Monday, August 19, 2013

She finally showed up. Sarah Palin hurries for a photo op with wounded vets and to put rumors of rift with Fox News to rest.

See you bunch of haters. Palin DID go out to visit the wounded soldiers that Franklin Graham and Greta Van Susteren have been interacting with all week.

And listen to how grateful Gretawire claims that they were:

Imagine the surprise of the wounded soldiers and their spouses when their plane landed on a dirt strip way out in the middle of the wilderness and they were met by Governor Palin and Todd (and Samaritan’s Purse volunteer and Reverend Franklin Graham and members of the local community.) The Palins have a son in the military so these wounded soldiers and their spouses have a particular bond with the Palin family. Each wanted a picture with the Governor and she was happy to oblige plus she spent time talking to them and thanking them for their service and their extra sacrifice.

Oooh, look she even talked to them. Special.

This is so awesome that I am not even going to point out that there are no pictures of Palin with Greta, After all that would just be nasty of me.

And while I am not being nasty I am going to resist the urge to point out that I posted yesterday at 4:30 Alaska time that I did not think that Palin was invited, and that she might be on the outs with the folks at Fox, and that about four and half hours later (assuming Gretawire is on East Coast time) this was posted on Greta's blog essentially saying "Nuh uh!"

NOTE FROM ME: I will post more pics tomorrow from Samaritan’s Purse / Reverend Franklin Graham’s program OPERATION HEAL OUR PATRIOTS and one other note: Governor Sarah Palin and Todd Palin flew in tonight to have dinner with the injured soldiers and their spouses

Then it was another fifteen hours, give or take, that these pictures were FINALLY posted to the site. 

After all we know how long it takes to take a picture and put it up on the web these days right?

Yep it is a good thing I am taking the high road with this one.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Why so stiff Scarah? She looks plastic. Are you sure that is not a mechanical Palin?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      What's missing from these pix?


      Maybe he was too embarrassed to be seen next to real soldiers, when all he can do is pretend to play one on tv.

      When you look at Sarah without her menacing goateed escort, she appears all the more insignificant, old, and pointless.

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I think he was somewhere around. There was a picture of him looking lurky.

    3. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Jealous much? She looks beautiful.

    4. Anonymous7:10 PM

      She found the Belmonts!!

    5. Anonymous7:35 PM

      A beautiful stiff if you like robots.

    6. but she is just sooo ugly on the inside also too

    7. Anonymous8:29 PM

      $creech is always so hunched over. She must be losing lots of muscle mass or have osteoporosis or something.
      Not lookin' so hot, old girl ...

    8. Anonymous8:52 PM

      In all my years I don't recall anyone her age being so humped. Seriously, what is her condition? How did that happen to her by her age? Is it genetic? Did cocaine or meth cause or contribute? It is outstandingly noticeable in many photos. Does anyone know of anyone else with that problem in her age bracket? Has anyone in her cult or party ever addressed this issue? McCain mentions his cancers, most public figures talk some about their afflictions. It makes them more human and likable. Sarah is always hiding and dodging her humanity, then she has to cover that up and it is a perpetual mess. More people will hate her for her closed self and her repressive treatment toward her donors. It works for the people that want her gone. She is her own worst enemy.

    9. Anonymous3:00 AM

      Did Toad talk to any guys who were in Heeelicopters?

    10. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Oh, she surely looks "humped"alright.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    SarahPAC paid the Palins' expenses. They do nothing for free.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      They do many charitable e nets for free that you and we aren't informed on. Stop judging!

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      The Palins don't do anything "charitable" that they wouldn't advertise all over the twitter and FB.

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Good Lord Troll! How much have you had to drink tonight? You're hiccuping all over the comments with your "e nets" and shit! Put down the Apple product with your fucked up AutoCorrect™ and take your ass to sleep or get some Skinny White Mocha or sumptin! LOL!!!

      *GinaM laughing at Baldy's clumsy ass attempts to hide her stupidity*


    4. Anonymous4:41 AM

      "you and we"
      wtf willow?
      nice attempt at sounding smart but you failed miserably

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    She seem to be there for a photo-op. In the last picture, she look like she didn't want to be close to the disabled vet.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Yes, that really stands out.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      You need glasses.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:14 PM

      Maybe it's a cut out done on a 3D printer? She seems a bit "flat" and shiny.

