Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stephen Colbert reports on the Gay Mayor of Vicco Kentucky. Oh you HAVE to see this! Update!

No video for you!
I love everything about this!

Especially the fat old white oxygen huffing anti-gay pastor. He was killing me.

If the acceptance of the LGBT community has spread to Vicco, Kentucky I think the gay agenda has finally been realized.

Update: Okay well the video was taken down but you can still enjoy this very entertaining segment by clicking here


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Thanks, Gryph, I'm honored.

  2. As an East Tennessean, I particularly love this. I know these people -- or very close facsimiles.

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    You know......even in Tenn. ....... perhaps the idea of tolerance and co-existence is finally coming home to roost. The mayor seems to set a great example. He probably should be given credit for this.

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM

    What a hoot! The minister kind of reminded me of Jerry Prevo, Baptist minister (Anchorage Bible Temple) in Anchorage, AK. Only difference is that Jerry shouldn't be going into any 'gay' bar for a beer according to his interpretation of his Bible!

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM


  6. Sally in MI1:51 PM

    That was awesome!! Just great..I hope more people are brave and look at everyone as a person instead of a label...we are all 'brothers.'

  7. Anonymous2:08 PM

    OMG. A pastor, man of the cloth, bible toting, scripture quoting, fire and brimstone, hell raining down spiritual leader, drinking beer. Beer - the devil's drink. What does the bible say about that!

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Did they have beer when the bible was written?
      Maybe not. Just tell me what it should say and I'll write that in to the bedside book at Motel 6.

    2. Leland4:00 PM

      As much as I really dislike having to do so, I have to come to the old fart's defense. Beer has been known to have been brewed as much as 7000 years ago in Iran - or, at least, what is NOW Iran. (See Wikipedia on brewing beer)

      And the bible does say "take unto thyself food and drink...." What most fanatics don't like to remember is the SECOND half of that which says "....but not unto excess. Gluttony is the sin."

      So unfortunately, his stopping to have a beer is not truly a problem. However, as fat as that minister was I wonder if he even read the gluttony part.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

      Yeah, and while in Texas, he happens to choose a gay bar for "beer". Bet he was the belle of the ball. I know he's a minister, but he's so damn attractive, just sayin'!

  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I think there are more small towns across this nation that are bigot free than the GOP would like. Look at Iowa, one of the first states to pass gay marriage, mostly small towns. I think we are coming to the end of the religious zealot takeover of the GOP, no party can stand on hate alone. But kudos to the extremists that have gotten many of my lifelong republican friends to jion the democratic party.

    1. I love what you just stated- "No party can stand on hate alone." That is such a wonderful and important thought. Thank you.

  9. BlueDragon2:29 PM

    Thanks! That was awesome! "It's spreading." Love it.

  10. Anonymous2:29 PM

    What a wonderful bunch of people. Well, except for that guy who was just "making his rounds while in Dallas". I googled Vicco, KY, and found a NYT article that said Johnny Cummings mother "had a little bit of dementia now so spends most of her days in his salon telling him she loves him". Sweet and touching.

  11. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Wait. Pick me! Pick me!
    That homophobic pastor is Baptist, right? (and most likely has gay impulses)
    We have a winner!

    I especially liked how the pastor said he wasn't against gays, and then in the next tortured breath said he wished they would all go back into the closet. Damn right! This God-given earth is for heteros only!

  12. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I remember seeing something on TV about this town at least 2 years ago, maybe more. It's good that they have a broader exposure now.

    If I'm ever passing that way I'll drop in and spend some tourist dollars.

  13. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Watching this I damn near cried from laughter and then by the end I damn near cried because I was so moved by these fine folks.

  14. This video lifted my spirits. The townsfolk may be a bit eccentric, but they have kind and loving hearts. They're the salt of the earth.

  15. Oh how I love this--
    Especially because I was born--and my grandparents lived--less than 2 hours away from Vicco.

    I can easily imitate those cadences--and still remember how my mother made my first name, Betty, into 3 syllables: Baay-et-tee? Aww Baaay-et-tee!

    I remember a lot of little Kentucky towns like Vicco whose citizens had wisdom and love in their hearts.

  16. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Now that more people are seeing members of the LGBT community, out and proud, in every aspect of their daily lives, they are finally starting to realize that they're just people, after all. Some good, some bad, but just people.

    The more people are exposed to anything, the less afraid of it they become. When they discover that someone gay is a member of their family, works with them or lives next door, 'gayness' suddenly becomes a whole lot less strange and scary.

    The homophobes had better get used to it because the days of hiding in the closet are over!

  17. majii6:50 PM

    The guy at the end of the clip thinks the same way I do about LGBTQ persons. If the Bible says God made each of us in his own image, why are some Christians so homophobic? It doesn't make sense to me because they claim to believe that everything in the Bible is true, but they deny that God also made gay persons.

  18. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

    I loved this clip, what really drove it home for me was how Stephen was obviously moved at the end. The guy who said he couldn't understand how God could be against gays when he made them that way spoke the truth.

    There's a lot of wisdom and humility in small town living, it's a shame the loudmouth idiots get most of the airtime and perpetuate old stereotypes.


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