Monday, September 09, 2013

Political pundit Juan Williams speaks the truth to Fox News panel on Benghazi: “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s about the only place.”

So as we get closer to the one year anniversary of the Benghazi attack many on the Right Wing are doing a full court press to resurrect the Benghazi "scandal." This includes Ted Cruz, among others.

And of course Fox News is serving as the main stage for this tired old rerun.

So yesterday on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace had as his panel, Karl Rove, Brit Hume, Howard Kurtz, Karl Rove, and token liberal Juan Williams.

However this time Williams decided to provide a little more than simply token resistance to the Right Wing conspirators.

Here is a breakdown courtesy of Raw Story: 

Williams pointed out that there was “not one shred of evidence that the White House knew about this beforehand, they covered up anything.” 

“To make a scandal out of this, really — you say this is not going away, let me tell you, this is gone away,” William said, turning to Rove. 

“No, no. No, it hasn’t,” Rove replied. “The American people were lied to. Somebody concocted a deliberate lie that this was not a terrorist attack, that this was a spontaneous response to video that no one saw. The American people were having [the] legitimate question, why were efforts not undertaken to save our people.” 

“Efforts were made,” Williams pointed out. 

At that point, Rove lost his cool. 

“No, they weren’t!” for former Bush senior adviser shouted. “The death of four Americans and why they were allowed to die and no one went to their aid is not in the weeds, with all due respect, Juan! It’s not in the weeds!” 

“What’s in the weeds is that you continue to prosecute this like there’s some huge crime,” Williams remarked. “Karl, stop living in the past and trying to get after Susan Rice and whoever. This has nothing to do with Ambassador Stevens [Christopher] Stevens.” 

“We don’t who is responsible for lying to the American people!” Rove yelled. “You may be comfortable with the American people being told a deliberate lie by the administration, but I’m not. And I think we need to get to the bottom of it.” 

“Karl, you can continue to raise your voice, but it does not speak to the heart of the issue,” Williams said, rolling his eyes. 

“One more thing, think of the list of — going around this table here — the list of questions that remain unanswered to this day are what make this still a legitimate topic,” Hume opined. “And, Juan, I’m sorry to say that this is simply not over.” 

“It’s gone, baby,” Williams quipped. “It’s in your head. That’s about the only place.”

My favorite part was the uncomfortable chuckling after that last statement.

I don't often give Williams much credit for being the voice of reason on Fox, because to be honest I think most of the time it is an orchestrated charade, but THIS one really seemed to leave a mark.  So good for Juan Williams, and let's see if they invite him back for further discussions on Benghazi.


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    What about the lies about WMD, that cost hundreds of thousands their lives? Rove should run for office, since he thinks he has all the answers. He foisted that sock puppet W on this country. "Bush's Brain" should retire with all his ill gotten gains. After being so very wrong on election night, who takes anything he says seriously anymore?

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Say good night, Bush's Brain. I hope one day you'll realize that no one was paying you a compliment when you were called that. Bust wasn't exactly a mental heavyweight. This is all partisanship politics, and it's extremely stale at that.

      It's okay to have talking points rather than making an argument and persuading others to think. But to keep hitting on these old tired fake outrage past issues makes everyone's eyes glaze over. Keep beating this dead horse into 2014. It sure helped the GOP in 2012, if you recall. Oh, wait... never mind.

  2. Fox is the ONLY network still pushing the bullshit.There never was a scandal and Juan is right,it's all in their narrow minded heads.Fucking idiots.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Not only is the GOP the Family Values Party, but they're also renowned for being the Party of New Ideas.

      Just an observation. Yawn.

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Keep digging, Republicans Party Network. I don't think y'all have gotten to the *bottom* of all these *scandals* yet. Hurry, you guys all grab a shovel and get to work. Dig! Dig!

      Idiots. They're arguing about who gets to be the pivot man in the Republican circle jerk; meanwhile their Party is going up in flames. Don't worry Rove & Company. I'm sure many of us former GOP voters will be glad to come by once the flames burn themselves out and piss on the coals. So just keep pouring gasoline on the flames, Karl. It'll eventually douse the flames.

  3. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Where the hell is Fox's expert on foreign affairs and leadership? $25,000 per month for the fricking know it all and NOTHING!

  4. Baldy's babbling and posting shitty video's from BaldyPac again!


    Enough of this foreign fiasco distraction. Get back to work. It is time to bomb Obamacare..

    Stinkin....musty smelling bitch is smelling herself!

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      It's a low class beg-a-thon!

    2. GinaM -- Saw this. Too fucking much. Wonder what would happen if she had to suddenly pay for her health care instead of enjoying the benefit of her fellow citizens' tax dollars.

    3. Sally in MI4:31 PM

      She just has to get war imagery in there, doesn't she? Just how does the Congress 'bomb' a passed bill, and one that has been upheld by the right wing Supreme Corportists? Seriously, Sarah, this bill will ensur your kids, who will never have health care via an employer, will be able to get their kids' checkups and shots, will be able to get contraceptives, will be able to remain healthy even on a Palin diet. Which reminds me...whatever happened to the 'family fitness' book you all were writing back when Bristol was in Hollywood?

    4. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Nah... 4carah doesn't care - her kids and the Toad, (and herself when preggers) have been and will continue to be covered by IHS.

