Thursday, September 26, 2013

Final picture of the day. The George Bush, gay marriage, and awesome socks edition.

He may not be gay, but I think his socks might be.
Courtesy of Bulgebull:

Former President George H.W. Bush served as an official witness at the marriage of Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen, the owners of a general store in Kennebunk, Maine, close to where the Bush family has a home.

After so many negative stories concerning the Republican party today it is nice to remember that there was a time when they were not overrun with mental health patients and political insurgents. 

I did not always agree with George the first by any means, but at least it appeared he did what he thought was best for the country and did not allow ideology to dictate his actions. 


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Literally the most classy and genuine human being.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Did you sleep through the Reagan Administration, or were you just not born yet? Bush was an eager henchman to that going senile, evil old man. When he was elected president (thanks in part to his own evil minion, Lee Atwater) Bush I did not undo anything that Reagan did.

    2. Anonymous1:15 AM

      6:31 Very True. I have read several books about the Bush family, and they are greedy, evil bastards. Old man Bush was not called a wimp for nothing. Like little Johnny McCain, all a facade. When the Kennedy boys were all riding high in the political arena, this old fart said "Wait till you see what MY boys will do" Well, W almost destroyed this country, plus a couple more in the ME. Neal escaped prison in the Silverado S & L scandal, but kept millions of $$$. Jeb, well, where do you start with fat Jeb? Babs is a vicious, evil old bitch.

    3. Anonymous2:36 AM

      OMFG you are kidding, right?

  2. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Oh, Gryphen.

    It's easy to get distracted by a photo of what appears to be a nice old harmless man showing a bit of progressiveness.

    Don't be fooled by this one moment in time. Please. George W. H. Bush is evil. Every bit as evil as his son.

    1. AJ Billings6:46 PM

      Sure, he's old money blue blood, who's family has trampled on others, but at least he did stand for something.

      Unlike the spoiled and errant George W, H.W. served his country honorably in WWII as a pilot, and flew 58 missions, and was wounded in action

      He also had the guts to publicly call Ronald Reagan's huge tax cuts "voodoo economics", which has certainly been proven true as we near the 20 trillion dollar debt level.

      I must disagree, he's a moderate Republican, and no where near as feckless, ignorant, and unprincipled as his sadly deficient son

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      So when did Bush call Reaganomics "voodoo economics," AJ Billings - before or after becoming Reagan's VICE PRESIDENT?

      Let me guess -- before, right? Because afterwards, Bush was Reagan's bitch.

    3. Anonymous7:45 PM


  3. Anita Winecooler7:24 PM

    Not too many moderate Republicans left these days. Politics and progeny aside, I admire his public support for these ladies as they start their life as a married couple.

    OT Barilla Pasta Owner wants gays to eat someone else's pasta, slips down non apology apology rabbithole.....

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Where was his support for them when his son was campaigning on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage? Public sentiment has swung in favor of gay marriage now so it costs this man nothing to sign this paper.

  4. Anonymous2:35 AM

    NONE of this matters to me. Too little, too late.
    He is at death's door and now here he is shaving his head for kids with cancer and signing off on gay marriage.
    Bush and his family, going back to Prescott and even before, have been HORRIBLE influencers of american politics.
    Die already mofo. Can't you get your contraband human growth hormone any more? Is that why you are failing so quickly now?

  5. Anonymous4:12 AM

    G, You need to read Family of Secrets by Russ Baker. Or at least, his blog WHOWHATWHY. Might open some eyes pertaining to the Bushes and their cronies.


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