Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chris Cillizza urges Chris Christie to take on Sarah Palin. Sounds like a plan to me. Update!

So as we all know Palin was asked this weekend about the little spat that occurred between Chris Christie and Rand Paul.  Palin of course replied that she was "on team Rand Paul," because of course she is a incredibly immature person who is attracted to batshit crazy and apparently watches too many Twilight movies.

She also said that Christie “got a schtick going there where he’s got a YouTube videographer following him around, kind of these set-up situations sometimes so he can be seen as perhaps a little bit avant-garde and going rogue on things.”

I know right?

Of course Christie ignored her because, well let's face it she is really beneath his notice.

However Chris Cillizza believes that Christie is missing a golden opportunity. 

Here is his case:

Taking on Palin is good politics for Christie or Jeb Bush or anyone else who is planning to run as a quasi-establishment candidate for president in 2016. (No one will run a public-facing “establishment” candidacy but there are clearly people, like Christie or Bush, who would run with the blessing of many of the people who comprise the GOP establishment). 

Palin is widely viewed by much of the party — with the exception of her core followers (and she does retain a real following) — as someone who is advocating a direction for the Republican party that could lead to its electoral demise in 2016 and perhaps beyond. 

There is a sentiment — largely expressed privately, still, at the moment — that someone needs to stand up to that wing of the party and say “enough is enough.” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who faces a conservative primary challenger back home in Kentucky, won’t do it. House Speaker John Boehner, who hopes to unite his conference on debt and spending matters this fall, can’t/won’t do it. 

But Christie could — and should. He is cruising to re-election in a blue state. He already has a reputation as a guy who speaks truth to Republican power. And, most importantly, he genuinely believes that the path people like Palin want to lead the party down is a giant philosophical and political mistake. 

Wait, you say. Attacking Palin means Christie will a) get into an extended back and forth with the former governor, who has shown she will never back down from a political jab and b) reinforce for conservatives that he is a moderate, and moderates never win primaries. 

To that we say, not necessarily so. 

No one who counts themselves as a loyal Palin backer at this point is going to consider pulling the lever for Christie in 2016. Just not happening. Their bases of support are in the “never the twain shall meet” category. 

It’s possible that a Christie denunciation of Palin would mean that the likes of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, both of whom are considering running for president in 2016, jump to defend Palin — sensing a political opportunity. Maybe. But, our sense is that Cruz and Paul — and their political advisers — will likely steer clear from any too-close association with Palin since she has proven herself to be a sort of free radical in the political process. 

And, even if Christie does take some heat from the right for saying something along the lines of “I believe Sarah Palin is a voice for shrinking the Republican party, not growing it”, the gains he would make among the GOP voters who don’t identify with Palin and her brand of confrontational conservatism would more than make up for it.

I really think that Cillizza is on to something here. 

If Christie were to turn that acerbic wit toward Palin he could crush her like a bug under his shoe, and any attempt by her ghostwriter to respond, on Facebook of course, would only help to illustrate her lack of standing within the Republican party and help to cement Christie as the future of the party and forever label Palin as the living embodiment of how horribly it went off the rails.

Simply put, he could not lose.

Now I'm not fooled by Christie's attempts to appear moderate,. I know that deep within his black heart he is still a union busting, public school bashing, conservative, who talks out of both sides of his mouth.

However that does not mean I would not like to see him get a little Presidential election cred by going after Sarah Palin.

In fact I would LOVE that!

And I think he would do it too. All it really takes is for the right reporter, to ask him the right question, at the right time.


Update: Here fire, here's some more fuel courtesy of the Washington Post:  

First, Christie took on irresponsible attacks on anti-terror policies. That incited Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to start popping off, inaccurately, about Christie’s money grab from D.C. (In true conservative style, Christie shot back that it is Beltway pols who take more from New Jersey residents than his taxpayers get back from the feds.) 