  5. Anonymous3:49 PM

    No where do they give credit to the fact that the situation in Libya and Egypt were still volatile and dangerous when Susan Rice went on the Sunday talk shows -- which is ALL they really are complaining about. "Lies to the American people" -- what a joke.

    The explanation was corrected when the Administration itself could get it all in hand, and when the terrorist threat was dissipated. The difference was what really could be said publicly while the threat of violence was still great.
    "Lies to the American people."

    For Rove, who helped Bush foment two wars that have cost us and the Iraqis and Afghanis hundreds of thousands of lives, more than a trillion dollars, and will live on in the wounded veterans who've limped home to us for decades upon decades more -- that is the crime for which Karl Rove should be prosecuted. He and his merry band lied every day to the American people for eight years.

    What's that? Oh, in my earpiece, I hear that Karl Rove's going to give us a rundown of Election Night 2012, and then we'll go to the triumphant Romney headquarters up in Boston, where the next President is scheduled to speak as soon as the Ohio returns are in.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      You are so right! When all of this was happening, and it all happened just about all at once, the first thing the media jumped on was that the Egyptian Embassy staff "apologized" about the nasty movie made by a California far-right nutcase and suddenly released in the Middle East when it should never have been shown anywhere on the planet! Of course the US Embassy personnel were correct is disassociating the US government from the garbage movie. Then came news of Benghazi and, at first, no one knew if the two were connected or not. Despite the internet, it does take some time to figure things out. By the time that statements were being made by US officials, anyone with any brains understood what they were saying and only the wing nut media was jumping up and down - precisely because NONE OF THEM were listening! Just about drove me crazy. I'm so glad that President Obama and those in the Executive Branch are calm and intelligent and reasonable.

  6. Anonymous4:01 PM

    What a joke. Rove, of all people, talking about lying. Is this a comedy we are watching? The far right is ridiculous!! Complete hypocrites!

  7. "Rove replied. “The American people were lied to. Somebody concocted a deliberate lie.."

    Man has a problem with memory when he makes such a remark in current times

  8. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Here's my problem: we have evidence that the administration did, in fact know it was not about the video from early on. They stuck to that story, just like the kid that has chocolate all over his face, and says,"No, I didn't eat the Hershey bar!" And sticks to that story far too long. Lying, or just not able to give the facts, it gives the impression of lying, and trying to cover their tracts.

    If nothing further was going on (gun running, etc.) Then they should have been honest from the beginning. If there was, then they should be honest now. I have more respect for people that say, I messed up... here's what happened, or say that we don't know, but will find out, than with people that give falsehoods and half truths, then don't talk when they're pushed, saying "that's old news!" Dumb Ass

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM


    2. Anonymous6:35 AM

      You, Anon at 4:42 pm, were obviously not paying attention that weekend. There were separate events: the first occurred in Cairo and involved the far-right anti-Muslim movie. The US was right to disassociate the US government from the movie. The second event occurred in Benghazi. It had nothing to do with the movie but, in the first hours, no one knew for sure. The media was hysterical about the very reasonable and very diplomatic response by the US Embassy in Cairo. It was really the media that confused the two events. If you followed the situation, President Obama was criticized by the media for not speaking out immediately. He only waited until facts were known (the internet might speed things up but stories have to be checked out so that facts can be learned and then acted upon). The President's statements were by no means confused or misleading. There was no lying by the Administration; only good leadership. It's important to know what you are talking about before you start talking.

  9. As Clinton said, what difference does it make? You called it a lie, When its was an ongoing investigating which changes as facts are gathered. Get real

  10. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    The only thing they're beating this dead horse over is that Hillary Clinton is running.
    Rove, the one with blueberries on his face, of all people! LOL. Let's make a deal, we'll tell you the "truth" about Benghazi when you show us proof of WMD in Iraq.

    You go first!

  11. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Seems Karl Rove aka Turdblossom, is uber familiar with the Middle East - he is so far up the River DeNial. Sorta like election night, Karl, remember that? When you insisted YOUR numbers were correct, and Mittens RMoney had won. Remember Karl, you made a fool of yourself on national TV, and made everyone think that YOU thought a fix was in- because you would not accept that Mittens had lost.

  12. Anonymous6:15 PM

    It amazes me that Rove, etc. will stick to their talking points even when they sound like idiots. The voters were sick of the "boy who cried wolf (Benghazi)" when it started last September and they sure aren't going to fall for it now. Good old Ginnie Thomas of Groundswell fame must really have them by their balls.

  13. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I agree about the WMD's! That's just it. Just because Bush administration lied, then it's OK for the next to lie, also?!? Why don't t we try to hold ourselves, and our polititions to a higher standard? I have questions about WMD, and I have questions about Benghazi.

    GAME OF LIFE@ 5:20 - there is a way, to not tell falsehoods during an ongoing investigation. Every police department knows how.. we aren't sure of the details, and we are investigating. Not knowing the truth(which has been proven that they know early on) and still perpetuating something other than the truth.

    But Obama has admitted to giving statements before the facts are in...such as with the aquaintence in Chicago where the man was detained for breaking into his own house- he said something to the effect of I don't know all the facts, but the police acted irresponsibly. If pressed, I will find the quote exactly. Right now, I have bigger fish to fry. Dumb Ass

  14. Anonymous6:22 AM

    With so many Republican careers on the cannot be allowed to die.....just sayin'


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