Monday, September 16, 2013

Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Right Wing group launches campaign to fire House Speaker John Boehner because he will not appoint a special committee to investigate the BENGHAZI!

Courtesy of The Hill: 

A conservative group has launched an ad campaign to "fire" House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) over his response to the fatal attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi a year ago. 

Revive America USA, a conservative political action committee (PAC) that's fought to impeach President Obama, is urging targeted viewers to sign a petition to oust Boehner for his refusal to appoint a special committee to investigate the Benghazi tragedy. 

"We need urgent action today by thousands of Americans to fire John Boehner," the ad's narrator says. "Speaker Boehner is personally blocking a special committee to expose the truth about the 911 Benghazi terror attack. It's just enough to make you sick." 

The groups says it's "tested" its ad this week on Fox News, Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" program and Mark Levin’s radio show. 

"Until Boehner is removed, the Benghazi committee will not be formed," Bob Adams, the head of the PAC, said Friday night in a statement. 

Damn, doesn't even a starving dog eventually stop chewing on a bone once there is no more flavor?

All I can think is that this is a sign of an almost preternatural desperation on the part of the Right Wing.

At every turn this President outmaneuvers them and forces them back to the only issues they feel that might still have some traction. However they ONLY have traction with those who fill their days with conservative talk radio and Fox News.

There is simply NO interest from the average American concerning this so-called "scandal" and the more they push this the more insane they start to appear.

And if they kick out John Boehner and put in one of the lunatic fringe like Louie Gohmert or Steve King, then progress in Washington will grind to an absolute standstill. You know, more of a "standy" standstill then it has already been.

If that's even possible.


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    What baloney! Issa (Republican) already investigated this issue and got absolutely nowhere!

    The Republicans are a friggin' mess!

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      But they're taking their 42nd (unsuccessful) vote to defund Obamacare so, by my count, we've got at least 41 more **BENHGAZIII!!!** investigations to go.

  2. The way I understand it there is an implicit connection between Benghazi and this year's Ms. America... confirming the Obama connection and proving without doubt that the President is a Kenyan, Muslim socialist.

    Or something like that. I never was ver good with puzzles.

    1. Yeah, cuz she's like Chinese or Samoan, like the Girl Scout cookies.

      Sikh and ye shall find... the communist hiding under the bed.

      I think these TeaBagger scaredy-cats slept with their mommies until they got kicked out of the house in their late 20's. There's a lot of fear inside each of them. "Mommy... MOMMY! He's still under my bed!!! Please come in here and turn on my light for me! I gotta tee tee!

    2. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      Funny one, BBB! And besides, if they fire Boehner, who would tend bar?

    3. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Ohhh, so YOU like those furrin Girl Scout Samoan cookies, do ya??? Not like the Good Ol' Amurkan Thin Mints, dontcha know. Must be a commie soshalist like that Kenyan usurper!

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Losing losers say what? Why won't their cries out to God work already? Yeesh.

    On another topic, today's Navy Yard mass shooting, Gabby Giffords speaks out - and I'm sure a gibbering harpy is sharpening her claws to Tweet a smack-down.

  5. eclecticsandra3:46 PM

    Extremely o/t, but I think you will like it.

  6. Louie Gohmert?!?!?! One of several finalists in the Lowest IQ in Congress Contest.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Did you see the jon Stewart clip with M. Bachmann, S. King and L. Gohmert doing a press conference in Egypt? Hysterical. Afterwards, Samantha Bee apologized to the people of Egypt for sending the three stupidest members of Congress to visit them.
      PS. I'd never know how to do a link. It was sometime last week.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      After watching that clip and hearing Jon question whether they were really in Egypt, I'm of the mind that they weren't really there either. Hardly any news coverage of the big 'event' to place them there. She did look like a hostage victim in the video, couldn't have been more bizarre unless Palin stuck her face in it too but don't we all know she was out huntin' varmints to feed her offspring and kin. lol

    3. Louie "Anchor Baby" Gohmert

      Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann

      Steve "Never Heard of a Girl Who Was Raped Ever Getting Pregnant" King

      The link was on yesterday, and was funny as hell. The comedy world doesn't want to see these three go away. The jokes write themselves each time one of these three open their mouth. Put all three together for a half hour, and there's enough material for a miniseries and the entire first couple of seasons. Go to LGF and see it. I can't watch it again. I haven't digested my dinner and I'll laugh so hard my side hurts.

  7. Leland3:54 PM

    Of course, these idiots are completely ignoring the fact that what they WANT to do CAN'T be done through a petition!

    Geez! Where do these people find this crap in the Constitution?

    Oh yeah. That would require they actually READ it, wouldn't it? And then they would have to COMPREHEND it as well!


  8. Anonymous4:01 PM

    oH bOO hOO Boner. Eric Cantor is waiting in the wings and licking his chops. Could that be worse than Boner?

    It could be unless the Old Guard take control. Unless the TP types take a big hit in the polls. I hope they all go down, but the GOP has been stacking the deck for decades making it difficult if not impossible to get a regime change in these recalcitrant GOP hotbeds.

  9. Sally in MI6:07 PM

    I got a call from these morons. Some creepy slow voice (the same voice that I heard three weeks ago promoting Rick Santorum for something.) All that was missing was the dum-dum-dum-dum music. I always wait until the end so I can press the right number to 'discomtinue these calls,' but all the while I am swearing blue streak at their lies.

  10. Anonymous7:34 PM

    They are so creepy! Boehner would be on an Obama scandal like fleas on a dog.
    But this dog just don’t hunt.

    Emily Post

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    "Revive America USA"....Shouldn't that be "Suffocate America, USA", because dumbing everything down just isn't quite enough.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.