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Courtesy of Facebook. |
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is set to announce Tuesday that she has signed on to the Defund Obamacare movement.
“Forced enrollment in Obama’s ‘Unaffordable Care Act’ is weeks away,” Palin says in a statement to be released by the Senate Conservatives Fund and shared early with Post Politics. “This beast must be stopped — by not funding it. Today, Todd and I joined with many of our fellow citizens to urge those in the U.S. Senate to not fund Obamacare.”
Defund Obamacare supporters pledge to not support any government funding that includes money for Obamacare.
As we all know this is of course the kiss of death for the movement, but to be fair it was a cancerous movement that was already killing its host.
Courtesy of Think Progress:
A recent Hart Research/SEIU poll on voter attitudes toward the ACA makes the point even more clearly. As Hart Research puts in in their memo on the poll:
Voters feel intensely negative toward Republican candidates who have worked to repeal or undermine the law, especially those who are unwilling to help their constituents take advantage of the benefits and protections available to them under the ACA….Seventy-one percent of voters express unfavorable feelings toward “a Republican who, as an elected official, refuses to help individuals and small businesses understand how best to deal with Obamacare and take advantage of its benefits.”….Two-thirds of all voters (including 60% of undecided voters) have an unfavorable impression of “a Republican who repeatedly voted to cut the funding needed to effectively implement the law, and refuses to provide information to employers and individuals about it.”
No wonder the GOP’s anti-Obamacare shenanigans aren’t helping their brand with the public. The point is underscored by another finding from the Hart survey:
Our generic congressional trial heat shows a relatively narrow, three-point advantage for Democratic candidates (44%) over Republicans (41%) nationwide. However, when the choice in the 2014 election is presented as “a Democrat who favors fixing and improving Obamacare rather than repealing it altogether” versus “a Republican who wants to totally repeal Obamacare,” voters favor the Democratic candidate (51%) over the Republican candidate (36%) by 15 percentage points.
Thus it would appear that the more the GOP pursues their anti-Obamacare crusade, the more damage they do to themselves. Indeed, when combined with their destructive opposition to immigration reform, popular gun regulations, and any expanded efforts to revive the economy, it’s hard to think of a group of voters they could alienate who they haven’t.
I am usually torn between wanting to encourage the Republicans to continue on in this way until they disappear forever, and wanting to correct their stupidity so that we can get something done in this country.
However now that Palin has signed on I am simply anxious to see the size and depth of the crater left when this implodes and destroys them both.
Why doesn't Palin finally just strip down and bare her fat sucked out bony ass on Pennsylvania Ave as she makes a last ditch effort to get the President to actually speak her name as she makes a dive for the WH lawn?
ReplyDeleteEveryone sees Sarah . . . . . But not in a good way.
Best she cld do since Miley stole her act.
DeleteHope she drops...soon, tired of that ugly face, mind and body.
DeleteThe aniti-christ. Lillith!
Miley even figured that, if Sarah could do the tongue thing, then she'd do it 100% better -- er, more.
DeleteMiley and Sarah, proof that you don't need talent to make a spectacle.
Delete$arah is HOLDING that book, perhaps carrying it around; Mark Levin now "owes" her, we see.
DeleteBut nothing can convince me that $he actually a) is reading the book, or b) can connect Levin's fevered rhetoric into a coherent screed against the Affordable Care Act!
While the entire Palin family enjoys free healthcare via Native Alaskan medical care, they want the rest of us to struggle? Well, now that the deep thinker has spoken, what do the Kardasian family think of all this? Their opinion matters almost as much as Palins, which is to say NOT AT ALL.
DeleteMrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel5:41 PM
DeleteDoes he work for Fox? She is doing her job of promoting people of her ilk. Scratch their crotch and she gets hers scratched. Team player.
I didn't say it first, but nobody means it any more than I do...
Delete"She ain't no fuckin' reader. People Magazine, maybe, but not books. And that's obvious."
She's too lazy to read her own ghost-written books, because even Sarah would recognize the inconsistencies written in her books versus the shit she talks about in her made-up pretend world of frontier fanny fuckin fool.
The pee pond is on fapity-fap overdrive with this photo.
ReplyDeleteNice cooch, Sarah.
Haha... like Sarah is kicked back, actually reading Levin's book? She can fool the fools who think she's a *reader*, but I know better, and most non-idiots do as well.
DeleteBy the way, I wouldn't sit on that Ranger or Mule or whatever she's tooling around on there without first spraying some Lysol on the seat. Short of that, I'd walk instead and push a wheel barrow if I had to move some gear or yard stuff from point A to point B.
Don't want to be around the funk that that family oozes from their pores and elsewhere. They are a greasy, unwashed bunch.
They got theirs, that's all that matters to a selfish hypocrite like Sarah. It's no secret that their insurance is all paid for by the federal government via Native Benefits because of Todd's 1/32 native blood. What does that calculate to for Bristol's bastard kids? 1/128th? They should be ashamed to living off the teat of government with their level of income, but to make it worse, Sarah has the nerve to criticize others who need healthcare PLUS she's evil enough to work on behalf of the obstructionists to prevent the government from funding what we and our representatives voted into law.
DeleteOk, Sarah, now I understand why you can say "Fuck You" to the 30-35 million Americans without access to Affordable Healthcare. Because "You've got yours, and I help pay for it with my taxes. That is a great reason to say "Fuck everybody else" that doesn't have access to healthcare.
But I look forward to continuing to help fund healthcare for you and Todd well into the future--- through the Federal Prison System. I can't wait for that perp walk. You could even wear those Mossy Oak boots that you have on right now, although your "fans" would have a stroke when they see a current photo of just what s runt you are without your orthopedic height-enhancer FM Ho shoes.
