Saturday, September 21, 2013

San Antonio church leaders complain that new anti-discrimination ordinance discriminates against them by not allowing them to discriminate. Ow, my head hurts!

So to be clear the San Antonio church leaders are angry because they feel that being forced to treat homosexuals and bisexuals equally, infringes upon their ability to be good Christians by mistreating them or attempting to shame them for who they are, and how they love.

Thank the gods we have religion right? I mean without that it would just be so hard to figure out who to hate.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Here's some GOOD news about getting rid of another kind of discrimination...

    And here's some statistics that shine a light on why there is more discrimination in certain parts of the country...

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    US Religious or not:

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Christians are the most hateful group we have on this earth and to top it off - the majority of them are Republicans.

    No wonder folks are moving more and more away from religion in the U.S.A.

    I'd be embarrassed as hell to be a part of the crap they spew!

  4. hedgewytch11:04 AM

    Don't you just love cognitive dissonance? Especially when its brought to you by mainstream Christianity!

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    At no point is religious rights to be more important than human rights. Otherwise then we would have to allow human sacrifices, the raping of 9 year old virgins, etc. It is not acceptable a man beats his wife to death because the flying spaghetti monkey says it's his right.

    I think we have lost sight of that sometimes. Human rights trump religious rights.

  6. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The reporter stated, as a fact, that the anti-discrimination law 'severely threatens religious liberty.' My first thought was that she studied at the 'Chuck Todd School of Horse Race Announcers' until I realized she works for the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).

    This strange misinterpretation of 'religious liberty' is also being used by christianists when it comes to both anti-bullying laws and contraception coverage in health insurance policies. The misinterpretation is a severe threat to cognitive reasoning and mental health.

  7. It’s nothing more than bullying justified by religion. And now they can’t do it. There goes all the fun and fundraising; no wonder they’re complaining.

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Ti Amo! Members of Italian Gov’t Stage ‘Kiss-In’ Against Anti-Gay Laws

    Of all the things anyone in the United States Congress has ever done to take a stand for or against gay marriage, none of them hold a candle to the Italian parliament’s truly unique protest against anti-gay discrimination. In the middle of a debate on hate crimes legislation, members of the M5S party stopped talking and started locking lips for one giant gay kiss-in.

    The bill proposed in parliament to criminalize homophobic and transphobic discrimination easily passed (354-79), but not before these particular politicians had their say.

    The parliamentary debate was interrupted when dozens of M5S politicians stood in unison and began kissing and hugging each other. Fellow politicians from Beppe Grillo’s party held signs that called for “more rights” for gay people.

    A uniquely European protest, eh?

    Watch video of the demonstration below

  9. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Bethlehem for sale any takers?

  10. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Freedom? Free speech? Not when it comes to calling out the cabal that is the NRA:

    Professor put on leave after Republicans demanded his removal over NRA tweet

  11. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Jesse, these are off topic, but really good articles on how Obama's foreign policy approach is working. One of the writers is SUPER conservative, and one is HuffPost.

    Obama's Strategy Of Talking To Countries Instead Of Going To War Might Just Be Crazy Enough To Work

    When a less-gray-haired Sen. Barack Obama declared, early in his first presidential campaign, that he would be willing to meet with the leaders of estranged nations like Iran and Syria without preconditions, he was roundly chastised by both Democrats and Republicans alike for naivete.

    But now, after six arduous, solitary years of standing by a policy of preferring accord with rogue nations over recourse to full-on war, his approach seems to be on the verge of bearing fruit.

    From Iran to Syria, Obama's Toughness Is Paying Off

    There is one main reason why Iran is making conciliatory noises about its relationship with the U.S. and about the future of its nuclear program, and there is one main reason why Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian dictator, is signaling his intention to give up his stockpiles of chemical weapons.

    The reason: President Barack Obama's toughness.

    Obviously HE is 'sorting it out' as opposed to our resident idiot, 'Let Allah sort it out'.

  12. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I think that they have not told the whole story....


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