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I'm a lawyer. |
The totally-not-delusional Larry Klayman has finally set a date for his proposed uprising to remove President Obama from office: November 19. The Judicial Watch founder writes today that protesters will “descend on Washington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time” for pushing “his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda.”
Klayman, who has repeatedly called for a revolution, claims that demonstrations will use the same tactics as Mahatma Gandhi and Egyptian protesters to “shut the city down, by blocking roads and massing in front of the White House” and “bringing the victims of his reign of terror” to Lafayette Park.
He contends that Obama is even worse than King George III: “King George III may have been a greedy ‘control freak,’ but at least he was a Christian. The United States is being run by a Muslim bent on furthering an Islamic caliphate who seeks to destroy our spirituality and the body politic of our Judeo-Christian roots.”
Damn! That is an extra helping of crazy right there!
How is this guy NOT on Sarah Palin's speed dial?
I love this part, "His Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda.” Wait, he left out Nazi and Communist agenda.
Somebody's slipping.
Well I certainly hope that somebody catches this guy's tiny little mob on video, as well as his inevitable arrest, because THAT will be quite entertaining.
I would think this has reached the point where the Secret Service will have a little chitchat with him.
ReplyDeletedon't think he realizes that the people who follow him will be busy putting up their plastic made in China Thanksgiving decorations from Walmart that week.
Yes, it's called "sedition" and it's a federal offense.
DeleteWikipedia says:
In law, sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority to tend toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition.
Typically, sedition is considered a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another. Where the history of these legal codes has been traced, there is also a record of the change in the definition of the elements constituting sedition at certain points in history. This overview has served to develop a sociological definition of sedition as well, within the study of state persecution.
The difference between sedition and treason consists primarily in the subjective ultimate object of the violation to the public peace. Sedition does not consist of levying war against a government nor of adhering to its enemies, giving enemies aid, and giving enemies comfort. Nor does it consist, in most representative democracies, of peaceful protest against a government, nor of attempting to change the government by democratic means (such as direct democracy or constitutional convention).
Sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power. Treason is the violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or state, giving aid to enemies, or levying war against one's state. Sedition is encouraging one's fellow citizens to rebel against their state, whereas treason is actually betraying one's country by aiding and abetting another state. Sedition laws somewhat equate to terrorism and public order laws.
Sounds like the Republican / Tea Party playbook for the last 5 years.
Deletegod, but we have some lunatics coming out of the woodwork in the U.S. - to include the idiot Sarah Palin!
ReplyDeleteWho's bringing the big guns? I mean. really, just how are they going to 'demand' anything? Wonder what's on O's schedule for that day (hopefully he's already got something in Michigan or Europe.) Think this guy will get more than a dozen idiots to join him? If Beck and Cruz come, Sarah will ride in on her motorcycle, broom blazing!
ReplyDeleteI don't think Sarah rides a motorcycle any more than she hunts or lives in Alaska.
DeleteSally in MI
Delete"Wonder what's on O's schedule for that day (hopefully he's already got something in Michigan or Europe.)"
I hope he's got golf plans, that will drive 'em crazy(er)!
Is this guy stupid or what? It amounts to a coup against a sitting President!
ReplyDeleteWell, yes, but you are sane. In his mind, Obama is not a sitting president, but someone who was not eligible to be president in the first place and therefore the elections are nullified under the judicial concept of takesie-backsies and so ta-da.
DeleteHis merry-go-round is missing a horsie or two. Or three.
The label traitor comes to mind. The charge is treason- And Klayman is on the receiving end of both.
DeleteRight before Thanksgiving and at the start of Christmas shopping in cold DC, oh, yeah, he plans ahead like Cruz and Palin. He may be a crowd of one.
ReplyDeleteENOUGH. Enough of this nonsense. I hope this asshat gets a visit from the Secret Service and is arrested.
ReplyDeleteNah, that would just play into his deluded paranoid storyline and give him "martyr" status to the other paint chip consumers. Better he just be entirely ignored and humiliated with an endless vacuum of punishing, ear-ringing silence.
DeleteSo.let me get this right....a president can only be presidenf while in Washington DC? So if they can make him leave town, he is no longer President? I missed that in Government classes.
ReplyDeleteHis description of Presidenf Obama sure reveals a whole lot of hate. And even more stupidity.