Then the gift with a big red ribbon arrived in the form of Sarah Palin’s pronouncement that Christie has too much schtick – if winning a blue state overwhelmingly is schtick, perhaps the whole party needs more of it — and is a “big government” Republican. Where she gets the latter from I am not sure. Christie cut taxes, went after the teachers union, reduced debt and reformed public employee entitlements. But forget the facts for a moment (Palin sure does): Palin, even among conservatives, and even among hard-line conservatives, is a bit of a joke and not a serious person. She was entirely irrelevant to the 2008 race, and she serves as sort of a reverse compass for political judgment. Whichever way she points, it’s a good idea to go in the opposite direction. When she declares she will “Stand with Rand,” she is solidifying Paul as the not-serious candidate and casting Christie in the role of the grown up.

Oooh, THAT'S going to leave a mark.

You can almost hear the screams for RAM to get off her massive ass and write something in response from here. 

By the way, I STILL think Christie should respond. But remember I care nothing for his future in the Republican party. I just want to see the brawling.


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    “got a schtick going there where he’s got a YouTube videographer following him around, kind of these set-up situations sometimes so he can be seen as perhaps a little bit avant-garde and going rogue on things.”

    She should know since she did the exact same thing before being picked for vp. And no sarah, we haven't forgotten about that little video you and mittens concocted.


    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Every time I go out and see a crowd, I wonder if the You Tube channel will send their video crew out. Sarah, you idiot! There is no such thing as a YouTube videographer. People who take videos send them to that website. Christie probably had the guy putting together a video for a future campaign. And, how about your hired photographer? The one who is there taking photos of you so people can buy them on line?

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Yeah Sarah, remember the little schtick you concocted as governor to “get Alaska out there” whether it be fish, mining, or “just you!” Projection much???

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Will $creech have the courage to come out from behind Facebook/Twitter and speak to Christie!?? HA!

      $he is looking ever more the cowardly fool and the whole nation is laughing at Lady Babble On. The half term half wit is too delusional to realize that.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I couldn't disagree with you more, Gryphen.

    Getting down in the dirt with Palin is not a good move. Getting in a pissing match with her would just elevate her, as if she is someone WORTH getting into a pissing match with. I say follow President Obama's lead, ignore her and let her flail and rant.

    Even though I know that Christie could easily stomp her, and that would be fun to watch, it is NOT at all to his advantage, it would just be construed as he was a bully and she is a victim. Chris Cillizza is just looking to stir something up since he's obviously bored. He's a typical journalist trying to stoke outrage and controversy since that is what sells in this sorry environment we call the media.

    Nope, he's wrong and you're wrong on this one. Sarah should be relegated to the dust bin of life, and responding to her just gives her and her minions a platform to have hissy fits and throw tantrums. Does NOTHING to elevate the political discourse.

    Chris Christie is way smarter than that, though I abhor his politics, he sure as hell won't waste his time on this has been. There's absolutely no reason to, she's not running for anything, she has no clout, she's a talking head, at best, on the occasion that Ailes needs to bring out the junkyard dogs to do his dirty work.

    I would like to see Sarah behind bars for her treason and criminality, so don't think I'm defending her at all, she's scum, and that's why slumming with scum would be a bad idea for Christie. He's his own kind of scum, but he's not a quitter, he's not a fake and he's not a pathological liar.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      10:13 I tend to agree with you. Christie should just ignore Failing Palin. Let her jump on the Rand Band Wagon - Rand may say he welcomes Mrs. Palin's endorsement, but will he put her on the campaign trail? Yeah, didn't think so. He must not know about the Palin Curse.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      I agree. palin is not worthy of the attention of any sane person on the planet.

    3. Anonymous11:13 AM

      If Christie even recognizes that Palin ever existed, it is a wasted effort. She's just trying to stir things up since that is all she has.

