Friday, September 20, 2013

Two men with conceal carry permits shoot each other to death. Perhaps attrition will finally bring an end to the 2nd Amendment fetishists.

Courtesy of WZZM:  

Two drivers are dead after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout. The incident happened around 6:45 p.m. Wednesday on M-66 near Steele Street. 

Witnesses tell WZZM 13 one driver was following another driver too closely. The first driver pulled into the Wonder Wand Car Wash parking lot and the other driver followed him into the lot. 

Witnesses say the driver of the following car fired shots, and the first driver returned fire. Both drivers were shot and killed. Authorities say both men had licenses to carry concealed weapons.

Well so much for the gun training, and background checks, necessary to get a conceal carry permit  ensuring that the recipients will not use their weapons inappropriately.

I have to admit that I am STILL confused as to how having more guns on the street make all of us safer. Perhaps I need to watch another one of those NRA propaganda videos.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    "An armed society is a polite society".

    Not so much.

    1. An armed society soon becomes and extinct society.

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    But they were in cars, vehicular weapons that kills thousands of people each year and we don't outlaw them. . .why couldn't they use their cars as weapons? And why are you libs blaming the guns for the two deaths? They killed each other, it's not the guns' fault.

    [that's snark people, it's hard to joke when one of the men had his mother and wife in the car with him and they watched him killed and felt their lives in danger also too.]

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      The guy with his wife and mother in the car could have driven off when he saw the other guy follow him into the parking lot, get out of his car with a gun and walk towards him. Instead he chose to also exit his car, keeping his family in harms way and proceed to have an old west shootout.

    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      10:05, get a grip. Cars are not analogous to guns in any way except that both can have buffoons and twits using them. At least with cars, you have safety mechanisms that might save innocent and guilty alike such as straps and air bags. When someone points and shoots a gun, there isn't any safety mechanism to protect anyone.

      Guns do not belong in a civilized society. We do not even really them to hunt as wildlife is dwindling and almost everyone gets their protein fro a store. I can tolerate hunters because they are more regulated than non-hunter gun toters, but I have absolutely no patience with anyone carrying around a gun unless that person is a regulated law enforcement officer.

      We do not need guns. We do not have to live in fear. Grow up.

    3. Anonymous1:38 PM

      12:32... 10:05 was being sarcastic.

  3. Darwin Award finalists ! !

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I would like to personally thank both these gentlemen for not shooting anybody else. But I don't think they care at this point.

    Isn't it ironic that these guys thought they were carrying guns for their own protection.

  5. Olivia10:17 AM

    Unfortunately, at the rate of 1 for 1 it will take a looong time for them to kill each other off. I guess it's a start, though.

  6. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Certainly better that they took out each other then to take out innocents.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM


      Victims Include 3-Year-Old... Shot In Face.

  7. Sally in MI10:28 AM

    I'm confused. Which one of these guns was 'the good guy?' I thought the good guy gun was supposed to scare off the bad guy gun...And no, NRA, more laws would not stop idiots from shooting each other, but fewer guns on the streets and fewer fear-mongerers telling idiots to that 'carrying is your right!!!' would mean fewer people die. Or do you not care? Now two more families have lost loved ones, and that blood is on the NRA.

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    is it inappropriate of me to laugh my ass off at these dead retards ?

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      If they had just shot out an eye or testicle I'd say laugh away, but since they're both dead, it's probably in poor taste.

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      as i thought ...

      i shook my head and chuckled anyhow ..

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    and speaking of IDIOTS with guns, check out the police chief who is getting FIRED for posting his atrociously nasty vids on Youtube threatening the "libtards"

    This guy is as idiotic as Granny Grifter, only with firearms:

  10. More guns do make you safer...just like having more automobiles on the highways have drastically reduced mortality rate.

  11. angela10:45 AM

    Nuts! I freaked out at a club when someone with a concealed carry permit actually thought he had a legal right to shoot anyone who pissed him off.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      They have a horrid sense of entitlement.

  12. So, which one was the "bad" guy with a gun and which one was the "good" guy with a gun?

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Hmmmm, that's a tough one, maybe the NRA can make the call.

      Actually I would love to hear what they have to say about this incident.... crickets.

  13. More Poster children for the NRA.

    Nominate them both for Darwin Awards.

  14. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Not to be crass (and I truly feel for the families), but survival of the fittest comes to mind . . .

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      also "thinning the herd"

  15. Anonymous11:42 AM

    We are and will continue to get worse and worse! I swear that we are in the 'third world' country category.

