Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rodeo clown who donned Obama mask has gained a legion of new supporters. Sadly predictable.

Courtesy of Riverfront Times:  

Tuffy Gessling, the rodeo clown who put on an Obama mask at the Missouri State Fair and delivered a performance that has sparked a national outcry, has developed a large following of online defenders from all over the country. As of last night, Gessling has added about 500 new Facebook friends on his personal page, a number that is steadily growing as his story continues to go viral. 

"Keep your head up. God's got this!" says one new fan. "Hey man I stand behind you 100% brother keep doin what you do. If I was putting on a rodeo or bullriding I'd hire you in a bit for my gigs," says another. 

"God bless you Tuffy Gessling you never disappoint. I support you 100%," says a third. "Awesome at what u do. I'll stand up for ya. Screw the government," says a fourth.

 I would like to think that most of these people who are rushing to support this guy are simply rodeo fans or people who like clowns, however to do that would be to ignore everything we have learned about a certain segment of the population since the election of Barack Obama.


  1. angela1:13 PM

    C'mon Gryphen, you have to give these moronic sad sacks somewhere to go and someone to love.

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    All they have to do is throw a few mentions of "God" in there, and they're golden.
    As though "Godfrey" was his real name, and only friends/cult members, are allowed to call him "God."

    The REAL God that I grew up believing would have nothing to do with clowns dressed up to mock a political opponent. HE wouldn't use His name to justify nasty, imbecilic behavior like this.

    They know nothing about God, and use him only when they want to pretend they're better than they really are.

    Sarah's God? Remember, you're an impostor, too. You're not opening doors a crack for that has-been. There are billions of other humans who need your help now. Let Wasilla/Scottsdale take care of itself.

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    As to this clown - and the original photo showing him w/a supposedly broom up his butt, I'd like to personally do him huge harm w/that broom! He deserves it!!! The jerk!

  4. They are the same folks who think George Zimmerman is a hero.

  5. Beldar CSA Conehead2:11 PM

    Say, Gryphen, that sounds like the old game "You might be a mouth-breathing, inbred, country-fried, racist sack of shit".

    Here, try it: You might be a mouth-breathing, inbred, country-fried, racist sack of shit if your pick-me-up truck is full of crushed empty cans of extremely cheap beer, inexpensive porous condoms, and Confederate Flag air fresheners rocking the ever-popular "pig sty" scent.

    That was fun, right?

    C'mon, let's play again: You might be a mouth-breathing, inbred, country-fried, racist sack of shit if hearing about a fuckwad professional rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask taunting a bull so the audience can cheer a living simulacrum of our president being run down by a 1500 pound systematically abused farm animal makes you want to yank the sweat-stained cowboy hat off your head, swallow a big mouthful of tobacco juice, and yell "Yeeee Hahhh, N!@@3R!!!" at the top of your lungs.

    Ok, that's enough.

    This is making me nauseous.

    1. fromthediagonal2:22 PM

      Thank you, Sir Beldar!
      Your analyses never disappoint.
      Keep Going!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

      That's our Beldar! Love when he catches an unsuspecting but well meaning newbie!

  6. Sally in MI2:12 PM

    Stockman just invited him to 'perform' his 'harmless gags' at the Texas State Fair, because freedumb and God and 2nd amendment and Muslim and liberal and Alinsky...yes, he went there. This party is pitiful. And mean. And dangerous to this nation..all of us.

    1. fromthediagonal2:23 PM

      ... words fail...

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Here's the link. Warning: it goes to Stockman's webpage.

  7. Anonymous3:00 PM


    Where is common decency? Where are the grown-ups in the Republican Party? I ask, what kind of children have these republicans spawned? It doesn't bode well for the future.

    I remember the 2008 election night when everyone heard the news of Obama's win. There was a sense of universal unity and a belief that the US had evolved finally, and that the racist wounds of the past would heal, but that feeling was short-lived. Who would have believed the reports we're hearing now, 5 years later?

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I guess for many of us, myself included, rodeo is something that really isn't part of our lifestyle. Much like NASCAR, I simply know nothing about rodeo and have never been in a place or position to attend one. This, like car racing seems to be a flyover country or deep south activity that most of the country isn't aware of. I guess we have a rodeo at the Alaska State Fair, but I've never been compelled to attend as I don't know anyone involved nor understand what happens at these events. It seems to have a"niche" following like car racing?

    1. Anonymous4:57 AM

      That sounds like elite European back-packers talk. Are you trying to get Sarah to institute bullriding as an official sport of the Great State of Alaska there perhaps also too?

  9. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Would have been nice to see one of those filthy pointed bulls horns stuck right up his ass/clown.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Good one. The Repugs love them some ass clowns. And clown asses, too. Not surprised they'd get turned in at the idea of putting a broom into one another's anus. For those fools, that sounds like what they do every... payday. YeeHaw!!!

    2. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Well santorum is a member of their party. (Google it!)

  10. The problem here is everyone is missing his partner in action, the announcer who actually made the comments. Dig deeper folks, he didn't act alone or on his own.

  11. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    Enjoy the attention while it lasts, Toughie! Take the broomstick out of your mouth and the mask off your face, and you'll still be a racist and a clown.

    The bull's facebook page probably getting more hits anyway.

  12. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Gosh. In that top pic, he shur looks like that good ol' boy, George Dubya...

  13. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Ironically, these are EXACTLY the kind of people that cheered lustily for the lions to eat the Christians before the gladiator fights.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.