    4. Anonymous4:44 PM

      It's the Baldy Stench! Baldy knows she has an ODOR and she doesn't want to get too close or else the poor folks will wonder out loud...."WTF is that SMELL?"

      Toad didn't have time to rinse her off before the quick he threw some skunk juice on her and hoped it helped.

      It didn't.


      Anonymous6:38 PM

      Sorry...even glasses can't mask that smell troll!

      They don't call her "Stinky Bitch" for nothing ya know! LOL!!!

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    "Governor Palin?" God, Ailes pays Greta a lot of money to spit that out. And Franklin Graham is disgusting. The man takes a half million dollar salary out of the 'donations' to Samaritan's Purse. What a con artist he is. They use a bare minimum for 'charity work.' No wonder Sarah admires him so. She's the grifter in training. And she looks least she left he hooker shoes at home (or maybe Bristol needed them for the bar-hopping.) So if Tripp is in AZ with Sarah, and Sarah is photo-oping in Alaska, jsut who is watching the children, and where are they? Does no one with authority care that these kids are neglected?

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Sarah and the klan lie so much about where they are, who has who, who had what, where were we, who is the pimp, who is the liar, who is the fraud, which one is the most unethical, who didn't graduate, who did w/a diploma, who had a GED, who didn't graduate from high school, who has a birth certificate, where is the college degree, who was pregnant before marriage, which daughters had children out of wedlock, who gave birth to which child and on and on and on!

      They confuse themselves - the Palin klan from the small town Wasilla!

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Oh, and Greta. Track is not 'in the military.' Track is AWOL from his daughter and work.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      And Bristol is going back to school. Funny how they get those ideas out to the world that is mostly not paying attention to anymore than a sound bite like 'Track is in the military'

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Track isn't AWOL from his daughter. You don't know these people. It's not true.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Who says that Bristol is going back to school? Didn't she finish high school?

    4. Anonymous6:23 PM

      He doesn't work, why wouldn't he be a house Daddy while the stronger parent is going on with her life in school, jobs and what have you. Track may be a bad example of parenting but he has the time to spend with a child. why doesn't he have a job? At least something they can mention. Don't They get tired of making things up, like he is in the military?

    5. Anonymous6:39 PM

      She has her high school degree and she's going to school in Arizona in the fall.

    6. Crystal Sage7:20 PM

      Gee, I never got one of those "high school degrees." I was robbed! I had to wait until university to get one of those degree thingies.

    7. Anonymous7:38 PM

      High school degree? The person that took her GED needs to be given credit or Bristol is just stealing.

    8. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Yah, I had to go back to college at age 50+ in order to finally get my college/university degree. Certainly not available while I was in high school. There, one got a diploma, not a degree.

    9. Anonymous1:17 AM

      Hey, 6:03. He divorced her mother..he's not a part of her daily life, is he? And Grandma Sarah never even mentions the grand daughter. Never. It's as if Britta and the baby don't exist. Some loving family. And I am very thankful I don;t have such a lying dysfunctional group of people in my life.

    10. Anonymous6:25 AM

      the DWTS baby is supposed to be secret. Nobody is to talk about her.

  6. Olivia5:04 PM

    Gryphen, I will bet that in your wildest dreams as a child, you never thought you would be such a fabulous puppeteer.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Make her dance, Gryphen! Her clothed are already wrinkled, and her hair is a mess, so she has no excuses. Dance, Sarah!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      Reminds me of this doll

      Not that Gryph plays with dolls, he DOES have superhero powers

  7. Boscoe5:14 PM

    Hey man, uncool! The Palins are very busy, productive people with a hectic, fast-paced schedule! Sarah had a whole lot of postage to get done so they showed up a little late!


  8. Anonymous5:15 PM

    A son in rhe military?? Not poor Trig I hope ! We know it isn't Track.

