Friday, September 20, 2013

Koch brother backed conservative group releases creepiest ad ever to scare young people away from Obamacare.

This from NPR: 

Criticism of the ads hasn't been in short supply. Brad Woodhouse, president of Americans United for Change, says the effort by the Koch brothers is "sabotage." 

 Further, he says, the ads are a lie and that there will be no government bureaucrat getting in the middle of your gynecological or any other type of exam. 

Woodhouse insists there's considerable hypocrisy here, given some of the policies Republicans have called for regarding women's health issues. 

"You have Republicans who do want to and attempt to do things like in Virginia where they attempted to force women to get a vaginal probe if they wanted to seek an abortion."

Here is my question, "Just how dumb do these groups think young people are?"

These ads are so blatantly ridiculous and off putting that I cannot imagine that anybody's opinion will be swayed by them concerning Obamacare.

Now their opinion concerning the Right Wing, THAT opinion is definitely going to be impacted by how tone deaf and patronizing the ad is toward the Millennials.


  1. hedgewytch12:40 PM

    As Jon Stewart pointed out, the Koch brothers can afford the tens of thousands of dollars needed to deal with major health issues (above and beyond health insurance). They got theirs. They have the best health insurance plans and can purchase any kind of other health care they need. Hell, they have even had built whole hospital wings to specialize in cancer when one of them got sick.

    But that isn't us. The callousness of this ad to tell young people to not sign up for health care is just stunning.

    And if they think that the younger generation who can't even graduate college without being 50k in debt (if they can even go to collage in the first place) are going to be swayed towards the Republican party by this ad and these kinds of tactics....well, I don't think so.

  2. Those have to be the creepiest ads I have ever seen. They could be flipped around, changing the Uncle Sam character into McConnell, Boehner, or Cantor and made to be ads for what the Rethuglicans really want to do to people, especially women.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      How about an insurance company executive as the pop-up?

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Let me tell you about an insurance company executive that denied a young woman inpatient treatment after attempting suicide. He said that, clearly, she didn't really want to die because she called her mom before passing out from CO2. She was dead within the month. But the insurance company? Bonuses for achieving profitability goals. And her parents? No legal recourse. You see, you can only recover what you spent in out of pocket under most employee plans. Her parents couldn't foot the bill. I easy lucky, when that same insurance exec denied my child impatient care, I had a house I could sell and retirement I could liquidate. I'll take uncle Sam any day over that Bastard.

  3. This is what one of Baldy's crazy fucking Bots posted today at the Asylum about healthcare today.....

    "Alameda Republican Vicki • 11 minutes ago −
    WE HAVE TO STOP OBAMACARE AT ALL COSTS. There are some 30 million uninsured people in this country. Obummercare will give these people healthcare and you and I will pay for it. We must make sure that these people DO NOT get health insurance. Once they do it will be just like social security and medicare. It will be another government freebie that they'll become entitled to.

    Tell you representative that we care enough about America that we're willing to shut it down in order to get what we want. LET'S DO IT!!"

    He also said this....

    "Alameda Republican Vicki • a minute ago −
    That's why I also call for the abolishment of medicare and social security. Obummercare will add a whole other level of entitlement.

    You are so right about the free market. The government should make sure that those that can afford health insurance get it as they want, and those that can't afford it don't get it at the expense of others. We must dispel this socialist notion that we should pay for things that others can't afford."

    The motherfucker is insane!

    1. Sally in MI4:13 AM

      Bet she calls herself "Christian" while spouting this hate for those worse off than she is. Does she know that everyone will pay something for their healthcare, unlike now? What does she think happens when one of those 30 million gets cancer? Or needs an operation? We all pay, dearie. Or does she think only those 'who can afford it' are allowed to live in this nation? Sounds like GOP groupthink to me. Grayson was right, wasn't he? The big GOP health model is: Are you sick and poor? Just die already.

  4. Sally in MI1:20 PM

    This was written by my 83 year old mom and submitted to the Cleveland Plain Dealer today after she saw this ad:" The current TV ads being run by Republicans advising college students to opt out of Obamacare would be hilarious if it wasn't such a serious matter. Opt out of Obamacare, pay the penalty, and "you will be better off." One ad shows a scary Uncle Sam popping up between a woman's legs with a caption of keeping government out of your health care. YET, if that same woman wanted an abortion, a Republican Uncle Sam would also be there saying "no, no, no" we won't let you do that. And on top of that, if that same woman only wanted contraception advice, she could be told "no, no, no " you can't have that either.

    Obamacare is the law, abortion is legal, contraception is legal. And by the way, so is Viagra for all those older congressmen who want to harness a woman's right to make her own decisions."

    GO MOM!!!

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      I love your Mom! I want one of the Koch brothers, Charles or David (who care which one), would actually run for political office so that the world would find out what makes them tick. They are both cowards, hiding behind their money and their absurdly-named organizations (Americans for Prosperity, the Cato Institute, the Manhattan Center for Policy Research, etc.) and steering this country on a disastrous course. We have a right to know who they are and why they are doing what they are doing. Why can't anyone in the mainstream media have the guts to go after them? There should be no earthly reason why anyone would not want all Americans to have access to good health care and for all Americans to have access to decent food and housing and education. I want to know why these billionaires care so little for the rest of us.

    2. Sally in MI4:10 AM

      Thanks Beaglemom. Excellent post. Why indeed are teh Kochs allowed to ruin American society and values? Oh, right. Citizens United. Well, more and more citizens are becoming united to fight for our nation, and not with guns. We will fight at the ballot box.

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Gross! A woman's legs spread apart on an examining table is shown in one of those ads! Typical Republican based bullshit!

    Vote everyone of them out of office in the next election cycle...especially Congress! They are bile upon our nation!!

    They are racist, anti women (look at the ad I just referenced), nasty to their core and anti middle class. Fuck them!!!

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This is the GOP peering into the vaginas of pregnant women. Republicans always accusing others of the very thing that they do.

  7. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Creepy Uncle Sam should come up holding the vaginal probe ultrasound.

  8. Cracklin Charlie3:17 PM

    Okay, that was just BAD!

    Kochsuckers wasted their $.

  9. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Damn, I am scared! Creepy Uncle Sam looks like Creepy Daddy Chuck in his patriot suit. Trust me that would kill "crabs" hiding in the "bush."

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  10. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

    How low will they go next? Opt out of the Republican Party before it rots your brains, oh wait... too late.

  11. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I wonder how many rapes/bondage etc. crimes occur in areas of the country when certain republicans come into town? There is something terrible wrong with these men.....

  12. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Blue eyed, white Uncle Sam....typical.


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