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"Wait, now you're FOR Obamacare?" |
In Washington, D.C., Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) issues countless press releases boasting about his votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, insisting that his constituents in North Carolina are clamoring for relief from the law. But during a town hall in Swannanoa on Wednesday, voters confronted the five-term Congressman with an entirely different sentiment: they demanded to know why Republicans would take away the law’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions without offering any credible other alternative for reforming the health care system. One grieving mother, who spoke to reporters before the event, said that her son was denied insurance because of a pre-existing health condition and eventually died of colon cancer.
These comments forced McHenry — who had repeatedly advocated for “full repeal” of Obamacare — to admit that he does support some of its most popular provisions:
[Skip] Edwards and his wife, both 63, had health insurance until he lost his job during the recession and the East Asheville couple found themselves in financial trouble despite staying relatively healthy.
Both had pre-existing conditions and were denied insurance, making them eligible for a state plan called Inclusive Health.
“It cost us $1,300 bucks a month — extremely expensive,” Edwards said. “It taps us out every month. But at our age and health, we’ve got to have it.”
McHenry, 37, has repeatedly voted against the Affordable Care Act, choosing to either defund, repeal or delay it. In defending his position, he said he did agree with some aspects of the act, including ending discrimination against pre-existing conditions and extending the age a children can stay on their parents’ health insurance. [...]
Edwards and others wondered why McHenry would vote against a plan they feel is better than nothing at all. He said he would not vote for something he feels is bad policy.
Some in the crowd had very personal, and painful, stories to share:
Several North Carolinians attended a town hall held by Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) in Swannanoa to confront McHenry about Obamacare on Wednesday, including a mother grieving the death of her son.
During a live interview with WLOS-TV reporter Kimberly King before the event, Leslie Boyd, of Asheville, said her son might still be alive had the health care law's protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions been in place sooner.
"My son had a pre-existing condition, a birth defect," Boyd said, holding a framed photo of her dead son. "And without that birth defect he probably would have been able to get insurance. But that birth defect prevented him from getting insurance and without it he could not get the care he needed. And so he got colon cancer and they caught it after it had already spread, so he died."
The Affordable Care Act prohibits the health insurance industry from discriminating against the sick starting in 2014.
But don't fool yourself into thinking the tide of public opinion concerning the Affordable Care Act has turned completely, because it hasn't.
But in some states the Republican leaders may actually help to turn up the heat and change public opinion in a heartbeat. This courtesy of Think Progress:
Officials in Texas and five other GOP-led states are refusing to oversee even Obamacare’s most basic — and popular — consumer protections and insurance market reforms. That includes the law’s ban on denying coverage or charging more because of a pre-existing condition and discriminating against women on the basis of gender. The decision could present major hurdles to Americans who buy health insurance through federally-run marketplaces in the Lone Star State, Arizona, Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.
Yeah I have a feeling that once the people in these states start seeing the benefits of Obamacare occurring in other states while THEY are still forced to pay high premiums or have insurance companies reject them due to preexisting conditions, that there will be a revolt the likes of which the GOP has never seen before.
And that will be a good thing for 2014, in my most humble opinion.
I sincerely hope the residents of his state are paying attention and vote the asshole out of office when he comes up for reelection. These Republicans in Congress need to go down!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust proves that Republicans work for the Koch brothers and not for Americans. Fucktards all.
ReplyDeleteMcHenry is the classic assKlown rethuglicon who believes that DENYING PEOPLE HELP when nothing else exists to help them, is a good thing. They believe that getting 40-odd million citizens covered by some form of healthcare is a BAD thing…. They believe THEY should have great care but you?? NOTHING.
ReplyDeleteAND, by the way, it’s NOT POLICY - IT’S THE LAW.. And trying to get it ‘defunded’ means you have to pass a law authorizing ‘defunding’ of another law…. You think Obama is going to sign that law?? YOUR grandmother will win the speed skating gold in the olympics before that happens…
These people are idiots and deserve to be treated with all the disdain as a pile of moose nuggets dropped in the snow.
The ACA is law, a law that is self-funded. It is NOT part of the discretionary budget. The Republicans CANNOT defund it. They can only repeal it to make it go away. BTW, they have been told this. So they have to come up with a big enough threat to make the Senate and President agree to repealing the law. Destroy the government???
DeleteI hope Alaskans are paying attention as well.
ReplyDeleteAm loving the Presidential News conference, where President Obama is speaking with class, common sense and logic to all the stupid questions directed at him. His defense of "Obamacare", in that his only goal is to help millions have access to affordable health care, and improved senior prescription plans, and insurance for pre-existing conditions is really exposing the unforgiving uncaring unsupportive Washington politics Republicans.
ReplyDeleteA Gun Rights Group Is Planning A 'Starbucks Appreciation Day' In Newtown, Conn.
President Obama gave the GOP a good bitch slap today in his speech. This, coupled with the upcoming SNAP cuts vote in September...who in their right mind would EVER vote Republican again?
"No, I don't think Mr. Snowden was a patriot," Obama said. "The fact is, Mr. Snowden has been charged with three felonies."
A lot of new seniors (65 and less) who are new to being seniors are much more enlightened and active than their parents (the hoverround crowd) are. Sure the oldest of olds might get their het all up about obambi care, but their kids know it is saving their sons and daughters thousands of dollars as well as saving them a ton of cash too.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that it's also saving LIVES!
DeleteChristians MUST vote Republican; it's in the Bible, right next to the part that says that God's representatives on earth can fuck your children wherever, and whenever they please. Amen!
ReplyDeleteThere’s something going on with seniors: It is now strikingly clear that they have turned sharply against the GOP. This is apparent in seniors’ party affiliation and vote intention, in their views on the Republican Party and its leaders, and in their surprising positions on jobs, health care, retirement security, investment economics, and the other big issues that will likely define the 2014 midterm elections.
President Obama did a news conference today, it'll take awhile for it to sink in with the GOP, but in effect, he handily slapped a dunce cap on them and sat them in the corner. He also spoke about Snowden, NSA, Benghazi, etc etc and barely broke a sweat.
ReplyDeleteinsert hand brushing lapel gif here.