    4. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Yup. I do think Cillizza makes one valid point: Palin stands to do still more damage to the party, and to the party brand (run baby, run!). So it is in the party's interest to neutralize her to the extent possible. But no, not in anyone's individual interest to take her on. The obvious answer would seem to be leaking enough dirt to get her behind bars and/or discredited. The fact that this wasn't done years ago suggests, to me at least, that the establishment was so deeply complicit that there is just too much to lose.
      Like they say, karma is only a bitch if you are.

    5. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I was always told to never get into a pissing contest with a skunk. In this case, with the Bitch. Same animal, same smell, different hairdo.

    6. Anonymous11:38 AM

      To 11:00 AM

      We should all do a mental health check. Palin has never been worthy of this much time and attention.

      Sarah has set her own trap and one day it will snap shut. It won't even require bait as she travels the same old well worn path. Or she will annoy one of the old "Tom Cats" she has been teasing like a catnip mouse and the claws and fangs will come out.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    7. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Hear, Hear!
      The bark, piss and nip drunken chihuahua should just be ignored.

    8. Anonymous1:06 PM

      I agree with everyone who says that Palin should be ignored. Plus, why make Christie – a wage-destroying, union-destroying, school-privatizing, 1 percent-friendly, bullying republican – look like a moderate? Do we really need to be fooling centrist democrats and independents into voting for him? I smell Cillizza as just another mainstream journalist: ie, someone who is desperately trying to 'even out the horse race' by making the beyond-evil and incredibly destructive republican party look way better than it really is.

    9. Anonymous1:33 PM

      RJ I love your name! AND I love Anita WInecooler’s name too!

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Why would ANYONE respond to the idiot Sarah Palin? She is NOT a politician - she is an entertainer and the majority of Americans do nothing more than laugh at her!

    I do think, however, that Chris Christie, of all the politicians, could turn her into mincemeat and have her scrambling off the stage! But, she is a waste of his time - just like she has always been for President Obama (who has never responded to her in all these years - much to her disappointment!

  4. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Cillizza was wrong about Rand Paul and team...

    "But, our sense is that Cruz and Paul — and their political advisers — will likely steer clear from any too-close association with Palin since she has proven herself to be a sort of free radical in the political process."

  5. He is one of the few in the GOP who could squash Palin permanently. I hope he does it...soon!

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      His shadow alone could squash her.

  6. Anonymous10:42 AM

    It was embarrassing enough when Sarah tried to take down an elected official who is serving out his term, U.S. Senator Mark Begich. Mark is a reasonable, calm and respectful guy.

    But Thug Christie taking on Thug Sarah would be one for the history books!

    Winning summation of the former (HALF-TERM-CO-GOVERNOR) "the former governor, who has shown she will never back down from a political jab,"

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Oh I don't know about that, 10:42. She sure did go whimpering off when Begich smacked her down!

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Boy, didn’t she! I loved the smackdown too!

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Mark Begich sent her home to wash her undies. Next time Bitch, stay out of grown folks business.

  7. angela10:52 AM

    For anyone out there who thinks Palin is so tough----get her somewhere that isn't Fox, Twitter or Facebook. Actually, she is the typical bully---she can't fight out of her comfort zone. She's a yapping little dog with PAC money to pay someone to form her words into complete sentences and less than one hundred forty characters. Plouffe humiliated her. Begich did the same. She's easy to humiliate because she's dumb and stubborn. Disasterous combination. Don't worry---she'll shut up about Christie like she did when Grayson called her a dingbat. She always goes down when she tries to fight out of her class. Christie won't have to do anything but laugh at her to crush her like a bug.

  8. Anonymous10:52 AM

    It's nice that whenever corruption, mental illness or PAC abuse comes up, it brings old Calamity Sarah to mind:

    Jesse Jackson Jr. Goes To Prison, Wonders If The Pacific Is As Blue As It Is In His Dreams

    by Gary Legum

    Your campaign donations at work.It will not be a very happy Rosh Hashanah in the home of Jesse Jackson as his son, Jesse Jackson Jr., was sentenced today to two and a half years in a federal prison for the crime of being a grifter of nearly Sarah Palin-level griftiness.