    And really, haven't these poor bastards suffered enough? You lose your legs AND you have to listen to the Palns' crap about how much they luv'em some sojers? And dragging around those octogenarian motorheads? I bet none of those kids ever heard of Parnelli Jones. I really doubt that Jeebus told Palin to do this. Devil, more likely.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      The soldiers love her.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      There may be a soldier or two out of the many that love the myth. Not all of them are delusional or like her at all.

      You believe the bull shit the propaganda machine puts out. That is over for most folks now.

    3. Anonymous8:56 AM

      True story. Group of airmen in an Anchorage bar were whooping it up. Somehow talk led to Sarah Palin. One Lower 48 yokel said during a break in song - "Sarah Palin? I voted for her!" and there was silence. Then one of the airmen reached out and slapped him hard in the face. Everyone laughed.

    4. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Anon 6:39 -

      Get the fuck out of here. The military knows Sarah is a slimy piece of dog-crap because she insults and maligns their Commander at every turn! Not all military people are Obama supporters, but they are soldiers and they have respect for their boss regardless of politics. She also only pays them attention to try to bring glory to herself. She does NOTHING to ever help any of our fighting men and women. The Obamas are constantly having dinners and food drives with our troops and their families, setting up events for their little ones at the White House. Barack and Michelle are both working on getting good jobs for our returning soldiers so they can use the skills they've learned to make a decent living here at home. They are doing what your so-called god commanded. You know, that Jesus fellow that conservatives constantly ignore. Too bad Sarah has never read the bible either.

      When does your goddess Palin ever do ANY of this stuff? She only shows up to take pictures with them. She is a despicable, phony USER. The soldiers can tell. America can tell. The world can tell. Sucks to be you. She will never be anything more than a joke.

    5. Anonymous10:58 AM

      When I think of the Palins and the Army or military I think of Track Palin and Jeremy Morlock. The truth and true stories about those two close friends and the military says it all.

      The lies and propaganda the Palins continue to do with Track Palin is pretty much what Sarah is all about. Use a prop, one of your own kids works out fine.

      Her silence and ignoring of the injured and addicted Jeremy Morlock says more about her and her relationship with the military.

      Two very important stories when they can be told it will shine the light on who they really are and how they operate.

  9. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Who smiles like that with someone who lost their legs in an unnecessary war started by losers dick cheney and george bush. Palin is just yucking it up with the wounded.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      What is Sarah holding in her hand?

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Brand Palin only does photo ops and paid appearances. Ask What's-in-it-for-us Palin.

  10. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I'll do a GinaM here:


    The SOOOO wannabe Kardashians instead of laughingstocks. IM is just one site that PWNES you Palins. You must be paying some darn good "postage," SarahPAC.

    We ALL appreciate our vets, don't get me wrong. Just another "LOOK AT US, LOOK AT US!" moment. '

    Expect a Bible quote on on Brancy's blog personally from Bristol even though she lives the high life in bars, don'cha, Brissy?

    Where's yer boobs, Serror? Where's the pimp?

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      "The SOOOO wannabe Kardashians instead of laughingstocks"

      LOL How sad is it that the Palins make the Kardashians look classy and intelligent bwahahahaha

  11. Anonymous5:24 PM

    There are many Democrats and Republicans who quietly do volunteer work with injured veterans and never, ever take a photo or
    use the veterans as fodder for publicity.
    Palin never met an injured soldier she wouldn't pimp
    for contributions to her PAC.
    She is disgusting.
    Raphael Cruz, the Canadian creep, has become the latest worship object of the far right cult .
    Palin cannot be pleased and she'll have to gin up the cheesy and phony photo ops and sport more skin to compete.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Here's what's wrong with that Graham charity. He heals wounded vets and their spouses spiritually, in the name of Jesus. How about wounded vets who aren't married? What if they have a gay partner? What if they just live with someone? What if they are not Christians? Some charity.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      As a true dual citizenship Canadian/American person, I am proud to be a citizen of both great countries.

      Cruz, however, should renounce his Canadian citizenship if he does not want to acknowledge it while running for US president. After he loses his campaign for president, it will be too late to become Premier of Canada. He'd certainly fit in with the Canadian senators at this point!

    3. Anonymous1:13 AM

      I read that he cannot run UNLESS he renounces the Canadian citizenship.

