prefer a moderator who will not make our idiots look like idiots.

  2. Anonymous4:21 AM

    The Republicans are making an art form out of rejecting legitimate questions from the press (who are there in lieu of the public) and trying to control their message. Look at any interview when a real reporter asks a Republican a question on tv -- either the politician changes the subject, or talks over the questioner, or simply refuses to answer. John Harwood's interview with Rand Paul in today's New York Times is a perfect example..
    Sarah Palin's "debate" with Joe Biden is another.

    These GOP "debates" will have to be called something else -- infomercials -- if the GOP has its way. Giving candidates softball questions and free air time is what this is all about. Free advertising.

  3. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Does this guy even KNOW the meaning of "moderator?"

  4. This guy is such a putz. This is the best they have? Good luck.

  5. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Pre-Rince My Bus is sounding already defeated even before the debates start. Now their tactic is to start a news network war? Not a good way to rally the GOP troops nor their electorate.

  6. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Nyah! Nyah! Nyah! The GOP clown car is about to set forth. I think that all of the networks, including all of the cable ones, should refuse to give the GOP a year and a half's worth of free publicity. Besides, I will simply go crazy if all we hear from 2014 through 2016 is one stupid GOP presidential wannabe after another make a complete fool of himself/herself distorting reality again. My God 2010 until Election Day 2012 was one long GOP advertisement. And look who they ended up with: the ultimate clown, Mitt Romney.

    1. You just reminded me. Where's Nyah? I miss that sweet gal. She got married and quit paying attention to Sarah's po ass!

      Hurry, come back Nyah. The Quitter is rotting away! You need to be here to see her fall off her stilts and not get back up!

  7. Anonymous5:42 AM

    The guy is a friggin' idiot! The Republicans held the WORST debates last go around. Time Republicans pick a new head for their party.

    They are going down, down, down and it's going to be a kick to watch!

  8. Sorry O/T - but did everyone see that old McCain has been to Egypt, working his, uh, diplomacy...

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I hope that he has to pay his own way on these junkets. Aren't there all kinds of federal gov't freezes on now because the GOP won't exhale and start behaving like grown ups?

  9. Anonymous7:10 AM

    'We don't want any of those meanies who will make our candidates cry!'

    News flash, Whiny Boy - if the candidate can't handle an aggressive moderator in a debate, he/she can't handle being President of the United States!

  10. Randall7:15 AM

    ...and the Networks' response was "up yours, Rancid Privates."

  11. Anonymous7:20 AM

    At first I thought this was just a two-year-old's trantrum in a grown man. But even David Brock is supporting the RNC's position regarding the Hilary Clinton movie.

    I find some of Priebus' arguments strange, given the existence of FOX, but I also respect David Brock and think he knows more than I do about things like this. I don't know what I'm missing, but I want to find out before finalizing my opinion (not that it much matters to CNN or CBS whether I think they should make and air the movie). This has the feel of a chest pounding exercise, regardless of the merits of the argument.

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    The GOP continue to stomp their feet and sadly get their way. Progressives laugh about how their party is unpopular and out-of-touch. Pundits (since 2008) have said that the party is doomed. But low and behold 2010 came around and the GOP captured the House and has been holding the American people hostage ever since. Sure, 2012 was brutal for them but don't laugh it off like we did in 2010. The American electorate often votes against their own best interests. Have a look at this opinion to scare your socks off:

  13. hedgewytch7:43 AM

    "We got this really super duper club. But you can't join. Nope. I know you want to, but we don't like you. You can't ask us anything about our club, what our secret hand shake is or our club oath, its all super secret, and we're hiding the clubhouse too so you meanies can't get in! Though we know, you know you want to really really badly!

    So why don't you want to play with us? And how come you aren't crying about not getting into the clubhouse? Well, we'll just take our ball and retreat to our neato place and lock the door behind us, so there!"

    Yeah, didn't work out so well in fairytales, not going to work out so well in reality either.

  14. Beldar J Conehead7:49 AM

    Gryphen, am I the only one who remembers when the name Reince-Priebus was renowned world-wide as the highly respected manufacturers of SaraLoo(c) brand urinal cakes and urinal snack crackers?

    I'm sure someone posted their awesome jingle on YouTube...

    When you need to pee,
    Make no error, make no mistake,
    Look for the SaraLoo(c) logo,
    World most dependable urinal cake!
    Reince-Preibus, Reince-Preibus, Reince-Preibus...

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Yes virginia, prince jeebus really is THAT scared of the Clinton.

  16. AKinPA9:26 AM

    Reince-ey Baby, if you had debaters who presented cogent, intelligent, realistic plans for moving the country forward and bettering the lives of ALL Americans, instead of blowhards, misogynists,and lunatics regurgitating theocratic and Koch/Norquist talking points, moderators and the American people would be able to analyze and evaluate the plans. Idiotic ideas like moon colonies, 999 economic plans, draconian pull backs on abortion and birth control, budgets where the programs to be eliminated are never identified,believing that 47% are takers and that the President isn't an American citizen deserve to be sliced, diced, and tossed down the disposal. And they were---not just by the media but also by the majority of Americans who think for themselves, are not blinded by racism, and actually care about those who are less fortunate. Reince-ey Baby, find some candidates who can relate to the majority of Americans who don't get all their information from Faux News, the NRA, and Limbaugh and you'll find more analyzing and less slicing and dicing.

    Oh, and Reince-ey Baby, quit playing the victim card. Your party is always suggesting that rape victims bring it on themselves. Look at your 2012 clown car. You deserved all that slicing and dicing. And I hate to break it to you but with Cruz, Paul, and Trump (Trump!!!???) thinking about it and Palin continuing her tease, you can forget slicing and dicing. You'll be facing an industrial strength food processor. Face it, you're just not a LEGITIMATE political party anymore. And the American people have a way of shutting that whole thing down.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Applause! Applause!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM


  17. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Love love that last comment AkinPA!!

  18. I've got a better idea.

    How about the networks completely ignore the RNC, their party, their candidates, their issues, absolutely everything.

    Don't mention them AT ALL.

    We'll see how they like that.

  19. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM

    Priebus reminds me of that kid stuck on the porch offering other kids a dollar if they'd play with him.
    By "slice and dice", does he mean Candidate Obama asking Candy Crowly to play the tape? Cause that WAS a Muhammed Ali move!

    Guess FOX news is IT! Why the crooked face, Greta?


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