A scrawny, diseased runt. It's about time for another Herpes fever blister breakout, isn't it? I hear that stress makes your situation worse. Hate it. Haha. We don't hate you, Sarah. We hate what you are and what you've done to hurt others while grifting for yourself and your lazy, sorry, uneducated family. You're the enemy of civilized society. You made that choice, we didn't.
You know - time to stop this shit with the IHS. Why not fund commensurately to native blood. So Toad would get 1/32 of his pills paid and Bitchtol 1/68th and Tripp 1/128th (unless Levi has native blood.) And means test, too.
DeleteHow about some DNA testing? Could eliminate many of these leeches.
DeleteBitch and her family have free insurance so screw the rest of us I guess. What a hypocritical piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteYeah, no shit. If Ted Cruz, Steve King, and Louie Ghomert were rill conservatives they would renounce their free Cadillac government health care because that's fucking socialism.
DeleteAs for fucking $arah asshole Palin she's got a damn rude awakening in front of her some day when she realizes that the Esther prophecies about her being President are a bullshit fantasy, and Todd is arrested for tax evasion and pimping underage girls.
Sarah doesn't have it, Track doesn't have it. Only the children with Todd on their birth certificate as "father" enjoy the Indian insurance. I doubt that Piper has it, and certainly Trig doesn't so it's really only Bristol and Willow that share Todd's native DNA and get free medical.
DeleteTrig looks more Native to me than any of 'em.
DeleteBut, while I get your point, anon@551, the law is usually pretty clear that the husband of a married woman who has a child is the putative father for legal purposes. So never mind that, yeah, Piper and Track might not have a drop of Native blood: dollars to donuts, they're on the health care gravy train as well.
(So, yeah, screw everyone else: including a growing number of 20somethings thru 50somethings who have found themselves hardly able to get insurance at any remotely reasonable price.)
ya know, he does look native - more so than Todd, even. I bet it would not be hard to find a poor pregnant native girl way up above the Circle that couldn't afford any baby, much less a DS one, who was happy to give Tri-G up to the Guvnuh. hmmm never thought about that before.
DeleteThat's probably what first attracted her to Toad ... getting something for nothing.
DeleteThat's what's struck me as he gets older -- and not just 'cause Down's kids have "Asian" features. There is the theory that Bristol did have a baby that either died or had FAS, and the child now known as Trig was "rustled up" from God knows where via the fundie connections. I'm Trig-nostic between this and other theories, including that Trig is Bristol's with the father unknown (not Levi). But if there wasn't some sort of adoption involved, why set fire to the church records?
You keep saying repubs have no solutions, yet ignore their books. DUUHHHHHH
ReplyDeleteREAD THEIR IDEAS since the current ones aren't working, or will do more damage
Oh look it's the "Duh" troll..laughing and pointing at you. I have heard their so-called solutions, they don't have any that would work for the middle class or the poor. Their "solutions" are for the 1%. Get a clue.
DeleteThey write books to make money off saps like you, not to solve real world problems.
DeleteAnd by the way, going to the emergency room if you don't have insurance, is one of the reasons health care costs are so high. That is a favorite republican "solution".
You stupid fuck.
Wasn't it a Republican whose idea Obamacare is based on, douchebag? Or have you never heard of Mitt Romney and MassHealth? And if you've read these IDEAS, please, describe them, and we can have a discussion about them here. DUUUHHHHH. Fuck off, actually, I hope you end up without health insurance because of your ignorant spite.
DeleteDo more damage in what way?
DeleteACA isn't in effect yet for most Americans, so it can't be not "working."
Anon @1:50. I've had my states version of the ACA for 5 years. Thank god for the NM medical insurance pool! It is just like any other health insurance, but it is for people who can not get health insurance due to pre-exisiting conditions. NM has had this type of insurance for the uninsured for many years, and it WORKS BEAUTIFULLY! I pay my own monthly premium. I am not ill, I go to no dr.'s and take no medication, yet I can not get private health insurance because I had a back injury 6 ears ago. That injury is no longer an issue, and I am very healthy and fit. No insurance company will give me private insurance though because I had a back injury and an MRI. In the insurance companies own words, my file has been "red flagged".
Delete"READ THEIR IDEAS since the current ones aren't working, or will do more damage"
DeleteREPUBLICANS HAVE NO IDEAS, DUMBASS. Democratic policies are working, and we can only imagine how much stronger the ongoing recovery and deficit reduction would be if the republicans were not determined to obstruct and prevent any idea that would help Americans.
The ONE IDEA republicans/teabaggers have is to destroy the country and destroy millions of American lives in hopes that people will blame the President.
Republicans are traitors to America.
So fuck off, traitor, because I am too busy doing what I can to stop the destruction of this country by angry, ignorant, treasonous morons like you.
Why don't you read them and get back to us with one or two- illiterate ass.
DeleteRepublicans don't have any GOOD ideas, republicans only stupid BAD "ideas" that DON'T WORK! Republican policies fucked up EVERYTHING! That's why you fuck-ups LOST the last two presidential elections!
We have had several decades of living with Republican solutions to healthcare costs. At least since the insurance lobbyists purchased the Republipukes.
DeleteObamacare was based on the idea of a moderate Republican who had to disavow every (sensible) past idea he ever had to mount his (failed) bid for the Presidency.
DeleteNow there's a slogan for today's Republican party: Ideas Were Us.
mathgeek, you've been on fire lately and dead center of the target. If you don't mind, I'm going to scoot in behind you and draft a little to conserve some energy, while you're kicking all that ass. I'll come out charging hard when I see an opening.
