Saturday, September 21, 2013

Milwaukee man known as "Guy with the Gun," gets robbed. At gunpoint.

Courtesy of Freakout Nation: 

A Milwaukee man, who became known in his neighborhood as ‘The guy with the gun” because he always had his firearm with him, was robbed. A guy robbed ‘the guy with the gun’ at gunpoint. 

Now he’ll be known as the ‘guy who got robbed.’ 

The 34 year-old victim chose not to go on camera but he did say that he carried the gun because he had been jumped and held up at knife point in the past. But now he believes, in his case, open carry made him a target and he will no longer do it.

You ever read a story that is so  perfect that you really don't need to add anything?

Well you just have.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    These people with guns are flippin' idiots! Like palin pandering to these assholes showing Piper looking psycho with a gun!

    Teh stupid it just burns!

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      That entire Palin Family is Psycho, and everyone knows it.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      The difference is, this guy learned something. The Palins are unwilling and unable to do that.

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    So, I guess he wasn't a good guy with a gun since he couldn't stop the bad guy with a gun.

  3. angela7:52 AM

    Good grief.

  4. lostinmn8:07 AM

    These people are idiots. They might as well tape a couple of hundred dollar bills on their ass. Guy wants a gun? What better target than some Ahole strutting his manhood around town? You walk up with your gun, what's he gonna do? Challenge you to a quick draw contest? Nope, he's gonna give up his manhood and then go wa, wa, wa. Good for him figuring out wearing a gun in public may make people shy away from you but attract criminals looking for someone to rob like a flower bed in full bloom to a pack of honey bees? What an idiot.

  5. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Sarah makes Barney look like a hot sharpshooter.

    ot Snowden and Alexis

  6. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Unfortunately, the NRA's propaganda and fear of a Black man in the White House who is 'gonna steal your guns' is working it's magic:

    Gun Control Polls Find Support Sliding For Harsher Laws

    Guns are not a part of my life, nor have they ever been. Not handguns, especially. None of my friends own a gun. I can intellectually accommodate the idea of hunting if one depends on their food and survival, though for sport, absolutely not. Taking a high powered rifle with a scope and training it on the destruction of an innocent creature in the wild is rather disgusting to me. Take a bow and arrow and REALLY even up the odds, if you must feed the need to hunt.

    For protection in the wild, where man is treading where he doesn't belong and the animal does, it's wise, and necessary, I guess for survival's sake.

    The gun proliferation in this country sickens me. It's ALL based in fear, retribution, hate and destruction, with RARE instances of providing a positive result.

    I am so grateful that guns are no part of my life or the people around me. I wouldn't have it any other way. And just for references, I live in a major, huge urban area, in a mixed race middle class neighborhood. I'm sure there are guns around, they just don't, and haven't ever, intruded on my life (other than my utter heartache every time I read of the most recent slaughter of innocents, lives destroyed, toddlers maimed, dreams crushed.)

    1. Akmomma2:50 PM

      I understand your aversion to guns. I have been around guns my entire life. I grew up on a farm. Grandpa's shotgun was in the closet and we were not allowed to open that door for any reason. Off limits. When he used it, we were not allowed to watch. It was not for recreation. He also had a bandsaw in his workshop. Also off limits. We were never allowed to touch it. Both items were tools. They were made for specific jobs. They were not toys and the use of them was restricted to sober, rational adults.

      We are seeing gun insanity going on today. People have gone so over-the-top crazy about gun 'rights' that they have forgotten every right comes with a responsibility.

      You are exercising your right/responsibility by not owning a gun, because you have no need for one, any more than I think you would need a John Deere Tractor and haybaler. The people that are screaming the loudest about their right to own guns are, I think, the people that need them the least.

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    That is a great example of what Sarah Palin and her DYSFUNCTIONAL Brood would do if confronted by an ARMED Criminal. They are all WIMPS.

  8. Sally in MI8:48 AM

    So when is this SSaturday "Display Your GUns on Your Front Lawn" event again? I thought it was sometime this month, and was to be a chance for wannabe criminals all over this nation to write down the addresses wheere they could break in o find lots and lots of stupid weapons, which they can then sell online (see, when things aren't registered, they cannot be traced, NRA) or use to commit crimes. Great idea, 2nd Amendment nuts. Could this be the start of no carry? I wish.

  9. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Jon Stewart blasts Republicans over gun hypocrisy and the Constitution

    But all of this raises a larger question. Why is it that guns are the one danger we seem utterly unable to do anything about in any way?

    SEN. JOHN CORNYN, R-TX (4/17/2013): This is one of the provisions of the Bill of Rights that the founding framers of our Constitution felt so passionately about that they made sure it was included in our Constitution as part of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution.
    Constitution! Damnit! I guess we just have to accept whatever the consequences are of an armed-to-the-teeth nation, per our Founding Fathers, like with terrorism. And how even though the government would like to have a role in preventing terrorism, their hands are tied by the Constitution. Like when we found out the NSA was collecting all our phone calls. And that seemed to us to be somewhat of a violation of the Constitution. What do you say, John Cornyn?

    SEN. JOHN CORNYN, R-TX (5/11/2006): This is not somewhere where the President or the intelligence community is running like a rogue elephant across, trampling our civil liberties. I think we ought to lower our language and our rhetoric a little bit and be conscious of what's at stake. And what's at stake is the safety and security of the American people.

    Oh, so with guns, the Constitution is iron-clad, but with terrorism, it's a list of suggestions.


    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      The Founding Fathers included an amendment process right in the Constitution because they were smart enough to know that the world would change and their document would need to change along with it.

      The 2nd Amendment IS, after all, an AMENDMENT so, if they want to be really ridiculous about it, their sacred Second Amendment ISN'T IN THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION, YOU IDIOTS!!

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    O/T but looks like Kristy the Palin Stalker found her way to Wonkette a few days ago and left a bunch of crazy comments on their Bristol Palin/Planned Parenthood thread.

    Wonkette posted the comments yesterday in their own thread and the comments are hilarious. Most people think that the commenter is a man who desperately wants to get with Bristol, however it's very obvious who the commenter is.

    Comments on the thread are hilarious and I just had to share.

    1. Thank you ...what a treat to read the comments. I knew it had to be out there...I found it: an oldie but a goodie...Leave Bristol Palin Alone...

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Anonymous10:19 AM
      It looks like they DID NOT let her comment! And saved up all her retarded, 'Get a life" libel, slander, comments for a post!
      Bwhahhaaaaa, Can't wait until GinaM see's this!

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM


  12. Years ago, when we lived in the Coconut Grove area of Miami, a local circuit court judge used to walk around the neighborhood at night, dressed in black leather, holstered firearm, accompanied by a large male Doberman in a barbed wire-type collar. (I am NOT making this up!)

    Needless to say, he was not re-elected.


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