Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Newly crowned Miss America, Nina Davuluri, has brown skin and a suspicious Middle Eastern look about her. Cue the Right Wing outrage is 3..2..oh never mind it already started.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

The crowning of Miss New York, Nina Davuluri, as Miss America should have been, to paraphrase her platform, a celebration of diversity through cultural competency. But in the hours after her victory, Twitter became a frank demonstration of American incompetence in matters relating to both ethnicity and geography. 

“Well they just picked a Muslim for Miss America. That must’ve made Obama happy. Maybe he had a vote,” said one user. 

“I am literally soo mad right now a ARAB won. #MissAmerica” wrote another. 

It should go without saying that Davuluri, a Syracuse native of Indian descent, is neither Muslim nor an Arab. But according to Fox News Radio host Todd Starnes, the American-born Davuluri doesn’t “represent American values,” unlike the blonde-haired, blue-eyed contestant from Kansas, Theresa Vail.

It is usually impossible for me to support pageants, or pageant winners, since I think the whole thing is silly and demeans women. However I will make an exception in this case since I will always defend anybody who drives the racists and xenophobes crazy.

Ms. Davuluri seems like a truly lovely young woman and I am sure that she will do an excellent job of representing America during her numerous appearances on behalf of the pageant while driving the Right Wing crazy.

And that was WITHOUT being a Muslim, just imagine how freaked out they will be when they finally give a follower of Islam the crown. Of course it could always be worse, they could end up giving it to a "gasp" Atheist.

Ah, what am I saying? That's just crazy talk.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Do they actually publish the contestants religion? Weird.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      If the Nuts had their way, religion and political affiliation would be on all our birth certificates.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I'm not "into" beauty pageants but I think this is just wonderful. She was born in the US of immigrant parents; what's to complain about? Aren't we all descended from immigrants at some generational level? Doesn't that make her an ideal representative for the country?
    PS She's probably brighter than most of the other contestants too.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      I read that she plans on going to medical school, so she is not just a pretty face, this girl is highly intelligent. Imagine if a blah (African American) had won? The racism in this country is truly disgusting.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      She is also a trained Bollywood dancer, I'm trying to find her performance.

      Fuck these racist bastards!
      Congratulations Nina!

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Her dance was awesome. I have not watched a pageant in years, but liked this one. It was brief, I could fast forward the commercials and the blonds were dumb. Miss California was also awesome. Her ballet was so nice I watched it 3x. Her arm movement was amazing. So was Ms Davaluri's dance. The blonds' singing was boring. That gal from Florida was pretty spunky too. I enjoyed not thinking about the GOP for 2 hours. (Until I saw Gretchen Carlson acting up-What a wench)
      I was so impressed that 2 asian girls won the top 2. I thought some real progress was made. I am dismayed that the Whites (I am white, but not mean) are having such a hard time realizing they are now a minority. Classless fools.

  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Congrats to Nina. I bet she knows what she reads.

  4. A. J. Billings6:29 AM

    Yes, no doubt giving the Miss America crown to a declared atheist will trigger a massive coronary to the Christian supremacists, and you'll hear Bryan Fischer, and his crowd of bigoted dickheads threatening to use the 2nd amendment as a response.


    Like the murdering bastard that shot up a Sikh temple in Michigan, these militant Teaparty bastards don't care about you if you ain't a white Christian John Bircher. Apparently, this sad waste of human life thought these "ragheads"
    were Muslim:


    Shoot a commie for Christ! Rape a brown girl, cuz she ain't no Jeebus person.

    Pro life is just fine for blondes and WASP's, but all others, just fuck off back to Somalia.

    Sorry to my IM friends for being so rabid about this, but the level of vitriol and hatred is reaching a boiling point, and we can expect nothing but armed rebellion from the Teaparty troglodytes.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Rant away A.J.!

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      The Sikh temple is in Oak Creek. We still remember, and every time I drive by it, I see the 6 remembrance wreaths.

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    People are morons.

    1. Leland9:04 AM

      Racists are stupid.

  6. lostinmn6:37 AM

    The only contact I've had with the "american values" blond Fox likes was when I dated Miss Suburb to be named later who was runnerup for Miss MN. Craziest woman I've ever known. And no surprise, a self absorbed Narcissist. No wonder Sara went after her beauty crown.... and failed

  7. Anonymous6:54 AM

    White people, illegal aliens causing problems since 1492.