DeleteSo keep doing your thing. Much Respeck for your quick-witted, intellectual method of insulting them using your cerebral method that puts them out of action until they can get out their thesaurus and dictionary to understand how to respond.
yeah mathgeek!
DeleteToad expressed Republican idea and ideals quite succinct... "What's in it for us?"
Obamacare or ACA has helped my family already. I had hoped for a single payer system, but this is a step in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteAnd isn't it funny how the biggest haters of this plan are on government health care system? (Government Health Care plans, Medicare, Medicaid, and Native American health care plans)
It's especially amazing to me to see senior citizens against Obamacare when they are the recipients of Medicare and SS. Friggin' retarded idiots that are likely Republicans. It would be a hoot to take away their Medicare and see what they would do then.
DeleteBwahahaha 2 nobodies who already receive free healthcare for their unemployed Dysfunctional Family don't want others to benefit. What are the alternatives, Pimp Daddy and Baldy? You never have a plan. Just like Dairygate.
ReplyDeleteWanna bet she didn't read one word in that book she is holding?
ReplyDeleteI'd especially love seeing her interviewed and questioned about the law that is now called "Obamacare". Would guess she knows zero of its content.
Interesting fact that the signatures of Sarah and Todd 'signing on' will have zero impact in Washingon D.C. regarding this matter.
Anyone stupid enough to give a damn what Sarah thinks she knows is a damn fool just as much as the Quitter herself.
DeleteYeah, two X's.
DeleteLet's hope their signatures invoke their namesake curse, eh?
DeleteM from MD
She wouldn't understand it if someone read it to her ... and gave paragraph summaries and explanations. She's just a retard.
DeleteI recently had an intense discussion with a Republican neighbor about Obamacare. He is in finance and said the ACA is ruining business.
ReplyDeleteI told him that many years ago our country chose to have employer sponsored health care for workers. We could have chosen a system of government sponsored health care for all, but we did not.
To now have businesses say they will not provide health care to their American employees is a slap in the face to all Americans, and extremely unpatriotic. They are refusing to follow the rules of our civil society. Those businesses should pack up and leave our country and find another country to do business in, and not be able to sell their goods in America either.
We had to get able bodied people with jobs onto their employer health plans and off the government. The number of employers who are transferring the cost of insurance to the government is unfair to other businesses who are paying their workers insurance premiums. The businesses not paying have an unfair competitive advantage by not including insurance in their costs.
It really just comes down to ethics. Abide by the rules in the country you are doing business in, or don't do business there. Employer sponsored health care is not new in America, the enforcement is new.
Republicans claim to love smaller government. Let the businesses insure their workers, and let the government insure non-workers, elderly, very poor and disabled people. Everybody with a job should be on their employers health plan.
Since this is an ethical question, it just makes sense that Sarah Palin and the Republicans are on the wrong side of it. The lot of them are completely unethical.
Delete+1,000 me also, too!
DeleteAlso, historically, wasn't there very sound reasoning by businesses that offering benefits to employees created a more stable work force? And a loyal workforce, in the sense that people treated fairly and with dignity tended to actually show up for work and remain with the company after money and time had been spent training them.
DeleteBusinesses understood that it was in their best financial interests to encourage this type of company loyalty by offering health insurance and other benefits, like a pension, vacation days, etc. Otherwise, what was to prevent workers from just not showing up for work, with no notice, if they found a higher paying job (or a union job)?
Well, I guess at one time, workers could be held hostage and extorted by always being in hock to the old "company store." If they left without paying, they could be thrown in jail. I'm sure Republicans would love to go back to those days.
In fact, aren't businesses able to write off these "health insurance" costs as a business expense? And employees (at least to my knowledge) pay some amount of their health insurance premiums, don't they? You'd think, with all the whining, that businesses are forced to pay 100% of their employees' health insurance premiums, which I find hard to believe. (Sorry, my career was in federal public service, and we certainly paid health insurance premiums out of our paychecks, so I'm not familiar with private industry practices.)
Furthermore, does anyone remember all the negative television ads from the actual health care industry and big pharma before the ACA was passed (or since)? I don't. I remember tons of negative ads paid for by people like the Koch brothers and other conservative groups trying to stop passage of the law. But the health care industry and big pharma both know they're getting upward of 40 million new customers. Why would they try to stop that mother load? You don't hear a peep from them!! That's some punitive, "government run" and "socialist" health care system for the vast majority of people, I'll tell you what!!
I just don't understand the bogus concern about people being "forced" (mandated) to buy health insurance. Are they fucking kidding with this nonsense? EVERYONE - no matter the age - who works and can afford to pay for some amount of health insurance should do that. If something happens to them, who do they think pays for their treatment? I remember, even at the young age of 19, being concerned with health insurance coverage when looking for a job.
Of course, it's all just lies from the right, stirring up the low information and uneducated idiots who they've convinced that the gubment is taking away their "freedom" and "rights" by ramming down their throats some intrusive "mandate" that they don't want or need. They have no ability to think something through to its logical conclusion, or to comprehend that health care costs in the US are out of control and something had to be done for EVERYONE'S benefit, including business interests.
And, of course, they get all their "info" from Fox News and horrible people like Mark Levin, Glen Beck, and Rush, so they don't know that this health care law is actually based on a conservative proposal from a conservative "think tank" (the proposal did not originate out of the reptilian brain of Mitt Romney; he just implemented the idea, successfully, in Massachusetts). Most of these imbeciles that you see at these Republican town halls, ranting against "Obamacare" don't really even know why they're against it. Just that it has something to do with that socialist, Muslim "nigger," so it's got to be bad, 'cause he's taking away their "freedom."
