Monday, September 02, 2013

Syrian Army hacks US Marines website to leave a message.

Courtesy of TPM:

The homepage of, the official Marines recruitment site, was changed to a page signed "delivered by the SEA," according to a screen shot posted by the Independent. The message on the page called for support from the Marines for their “brothers, the Syrian army soldiers." The message read: 

This is a message written by your brothers in the Syrian Army, who have been fighting Al Qaeda for the last 3 years. We understand your patriotism and love for your country so please understand our love for ours. 

Obama is a traitor who wants to put your lives in danger to rescue Al Qaeda insurgents. 

Marines, please take a look at what your comrades think about Obama's alliance with Al Qaeda against Syria. 

Your officer in charge probably has no qualms about sending you to die against soldiers just like you, fighting a vile common enemy. The Syrian army should be your ally not your enemy. 

Refuse your orders and concentrate on the real reason every soldier joins their military, to defend their homeland. 

You're more than welcome to fight alongside our army rather than against it. 

Your brothers, the Syrian army soldiers. A message delivered by the SEA

Whatever side you are on in this debate, you have to admit that this is a pretty inventive way to get your message across.

It will definitely speak to the misgivings that many people have about going into yet another war. 

But did you notice that there was NO declaration of innocence?  They did not say that the Sarin gas was not their doing, they simply asked that the Marines not do anything in response. Kind of an admission of guilt, don't you think?

But ultimately our Marines will do what our Marines do, and that is follow orders.

Hopefully our President is coming up with a plan to minimize the number of casualties while keeping our people safe.However I am not sure the Syrian Army deserves such consideration.


  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    To me this says that the syrian army and assad are seriously f*cking scared now that the big boys are coming to rain destruction on their heads, now that their protector, mother russia, is going to grumble but do nothing to protect them. How long will it be before the syrian army has a rash of defectors when it is they who are scared for their lives rather than their citizens. Bitches.

    1. If Russia just “grumbles," they leave a vacuum for China to exploit. I want to know if young Putin wasn't a conspirator in '91 abortive attempt to depose Gorbachev (during Desert Storm).

    2. 1251

      I hear ya brother!

      If assad thinks his impression of tokyo rose will work on our finest he will soon realize very soon faux news doesn't run the US.

      This bs is rallying up our finest. Trust.

  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Interesting on how they are hacking into our stuff! Sincerely hope we are doing the same type thing to them and being as public about it in their country! Assholes!

  3. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Also, too, five soldiers, sailors, and marines does not a movement make. Those pictures are not all marines and they are hiding their faces so do we even know if they are real? This is coming from the syrian version of the cia after all.

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Hiding behind the children. How cowardly can you get to use kids as shields. Disgusting.

    Syrian Army Forces Move Away From Potential Target Sites Into Schools And Universities

    Syrian military commanders are continuing to redeploy forces away from sensitive sites ahead of a postponed US air strike that many in Damascus believe is still likely.

    Residents of the Syrian capital said on Monday that troops had moved into schools and universities, which officials calculate are unlikely to be hit if Barack Obama orders an attack following a congressional vote next Monday.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      From what I've heard, the goal of any military strike is to damage or destroy the infrastructure necessary to deploy the chemical weapons in the future, not kill Syrian troops.

      Pulling forces out of Syrian military installations just makes that easier for our troops.

  5. Well, there is always the distinct possibility that it wasn't the Syrian Army that sent it. When I start hearing that Obama is a traitor, I have to wonder about the real source of that. Sounds a bit more home grown to me.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Just saw your post, Lynne. Good question. I had thought it might have been the Russians were behind it (aka Putin)

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Anyone know what Edward Snowden is up to these days?

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      That was my thought, Lynne.


  6. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Amen, Lynne. It reads like a State Department memo, not the pennings of a non-native speaker. Pitch perfect English from first word to last. "concentrate on the real reason every soldier joins their military, to defend their homeland." Really?? Defend their homeland??? It reads like the missives from the dead-since-2003 Osama bin Laden. If it weren't so serious, it would be laugh-out-loud funny.

  7. Anonymous2:09 PM

    My guess is that it's Ginni Thomas and her goofball friends at Groundswell stirring up shit again.

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Is it really the Syrian army that hacked into the Marines website, or are there Russian hackers behind this whole thing?

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      I agree with you. It could be some crazy American for all we know.

  9. I think the Marines should more concerned that someone hacked their website.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      And if the NSA and CIA are so great at tracking stuff, certainly they can find out who did this by tracking back. Or at least figuring out if it came from Syria, or Russia, or the US, or ??

  10. Anonymous4:52 PM

    That CPO is wearing Dress Blues. It's STILL Summer.

  11. Tom Tomorrow wants send Assad a message:

    Pundits and expired pols with Gryph on this:

    William Kristol
    Eliot Cohen WaPo
    Bret Stephens WSJ
    Daniel Halper WS
    Elliot Abrams WS
    Gary Bauer
    Max Boot
    Ellen Bork
    Robert Kagan
    Joe Lieberman
    Marty Pertz
    Karl Rove
    Randy Scheunemann
    Dan Senor
    Ann Coulter

    ... and the list of shills of previous wars pushing for intervention goes on.

    If you polled Americans on this, you would likely get "Americans would rather get a proctology exam than have their government intervene in the Syrian civil war."

    Begich seems more against this today than before the weekend. Sending him another $100.00, with a note to stay the course.

    1. When Rand Paul is on your side it's probably time to re-think your position.

      In any event, there's no moral high ground on this issue.

  12. Anonymous2:22 AM

    "Your officer in charge probably has no qualms about sending you to die against soldiers just like you,..."

    Well, qualms or no, they do it; that's been the routine for the last 250 years in this country, and thousands of years globally. All soldiers fight against soldiers who are "just like (you)" Such is the nature of war.
    BTW I think this "hack" is a fake.


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