    Way too many guns and hate in our world today and President Obama is NOT the reason. Racism is and the gun toting idiots!

    Shoot to kill, Americans, have a blast!

  16. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Milwaukee man known in his neighborhood as ‘The guy with a gun’ gets robbed at gunpoint

    A Milwaukee man, who became known in his neighborhood as ‘The guy with the gun” because he always had his firearm with him, was robbed. A guy robbed ‘the guy with the gun’ at gunpoint.

    Now he’ll be known as the ‘guy who got robbed.’

    The 34 year-old victim chose not to go on camera but he did say that he carried the gun because he had been jumped and held up at knife point in the past. But now he believes, in his case, open carry made him a target and he will no longer do it.

    Neighbors say that they knew he was always armed.

    Shambria Mayham Autman said, ”It was kind of scary to just see him walking around all the time with that gun kind of just out in the open.”

    She added, “I think he was trying to scare people off like, ‘Yeah, don’t mess with me,’ kind of attitude, but it didn’t work.”

  17. Anonymous12:19 PM

    This is beyond vile, Gryphen, just vile and disgusting and so WRONG! On a SCHOOL FIELD TRIP???

    Students called ‘n’ word, chased through woods on school field trip as part of a slavery reenactment

    On a class trip in Connecticut, a girl and her classmates were chased through the woods and called the “n” word as part of a slavery reenactment.

    One couple said that their 12 year-old daughter came home from the field trip with horror stories, and now they’ve filed a complaint against the school district.

    Sandra Baker said at a Hartford School Board meeting, “I ask that you imagine these phrases being yelled at our 12-year-old child and their friends. Bring those (n-word) to the house over there. (N-word) if you can read, there’s a problem. Dumb, dark-skinned (n-word). How dare you look at me?’”

    She said, “They intentionally terrorized them and abused them on this field trip.”

    WFSB reports, “Sandra Baker and her husband James Baker have been on a 10-month fight with the Hartford School District that they’ve now taken to the school board.

    It started during the past school year when their daughter was a seventh-grader at the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy. She and her classmates went on a four-day trip to the Nature’s Classroom in Charlton, MA.”

    There was a slavery re-enactment on the third night, that Sandra Baker explains, none of the parents knew about.

    James Baker explained his daughter’s experience with the school board, ”‘The instructor told me if I were to run, they would whip me until I bled on the floor and then either cut my Achilles so I couldn’t run again, or hang me.”

    They pretended to be on a slave ship.

    They pretended to pick cotton.

    They pretended their instructors were their masters.

    According to the Bakers, the program told the kids that they didn’t have to participate in the Underground Railroad skit, but were only told about the re-enactment 30 minutes before it began.

    The Bakers said they pulled their daughter out of the Hartford School District, WFSB reports.

    Watch courtesy of WFSB:

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      I am stunned. Simply stunned.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      I can honestly say "Now, I've seen it all".

      The worst of the worst in humanity.

  18. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Conservative site offers a gun sale: We’re holding off the govt so hurry and ‘chick’ in the ad is not included

    An uber-conservative website called ‘Independent Living News’ is offering a gun sale but the ad points out that the ‘chick’ is not included in the purchase. The site’s sale reads, “HURRY, time is of the essence! We’re going to keep this going for as long as we can, but we can’t guarantee how long it will stay online before the Gov’t comes and shuts us down.”

    Oh no, you’d better hurry.

    The ad warns: “IMPORTANT: this drawing will only include those who make it in before we get the inevitable registered letter from bureaucratic Gov’t officials screaming to take this page down. We’ll hold them off as long as we can though, and that’s our word.”

    That’s right, the patriots’ll hold ‘em off so we can git our dang gunz before them thar gun grabbers git ‘em.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      They know how to speak to their base.

  19. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Double death, no collateral wounded, the best possible kind of gun nut.

  20. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Having trouble seeing what this mutual slaughter has to do with "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". I guess the militia WILL be better if the idiots off themselves instead of mucking up a good militia.

  21. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Some guys just feel the need to compare penis size even if it's with penis extenders.

  22. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Skank (I mean her ghostwriter)is hittin' the WE WANT OUR GUNS AT ANY COST EVEN WHEN PEOPLE DIE IN DROVES, BECAUSE **FREEDOM** issue...

  23. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Let's hope the NRA nuts keep on shooting themselves.

  24. Anonymous4:59 PM

    YES! More of that please!

  25. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    The NRA is leading by example.

    "It takes a few good men to kill a few good men".

    Let this be a lesson to the bad guys with guns!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.