As usual, all Sarah Palin has to offer the world is another crotch shot. It's always just tits and ass with this pathetic lunatic.
Put your leg down you old fucking goat.
ReplyDeleteYes. And do it now before I die of the stench.
DeleteWith Sarah's seepage issues, you'd think she'd be a little more careful hiking her leg up like that. Plus, with her pants legs tucked in, the idiot is going to fill up her boots with shit. Blame it on Todd when it happens, Sarah. It's never your fault.
Deletewhy do you think she's wearing black pants?
Delete"I am against Obamacare!"
ReplyDeleteSays the one who's entire family has benefitted from free healthcare her whole life.
Scr$w you b!tch
She can't go without showing some 'thigh'. Got to show something to get what you want, eh Sarah?
ReplyDeleteWell, she's not getting the attention she wants. Greta nor Hannity are having her on to discuss her effort to defund the Obamacare movement. Fox hasn't invited her on today. Neil Cavuto had on a tea-party spokeswoman on in regards to their efforts to defund Obamacare also, and nary a mention of Sarah.
Seems like they are deliberately ignoring her and Todd.
showing some 'thigh'
DeleteMiley Cyrus is the talk de jour, what's an old Grizzly Bear to do? She wants to be the hottest discussion around.
Just saw a report out for ratings and FOX has dropped (specially noted Hannity) and MSNBC has come up - Rachel Maddow!
DeleteHannity had Palin on his show too many times - I suggest! She is the kiss of death!
correction 2:09 - ('specifically' noted Hannity)
DeleteShe'll be "twerking" before we know it. ANYTHING for attention, right, Screech?
DeleteSomeone needs to explain to Palin that holding a book, is not the same as reading it.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't look like she would read. She isn't called The Poser for naught.
DeleteWinner! Jackpot Alarm and Lights Flashing!!!
DeleteYep, in the shade of a roof, reading with sunglasses on - hahahahahhahaha
DeleteThat is EXACTLY the "light" reading one would take on an outside excursion.
Right? ??
Also. If I'm reading a book with a jacket. The jacket is gone quickly as it is always annoying.
Hers looks brand. Spanking. New.
The picture above of Sarah Palin trying to hike her leg up over her head is from her facebook and the the following caption below is from that picture:
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin
I'm just waiting for the guys to finish loading up gear, so I'm using the "wait time" to finish reading Mark Levin's great new book "The Liberty Amendments."
So Sarah wants everybody to believe she just happens to be sitting there reading that book.
That's just another Sarah Palin photo op. Sell that crap to your dumbass followers. Sarah may be waiting but it is very hard to imagine her reading anything besides the National Enquirer at Kmart or some fashion magazine.
The only thing sarah reads is her blackberry.
DeleteDid they already drop Trig off at his first school? When will he be picked up?
DeleteShe can't read in those ridiculous reflective sunglasses.
DeleteRemember, IMers, whenever you see a Sarah or Sarah-sponsored book at WalMart, the supermarket, or wherever fantasies are sold, find a real book to place in front of it on the rack. Old(ish) people's Take Back Our Country civil disobedience.
So why ain't you out helping them load, you anorexic bitchdiva?
DeleteAnon @ 1:41 ... judging by the size of that backpack, he is off for a year at a residential school.
DeleteNo matter what you say, $arah -
ReplyDeleteNo matter how outrageous or crazy,
The Fed's are gonna eventually come for YOU.
No matter how titillating,
No matter how provocative -
The Fed's are gonna eventually get TO YOU.
Hear that $arah? First Kyle, then Karen
The Fed's are gonna eventually come to get YOU.
Distraction; distortion; deflection...
They don't care what you say or do.
The Fed's are coming for you, $arah. Soon...
Kristan Cole and Franci Havemeister, too!
DeleteIs Franci the one that liked cows when she was young so she was appointed to the Agriculture post?
DeleteSarah makes it so easy. She lead the parade against health care by calling it a death panel that would kill off her parent and special needs child. What we've seen and read recently is the fact that Sarah's father, Chuck Heath Sr., had a major heart operation, and her mother, Sally, had a second hip replacement after the first one didn't take. Since Chuck and Sally worked for a school system, I assume that their pension is based on taxes. Just how much of that heart operation and two hip replacements did the Heaths pay for? Not very much because they are covered by Medicare.
ReplyDeleteThis is easy. Sarah, tell your folks to give up all of their government paid health care. In fact, you and Todd should give up your government funded health care, too. Pay for it yourself. You have plenty of money.
As for Sarah's Facebook posts, she is desperate for attention. That photo of her is sexual, and Sarah is putting it out there, front and center. The guys are loading the truck. Sarah acts tough, like one of the guys. And she's advertising what she has to advertise, as the pose indicates. Sarah is sure to be noticed.
DeleteYea, Sarah's real attractive with that fried hairdo. You can see that her real hair has fallen out and is about one inch long close to her scalp. Too much Red Bull and meth.
DeleteInstead of promoting some book, how about reading and bond with your stepson Trig. Give Todd a break.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I believe that Trig is better off without her. She can't seem to get over her disgust of his handicap. Todd appears to genuinely care for the little guy.
DeleteElizabeth 44
Hey! I thought Tri-G was her grandson. According to Levi she did call him the retarded one and didn't want to hold him but rather the bastard named for Toad's prostitute. Fact!
