All of us were horrified by the murders at the Washington Navy Yard this week. Once again, in the aftermath of a shooting, a new installment of the debate about gun laws has broken out. But what we really need is a new discussion about what kind of people we are and what kind of country we want to be. (We are a gun obsessed kid of people, and instead we should be a country that solves its problems without resorting to deadly force. There, how's that for a discussion?
It’s no secret which side I’m on in any debate involving the Second Amendment (or the whole Constitution, for that matter). (Personally I don't think she knows ANY other amendments beside the second and perhaps the first.) We call Alaska America’s Last Frontier, and firearms are a big part of our lifestyle here because they are part of our frontier tradition. And, as I tell my daughters, the ability to use a firearm responsibly and to defend yourself is also part of our heritage as American women. ("Frontier tradition?" "Heritage as American women?" WTF? Alaskans owned guns because there were big scary animals all around them, and they were trying to stay alive in a dangerous and harsh environment. However allow me to point out that the Native Alaskans survived up here for thousands and thousands of years before they ever even saw a gun.)
The iconic musket over the fireplace wasn’t just for the menfolk on the frontier. ("Menfolk? Who talks like that?") Those stalwart women who crossed oceans and wilderness to settle our country knew how to protect themselves and their families. (Yes they were considered the property of their men, and were therefore protected just like the cows, sheep, chickens, and other breeding stock.) (One of my favorite scenes in the miniseries John Adams is when Abigail Adams, alone with her children in besieged Massachusetts while her husband is away at the Continental Congress, shoulders the family musket to protect her little ones when she hears the distant sounds of battle. That’s our heritage, ladies.) (She DOES realize that's a movie, right?)
Hunting is an integral part of our lifestyle in the 49th state. Using guns isn’t just recreation for us; it’s how many of us get our dinner. Granted, today, with a grocery store on virtually every corner, there isn’t the actual necessity to live a “subsistence lifestyle” that there was a generation ago in Alaska when I was growing up, (Hah! She finally admitted it!) but my family still lives by the motto “We eat; therefore, we hunt.” We live off the healthy organic protein provided by Alaska’s wild fish and game. (Which is why the dress up in camouflage when they drive over to the local Taco Bell for a protein rich Crunchwrap Supreme.)
Todd and I have taught our kids how to handle firearms responsibly, just as my dad taught me. (Then why did Levi have to show her how to use the gun under her bed, and why did her daddy have to load her rifle for her during the filming of SPA?) In fact, we took our girls for a special hunt on Mother’s Day this year at our cabin looking out at the distant majestic peak of Mt. McKinley,
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Courtesy of Facebook |
and we had a blast teaching twelve-year-old Piper mounted shooting in warm Montana this summer.
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Also courtesy of Facebook. |
But we must remember that emotion won’t make anybody safer or protect our rights. Beware of politicians who exploit our emotions in an attempt to pass laws that even they admit wouldn’t have prevented the violence.
CNN’s Don Lemon recently saw the light on this issue and highlighted the Centers for Disease Control study showing that so-called military assault rifles account for a small fraction of gun violence. The overwhelming majority of gun-related deaths are inflicted with handguns, (True.) but a ban on handguns is not only politically untenable (Sadly also true.); it would also hinder the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves (especially Americans who live in troubled urban areas where the police are slow to respond to emergency calls).
Instead of offering real solutions based on facts, reactionary politicians offer us the politics of emotion, which is the opposite of leadership. It is the manipulation of the people by the political class for their own political ends. It is so very self-serving, but, worse, it is destructive. (You mean like when George Bush convinced Americans that we should attack two blameless countries after 9-11?)
The first thing politicians ask after these tragedies is essentially: “What can we do to limit the freedom of the people?”
And that is the wrong question. The question we should be asking is: “What can we do to nurture and support a people capable of living in freedom?” (Did Sarah Palin's ghostwriter actually ascribe a desire to nurture others to a woman so cold and aloof that her own children call her by first name, and the little boy with Down syndrome keeps hitting her in the face?)
Earlier this year I spoke at the NRA convention and reminded a conscientious, patriotic audience that our country’s Founders asked themselves that question and knew the answer. They understood that a free people must either nurture morality or lose their freedom. John Adams wrote, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” (Ahh, the call for more religion. I wondered when that would be inserted into the conversation.) Not coincidentally, he wrote that to the officers of the Massachusetts militia when the young republic was on the verge of war with France. He reminded those officers who were charged with leading armed men that the freedoms secured by the Constitution take for granted a decent and civil society.