    4. Anonymous2:19 AM

      6:03 PM - how can Graham heal someone spiritually? Is he now God?

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      rafael was never canadian. He's a Cuban that got his US citizenship 8 years

    6. Anonymous9:26 AM

      1:13 - not true - the Constitution does not address dual citizenship

  12. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Gryphen, Your self-restraint under these circumstances is quite admirable.

    I, on the other hand, would like to chastise Greta for even imagining that Tracks service, which guaranteed he couldn't be injured, in any way bonds Sarah to actual combat veterans who lost limbs. But I'm sure this was just part of the distraction from the unquestionable fact that the Palin's trip to the retreat center was an unwelcome, unplanned, last minute photo op in the wake of Sarah's perceived humiliation: 'how dare childless Greta support the my state...without me, the mom of a warrior!'

    I can hear Todd's shrill screams (probably directed at a Fox News exec) demanding Greta fix the mess.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Yep that sounds right

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Greta posted a comment that Track is still in the military: The Palins have a son in the military. I thought that Track left, Palins HAD a son in the military. Which is it?

    3. Anonymous6:15 PM

      I can't think of anything more vomit inducing than bringing up Track Palin like that. What an insult to those fine men that made such critical severe sacrifices.

      There is not one iota of indication that Track Palin ever set foot in Iraq or Afghanistan. I know what was claimed. Show us the truth, the proof. Liars lie and you can't believe a word they say. Greta does not as much as care that her blatant lie is so known. She was an attorney, no excuse for her not to be clear and accurate about her words and reporting. She is crapping on the Veteran's they claim to care about when she pulls that lie.

      Fox viewers are to evil to care but anyone with half a brain should write to her and Fox and give them a reem job they can't forget. That bull is intolerable. Using soldiers who have suffered enough. Those people are monsters.

    4. Anonymous6:32 PM

      If you left your job as a fireman, would your parent's friends say, they have a son who is a fireman? I doubt they would say they have a son that was a fireman.

      Greta could have said the Palin's son is a bar tender or what he is doing now. Or just the regular bull about how Palin "loves" anything military and especially shoot up stuff and guns, gun, guns. Then ad that her son loves guns and may be learned how to shoot things up in the military.

      The fact is Greta had to say something to cover the fact Track Palin does nothing, nothing that can be mentioned.

    5. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

      If Greta posted it, Track left. Greta's scared shitless to get on the wrong side of BFF Sarah.

    6. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Track was nowhere to be seen in Bristol Bay this summer. Hasn't been for several years (Todd also too).

      Too bad because they would've made lots of $$ due to higher sockeye prices. Losers .... Who can solve the mystery of the disappearing "warrior" Track Paylin???

    7. Anonymous2:25 AM

      Warrior my @ss. He was a driver nowhere near combat.

    8. Anonymous6:28 AM

      his contract doesn't end until 2015. So even if he was let go 4 drug abuse, technically he is still in service and can b called up when he tests clean.

    9. Anonymous8:00 AM

      People keep saying 'Track was a driver' THAT WAS NOT TRUE. The officer who wrote and claimed that about Track, he took it back. No one has shown anything to verify that Track Palin was ever even sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. If he was in what capacity? FOR CERTAIN HE WAS NOT A DRIVER FOR OFFICERS. Not the slightest indication that he was ever in or near a combat zone.

      One of the propaganda pieces done for the Palins to boost Track up was that story that he did drive officers. THAT IS HOW LIES LIVE ON AND FOR HISTORY BECOME 'FACTS'. The truth was when the officer took back the lie about Track being a driver, but that little retraction was buried. And now Track lives on as if he was capable and brave and drove high ranking officers in a combat zone, IT IS A LIE. A lie that was retracted. The only reason to keep saying that is to promote Palin's propaganda.

      Do it like you are not in favor of what the Palin's are about and it is more deceptive. Set the record straight, Track Palin was not a driver. There is nothing to verify claims that he was in Iraq or Afghanistan in any capacity that qualifies him as a combat vet.