Deletelol, my local idiot congressman, doug lamborn of calling the president a tarbaby and not attending the SOTU message 2 years ago fame also signed. The gazette, the local "libertarian rag" with a former soldier of fortune magazine writer as editor has the story today. I just completed reading it and even 1/2 the wingnuts agree lamborn is a total dumb fuck and hurting the party with his continued foolishness.
ReplyDeleteSarah says she's reading that book "while she waits for the guys to finish loading the gear."
ReplyDeleteYup, she is sitting in the truck, gettin' her pritty pitcher took, while others do the work.
And turning pages with her gloves on...
DeleteIt must be 30 below zero in Alaska.
DeleteAs she famously said "buck up or stay in the truck". Looks as if she chose option 2, just like when she briefly visited Alaska for the Iron Dog start last February; she stayed in the truck. Why does she even bother pretending to be Alaskan any longer? Especially since we all know that she hasn't collected a PFD for two years now and spends most of her time outside.
DeleteShe is all hat and no cattle.
Deletesomeone took her photo through the screen - the ugly white house with all the curtainless windows is in her glasses
DeleteThe top picture shows how stringy and thin Sarah's real hair is now.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder she wears a wig.
She looks like she has on one of those head bands with the fake bangs. I used to buy those at KMart in the 1950s.
DeleteSarah Palin to sign on to Defund Obamacare movement.
ReplyDeleteThat is good news. Who doesn't know by now about the Palin Curse?
OMG, the only way that pose could be more suggestive would be if she had her left leg hung over that seat guard outside the vehicle.
OMG she's a disgusting idiot! And who gives a fuck what Toad thinks? He's dumber than she is.
ReplyDeleteSarah's face is like a man. Take away the big hair and put a crop cut on her head and she's bona fide manly man. I wonder if her medical coverage includes transgender surgery.
ReplyDeletewhere's azure ghost when you need her?
DeleteHmm, Sarah does look manly and Todd looks, plump and dare I say it, bloated and kind of girly. Do you think really that Sarah is a man and Todd is a woman? It kind of seems sometimes that they have switched roles but now they are starting to look like it!!
DeleteMaybe Sarah and Todd got their hormone replacement meds switched.
DeleteOnce that estrogen starts to deplete ... it's all over. Sarah is as dried up as a popcorn fart.
Delete"Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is set to announce Tuesday that she has signed on to the Defund Obamacare movement."
ReplyDeleteI don't care whether or not she succeeds in killing the GOP. Running a story like this in the WaPo is a discredit to whomever wrote it and to the paper. Jesus! How long will the media fall for this buffoonery?
Sarah and her family, including Tripp and Trig, use the Native Alaskan Health Services -- thanks to Todd's 1/16th native blood. The Palins are NOT needy and DO NOT deserve to be taking advantage of this program.
ReplyDeleteSarah is a lying hypocrite. She and her family are taken care of through health services intended for those less well off. But hey! They got theirs; so screw Americans who don't and can't get health care.
So, the Toad is 1/16 Native; his kids are 1/32 Native and THEIR kids are 1/64 Native. This has past the point of ridiculousness.
DeleteWho paid the hospital bill when Sarah was birthing Tri-G? Why did she not take more time off of work for pregnancy leave? She was back to work on Monday with the new baby in tow. Kid had a hole in his heart but she was showing him off to everybody in the office. Dumb Sarah. Glad she got her insurance paid for.
Delete$carah did not give birth to Trig. She is a lying grifting useless woman. Nothing about her is real, or honest.
DeleteShe's a John Bircher who seems to find herself in need of funds. Voila! An addict and a pimp needing more funds, who'd 'a thought!
ReplyDeleteJust a money ploy here, folks, nothing to see...
Sarah Palin the senior citizen version of Miley Cyrus.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah you can get your AARP card next year. They promote all kinds of good deals on insurance. Why you can even use that card to get discounts on travel.
RJ in Brownbackistan
Good one! LOL!
DeleteI guess Sarah can't go on FOX and debate the ACA, because she's gone hunting. Lucky Sarah sure has an enormous amount of free time! Boating, hunting, flying all over the country going to sporting events. Must be nice. The rest of us have to work so we can pay for rent, food, and our healthcare.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Sarah the one who criticized President Obama for playing golf or taking one week of vacation? And by the way, I thought that Sarah was tough. Why are the guys loading the truck? Did Sarah break her arm? Why isn't she helping? And, guys? There's Todd, and there's....one of the needy kids?
DeleteWise move, Sarah goes hunting. That way when she doesn't show up on Fox for a while, she'll already have a good excuse.
DeleteIs Sarah giving us the front view of twerking?
ReplyDeleteOMG. Blindingly brilliant.
DeleteAbout "Ameritropia," Levin's screed before this one: "A review by Professor Carlin Romano in the Chronicle of Higher Education called the book 'disastrously bad from beginning to end.'[23]"
ReplyDeleteThis is from Wikipedia. If you want a legitimate look at Levin's latest, go to the one-and-two-star amazon reviews, where people, rather than idolize this dolt, take him and his Article V proposal for what it is -- anarchy, which will never be achieved.
Nonetheless, he achieves his goal of making all his readers feel like VICTIMS,
Hey, Sarah, none of our Founding Fathers would have understood your victimology, or your cheap tricks. They were real leaders, thinkers, intellectuals, doers.
You and your kind would be emptying slop buckets and cutting firewood for your many, many betters throughout the colonies. Who knows? You might have become Loyalists and fled to Canada, thinking the Revolutionaries were protecting their own business interests.
Isn't history a blast, Sarah?
Sarah does not have "the right stuff" to be relevant anymore so she hides behind FB and twitter and her oh so sad sex kitten personna. That's all there is, folks. Just kitschy wrapping.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised the stupid, evil, vicious bitch is holding the book right side up.
