Monday, September 02, 2013

Could this be why Britain is so conflicted about supporting military action against Assad?

Courtesy of the Daily Record:  

Britain allowed firms to sell chemicals to Syria capable of being used to make nerve gas, the Sunday Mail can reveal today. 

Export licences for potassium fluoride and sodium fluoride were granted months after the bloody civil war in the Middle East began. 

The chemical is capable of being used to make weapons such as sarin, thought to be the nerve gas used in the attack on a rebel-held Damascus suburb which killed nearly 1500 people, including 426 children, 10 days ago. 

President Bashar Assad’s forces have been blamed for the attack, leading to calls for an armed response from the West. 

British MPs voted against joining America in a strike. But last night, President Barack Obama said he will seek the approval of Congress to take military action. 

The chemical export licences were granted by Business Secretary Vince Cable’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills last January – 10 months after the Syrian uprising began. 

They were only revoked six months later, when the European Union imposed tough sanctions on Assad’s regime. 

Yesterday, politicians and anti-arms trade campaigners urged Prime Minister David Cameron to explain why the licences were granted.

Interesting, no?

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I have to wonder if we did the same thing.

    1. STFU You can wonder all you want, proof is what is needed. We have proof of England selling to assad. Not the USA.

      President.Obama isn't like the lying, incompetent greedy, cia outing chimpy's administration.

      Buy a vowel bc you don't have a clue, troll.

    2. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Oh wow, Game of Life! Get a grip. @10:03 is bringing up a salient point. Do you really think we aren't complicit? Get your ignorant head out of your flag-draped ass before you jump all over someone who has brought up a very strong possibility.

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      I am no troll. And your eagerness to call me names makes me wonder if I didn't hit a nerve or two. I support Obama. But please don't tell me you believe that this administration is lily white and would never do anything against our laws.

    4. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Ummm, Game of Life, it's a valid question for a Capitalist society, that value profit over altruism - especially these days.

    5. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Months ago there was talk about McCain making arrangements. Selling or seeing the rebels have weapons and ammo. He may have been on official business. Sarin manufacturers need profits also, too.

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    If what I've read is true, most other times the U.S. has barged in to settle the local disputes of other nations, it has always had a serious FINANCIAL inspiration.

    (Not many know that BP Oil gained a 99 year lease on Iraq's oil reserves, as a result of the invasion of that country. Americans would have been a little more cheerful about it all, had that windfall been SHARED by that multinational corporation, given that they FUNDED the invasion...but saw no relief at the gas pumps, whatsoever. Expecting such a company to share their additional profits with the public, is quite naive, sadly).

    So far, I haven't seen anything reported that would give a monetary kick to anyone, other than munitions suppliers and other war profiteers.

    (No surprise, that Cheney and Rumsfeld, the top war profiteers, are rooting on blowing up Syria good.)

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      We ( US) also got the lions share of telecommunication infrastructure contracts in Iraq. Gazillions of $$$

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    That is just great.
    On the other hand, we now have "help us out and we'll vote against the future UN wrist slap" to hold over Britain.
    OR, the UK could surprise everyone and actually hold themselves accountable. Any details on which MPs hold stock in said company?

    As for celebration of Labor Day in the States, poster from Republicans in 1956 celebrating Unions and Labor

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Our world is heading to hell in a handbasket. If we can't trust each other, who can we trust? The answer should provoke a spiritual discussion.

    1. Oh plz with the we are now going to hell in a handbasket bullshit.

      The last admin took us there. And what did you do?

  5. Anonymous11:21 AM

    No big surprise. There's money to be made off conflict, America does it too. Remember Iran Contra?

    Here's where the real corruption is and where our tax dollars are being spent. Cutting food stamps, medicaid and other social programs but spending more than ever on contractors that run our over 1000 foreign military bases? If this read doesn't turn your stomach I don't know what would. The system is out of control and fucking broken.

    1. Not to mention the repairing of the destroyed nation's infrastructure along with all social programs and cash money to the survivors.

  6. Anonymous11:42 AM

    It's unbelievable how McCain and Graham are intent on a full-blown invasion. Just read that Elizabeth Warren supports President Obama's decision. This whole issue is very divisive.

    As far as Britain, I can't be shocked or naive any more. It's happening everywhere right under our noses and war is a very lucrative enterprise for some.

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I don't think they were conflicted at all. They were emphatic.

  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    OT, but did I miss the Tweets or FB Posts from Mrs. Todd Palin celebrating the tremendous contributions to our economy and our communities by Labor Unions and their Members on this Labor Day? I guess since she can't write or say "Union" without attaching "Thugs" to the thought we probably won't see a recognition of the significance of this day. Bitch.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Nope. You also didnt miss Mrs Palin's 25th wedding anniversary to Capn America posts either lol! Fuckin phoneya.

  9. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The only winner in war is the military industrial complex which includes chemicals capable of mass murder. Good for business, eh, Brits?

  10. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I really thought it was Russia/Putin who sold them the chemical weapons. I never even dreamed it could be England.

    I am so grateful to Pres. Obama for buying us more time and making the R's in Congress go on record with a vote for this invasion. Now Congress has even less time to shut our government down! They have to work on Syria AND the budget...should be fun to watch them work for 9 days (and 4 of those days are half days!!).

  11. So quick to believe what you read in the RW press? Guess that is how GWB convinced everyone about those WMD. In the news - it must be true. Why are people so fast to convict their friends but accept every word of those who would do all they can to bring down the US???

    Any other publication taking up the story? All over twitter? the intertubes? or is it the usual RWNJ press?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.