    10. Anonymous9:28 AM

      agreed - Track was forced into service to avoid jail time - the military is not into Oxycontin, so he was sent home to recover

    11. Anonymous10:51 AM

      sent home to recover.... some of the guys from the military that I've known recover by going from street drugs to military medications. The latter can be far worse and keep them highly addicted under the guise of recovering. I haven't seen that Track has the ability to have or hold a job. His so-called marriage was brief. He only has liars and trolls claim that he is a good father. He can pose for photographs on cue.

      The Palin's are too terrified to allow Track to have any kind of independence and he seems content to hide behind anything they set up for him. He never had any ability to stand up or speak up for himself. Another tragic Palin family member and lost soul. Typical of someone who would hide in the dark world of drug abuse, even if it is medicine from the US military and taxpayer funded.

  13. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I think that might be her real stringy hair. One would think her hair skool grad daughter could have fixed her up for this.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      She is not wearing her f-ck me heels either. Obviously on the down low. Did not want to be taller than those without legs. Thoughtful of her I suppose.

    2. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Did not want to be taller than those without legs. Thoughtful of her I suppose.

      omg Spew alert!!!!!

  14. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Isn't that the same girl in both pictures, the one with the blue hoodie? I'm thinking she is not related to the vets, but is the Samaritan's Purse 'volunteer' Greta mentioned. If so, why is she hanging around Sarah so much?

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      I think that little gal in the blue looks like one of the Palin klan...suspect she attended w/Sarah who always needs someone w/her!!!

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      I think it's that vets wife. She has a back pack for their stuff.

  15. Anonymous5:45 PM

    This plastic woman just shows up and eats with these couples and she's a wonderful hero? How shallow and foolish these commenters on Greta's blog, who ooh and ahh about Greta and her husband and the Grahams and the Palins. These power couples don't live like ordinary people.

    They are rich, somewhat influential, have never had their limbs blown off, do not experience PTSD, and just fly in the interior of AK whenever they feel like it, no doubt from donations, ON their PRIVATE JETS. I just find it offensive that they take a lot of the glory and expect us to believe they 'volunteer' and make this sacrifice, spending half a day, or two or three days, with these real heroes.

    The volunteers who don't get paid are also heroes, and the volunteers in many parts of the country are doing the silent work behind the scenes. They can't lavishly spend to send any wounded soldiers on these retreats, but they can invite them at their home and offer a meal and some companionship. There are many people who do this, but they don't have the Palinschtick with dozens flicking photos and asking adoring fans to kneel at the celebrity altar.

    Whatever the reason the Palins felt to go there, it surely doesn't make them any more 'charitable' in people's eyes. Nor does it endear me to the Grahams or the Coales.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Like x 10

    2. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

      Agee with you one hundred percent. What a caring, eloquent comment!!

    3. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Franklin PAID for this do? I thought he just showed up with a bunch of garishly wrapped shoe boxes full of used Crackerjack toys and Bible tracts. Or are those gifts solely for impoverished, homeless hurricane victims?

    4. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Yes, Besides the vets and their families. other heroes are the medics, doctors and nurses who steadfastly provide care for these unfortunate injured..hands deep in wounds to stop bleeding, comforting and caring those in shock, operating, rehabbing, counseling....these people are the heroes , too. Not some drug addled hoaxing bitch who waltzes in and out and smiles.
      Fuck her. And fuck those who think she is important and beneficial to these families.

  16. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Dance Sarah Dance! I still haven't seen an intimate pic( no not whorish Sarah) of you and your socalled youngest son Trig, no cuddles, no him sleeping in your arms, no normal everyday occurance for a Mom and a Tot, how come you never cuddle Trig?

    1. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Forget that picture = I want to see the newborn Tri-G in Sarah's exhausted swollen sweating arms, at MatSu from 4/18/08!!
      I won't hold my breath

  17. Anonymous5:52 PM

    She looks awful in those photos...didn't prepare her face or hair well for her 'grand' appearance!

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      She looks totally fake and as noted certainly plastic.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Nonsense. The people said she looked like a knock out.

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      If they want to help the people get them glasses. Why would they be jealous of a quitter and a charlatan? I don't think over using the word jealous shows any smarts or helps the quitter anyway. Quitters quit and no one is jealous of that. What a disrespectful thing to say bout our military persons. It is just dumb. No wonder Sara has lost.