    Little Rabbit

    1. Awesome comment. Should be a bumper sticker.
      I say that as the descendant of Scottish and Czechoslovakian immigrants.

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Exactly right, Little Rabbit.


      An embarrassed white, illegal alien

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Now, not that I have anything against white people. Heck, I even married one. But it burns my butt when whites act like they aren't immigrants.
      True American "values" would be dark hair and eyes and no affiliation with any crazy middle eastern religion like christianity.

      Little Rabbit

    4. Anonymous9:13 AM

      No offense taken at all, Little Rabbit.

      "But it burns my butt when whites act like they aren't immigrants."

      I totally agree with this. Of course, I realize it doesn't pertain to all whites, no more than all non-whites are innocent victims. But to act like this is a WHITE country, with no blood on IT'S hands is just infuriating. Even to some of us white folks.

      The embarrassed white gal from 7:26am

    5. Anonymous5:12 PM

      And some of the most vicious anti-immigrants are only one or two generations removed from 'The Old Country' themselves.

      How quickly they forget...

  8. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Muslim girls won't be stripping down to a bikini to present their bodies for strange men to inspect and judge any time soon.

    1. lostinmn8:29 AM

      Already happened.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Great comment, so true!

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      There actually are Muslim women who are traditional fashion models and who enter traditional "beauty" competitions.

    4. Leland9:06 AM

      lostinmn is right!

    5. Anonymous3:39 PM


      Anyone can call themselves Muslim but it's non-Muslim behavior (practically anti-Muslim) for young women to take their clothes off for strange men, so any beauty contestant making that claim is lying or mistaken. Simple, really.

      How many killers call themselves Christians? Plenty. Are they?

      You can call yourself any religion you want, but that doesn't make it so.

    6. Anonymous3:56 PM

      @anon 3:39PM
      You mean like christians that shave , eat prok and wear other fabrics than cotton? And they call theirselves christian? Not every Muslim follows a strict hard line of their reigion, just like christians don't.

  9. I worked at a place in the St. Louis area for a couple of years, and a coworker was of Indian descent. The local white boys called him a “raghead” and “camel jockey.” While he removed himself from the scene, I calmly lectured the boys that those terms didn’t apply to him. I didn’t dare get mad, because the boys would have run to HR to report me, and I would have gotten into trouble.

    Sometimes life is just a series of dodged bullets.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Why wouldn't the racist white boys have gotten into trouble?

    2. They wouldn’t have; it was tolerated.

      An excellent female production worker had to quit that same place because of increasingly dangerous sexual harassment. The harasser went to the same church (synagogue?) as the owner and no one would say a word to him. “It’s too bad,” and people shook their heads, but nothing else. Get away from the coasts and it’s a different world.

    3. Leland9:07 AM

      8:17, to answer your question is easy: Because they were white!

  10. Anonymous7:08 AM

    She represents America, the dream, and what bulimia can bring you with dramatic weight loss.

    Don't know about her being a lovely person, she was caught on tape calling her fellow New Yorker and current Miss America, "Fat as Fuck," and then tried to blame it on a friend in the room and apologized if anyone was offended.

    1. lostinmn8:29 AM

      There is nothing "ideal" about any of these women. They are all self absorbed, bulemic, narcissists with a personality disorder. And fake boobs. No wonder Sara felt such sisterhood.

  11. Anonymous7:15 AM

    All Arabs are not Muslims. Put that in your pipe...

    All Muslims are not Arab. Put .....

    If she is Indian. as in the sub-Continent, then she could come from a family that's Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim (less likely), Zoroastrian, or a dozen other beliefs. Clearly, she wasn't picked because of her religion, neither is she advocating religion -- any religion -- from her grand pulpit of Miss America.
    She's just a woman of Indian blood, but American born.

    That's all there is to it. These nuts need to read up on religion and geography, and search their souls to see if they could get aroused by someone who's not blonde and talks like a Barbie. THAT'S their real complaint.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

      True. And there are people of Arab and Indian descent that are (grasp your pearls) Christian!!!

  12. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Many in America (sad to say they are more than likely Republicans!) are absolute idiots. I would imagine that our 'qualified, educated and beautiful' Ms. America is going to run into this crap throughout her reign. Come to think of it, she's probably already been subject to it!