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM

    @10:13,spot on if you get down in the sty you're going to get shitty and muddy. palin isn't worth it and ignoring her is the right thing to do.However as I don't want Christie for president of this great land I hope he goes for the jugular but I don't believe that will happen.Her delusions will sink her and her followers soon enough.

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Christie is doing just fine without getting into a spat with Palin. Sarah takes shots at anyone she can in order to get publicity. She has been taking shots at Bill Maher, who just might be getting a good laugh at her expense when he shows up in Alaska Aug.23 and 24.

    Sarah is like the little dog at the curb, barking at cars when she barks at President Obama, the Washington elite, the main steam media, and anyone who is more famous than she is hoping that they will engage in a fight with her. Sarah is the four year old who isn't getting enough attention, so she throws a tantrum, screaming and hollering to get noticed. That's what she does when she calls people at the White House Correspondents' dinner ass clowns.

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The pool is going to have some tidal waves once they see Rubin's new column in WaPo. If the compass points towards Palin, go the other way.

  12. Anonymous11:09 AM

    "But forget the facts for a moment (Palin sure does): Palin, even among conservatives, and even among hard-line conservatives, is a bit of a joke and not a serious person. She was entirely irrelevant to the 2008 race, and she serves as sort of a reverse compass for political judgment. Whichever way she points, it’s a good idea to go in the opposite direction. When she declares she will “Stand with Rand,” she is solidifying Paul as the not-serious candidate and casting Christie in the role of the grown up."

    Oh no, the gnashing and gnarling to come...

  13. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Well, there is an old expression, "If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas". In this case, if you lay down with the Bitch, you get up with a itch. She is a light weight, and Christie won't waste his time on her.

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      An itch ain't all-- an itch, a twitch, a wonky eye and oral herpes at a minimum.

  14. I don't like Christie for the reasons mentioned; he's a bully, anti-union, public school foe, and, after all, a republican. I will give him credit for apparently genuinely not having any use for, or patience with, religious or racial bigotry.

    That said, I don't think any elected official who takes their oath of office seriously and is carrying out their official duties, even if in a way I strongly disagree with, should respond in the slightest to an un-serious, un-educated, lazy oath-breaker like Palin.

    Taking the time to read or listen to Palin and her infantile, imbecilic, lying rants and provocations is in my view beneath the dignity of an public official.

    If asked about whatever jaw-dropping stupidity falls out of her piehole on a given day, the only appropriate response is "Huh, what? Who?" (stolid stare) "Next question?"

    No one asks the President to respond to the simple-minded dolt. Because no one can picture him spending his time reading facebook, Newsmax, or Huffpo, or blogs, or watching or listening to fox news or right wing talk radio.

    In other words, no one can picture him being aware of anything she has said or done because he is too damn busy doing his job.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Sarah Palin is looked upon w/nothing but ridicule these days. She'd never be a serious candidate for anything! Remember, she is responsible for deaths in both Alaska and Arizona! She's the devil incarnate and Hell awaits her!

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Christie called Obama earlier today and asked, "Who the fuck is this idiot Sarah Nobody that people are asking me about? You know who she is?"

      POTUS: "Naah, I've heard the name, but that's about it."

  15. Anonymous11:33 AM

    The more she is ignored the more outrageous and vocal she becomes, that's her downfall. She should most certainly be ignored, although Mark Begich certainly shut her up by questioning her residency, didn't he.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Yea, Mark Begich! He'd have beaten the shit out of her anyway (as to running against him!).

  16. They’d go after him like killer bees trying to sting a horse to death, and I’m guessing he won’t expose himself to those injuries. The Republicans thought they could use the confrontational conservatives and then kick them to the curb, but killer bees don’t take instruction well.

  17. jcinco11:43 AM

    this isn't the first time she dissed Christie, she alluded to him being naive during the disaster in Jersey when he treated the potus civilly. He'll ignore her for now. I know men like the governor, he'll not say anything but he won't forget. The time will come he will even the score and will have no qualms about doing it quite publicly.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Like the President's fabulous take-down of the Donald. I'm still laughing at that.