This isn’t just a question for American society. It’s a civilizational question for all humanity. Margaret Thatcher spoke eloquently of this co-dependence of freedom and morality. She said, “Freedom will destroy itself if it is not exercised within some sort of moral framework, some body of shared beliefs, some spiritual heritage transmitted through the Church, the family, and the school.” (Shout out to Margaret Thatcher. Check!)
I’m reminded of that quote (That her ghostwriter just looked up for her.) every time I see politicians reach for the easy answers instead of asking the hard questions after tragedies like the one this week. When they seek to strip away our Second Amendment rights instead of suggesting that those who hide behind the First Amendment need to act more responsibly, they are helping freedom destroy itself. When Hollywood glorifies violence with its movies and music, but then underwrites efforts to take away our rights, it is helping freedom destroy itself. When those incorporating virtue into their lives are criticized, mocked, and bullied while pop culture’s kingmakers elevate and celebrate a self-centered “I’ll do what I want and consequences be damned” mentality, those kingmakers and bullies are helping freedom destroy itself. And when We the People shrug our shoulders and duck our heads while society becomes more cynical and our sense of family and community atrophies, we’re all helping freedom destroy itself. (So to be clear, it is not too many guns, which are too easy to get, that are the source of all of these bullets flying around. But it IS Hollywood, video games, and a lack of religious instruction. That about right?)
Americans have always had access to firearms. Guns certainly aren’t any more pervasive now than they were back when the Minutemen were stockpiling weapons at Lexington and Concord. (Those were single shot muskets!)But something definitely has changed since then. It’s not the weapons. (Yes it is!) It’s us. (You mean politicians who glorify guns and fight against any rational gun control? Because if you do, I agree.)
Instead of rushing to find some magical legislative solution, we need to ask ourselves a few hard questions: Are we creating a culture that can live and thrive in freedom? Do we have bold leaders willing and able to nurture such a culture? Do we have artists whose works reflect and inspire such a culture? Consider the answers to these questions carefully, because, if the answers are no, then we are in much more trouble than any new law can fix.
A decent and moral society is guided by voluntary self-restraint. The less moral we are, the more legalistic we become. (So we were MORE moral when we had slaves and denied women the right to vote, and less moral when we passed laws to free the slaves and give rights to women?) But more laws can’t protect a civilization that has lost its way. At most, they’re just tiny speed bumps for a runaway truck.
The solutions we seek won’t be found in the halls of Congress or state legislatures. Might I humbly suggest that we step back from the TV, take a breath, hug our kids, reach out to friends and neighbors, and say a prayer.
Yes hugging our children and praying will stop gun violence. Why didn't I think of that?
I don't think that any of us who have had the misfortune of reading something Palin actually wrote, (Another example here.) or heard her speak off the cuff, think ANY of this was written by her.
However I felt the need to share it because we have been wondering when she would weigh in on this recent mass shooting, and now we know.
Essentially her message, as attributed to her SarahPAC paid consultants, is that we don't need no stinking new gun laws, we just need strong moral leaders in Washington, less TV, and more praying.
Yup, that should certainly solve all of our problems.
Her frontier heritage? What a fraud.
ReplyDeleteReally, she is so full of it! She REALLY needs a new schtick
DeletePalin could not effectively govern one of the least populated states in America and had to resign halfway through the first term. She needs to sit down and shut up until she proves she can actually handle the responsibilities that come with the job. So far she hasn't done anything to prove can be taken seriously as a leader. She can't even manage her own political action committee and Facebook page without breaking the law and is currently being sued for copyright infringement. She's an embarrassment to every honest and hard working American. If you disagree then you are obviously not hard working or you are simply dishonest yourself, so stfu your comment is irrelevant!
DeletePiper looks psycho!
I've been an Alaskan since 1950 and my friends that were born and raised in the state NEVER use the term 'their frontier heritage'! Palin is so full of shit it is mind altering! What a friggin' fraud!
DeletePoor Piper! The kid is in for so much ridicule and scorn. All due to her mother, pimp Dad and sister that has set a horrid example for her (Bristol)!