Final boarding call for the crazy train. Black man in the White House - freak out. Can't wait to see what happens when there's a woman in there :) I hope I'm around long enough to hear people say 'remember back in the early 2000s, when people lost their shit because we elected an African American? I know, ridiculous, huh?"
ReplyDeleteGryphen, can you publish my open letter to Larry Klayman? Tx, bro, I owe you one.
Dear Lar,
I'm as anxious to overthrow the government as the next guy (as long as it doesnt interfere with the series finale of Breaking Bad or the coming season of American Idol - Reggae Edition) But seriously, King George III? That's who Obama is worse than? Ya know, I just can't get too excited about that. I mean, Peoria, Illinois has had assistant mayors who were worse than King George III. It's no big deal. Ya know who was really bad? Stalin!! That dude was WAY badder than King George III and yet... I'll be honest with you (this one time), I wouldnt overthrow Obama even if he were worse than Stalin. Wanna know who was worse than Stalin? HITLER!!! Oh man!! Hitler was terrible!! Tell ya what... I'm gonna live my life as usual, but if Obama ever gets to be worse than Hitler, call me and I'll come storm the barricades with you. Meantime, consider doubling up on the Ziprexa, dude. What you're taking now, obviously aint doin' the job.
Your pal,
Ok, Gryphen, I think he'll be ok now.
You belong on Wonkette
DeleteHe should meet up with Brian the Anus from c4p
ReplyDelete"There is a nice lady bank teller in Berkeley whom I see at my bank perhaps on average once every four to six weeks. We have talked mostly about sports, especially baseball and the Oakland Raiders, in the past.
She is very friendly, and, since she cannot help but see the Sarah button that I always wear prominently, it has been a fairly safe assumption in my mind that she is at least not overly hostile towards the Governor.
This talk led to the mention of President Reagan.
Remember, we had NEVER, as far as I can recall, discussed politics before.
She glanced around, lowered her voice in a sort of conspiratorial whisper, and said:
Remarkable, isn't it?!? In Berkeley ...
Guys, from everything that happened that day, I think I can make a fair assumption, even though it is not certain, that this lady would STRONGLY consider voting for our Governor, if, Deo Volente, she runs for POTUS for 2016.
The marvels of Divine Providence!!!!"
So, he has a voter "almost" ready to vote for Palin in 2016!!!!!
But ,,, but ,,, but,,,, Taxes were raised while Reagan was president and the deficit ballooned. And he started wars; well, little wars but a war is a war, isn't it? And, besides, the 21st century GOP is not so enchanted by dear old Ronnie as the 20th century one was.
DeleteI bet she thought they were discussing monkey-themed movies......
Wow. One vote from Berkeley, CA. Yeah that will put Sarah into the WH for sure!
DeleteI bet she loved Jimmy Stewart, and Clark Gable, and Henry Fonda, and all the other MOVIE stars of that era.
DeleteOr maybe she saw the craziness in his eyes (not to mention his "Sarah" button), and decided agreeing with him was the best bet.
DeleteOh, I talked to that same bank teller. She's a card carrying member of PETA, and just loved how kind Reagan was to Bonzo. She would also vote for Bonzo, as "animals are people, too."
DeleteReagon would be called a RINO if he was around today.
DeleteGuys, from everything that happened that day, I think I can make a fair assumption, even though it is not certain, that this lady would STRONGLY consider voting for our Governor, if, Deo Volente, she runs for POTUS for 2016.
DeleteThis HAS to be satire, doesn't it? Beldar!!
Hold on, Brianus! Obamacare's funding mental health meds! There's a dude in my neighborhood who talks to the ATM all time as well!
DeleteWhich reminds me, the 224 CD boxed set of the complete recordings of Deo Volente goes on sale April 1, just in time for holiday gift buying. The set covers every era from the 1920s doo wop craze to the 1980s smooth jazz gamelan screamo phase of Deo Volente's amazing career. Also included is the rare yiddish cantorial Deo y Dio duet with the late Ronnie James Dio. Supplies are limited, so, god willing, buy early and buy often.
DeleteBwahahahahahahahahahaha!... Wait, let me catch my breath... Hahahaha...
ReplyDeleteMan, this guy is full of some serious derp. So... He might get all of 50 people to make "demands" that the President step down? Good luck with that, man.