    4. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Anon 6:41 -

      Please! No one is jealous of this stupid bitch. She's the jealous one. She's just GREEN with envy every time she mentions Michelle Obama because she knows her ugly, skanky ass can't hold a candle to the first lady. The only reason anyone ever claimed she was hot in the first place is simply because she doesn't look like an orc like most right-wing women. You guys have some low standards. If she had any accomplishments to speak of besides running a con game for years, you guys wouldn't have to constantly hold up her so-called good looks as some kind of achievement. You're pathetic and so is Sarah.

    5. Anonymous5:44 AM

      She looks like shit. Zippery jeans that are too long without the CFMPs, brown shoes with the black jeans (style faux paux) ill fitting, cheap, white out-dated, old lady jacket over bubblegum pink (well at least she matched her brain) tube or tank top. And she's back to the badly put up hair.

      $carah is a fashion (among other) disaster(s.)

    6. Anonymous5:45 AM

      Oh and what is she holding? Dimestore flags. In the phto on the porch, they are rolled up, as if she is so cheap she doesn't want anyone to take them away if she puts them down.

  18. Anonymous6:01 PM

    How long did it take for Palin to fly from Wasilla to Franklin Graham's camp? Was there enough time to take that posed photo of Trig, Jones and the cake, realize that the comments were saying "hey, where's Sarah?" Sarah gets on the phone and calls Greta, Frank, anyone, and fly up there in time for dinner. It is really hard work to make those photo ops appear.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:08 PM

      Because she's been exposed as a fraud on the blogs

    2. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Todd's plane could fly from Wasilla to Port Alsworth in about two and a half hours, weather permitting.

    3. Anonymous5:54 AM

      You must not forget the time to fly in from Arizona and hose off Sarah.

    4. Anonymous7:20 AM

      The day Pimp Todd has someone else fly the Bitch somewhere in a private plane, that he is not on board, is the day we will see and hear the last of the Bitch. Are you listening dumb ass?

    5. Anonymous9:29 AM

      better check the fuel first

  19. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Am still thinking Mr. Jones' cake, and how someone needed to put it out of it's misery.

    Like a private investigator, I'm still wondering how the timeline on Sunday occurred. My scenario: Maybe the Palins were in AZ; they had not received an invite and had to scramble to make it appear they had plans. Hence, pull out an old photo of Mr. Jones and and the fish tale of the caribou hunt.

    I think we figured out what gets Sarah all wee-wee'd up. She can't seem to allow defeat when it comes to being IGNORED. And when they ignored her, she would move heaven and earth and spent every last cent of her SarahPAC to be NOTICED. That PAC is her Notice-Me Fund.

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Was that Trig's sixth birthday cake? Are there six candles on it? Why would they put six candles on a nonagenarian's birthday cake? So ... is Trig on his way to seven years old? Also, too, did Screech regale the wounded warriors with stories about her warrior son's fit body with tattoos telling his story?

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Are Track's tattoo telling stories also lies? The whole family lies, lies, lies. Track can't speak well, does he lie with the ink he puts on his 'fit body'? How fit is it? They don't really show it. It looks like he inherited Curtis Menard's trim physique, but does he work out and look cut? Why do they hide everything and just yak about things?

  20. Blogger tell the Palins "Jump!" Jump Now!" and the Palins' response is to shout "Are we jumping high enough to prove you are full of shit?" as they are jumping up and down.

    The bloggers rule the Palins. Always have and always will. Have you heard what's next?

  21. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Haha - Greta is going to show photos of "Governor" Sarah on in a while on her show.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Why is Greta going to so much extreme to build up Sarah Palin in that fake way? It makes Greta look bad. Is that an order from someone up the food chain?

      why is she telling a blatant lie like son Track is in the military? No wonder CNN didn't want to touch her. She has really fallen low.

      Greta is now well known for being a mouth for the propaganda lie machine.

      It is mind boggling how disrespecting and hating someone like Greta can be to soldiers and injured vets when she turns on them like that with her pool of lies. It is hideous beyond words.

    2. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Well, you have to understand that Greta has been wounded too. That plastic surgeon's knife was a terrorist attack on her face.