I have family that have been living out on the Kenai peninsula since before the Oil find on the Swanson River in the 50's because several more family members trekked up there after that. Yeah, they're pretty comfortable outdoors, and do their share of hunting and fishing just as always. And they understand that not all of the kids are going to reject the opportunities of a good education just to say, "I'm an Alaskan, by damn, and we're going to shoot at stuff because that's what real Alaskans do." They do enjoy sharing the outdoors up there with us "down in the lower 48", but it wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable for us if, like Sarah the Bullshitter Quitter, they acted like they own the goddam outdoors and that they created the scenery, the wildlife, the 30.06 and always talked like they wrote the friggin book on being a sportsmen. Those who can, do. Those who are always talking a great game never even got off the bench in a jayvee game that was a blowout. Not meant to be a tricky metaphor, but if it is, ignore it and just understand that Sarah is full of shit and full of herself, because she has no clue that almost everyone of average intelligence or higher, and even most who are below average but have a little common sense, knows just how big a bullshitter and fraud that Sarah is , on literally, everything she talks about.
DeleteMy folks there were a little hesitant about Sarah Palin and her leadership in the State pretty soon after Sarah was inaugurated as Gov in Dec, 2006, but admittedly they were proud when she got the nod and was put on McCain's disastrous GOP ticket. They're Christian and they considered her to be one as well, from what they were told at first. But, unfortunately for Sarah, our family is like a lot of Alaskans in that when they smell a rat, they don't pretend that it doesn't stink and must be everyone else's collective imagination. Which is to say, they don't like seeing their state and country fleeced, and then keep quiet just because the Guv takes all the credit for the citizens getting an extra check, like that gives her the right to fuck over the people there and everywhere else that she can "go and repeat the same lame-ass story about how great she does everything in that exotic Arctic adventure land, which she has personally tamed and is now the sole agent and representative of forever and ever, Amen." That was not MY quote, but it was from someone who knows her well and knows many others who know her and almost all of them think of her similarly, not out of jealousy by any means. But merely that most honorable people will not sacrifice their dignity and family's name in playing the part of a shill and dragging their own children in that same ditch. If you're poor and destitute, maybe you'd choose to trade places with one of the Heaths or Palins. But otherwise, who would choose the fate that Sarah and her lackeys have created for themselves and their poorly-raised kids? Those kids will never escape the labels put on them by people who have known their parents to be the grifting liars that they are, and see these lazy, uneducated kids considering themselves to be entitled to the rewards without getting up off the couch. That's why the grand kids will learn, and they will have us tried teenage pregnancies and abortions and they'll play hide and seek with babies too because that's what they were taught--- nothing in the way of useful interpersonal skills and communication, problem resolution, listening actively, etc they weren't even shown and explained that a condom of a tool that doesn't work if not used. Well, that's some stuff maybe they could think about. First things first.
Frontier heritage is a marketing term from the Chamber of Commerce for Frontier Days Sidewalk Sale. we have them here in the oh so tame Midwest 'burbs. The more with it towns pull out the law books and for fun enforce the silly laws that have never been bothered to be repealed - I was once arrested for eating a pickle on Sunday, men must grow beards, women not comb their hair in public,etc. Laughable.
Delete$carah would have been dunked as a "common scold" or burned as a witch if she lived before the 18th century.
very scary that a woman with mental issues is holding a rifle.....
Deletewhat is the blue in the lower right corner of the boy Piper's photo? is that Todd's shoulder?
DeleteI think Piper's horse is being guided by someone walking next to the horse. Piper most likely does not know how to ride (control) a horse. For safety and legal reasons the horse is controlled by someone other than an inexperienced rider.
Delete"Todd and I taught our Daughters how to make Babies and use them to Grift money from Stupid people". There, fixed it for ya.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I'd like to thank you for posting Idiot Barbie's ghostwritten take on the Navy yard shootings----only I know most of us will drop five IQ points after reading the last word. So basically . . . bullshit, more guns, fake picture of Piper (not riding correctly) pray, and boy if she didn't have someone writing this crap for her to fool her stupid fans----she wouldn't have enough time to comb the spiders out of her wigs.
ReplyDeleteNot nearly as horrified by guns as when she opens her mouth!
ReplyDelete"Mt. McKinley" ???
ReplyDeleteI don't know any Alaskans who call the mountain that. It's "Denali" around here. Where is the ghostwriter from? New Jersey?
I saw that too. Since when has she used a proper "lower 48" term to describe "her beloved Alaaaaaska" mountain peak?