  18. If you click on the article link, take a minute to read the comments. They're great.
    Here's an example.
    "The Thing Caribou Barbie craves most , even ahead of moose chops, is attention. She ain't gettin' any , so she "endorses " Rand Paul and attacks Christie hoping they respond which would get her ...........ATTENTION.
    Ignore her.

    Remember, don't wrestle with a pig. All that happens is you get muddy and the pig loves it."

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I don't want Christie to respond unless he has to. If he says anything too early it gives Palin more attention (that she needs to survive). He'll respond if asked directly and will likely take her down a peg or ten. All in good time. Just think how Palin is chomping at the bit for a fight with him so that she can flex her non-existent muscle...just think how frustrated she'll be when he shows the country that he could care less about her.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      She's 'survived'? She's a well-known friggin' mess and isn't good for anything. She's no longer a politician and hasn't been for a long, long time.
      She's a nasty woman who is nothing more than stupid, a killer (Alaska and Arizona folks) and a racist!

  20. I live in NJ and am a voting Democrat. Christie has a good quality or two, I'll never vote for him, but I don't think he should validate her with a response. He should pull an Obama and ignore her ass.

  21. Anonymous12:43 PM

    It's simply a case of mind over matter. President Obama, and Governor Christie don't mind, because the Bitch doesn't matter.

  22. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Chris ... sit on her face, it will shut her up.

  23. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The “reverse compass” comment made me smile. She is ass backwards in every way. That said, I think the Dems could only gain if either of these scenarios is put in place. The Republican party is in shreds. And the idea of a third party can only help the Dems. No one in the Dem camp will consider walking over to the dark side. So now, the continuous rumble from Fox will come true, Faux News has created a monster they can’t control. It just isn’t the monster they had hoped for.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Or as Mrs. Palin likes to say "bass-ackwards". (also too 'cause she is christian and god don't want her to cuss and such, you see.)

  24. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Ouch for sure!

    She "is casting Christie in the role of the grown up."

    Double ouch!

    Ha ha.

  25. Caroll Thompson2:08 PM

    I am on the fence here. While I would love to Christie to put old Sarah in her place, I agree with some of the commenters that he should ignore her dumb ass.

    Good thing it's not up to me, eh?

  26. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Christie could do what Begich did... flick her away like a gnat. It is all she is.

  27. Chenagrrl2:27 PM

    Sadly CC is incredibly insecure. Why else would he spend $12 million to run a U.S. Senate election in October, a couple of weeks before the regular election to replace Frank Lautenberg. The answer is that the very popular Newark mayor, Corey Booker, is on the ballot and CC wants no comparisons.

  28. Anonymous2:51 PM

    If Chris Cillizza didn't spend so much time inspecting his dick he would have realized that nobody is interested in Sarah Palin any more.

    Palin means less than zero to Christie, she can't even be a nuisance to him he's so far above her.

    Cillizza doesn't need to worry, the Republican Party is allowing itself to be destroyed without his help.

  29. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Having met Sarah Palin I am increasingly amazed she can work up any type of fear from any politician. She is glib, has the personality of a snake charmer and is incredibly unaware how absurdly uniformed she is. She has a degree in "communications" and I think her genius is having figured out the dog whistles of the basest of the base and the most ignorant of the ignorant. She sounds like she learned public speaking in a church from a pastor who was well-trained in proselytizing and taking advantage of the hopelessly ignorant.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      I agree, except for the degree part.
      She in no way has the correct number of credit from 5 schools to get a degree - unless it is an ASSociates degree. No BS . Bullshit or bachelor of science.

  30. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Wow, I was really floored to see a SANE acting man, in the person of Rand Paul, on the Daily Show, recently.

    Going only by the batshit stuff I've READ him uttering, I assumed he was a Ted Nugent type of crazy person.