ReplyDeleteShe has minders for that.
DeleteRight before the picture was taken, someone yelled:
Delete"it's upside down, dumbass."
I know Todd and the kids are eligible for AK native healthcare and I know Sarah isn't. I know she's got enough money to buy private health insurance. But is continuing eligibility for state health insurance a benefit of being elected as governor?
ReplyDeleteIf it is, it can't possibly apply to elected governors who quit. Please tell me that is so...
DeleteIs she trying to pass 'gas'?
ReplyDeleteWhy she has to show her skinny ass to the world?
Did she just kill a fox and stick its fur on her tete?
Is she trying to pass 'gas'? She finally had a success.
DeleteChecking out the Alaska hunting calendar, it's hard to determine exactly what these bozoa are hunting, unless August is classified as "fall" in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteCaribou seem to be available to be killed in August or September, though.
I wonder if one of her guys will load and sight Sarah's gun, or if she'll be back in the jeep or plane, trying to read Levin's book, running her finger under each line of type and sounding out the big words. There are just so many suicidal caribou around who'll stand stock still for five shots until Sarah "hits" one with her rifle. I think the only one died a quiet death on SPA
three years ago, and never procreated.
I long to see Sarah in her kitchen, cooking up the spoils of their hunt for all her hungry friends and family. Not to mention freezing it to give to her parents and siblings. I'll bet Bristol, Willow and Piper will be joining in, and they'll have plenty to share with Track's needy buddies.
Stop you are killing me.
DeleteShe rilly is wonder woman or wonder bread. How does she get Trig to school, pick him up and do all the care for his needs that is necessary each day? Plus she goes hunting, that cannot be a small undertaking even with needy buddies carrying the load.
DeleteShe must be having the time of her life. She likes young buff boys but has settle to stay away from jail bait. The older men, her son's age, must be a challenge to keep up with mentally. Good to see her with a book.
"Good to see her with a book." That wasn't for reading. She used it to clobber animals over the head since she can't shoot for shit.
DeleteI've never hunted in AK and only fished a few times in my 25 years up here but I've had people give me wild game like moose and caribou and I cooked it, tried it, and then gave the rest of it away. I think it is just an acquired taste, much as my father hunted deer back east but none of the family found it palatable so he would donate it to the local hospital or a homeless shelter. I guess maybe Sarah Palin did grow up eating this kind of stuff and she actually likes it? I try to purchase salmon every few weeks in season and make myself eat it because it is healthy and beneficial to our heart health, but really, I'd just as soon skip it. Had some last night, fresh silver, $18/lb, cooked by a person who knows what she is doing and still had to cover it in tarter and choke it down. Moose and caribou? Almost inedible as far as I'm concerned but I think Sarah was forced to eat this kind of stuff growing up and to her it might seem like standard fare, whereas many of us, lots of Alaskans included, would rather eat anything but.
DeleteShe will give her daughters the livers.
DeleteMaybe she is out hunting for "trial husbands" for her two older daughters? Round up some young men out in the wilderness, who have not slept with Bristles or Willow - YET. The kids are outnumbering the "girls" by now, and not a Daddy in sight. It isn't that the girls are picky about guys, it is that the guys are getting wiser to the Palin trap.
DeleteMUST watch Palin 2012 Campaign video:
Betcha Trig is not going with Sarah. Trig's use as her photo op for the week is over now. Now it's fun time (again) for Sarah.
ReplyDeleteWhere is she 'hunting'? Who took Trig to school today and when do they pick him up? It doesn't give Todd or Sarah much time to 'hunt' if he goes half a day. How do other parents in Alaska work that out?
DeleteThey are as happy as Zimmerman. Todd flew them up to his new rainbow resort. They are in the money now and can't hold back the glee.
DeleteSpeaking of photo ops with Trig, there have been a lot of them lately, Trig and Todd looking at a rainbow together, Trig and Todd heading off for the First Day of School, Trig, Todd and Tripp playing baseball. What's the point? Is Sarah trying to show us that Trig is really just like any other kid, who goes off to school, looks at rainbows and plays ball? Or is it Todd who is getting the photo op treatment, showing him as the loving, devoted father (instead of what everyone has been writing about here).
DeleteTrig was looking at Todd. He doesn't have the proper glasses. I doubt he could see the rainbow if he looked that way. This is some kind of damage control for Todd.
DeletePutting one leg up like that makes her so pretty, young, & vibrant.
ReplyDeleteLike that boat photo a few weeks back, wearing her shorts with legs up. She is heading toward a full wide shot. Please for god's sake bots, donate enough to that damn PAC to spare us all.
DeleteAnd you say she can't learn. Brit and Paris did commando and it made them famous.
DeleteWatch out, 3:11 --- the mature troll is going to call you "jealous" before the sun has set.
DeleteYoung pretty vibrant isn't exactly the message that Sarah is sending with that crotch shot.
DeleteYes, she's soooo well-read, active, intelligent and hhhhhhottttt.
DeleteShe's 50 and she can KICK!
DeleteExplains Todd's soprano voice singing "You light up my Life" to Shailey, 7:06
DeleteLadies and gentlemen: you fashion-forward Sarah fans have now been shown that camo-patterned fleece jackets are the latest in trendy clothing. You've seen it here, and soon you'll be seeing it on the runways in Milan, Paris and New York.
ReplyDeleteThey're broad, they're wide, they make the wearer look like a Grizzly in camo disguise. The tiniest model will look like a tree that's got web caterpillars stuck all over its leaves. Be sure to wear your camo jacket with black stretch pants, to show the real, skinny you, and stick the pants into rubber wading boots as you waddle down the street. Throw away your FM shoes: now's the time to show what a rill, rootin', tootin' Merican wears in God's Country.