Delete$carah only uses them "Eskimo words" when she is going to the IHS to get free health care for her kids, or holds up Toad as her token minority to show she can't be a racist with a "one-drop rule" native husband. Otherwise them colonialist 'Merkin" words are good enough for her and the Heath Palins.
DeleteShe is really a lunatic. How could anyone ever believe that she wrote that and why would anyone care what she thinks? It just boggles my mind to read comments following her post. There are really a lot of dumb people in this country and she sure can attract them. The grifter keeps on grifting. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteOkay...un huh....right....let's all agree that Baldy didn't write no part of that bullshit post! I don't even think Baldy read any part of it...the shit was so fucking lonnnng and boring that her own crazy bots didn't read all of it either!
DeleteWe all know Baldy's contribution would have been something about President Obama's ass and dingaling! Baldy's mind is in the gutter...she's a is all they talk and think about! Amirite RAM...ya fat fuck...or amirite! LOL!!
RAM is a good Catholic girl. Don't upset her sensibilities.
DeleteRAM is a self hating intellectual whore.
DeleteWhat a frackin' doofus!! Sarah, instead of pointing downrange, appears to be pointed cross range, given the target is in the background of the picture. That would be considered unacceptable at any public range with safety rules.
ReplyDeleteInteresting thing is that picture appears to be staged to be the same pose as President Obama when he was shooting the shotgun.
And, what's with Piper and all those revolvers at her waist??? Too funny!!
piper, the one all her fans who commented on her facebook thought was a boy until they went in and fixed all the "he's" to "she's"? she is quite manly in the face like her mother...
DeleteWith that thick neck most people probably thought that was Trig on the horse!
DeleteThe whole thing is a face. The photos come from one of their summer vacations. It's called mounted shooting. Sarah and Piper sat on horses, holding on to the saddle horn (a no no) with one hand and someone leads the horse around a horse ring. At various places, there are targets with balloons set up. The gun is loaded with blanks which will break the balloon but not hurt anyone if they go astray. If someone is leading the horse, then Palin is not shooting as the horse runs past (like in the cowboy movies). The leader stops the horse so Palin can take a shot at the target, maybe ten or twenty feet away. Can't miss. The photo appears to be on a disc, something to play at home and relive the memories of being lead slowly around a horse ring and firing blanks at balloons. Some frontierswoman.
DeleteShe's asking the 'tough' questions? Like, what do you read?
ReplyDeleteHer frontier heritage?! Give me a bag!! To puke in, what a sorry excuse for a human being, go the fuck away you skank, grifter, bigot!!!!
ReplyDeleteDamn, she is such a stupid dumb fuck!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's so fucking long! How much did you pay for that pile of BS Sarah. Organic protein? Bloch! You are so predictable AND stupid!
Uhhhh yeah. If any of Alaska has planted cropland, like here in the Midwest, that protein ain't organic. Our deer here eat Monsanto RoundUP GMO corn and soybeans, almost exclusively.
Deleteis that so the future deer population will die as they all become sterile?
DeleteI hope the National Review knows that $arah did not write that diatribe. I will certainly post a comment saying so. $he is incapable of putting two complete sentences together in both writing and speaking.
ReplyDeleteThe old hag might be good at deceiving people in the L48, but not in AK. $he is a lying fraud.
You're right. She's probably curled up in a closet, waiting for her handlers to give her the next hit of meth and another Red Bull. Has anyone actually seen her in public lately ? They're hiding her.
DeleteOh I can't wait until Sunday! The Asylum is reporting that Baldy is going to be on at exactly 1:40 ET! do they know the precise time Baldy will be slurring her words on TV unless the program has been taped already!
I can't wait to see what she looks like! I'm sure she'll be doing her motor mouth routine...trying to get in all her same ole talking points before Roger the Hut's weekend producer cuts her raggedy ass off!
She's going to be on with some I predict she's going to be doing that mean old lady stare at the camera...with an occasional facial grimace that she thinks is a smile but looks like she been caught taking a dump! LOL!!!
Alaskans should write National Review and let them know that Sarah Palin was NOT capable of scripting that due to being the MOST incapable/uneducated Alaskan the state has!
DeleteIt's so easy to give references as to her lack of knowledge and background in Alaska - she's not a job holder, not an energy expert, not a gun expert, and is the the worst quitter gov the State of Alaska has had!
She truly is a fraud and liar!!!
1:40 it is!! Baldy is always punctual and with Rainbow Lodge Purse Boy by her side she will be dressed and ready to WOW them off their rockers. I think I'll have a Mimosa with my fig and blue cheese tart and watch the fun. Carry on.
