Friday, September 27, 2013

How can you be against Obamacare when it is presented in such an adorable fashion?

Those painfully cute images are the brainchildren of the folks over at the Adorable Care Act who decided that perhaps the ACA would be less frightening to Americans if presented in the above adorable fashion.

Of course as most of US know the ACA is anything BUT frightening, as demonstrated by the fact that while 46% of Americans oppose Obamacare only 37% oppose the Affordable Care Act.

And for those who are still a little spooked they can always visit Politfact who addresses the Top Sixteen Myths about the Health Care Law. (Including by the way that ridiculous death panel BS. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it Sarah Palin!)

I think it is well past time for everybody to realize that the law is NOT going to be repealed or defunded, it IS going to start for everybody on October 1st, and, want it to be true or not, the only way that it will ever honestly be considered a terrible plan is once it is replaced by a single payer one.


  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I saw this commercial last night and thought it was truly wonderful. It could actually bring some of the t'people over to ACA because many love their pets more than other people :)

  2. I adore these ads and I hope their humor helps open the door to health care for millions of people.

    And thank you President Obama and the Democrats for making sure that insurance companies can no longer deny us coverage for pre-existing conditions, a/k/a "living."

    (Off to break the news to my cats that they are not . . . people. It'll be OK though as they will still have their superior status.)

  3. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Sarah Palin is a hypocrite. She criticizes government health care programs for others while her own family doesn't have to pay for medical care, thanks to Todd's native heritage. The US government spends $4 billion a year on free health care for native Americans and native Alaskans. That's socialized medicine that your family is getting, Sarah, and we're the ones paying for it. Since I'm paying for it, I do get to criticize it.

    Now, Sarah has a Facebook post criticizing President Obama over the debt. Remind me again. Who was the Mayor of Wasilla who left that town with a $25 million debt? While we're at it, we could have a look at Sarah's PAC filings. She spends as much as she takes in. There's no need to budget when it's other people's money. An

    1. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Palins and their ilk know nothing BUT projection.

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      And, the idiot 'quitter' governor has State of Alaska health coverage, that in my opinion, she should not have due to her having 'quit' midstream and is known already as one of Alaska's worst!

      How Alaskans ever voted for her is beyond me and the majority throughout the USA.

      Much like they keep the just noted 'one of the most corrupt' in Congress in office - Don Young! He's up for election AGAIN and let's see if they are paying attention and FINALLY kick him out of office!

      The state is red - oil driven - money driven - has a corrupt gov (and friend of Palin!) currently in office that is also up for reelection.

      Alaskans! Get smart when you vote! Pay attention - research - and, check how candidates vote (vs what they say publically!) on the various subjects w/regard to your state.

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I want a baby piglet!!!!!

  5. "I think it is well past time for everybody to realize that the law is NOT going to be repealed or defunded, it IS going to start for everybody on October 1st..."

    Well, technically it's just the SIGN-UP FOR THE EXCHANGES that starts October 1st, Gryphen.

    There are parts of the ACA that went into effect immediately in 2010, and parts that have gone into effect this year, and the whole entire law will go into effect January 1, 2014.

    And a frightening number of people that are directly affected by the sign-up availability of the insurance exchanges aren't even aware of that, or how to avail themselves.

  6. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Preexisting condition called MS! Thank you, President Obama and your Affordable Care Act which is now law!!! It will be so, so much appreciated by many in spite of the obstruction by the Republicans and Teabaggers!


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