You can make it double as a pillow, throw blanket, or use to haul animal carcasses out of the wild. Machine washable, so all, or most, of the animal blood will come out.
Must the model on the runway spread her legs revealing the camel toe also, too?
DeleteDear $carah and Toad:
ReplyDeleteI really hope you need medical care someday. I hope you are put of range of one of the EMTALA or IHS hospitals. I would be pleased to be the one around to assist you in your hour of medical need. I would be proud to tell you (and all those others fighting ACA):
I wouldn't give you a glass of piss to take a pill.
Hey 4:04! Would you piss on her if she were on fire?
DeleteShe and Todd are having a mid-life crisis. They are living like one of the buddies and pretending they are the parent at times. We've all known parents and families like that. SOS but Alaska 2013 time zone.
ReplyDeleteIs Sarah auditioning for another Alaska reality show? Who is she trying to impress?
DeleteI think she is impressing the needy buddies.
DeleteOne of Alaska's largest and most traveled cravasses.
DeleteWhat kind of idiot wears stretchpants that snag out to hunt and track through bramble and brush? This photo was taken in their driveway.
ReplyDeleteA poseur with a harem of needy buddies that like like it that way.
DeleteThat dog don't hunt
DeletePretty shitty if you ask me. Sarah Palin quits her governor's job 1/2 through and now flaunts all her houses, toys, vacations, travels on her facebook for all you poor sons of bitches to see.
ReplyDeleteKeep donating you asswipes, there's more for the unemployed Palins to see, do and launder.
Remember you douche bags that Sarah Palin hasn't ruled out running for Senate or the presidency yet but she's thinking about it. Five years since the 2008 election and Sarah Palin is all talk.
Don't talk bad about our queen. We luv her.
DeleteI'm so sorry I didn't clarify myself clearly. I really meant to say that Sarah Palin flaunts all her riches
Who is going to watch Sarah Palin's little needy buddies while she goes on holiday AGAIN?
ReplyDeleteWho is going to take Trig to school, after he got off to such a great start with that giant backpack?
DeleteHaven't read the comments yet but I hope that Todd, Bristol and Willow lose their BIH (Bureau of Indian Health) Native Healthcare benefits if the Government shuts down.
ReplyDeleteSarah has health benefits forever from her short term as Governor. Track must have health from his short stint in the military, or is on Medicaid and Piper must still be considered a dependent of Sarah.
Todd's two girls are the ones that will find themselves without care, the only two he can claim on his BIH benefits as they are actually his, with Sarah. The rest, kids and grandkids are mutts from all across the spectrum of affairs and underaged procreation.
Do we know for a fact that Sarah has State of Alaska medical benefits for the rest of her life due to quitting as governor? Proof please! Would not make one bit of sense....surely the State of Alaska population would not go along w/that! She's already eaten up mucho taxpayer money in the films that were not successful.
DeleteIt's time for insurance companies to demand DNA samples to prove up eligibility.
DeleteThe cost of EPT strips, alone, would bankrupt her! Throw in "Cramp Pills" and how's a girl get gas to get to the dermatologist office?
DeleteStop complaining about Sarah Palin's stretch pants, her leg hiked up and just be thankful that she didn't spread her legs horizontally and show her wrinkly old smelly gigantic unkept moose toe. Now that would be something to complain about.
ReplyDeleteWe can now finally close another Sarah Palin myth. By looking at the above picture of Sarah Palin sitting so ladylike in that vehicle, we can now say within 65% certainty that it appears from this angle that Sarah has had her tubes tied and burned.
ReplyDeleteIt's possible they tied and burned themselves.
DeleteGuys don't forget to pack the case of Depends for Grandmothers or we definitely have to stay downwind.
ReplyDelete1/2 Term Gov Shitty Pants. No wonder she pals around with Ted Nugent, same Stench.
DeleteDoes this woman ever do any mothering?
ReplyDeleteKim! Didn't Sarah tell us she is now a shelter for needy children? What? You don't believe her?
Deleteno - she said unemployed Track lives at home in the hangar with his loser friends
DeleteDo you think Glenn Rice did all that damage?
ReplyDeleteSarah, you got some 'splainin' to do....
ReplyDeleteWhere does your family get their health care? Anybody on Medicare? Medicaid? Alaska Native Health Care? VA Health care? Who pays for Trig's care?
Trig doesn't need care, He is God's gift to me and he is perfect just like he is. - Gov. S.P.
DeleteTrig must be God's gift because You did not give birth to Trig. That is why he slaps you every chance he gets. Trig wants his 'Rill' Mama.
DeleteLast week, a long time Republican pollster , David Winston , conducted a poll regarding defunding ACA and his conclusions were similar.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans may not like ACA , but,
the defunding movement by Palin , Cruz, Lee, Limbaugh,
Hannity and the unelected Tea Party blowhards
were rejected by a majority of Americans and Republicans.
Republicans who called themselves " somewhat conservative " were overwhelmingly against this nonsense ,
62 against to 31 for .
The only subgroup who favored a shutdown were those in the very conservative 9 % of Republicans
by margins of 63 for - 27 against.
The majority of Republicans agree with the rest of America.
No one , but, the far, far fringe supports the
Palin " Cruzade " which is why most elected Republicans
are ignoring this childish publicity stunt.
We all know that what Palin really wanted to do was to use Levin's book like Miley Cyrus used her foam finger.