DeleteSunday at 1:40? That's time for religious services in most of America AKA, Sunday football.
DeleteWhat a crock of shit.
ReplyDelete"I'm proud of my frontier heritage"... hahahahahaha ha cough, cough, gack.
ReplyDeleteGood one Becky!
The question is, does Sarah even understand what Becky wrote?
Please...she is NO frontier woman. She lives a block and a half off a major highway. She cannot shoot a gun. She lives on junk food and Red Bull. She flies only First Class while her pimp sits in coach. Just STOP it you faker!
DeleteWill someone please force Sarah to explain how deceiving readers into believing she wrote something written by someone else fits within any reasonable definition of morality.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that when Palin speaks, she doesn't sound at all like the person who wrote that op ed. In fact, when Palin speaks, it is her usual garbled word salad.
DeleteImpossible. You know, like teaching a twelve year old "mounted shooting" (insert filthy joke with sexual inuendo here) when she isn't even holding the reins.
DeleteSo, Sarah's ghostwriter gets in two mentions of the Adams family of Massachusetts, Lexington and Concord (trying to erase Sarah's infamous Paul Revere slip-up), Margaret Thatcher, a slam at Hollywood (because they wouldn't give her another reality show), religion (read: Christianity), that frontier thing that's been old news for more than a hundred years, and, once again, her daughters, with the implication that their "virtue" is under siege and they must learn how to shoot balloons from broken-down old nags to protect themselves -- possibly from any needy buddies living next door.
ReplyDeleteHey, I've got a Master's in English literature, and I can't comprehend any of this screed, from one convoluted sentence to the next.
I think that was the point -- her bots certainly won't take away any message but the buzz words (freedom, Minutemen, morality) and think she's said something profound. The editors at the National Review know it's a messed up bit of nothing -- word salad on paper! -- but they give her the space just because it's something to fill the gaps. And, for them to quietly laugh at her, behind her back.
Sarah, to quote your "own" item here -- you were the originator and queen of "I'll do whatever I want to and the consequences be damned."
Also, writing as someone from Massachusetts who knows a heck of a lot more about American history than you do -- and whose ancestors first arrived here in 1638, then spread out to all corners of our country -- I don't need you to lecture me about our heritage and what the Constitution means.
The Second Amendment has been perverted by you and your gun-loving cronies to mean the exact opposite of what it says.
I know you think that John and Abigail Adams would embrace you as one of their own, if you lived back then, but they'd think you were the town witch.
The Minutemen at Lexington and Concord would have no time or patience for your nastiness and divisiveness.
Margaret Thatcher would know you were a presumptive ignoramus just by looking at you.
The frontier women who traveled on foot, in wagons, in steerage, would have told you to empty out the slop buckets and feed the hogs before tending to the fire at night. They wouldn't have time for your gabby self-promotion. And they wouldn't trust you around their men -- that's what their guns would be for.
Well thought out and written, yes,yes!
Delete>>And they wouldn't trust you around their men -- that's what their guns would be for.
DeleteLOL! Yep, that's exactly right, and they would WHUP her ass! Great comment!
I agree, excellent comment. Except this one doesn't sound "Ram"my enough for me and it's too intellectual for Nancy, she HAD to pay someone else for this piece of work.
DeleteClapping wildly! Epic rant!
DeleteEither a witch, or a loose woman - $carah would be in the indentured servant class. Her indenture would have been sold because she was lazy, and because she screwed the stableboy and caused discord among the other servants. She would have been relegated to something where she had little contact with the public.
DeletePoor Piper with her big fat face! Couldn't Mama Griz have found a more flattering photo of the chunky pre teen?
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for the child - a better diet and some exercise would probably help...
DeleteShe's been influenced by liposuction and plastic surgery - it doesn't matter how big you are, they can just cut it out.
Your link to an example of Palin's writing really surprised me! I was expecting to see either 'Who's Your Daddy' or 'Trig's Creator'. The 'CBJ/VP candidate health letter' was a stroke of genius!
ReplyDeleteThanks I thought it would do.
DeleteI want to see the amniocentesis report.
DeleteSarah -- here's a little history from wikipedia. Just to refresh your memory. John Adams was not a Christian.