  22. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I love how as a group we figure out the moves of Sarah and Todd Palin. It's like playing chess and we always win - going step by step - slow and methodical! They are constantly proven to make fraudulent moves! ALWAYS!

    They 'dishonor' the residents of Alaska and especially themselves!

  23. Anonymous6:37 PM

    When was Parnelli's birthday? Something is out of sync here. Sarah needs better consultants, like last week.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Birthday July 12, 1933. Cake looked like an out of the box mix with canned frosting. Looked like something Todd and Trigg made and they only had six candles left and it seemed like a good idea since with was a birthday cake to put 'em on there.

      The Palins take the shotgun approach to publicity. They fire a bunch of unrelated "news" items out there and hit their target audience with the hope the resulting confusion will muck up the timeline. And, it seems to be working pretty well for them. It definitely keeps both the CPers and the IMers firing back and forth.

      Hillary 2016!

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      When is Trig's birthday? Where is Parnelli's travel schedule?

  24. Anonymous6:55 PM

    She certainly wasn't one of the volunteers that worked the weekend for the event. As usual, she shows up in time to get her photo-op. That is all she wanted.

  25. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Sarah was in such a rush to get there that she forgot to put her hair on!

  26. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    SNORT! Look at the loonie's outfit. She's wearing REAL man's shoes! Doesn't look like the wounded vets are "into" Sarah at all, as a matter of fact it looks like their wives/girlfriends are intercepting Narcissa, not that she's touch an amputee in a chair who deserves respect, not exploitation from a has been washed out nobody ex politician who QUIT everything she ever attempted.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      And she and others make up and lie about the son bit she does. As if she can only like military because of having a kid that joins up. One of the close family friends had a kid join the Army, she never mentions him or deals with the issues that brings out. Jeremy Morlock. She didn't care to do diddly for someone she could have helped and even saved Afghan lives.

      What a waste that creepy plastic thing they call Sarah has turned out to be.

    2. Anonymous11:34 PM

      Thx 8:01 for bringing up Jeremy Morlock.

      Reading through Sarah's finally released heavily redacted emails, I was distressed that Governor Palin replied to his personal urgent request for help, she replied with a form letter. It wasn't even personal.

      And we know the rest of the story.

    3. Anonymous6:36 AM

      jeremy - one of toad's bastards

  27. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Nothing like a photo op, huh Bitch. How much did you donate?

  28. Anonymous9:27 PM

    using injured veterans as props, how patriotic

  29. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Ruth Mabee Rouleau Tell us what to do, Sarah. It does no good to write to our congressmen. We come out and vote, but the elections are stolen from us.


    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Go to Mugshot and snort more coke. Works every time. See how hot Bristol is now? See?

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      These idiots just can't cope in a world where their retarded beliefs are dying out, so they have to pretend that most of the country agrees with those same retarded ideas. It's just the Democrats stealing elections and the librul media hiding it from us that are keeping us from having President Palin! Straight up delusional to the end, Sarah AND her stupid-ass fans.

  30. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Mary Lancaster
    I hope the caribou didn't get away....good eats!

    Mary did you see Sarah Palin's Alaska when Sarah went caribou hunting? I think the caribous are safe during this hunting trip.

  31. Anonymous11:31 PM

    O/T but talk about stone cold nasty. The hate just oozes off the page of this letter. How shameful this woman felt the need to do such a thing. I'm sure the grandmother has her hands full and there are ways to deal with this in a much more kind and civil fashion. I hope they track down the woman, so she will at least have to defend such a shameful communication.


    Ontario police are investigating a letter that was sent anonymously to a woman who has been caring for her autistic grandchild this summer.

    The "pissed off mother" who sent the letter suggests "euthanizing" Max, the 13-year-old autistic child, because he is too much of a "nuisance."

  32. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Well, Well, its certainly good to see Calamity Jane dressed more appropriate. Still wearing those same old traveling skinny jeans but left the 7 inch fuck me pumps at home. The Kardashian's have nothing to worry about.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Of course. She read here how we laugh when Toad has to hold her up like Lady Gaga on uneven ground.

