Tuesday, August 27, 2013

George Zimmerman wants Florida to pay his legal fees.

Courtesy of Time:  

George Zimmerman wants the state of Florida to pick up the tab for his legal defense, just weeks after he was acquitted in the high-profile trial of Trayvon Martin’s death. 

Zimmerman, who was found not guilty of murder last month in a case that riveted the nation and sparked pitched conversations about race, will ask that Florida foots a legal bill of up to $300,000, his lawyer told the Orlando Sentinel. 

State law requires that Florida cover all legal expenses — except lawyer’s fees — for an acquitted defendant, from expert witnesses to the 3D videos shown to jurors. Zimmerman is still preparing a motion that will ask for between $200,000 and $300,000, according to his lawyer. 

Taxpayers have already shelled out an estimated $902,000 on the second-degree murder trial that ended July 13, the newspaper reports. 

Well he DID win, so I guess this is his right. 

Of course if the prosecutors had done their jobs more effectively they could have saved their state a hell of a lot of money.

Arrogant POS!


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Zimmerman should be rotting in jail or hanging from the rafters! What a jerk! I suspect we are going to be seeing much more 'negative' about this guy - killing someone else or being killed himself!

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Shouldn't the State of Florida pay for his and all of his family members' healthcare the rest of all their lives? Where is GZ's million dollar kickbacks from the State of FL? Didn't he make a video promoting Florida Tourism? How many more Floridians does Georgie have to kill to get as good of a deal as that fine Arizona native and former Mother, Baldy Heath McPalin? Damn, Georgie didn't even get his own Reality Show, but...

      I'll bet he could still beat Sarah head-to-head in an election for ANYTHING in her former home state of AK! Georgie might be a Pussy, but Sarah is a Chicken-Shit Coward. And she's a loser.

    2. Anonymous4:10 AM

      I so agree with you! This creep enjoyed every moment of the Martin family's pain- and was certain he'd be found innocent. Florida should be ashamed of the SHAM they called a fair trial!

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      And his horrid brother, Robert Jr, wouldn't have been on tv if George hadn't killed an unarmed black teenager. Robert Jr is glad for the publicity and the spotlight.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    What did you expect from the son of a former judge? He will milk the system for all its worth.

    Wonder, what will happen, if they finally go ahead with a civil suit against him and he loses (yeah, I know, that is a remote possibility, to win as a black family against a white thug that has been out and about, shopping for more guns... :/)

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Georgie's dad was a bogus judge (a constable) but that didn't matter. Georgie HAD to be innocent because Trayvon was a black kid in a hoodie, dontcha know? I am sure Chubby is shopping around some sort of reality crime show a la Palin.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      His father was a judge in a different state, not that it matters either way. George Zimmerman was going to get off because Florida sucks.

      Now George wants to be a lawyer...or a cop...or a judge. So he can "help" people.

      Thanks for nothing, George.

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Didn't he collect hundreds of thousands of dollars for his defense fund? If he collects from the state, he should have to pay back all the donations.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Or it will be used to defend his wife, who's been charged with perjury about how much he collected, when asked by the judge.

    2. Anonymous3:28 AM

      yes, he collected money that he and his dirt bag wife moved in a jailhouse recorded calls that are laughable. He should have been charged also but the DA failed to do so?

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Yeah, the two morons speaking in code about all the cash they raked in from their blood thirsty supporters.

  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The State of Florida should not have to pay his attorney fees. He could have hired a less expensive attorney, or fleet of attorneys. Since the prosecution did nothing to prosecute, he could have hired about anyone or even represented himself.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      i see you are still misinformed beaglemom. guess you still prefer to have selective information, and many outright lies fed to you from malia litman's blog rather than research the facts for yourself?

      your statement about paying for attorney fees is, once again, totally incorrect. on aquittal, state law requires florida to pay all his legal costs, minus the attorney fees. did you get that?- they dont pay for attorney fees.

      anyone thinking the martins will file a civil suit, it would be advisable not to hold your breath too long. as there would be full disclosure of trayvon as a young repeat criminal and a violent young man, not to mention scrutiny of the parents personal lives and failure as responsible parents. no, that would destroy the necessary image to keep the trayvon foundation cash cow going, and they couldn't have that. especially after trademarking trayvon's name and slogans to be used on merchandise. anyone notice sharpton and jesse dont even pretend care anymore? they rode that horse into the ground- as usual- and are waiting for another race hussle.