Know you don't like nasty words on your blog, but can I please just say it? She is an asshole.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the distorted image? Looks like it is taken thru a screen... She must think it hides something or enhances something - who knows. It simply looks like a very poor quality picture.
ReplyDeletejust the slightest enlargement of the image gets pixelated. She has some kind of lip distortion too. Couldn't make out the reflection in her glasses.
DeletePiece of the front screen door? Trying to add sparkles to the picture using the poor man's camera filter method?
DeleteI think you are right about the screen door.
Deleteobviously tryin' to hide the bi-monthly herpes flare up
DeleteShe's such a moron. It took her six years to read "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss, for gripe's sake. That's the "pose" of someone who hasn't even opened the cover.
ReplyDeleteSarah must be feeling a bit deflated, the book proves she's flat as a board.
Defund Obamacare? Good Luck, unlucid one! Defund Sarah Pac is more like it!
Leave Sarah alone! If she wants to show her 60 year old vajayjay then who are you to complain?
ReplyDeleteWe are few but we are many! I'm tellin' ya Sarah Palin will be our next president. You wait and see.
ReplyDeleteJames Cauthorn
you need to be the next pres think about it before america is no more
Mike Walker
Having read this post, I'm wondering if she's thinking of a retry at pres.!
Jesse Roberts
Osmar Monzón
I love this woman, she must be the first president
Nina Reiten
Like Greg says we want to give you Air Force One Hangar too.
ReplyDeleteGreg D Bostick
OMG must be nice To Flaunt your Riches around ..... WOW I WANNA VOTE FOR YOU AND GIVE U AIR FORCE ONE HANGER TOO
Fay Hamby Duggan
i am with you sarah.
Michael Wayne Hutchison
Michael CoolChange
Sarah Palin is a once in a lifetime leader and this nation needs her so much in 2016 . Palin2016 . Fight for America . runsarahrun . Sarah Palin for President in 2016
Paul E. Guerin
Many of us hope you win the Alaska Senate seat!! You can if you want.
Gideon Gutenberg
Sarah Palin , PLEASE RUN IN 2016, WE SO NEED OUR COUNTRY BACK . Palin2016
Track got what he wanted from his divorce settlement, his rifles and guns. Is Track going on this Safari hunt too or will he be staying in his mamma's "hanger" with the other needy kids?
ReplyDeleteyou don't need a divorce from a FAKE marriage, used as a cover for the DWTS baby
DeleteNice thought, hangar full of needy and hunting rifles. She must be teaching them how to feed themselves? Who picked up Trig from school?
DeleteSarah Palin's Qualifications For
ReplyDeletePresident of the United States of AMERICA!
Joel Luther
CUTE! ♥♡♥♡♥
Jake Quitl
Just WOW
Lana Vanderburgh
There's the next Jackie K.
Lynne Schultz
Hot Mama you are, Sarah Palin! You're the best!
Randy Berg
you are absolutely beautiful Governor <4
Dana Hamilton-Krause
Seriously Sarah, you have such a great figure.
Arturo Ojeda
great legs madam President at least i can dream
Faith Root
you look maahvalus!!
John Reed
Jackie K?????
DeleteO dear Jesus.
Steven Janvrin
Steven we are laughing at you.
Ohhhh Trig looks so cute in that picture. Wait a second, Sarah is not holding Trig!
ReplyDeleteSarah is proud of some damn book!
Sarah is smiling in that picture because that book can't slap her face like Trig would be doing.
DeleteWOw. She had to announce that she and the AIP member can sign their names. And we all thought she was stupid.
ReplyDeleteHey how did this comment get past Sarah Palin's facebook proof reader? Somebody is not doing their job.
ReplyDeleteRichard St Peter
I bet Sarah gets a cut on the book. Can't see her doing anything for free. Just saying.
Looks like Sarah Palin's facebook followers are finally catching onto that Sarah Palin is all talk. We told you. I wonder how much money Timmy threw away donating to SarahPac to make him feel so frustrated? Don't worry Timmy you are not alone, Sarah Palin has conned a lot of you guys. Oh well, live and learn.
ReplyDeleteTimothy W Sheffield
quit readinng and react,people want to back you as president! And all you do is talk.
I don't know what you see when you look at Sarah Palin sitting so smug in that vehicle, but I see a narcissistic snake charmer quitter who just got back from vacationing on a giant houseboat in Arizona and is now vacationing again in Alaska. Life must be great for that Christian woman. I now understand why Bristol said they are too busy for church. Vacationing is harrrrd work.
ReplyDelete"I'm just waiting for the guys to finish loading up gear, so I'm using the "wait time" to finish reading"
Delete-Sarah Palin
Oh yes vacationing is harrrrd work for that diva!
Will she be back in time to care for Trig?
DeleteDon't forget to send in your SarahPac donations. If you want to see more thighs and coochie shots.
ReplyDeleteNo thank you.
DeleteHoly God has she shriveled up over the years.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteI would go hunting with you but I have to to work this month so I can feed my family this week.
The needy buddies are being shown how to hunt for caribou and have food for the winter.
DeleteCan you charge your food this week or ask your kids to do without for a week? There's always a way. You need to set your prioritizes.
DeleteCoy Bland
ReplyDeleteWish she would run again, for president an win
I thought we had cleared this up before? Coy you do know that Sarah Palin never ran for president before? A while back there was a SarahPac scam that told her followers to send SarahPac your best (donations) to convince Sarah to run for president. But after the the money came in, they announced Sarah is not running and kept all that money. Coy sounds like you are a top prospect for this scam, so if you wait a bit you too can get conned by the Send SarahPac Your Best Donations To Convince Sarah Palin To Run For President 2.0 if they try it again.