  33. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Poor vets and their poor families. They are all young, from poor backgrounds, possibly troubled backgrounds. They chose or had military service chosen for them. Then they get wounded emotionally and physically fighting wars of greed for others. Many think they ae doing gods will. Poor poor souls. I hope and believe someday some of them will realize they got the shitty end of the stick.
    Palin and her faux christianity and patriotism will also be exposed.
    Smile away Scarah.
    Tick tock Toad.

  34. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Watching "Morning Joe," Nicole Wallace now says she'd manage a Palin run for prez? Time MUST heal all wounds. Go for it, Nicole. She wouldn't listen to you in '08 and she sure as HELL won't listen to you now.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      I'm fairly certain that she was joking as she's done in the past when discussing Palin. She was asked by Rachel Maddow some time ago about the same thing (jokingly) and Wallace joked back in a similar fashion.

  35. A. J. Billings3:15 AM

    That is utterly despicable, using wounded and crippled Veterans for FAME WHORE PUBLICITY shots on your blog.

    She should move to Washington DC and work at Walter Reed hospital cleaning toilets and scrubbing floors as a punishment.

    $arah, you have as much credibility as fucking Dick Cheney who is personally responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      The thing about the both of them that I just love, is how both are suffering. Despite their money, they are both physically being tortured for their sins. Health wise, they are catching Hell.

  36. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Greta waited until the show had one minute left and did the spiel on Palin going to meet the soldiers, with same exact photos as were posted on her blog. To bring the story to the front like that with Palin as the main character to that planned weekend sounded like Greta had to babysit Sarah and was forced to convince everyone on her behalf that she was there.

    Really an odd relationship. There were no photos of the Grahams nor Greta and John with Todd and Sarah.

    The whole thing from start to finish sounds odd.

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Greta barely interacted with $carah. Their overlap time at this Christo camp may have been for the one dinner. And there are NO posted photos of $carah at the dinner, just one of Toad's arm at the table behind Greta. Wonder if $carah made some excuse to not dine with the group as it is rumored her table manners are terrible. Or was it that she didn't want to be seen nibbling at nothing? Or there wasn't a good area to purge in private?

    2. Anonymous6:37 AM

      odd like faking a run in a marathon

    3. Anonymous8:18 AM

      It is a pitiful propaganda mess. These people are failures but with the brain dead audience that tunes in it doesn't seem to matter.

      Pitiful propaganda is better than no propaganda according to that crowd.

  37. Holding a flag? really? The same one that Tawd was holding in a different picture?

    Yeah. Goody, Palins. Now you're as patriotic as someone who lost a limb or two or three fighting the battles you cheer on but were to chickenshit to sign up for in your younger days.

    How fucking shallow can you be? The other people aren't all holding a little flag. Of course, they don't need to. See me? Look at me holding a flag! I am clutching a flag 24/7! I am more patriotic than anyone! I don't see President Blackenstein holding a flag! Proof that he doesn't love America like I love America! Look at me, just casual, little ol' me, holding a flag. As I always do.

  38. Anonymous4:37 AM

    IM = sarah's owner
    we pull her strings and she dances
    we control every move she makes
    we live inside her head rent free

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Well, there is plenty of empty space inside her head after all.

  39. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Looking a little chunky there sarah. Time to stop eating. Forever.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Bloated from Meth gas I suspect.

  40. Anonymous6:11 AM

    If skank was truly caring she would not have photos taken to be posted by Greta or herself. What would it be like to not get an announcement that she was "flying in" to do a "good deed" and instead everyone found out because the people there posted their photos on line after the fact? It isn't about skank and it isn't a wondrous thing to appreciate the service of our military vets. Yet the whole thing turned into a skank tale again!! She isn't calling attention to them-it's all about her!

  41. Anonymous10:33 AM

    What can be more tragic than dear Vets that were sent to a war perpetrated by lies for the greed and glory of a few? .... only to have the perps use the Vets again for more of perp self glorification (as being charitable).

    Sarah Palin is the face of the worst of the liar fakes.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      What a pity.

  42. Super Fan In Atlanta8:03 PM

    Wow, Uncle Gryphen, look at how deeply you're in their heads! You really know how to make them dance.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.