    But he came off very stable, even possessing the rarest trait of a rightwingnut: a sense of humor.

    To the point where I had to ask myself, just how in the world can someone so NORMAL seeming, believe all the ridiculous stuff he claims to stand for?

    Like every other lunatic fringer, his agenda is to follow the party line, verbatim, and in total, like a complete puppet. Denying science, suspicious of the educated, afraid of dark skinned people, and of being turned gay.

    Hates the idea of healthcare and banking reform, or anything to conserve the planet from being ravaged for short term profit. Hates the poor, yet claims to be highly religious (obviously, to the God of Money.)

    All in all, a very dangerous sociopath...disguised as a likeable, good guy.

    Ted Bundy comes to mind.

  31. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Palin is insignificant .
    The only way she can make herself significant is to pick a public fight with an established Republican or a Democrat.
    And pray they will respond .
    Christie is not going to respond to the gnat.
    Palin will have to continue on her present path of flashing Rand Paul and Ted Cruz from her Facebook and FOX balcony
    in hopes they continue to throw political beads her way.
    If that doesn't work-I fear we may see Palin going commando
    and exposing the gray granny regions
    as she exits a vehicle .
    Other than another miracule pregnancy , she doesn't have many options left.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Oh the Horror, the Horror. My eyes!

  32. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

    I can see it now. Governor Chris Christie vs Qutter Palin on Jeopardy!
    Alex Trebeck: Quitter Palin goes first by a flip of the coin

    Quitter Palin: I'm so happy to be invited to this wonderful state of California...normal, hard working salt of the earth people living in God's Country. Can I buy a vowel, Alex?

    Christie's already got a jingle for his you tube videographer-

    "Stronger than the Whooooore"

  33. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Wahhhhhh How come nobody is paying attention to me? Obama won't respond, maybe Christie will? If I can get someone to respond to me maybe FOX News will give me more air time or maybe my own show?

  34. No. Really. There is a reason why serious politicians, journalists and some media do not ever refer to Palin. She is not a real politician. She is a "personality" with a certain skunky aspect to her. Once in contact with her reek of stupid, it can't be removed.

    There is no way to conduct a real political campaign with that thing connected to it. Just ask anyone associated with the diastrous 2008 McCain campaign. Christy and anyone else engaged in serious politics should continue to stay the hell away from It.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      But but Sarah Palin must be a politician. It says it right there on her Facebook page next to her picture (snark)

  35. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Look, Chris, this can be over in a hot minute.
    Just ask Sarah publically how a family practice physician, without the qualifications or the malpractice insurance, could be the sitting governor's high risk OB? Throw in some pictures, the flat stomach one at the Gov meeting in March and then the Gusty photo in "April" and say that this woman would be DEAD if her uterus expanded this much in this time frame. Ask how a little podunk hospital that doesn't do high risk births, but which had Sarah's church friends on its board, decided to risk being shut down, to "birth" little ole Tri-G in April 08.
    It might be a little uncomfortable for about 5 seconds Chris, but than all of us in the internetland will come screaming to your defense and the whole thing is OVER.
    You are a big man Chris. MAN UP!

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Do it Chris. Knock that bitch off her stool.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Nope, that will allow her to play the victim. Let the Bitch ferment in her own funk.

  36. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Leave my Sowah alone

  37. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Palin, even among conservatives, and even among hard-line conservatives, is a bit of a joke and not a serious person. She was entirely irrelevant to the 2008 race, and she serves as sort of a reverse compass for political judgment. Whichever way she points, it's a good idea to go in the opposite direction. When she declares she will “Stand with Rand,” she is solidifying Paul as the not-serious candidate and casting Christie in the role of the grown up.

  38. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Sarah when will you start your Senate election campaign? Let's get the ball rolling. Which state will you represent or are you just fucking with your followers so they will send you money?

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I hear that there is a senate seat open on Mars.

  39. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Sarah come back to Wasilla, we miss you.


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