    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      You can't even spell "race hustle," but you sure do love using that phrase.

    3. Anonymous5:44 AM

      Anon at 8:53 pm. My understanding is that costs, except for lawyer's fees, are paid by the state. I think Zimmerman wants his pricey lawyers paid by the taxpayers too.

  5. Anonymous3:53 PM

    He is as smirking fugly as the Palin attitudes.

    I saw poor Miley's tongue photos. Sarah Palin looks every bit as over the top dumb in her geriatric version and her tongue jerk nonsense. In fact it is more repulsive on an old lady, it ages Sarah, she isn't that old in years. But men and women get old and they get creepy when the act like a teen sex pot.

  6. Irishgirl3:54 PM

    He is cold blooded murderer. I'll refrain from using Irish curse words that could describe him better.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I refuse to use those words about that fat-fucking, kiddie-cousin-finger-banging, punk-faced cock-sucker, too, Irishgirl. He ain't worth a plug nickel.

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    He got off, and now he wants to cash in. Who does he remind me of?

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Fat boy's tits are way bigger than her silver dollar floppy hangin' flapjacks, if its the particular, sorry-ass, grifting whore, bag of bones quitter that comes to my mind first...

  8. Anonymous4:03 PM

    FL voted in the stupid SYG law that justifies murder. They're getting what they asked for.

  9. Anonymous4:15 PM

    The nerve, who does he think he is, Joe Miller?

  10. Anonymous4:46 PM

    He's just a fat gross man who has gun fetish and wants to play cop. I really hope he gets his one day.

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      It'll catch up to him. He won't be able to scream nor even flop around on his back on the ground like the bitch he is, when he's gutted from under his wee-man little dick up to his sternum.

      I won't be cheering for his fate, but I'll sure understand the sentiment. And the scoreboard will show a tie at the end of regulation,
      Pudgy Coward Bitch 1 Neighborhood 1

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Yeah, Z, run for mayor of some burb in Florida. I am sure you would win.

  12. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Z got away with brutal murder. Now he's "gunning" for the money. Smiling all the while over what he got away with.

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    This is just plain mean. Shame on them for hurting that little girl.


  14. Anonymous5:33 PM

    He has some serious anger issues as well as being racist and arrogant.

    Someday his mouth and his attitude will get him into a situation where he becomes the victim instead of the attacker.

  15. Boscoe5:39 PM

    Actually, I think this is a good idea. Maybe after the state has to pay for a few more aquitted defendant's legal fees due to "stand your ground" they'll rethink the cost of supporting that particular law.

    In a perfect world, the imbeciles who voted for and signed that law would have to pay his legal fees.

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      If there were a way to assign this 'Stupid Tax' to those who cheered for this cocksucker because he was less black than Trayvon... Sounds like there needs to be a budget item for the state to underwrite the legal costs for the SYG thugs.

      Or make the gun nuts carry their own liability insurance so they can pay for their own fucking mistakes. There's still going to be a civil trial, and if the state stands behind a murderer, they can pay for the legal fees and make restitution for Martin's family as well. Thank you Florida redneck Bagger Teapugs for your contribution to humanity.

  16. Anonymous7:31 PM

    $arah had an affair with Cruz a few years back and gave their baby boy up to a family in Florida named Zimmerman.

  17. Anita Winecooler8:00 PM


    He's in a jail of his own making.

  18. Anonymous4:06 AM

    What a smarmy prick! I do believe that he will commit another murder someday because it's in his DNA. But next time he will pay for it!

  19. Anonymous10:31 AM

    So does the Zimmerman freak and his wife have to pay back the money from his defense-fund "public scam"? How much did he collect? If I was the State of Florida I would be asking for an accounting.

  20. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Gryphen, not sure you check in on older posts and perhaps you've already seen this:



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