    America is a very, very hateful, ugly, mean, racist, murdering country! I guess it's always been. We just see and hear it sooner today due to our media.

    1. Leland9:09 AM

      Read the posting again. You'll find that she already HAS run into it!

  13. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I totally agree with you Gryphen, on the beauty pageant thingy, but this does crack me up. Think of all the little girls who will say she looks like me. I am beautiful. Just as young black boys can look at PBO and say to themselves, I can be President someday.

    Just one caveat I would like to put out there. I don't think we will see any Muslim woman win Miss America anytime soon. Doesn't their devotion require them to cover their body?? Kinda tough to show off that bikini bod while wearing a khimar. LOL So now you righties can sleep at night because muslims are like you and believe in modesty!!!

    1. Leland9:10 AM

      As with many religions, there are secular muslims, too.

    2. Ailsa9:35 AM

      Exactly. I have several friends who are Muslim in the same way as I am a Scottish Presbyterian. In other words, we have a particular background but we are nonbelievers.

  14. Anonymous7:39 AM

    One day these fools may discover Nikki Haley's ethnic background.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM


    2. lostinmn8:27 AM

      She's just what the fundies call "black Irish".

  15. Anonymous7:45 AM

    We've already crowned a Muslim beauty queen. Rima Fakih was selected as Miss USA in 2010.


    And yes, she got crap from fundies on both sides of the aisle, Christians AND Muslims.

    1. Wait, we did? How did I miss that?

      Probably because I don't watch these things.

  16. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Sarah Palin 'Eat your heart out', another Brown Skinned American Beauty wins. And she does not have a WONKY EYE.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Plus, she is highly educated and plans to become a medical doctor. A REAL 'servant' which the idiot, Palin, is NOT!

  17. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Considering the original land owners of America were brown skinned and brown eyed it is perfect that Nina is miss America. Mexicans and Indians lived here and worked here long before Europeans did. Those who came to America from Europe were brunette s and blondes and redheads with blue green brown and hazel eyes.
    Those that believe a blue eyed blonde would best represent USA are the same ones who depict Jesus as a blue eyed blonde! As if he wouldn't have darker features being in the Middle East!!!

    This comment from a blue eyed blonde:)

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      And the reason early European explorers called the original inhabitants of North and South America "Indians" was because they thought they had actually arrived in the Dutch East Indies!

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      I'm Cherokee and very proud of it. Only trouble is that I don't appear Indian because I favored the Irishness of my Dad.

      Look how the Indians have been treated throughout the years to our current days (reservations!). And, the Irish had a tough time too!

      America is NOT a nice country in any way, shape or form to those they deem as being 'less than'! It's called racism which is ever so prevalent today because President Obama was elected TWICE and many cannot handle his having achieved the top position in our land!

      I voted for him both times and am proud for having done so!

  18. Anonymous8:16 AM

    If she was born in NY she is a native born American and she could be POTUS someday.
    I don't know why, but I am astounded by the level of pathetic, sheer ignorance of the mouth breathers in this country. You can't fix stupid.

  19. Just when I think we've reached the bottom with the stupids, they lower the floor.

    And, to who commented that she had made those nasty comments about MissA2013, that story was investigated by the pageant people who found no truth to it and cleared her.

    1. Balzafiar8:44 AM

      We haven't reached bottom yet, not at all.

      That time will come when Brisdull becomes Miss America because on the list of potential candidates, her name appears one line below "All Domesticated Pets".

    2. Leland9:51 AM

      Balzafiar? Who says she is domesticated?

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      8:44 & 9:51: Snort! Love you two! Ahh yes, it's good to laugh.

    4. Anonymous5:14 PM

      "lower the floor"???

      They've been using payloaders for years and will likely hit lava any day now!

  20. Anonymous8:40 AM

    So, I suppose all these people had the same reaction when Bobby Jindal was elected governor of LA? Oh,wait . . . no, that didn't happen. I bet Jindal is happy to know what people are really saying about him behind his back.