I am looking into investing in a popcorn stand and possible a lawn chair rental kiosk.Then I need to go scout out which corner on which to situate them for the big insurrection. I am reasonably confident that I will get more lawn chair renters than there will be participants in this unruly treasonous mob. A dozen or so should do it. I might get my grandkids to create some fashionable tinfoil hats to sell as well.
ReplyDeleteActually, Olivia, as long as they follow the rules of getting a permit, not trespassing and things of that sort and DON'T do anything violent, it's free speech. Nothing treasonous about it.
DeleteHILARIOUS!, but not treasonous.
Save a chair for me?
I could be misguided, but the intent to unseat the President seems treasonous to me. Whatever... what color chair would you like?
DeleteOlivia, it is treasonous only if an attempt is made violently, as in a military coup? Otherwise it is simply free speech. Kind of like attempting to initiate a recall vote for some elected officials. Of course, were he to attempt to get another country to do it, THAT would be treason.
DeleteAnd inciting to riot is a crime, but not treasonous. That actually is limited to against the country as a whole. Notice that none of the successful presidential assassins was charged with treason. Like John Hinckley, Jr.?
Do you have any electric purple chairs? I want to stand out as the two idiots "march" past chanting.
Leland, I doubt they will bother with a permit. After all, they are the rill Amurikans and Christians to boot, fighting the good fight. They don't need to follow any rulles. I predict, just like that gun nut who was going to swarm into DC with his mob of armed 'patriots,' this will fizzle. Or, God will weigh in, and there will be a two foot snow on the 18th of November. Somehow I doubt God is on their side in this any more than he is on their side in the healthcare debate, bombing Syria, or torturing citizens. Love and forgiveness and all.
DeleteSally, my meaning (which I didn't make very clear) was that should they follow all the rules there is nothing for which they might be charged.
DeleteOh. And these people all belong behind that wall around the local funny farm! On that I believe we may all agree!
The scary thing about this dude? He looks so normal!
ReplyDeleteWhat a freak!
Years ago, I would see him on tv and he made pretty good sense. But now......oy vey!
DeleteThe best part is, none of the things he listed are actual crimes. None of them are things that people would actually go to jail for, you know, in reality.
ReplyDeleteBut this guy thinks that, because he doesn't like those things, Obama should have to rot in prison for supposedly doing them.
And Liberals are the delusional ones?!
I've invested in popcorn futures.
ReplyDeleteHe has nice hair. He's probably planning to run for president too.
ReplyDelete"He has nice hair."
DeleteUnder the theory that "if you can't say anything nice about someone, say nothing at all", this is about all you got for Mr. Clayman, eh, Lynne? I think you're way misoverestimating his future political ambitions. (In contrast to his past political ambitions) No politician has run solely on a "nice hair" platform since way back in aught twelve when professional Texas douchebag Rick "Ride 'im, Cowboy!" Perry lost the primary when he proved incapable of distinguishing his ass from his elbow nine out of eleven times on four (4) separate occasions.
Arrest him now.
ReplyDeleteYes, Obama should have been arrested years ago
DeleteYeah, yeah Anon 8:32.
DeleteShow me the cases of being arrested because he's a black man in the White House. You know you want him arrested because . . . .black. And Black. And more Black. Or whatever sad sack shit you're peddling.
Ladies and gentlemen...meet Sarah Palin's new best friend.
ReplyDeleteWhat a Fuckin DickHead!!
ReplyDeleteKlayman hounded Clinton over a lot of nothing, too. He was supposedly respectable in right wing circles in those days. He's slipped right through Glennbeckistan and off into his own delusional wilderness now.
ReplyDeleteLarry Klayman? The attorney for the heavy metal nutter preacher that sued Racheal Maddow and lost?
Interesting court filing here-
Just another dingbat begging for insertion in to the circular firing squad
ReplyDeleteFinally an honest one: he admits that just the calling yourself "Christian" really absolved you of any need to live according to their Christ (He "may have been a greedy control-freak, but at least he was Christian.")
ReplyDeleteIsn't sedition a pretty serious crime?
ReplyDeleteI've never seen so much cray cray being spewed against a sitting president. I have to believe the root of his hatred is based in racism.
ReplyDeleteGetting a judge to agree that the government is wrong -- yeah, that is super seditious. Crazier than Patsy Kline. Madder than a junkyard dog. And I wish there were a million more just like him.