  21. Anonymous8:44 AM

    No, G., it's not crazy talk. There's a fringe right-wing people out there who will never embrace multiculturalism. They thought that the U.S. would be a generation product of "Little House on the Prairie" (even though the show's theme seemed to be 'peace' will all one's ethnic neighbors). But these idealized images in their brains that their ancestors were the great builders (not of the Pyramids), but of the "Ponderosa" (Bonanza) and the old Western trails, that fought against the Indians and those Mexican Natives, etc., and whose railroad giants built transportation across the country on the backs of many Asian immigrants, etc., forget that they live in the midst of riches that came from the backs and travail of many people who weren't all white. They totally forget Native Americans. But they forget that those who helped to create their great nation were beige, red, bronze, dark brown, medium brown, light brown, all the colors that I see on my Revlon hair color box. But, they don't see that.

    Lots of necessary evolution, but so little time.

  22. Anonymous9:23 AM

    You know Todd wants some of that

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Sorry, Todd, she is not a destitute, struggling Single Mother for you to exploit. Todd Palin will never even get close to her.

  23. Anonymous9:37 AM

    These are Ms. Davuluri's credentials: Attended the University of Michigan, won several scholastic honors including the Dean's List, Michigan Merit Award, and National Honor Society Award, graduated with a degree in Brain Behavior and Cognitive Science.

    Her values are actually those of the America we aspire to be. Those who disparage her Americanness can't see past her skin color. In this country, white equals everything. You don't have to be educated, enlightened, or astute, just white. But Ms. Davuluri actually represents how great America could be.

    Nothing threatens racists more than an educated dark-skinned person. The America that racists hold up is made of gun-toting, bible-thumping, tea party ignoramuses who send antigovernment thugs to Congress.

    (Some of the tweets are priceless examples of the Sarah Palin-type thought process, conflating a string of unrelated, illogical elements. What does President Obama have to do with the outcome of the Miss America pageant?)

  24. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Little known fact: Indian people are Caucasian. But it doesn't really matter--so what if she had been Arab or a Muslim? (Also caucasian, I think, or are they just quibbling about religion?). She's American just like everybody else. I think we finally got over having Irish here as being a bad thing; I trust that this country will keep getting browner and that is aok with this French/German/Scottish/Dutch American!

  25. Anonymous10:35 AM

    9:37 So agree with you! White people are becoming the minority and it is driving those Republicans absolutely nuts. Thank god we are going to be losing many of them due to age and illness....the younger generation doesn't care about color. We didn't either when I was in school for that matter and that was many years ago.

    This racist stuff is worse due to our media, President Obama being elected AGAIN (he is 'only' half black, mind you!) and the Republicans!

    Pretty apparent what we need to do - elect Hillary Clinton as our next POTUS and vote out Republicans (Teabaggers) across the nation! Especially, Ted Cruz who has publically come out as a racist!

  26. Anonymous10:56 AM

    At least Nina's not Irish.

    N.I.N.A. = No Irish Need Apply.

    Those were the days!


  27. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I'd tap her in a heartbeat did you see the body on this honey?
    she is smoking hot

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Nina Davuluri = Smoking hot!




      Bristol = so not.

  28. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Anonymous12:01 PM

    I'd tap her in a heartbeat did you see the body on this honey?
    she is smoking hot
    The question is...would she let you? NOOOOOO!!!!
    Anyone who says shit like this is a loser 4 sure.
    Bitchol is more your style. But her a few wine coolers and there ya go! put a bag over her head and pretend she is Nina or whomever You'd "Tap" that day...loser!

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      lol the point was any girl vain enough to enter something like this wants to be judged on her looks, and comments like mine are what feeds her, sorry if guy's walk up to you and say...can i have a order of fries with that

  29. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Colbert Loses It Over Twitter's Racist Reaction To Indian Miss America

    When Nina Davuluri was crowned Miss America and made history as the first Indian-American to hold the title, the racist corner of the Internet predictably reacted with dumb, ignorant bile. Stephen Colbert responded to them with the exact right tone: Unrepentant mockery.


  30. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    I'm not into the whole "pageant" thing either. The competition drives fairly sane people to do rather drastic things to win, and they're sending the wrong message to girls everywhere. And with the advent of plastic surgery, hair dye, fake contact lenses, tooth whitening, make up, fake nails, and hair extensions, I'm sure quite a few cheat on the "beauty" part.
    The winners usually end up supporting good causes, set up scholarships, etc... so I guess something good can come of it.

    BUT those tweets are disgusting. What made America strong is it's diversity, they should be celebrating her win, not feeding their racial stereotypes. The old lily white WASP standards becoming more the exception than the norm. They better get used to it!

    I missed the show, did anyone play the flute extremely poorly?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.