ReplyDelete"After much reflection, he decided to become a lawyer, writing his father that he found among lawyers “noble and gallant achievements" but among the clergy, the "pretended sanctity of some absolute dunces." He later became a Unitarian, and dropped belief in predestination, eternal damnation, the divinity of Christ, and most other Calvinist beliefs of his Puritan ancestors."
so she got canned at faux again & is now on the NRA payroll?
ReplyDeleteHer fans say that she'll be appearing on Fox on Sunday morning. No, not in prime time, but Sunday morning before the games start.
DeleteI read 1:40 on Sunday over at the pond.
DeleteNice of Rog to squeeze her in anyplace. Someone tape it, please.
DeleteAnonymous5:13 PM
DeleteYep...the nutbars are not happy with the time the old hunchback Baldy will be appearing....this is what a couple of the dumbass' had to say about that!
"mder4thegov • 2 hours ago −
They never ask the governor to come on with the RINO's like Kristol, Rove, Hume and Wallace, which is one of the many reasons I stopped watching MSNBC-lite years ago.
What an insult: 1:00 p.m. on a football Sunday.
BostonBruin • 2 hours ago
We'll have to do our part to make her interview go viral since it conflicts with NFL football on Sunday."
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I say! Those delusional idiots are so good for some laughs!
1:40 means 1:59 and cut. Roger isn't as dumb as he acts. lol
DeleteWhat is it with her and Don Lemon at CNN? This is no the first time she has mentioned him.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin wants to squeeze that lemon, till the juice runs down his leg.
Delete(Hat Tip, Led Zeppelin)
I think she's jonesing for a jay oh bee at Cee Enn Enn, since Roger cut her hour a month down to ten minutes every six months.
DeleteIf 4:49 is right, she needs to watch "Clueless".
I worked in broadcast media for years and I can tell you that anytime on a Sunday, especially mid day, is dubbed the "dead zone."
DeleteThe fact that FOX has her on that day/time says loads about how unpopular she is with the managers. And it's clear that none of the FOX prime timers want anything to do with the hateful spew of $creech Paylin. LOL
I am more convinced than ever that Palin is in hiding due to a case of severe cowardice. If not totally catatonic, very close. Perhaps she could mumble for someone to send a tweet about Obama and ass. A consultant cleaned it up some for her. I don't think another word came from her. Grunts and moans is more like her at this stage. Word Salad can't come easy for the near brain dead. Sarah Palin is frozen in mortal fear and totally unable to lead anything. As much as I do hope Roger Ailes will allow her to return to Fox, I don't know they can get her prepped and cleaned up in time to do anything by Sunday. We can hope.
ReplyDeleteThis latest example of what the defunct Palin brand is attempting is showing them sinking in most pathetic ways. Poor Piper is the latest prop? A sure sign Sarah is near the end. It is embarrassing to use a child in such a humiliating manner. Not the I can't ride a horse or shoot a gun scenario again.
What old crap and lies will they drag out next? Which victim/prop will be dusted off and recycled for another boring attempt at.. at what? What is she doing? She lost her celebrity status now the world knows she was never an actual politician. What is she now? Recluse with a paid machine to prop her up like some dead Maria Eva Duarte de Peron they are bringing out for one more dinner with the dead.
I agree that $arah is scared to show her face anywhere. She hides more and more behind social media and only appears in the most scripted, controlled settings.
DeleteI remember greeting her at an event a few months before $he quit as GINO - I will never forget how $he clung to Todd (a surprisingly small man)and had fear in her eyes ... until $he got the vibe that the crowd was friendly. Then $he immediately put on the ol' charm and started being cutesy, smarmy $arah.
Now the only thing $he's running is running scared.
@9:03, thanks for the eye witness account! Interesting.
DeleteThe National Review (or the NRA) picked the wrong woman to deliver that message. Sarah Palin, who gleefully posted crosshairs on maps of Gabby Giffords district before Gabby Giffords was shot and six people died including a 9 year old girl. Sarah Palin - of all people - calling for decency, morals and virtue when she and Todd sat front row, clapping wildly while their oldest daughter dry humped her dance partner on national TV. Does Sarah remember bragging that her father taught her "Don't retreat, reload"? Does she remember her posts telling Dr. Laura Schlessinger "Don't retreat, reload" after Dr. Laura's saying "n----r" 10 or so times on the air to a black woman? The ghostwriter doesn't know Sarah Palin OR the ghostwriter thinks that we are absolute morons with no memory at all. Or both.
ReplyDelete"Don't retreat, reload"
DeleteThe irony of the fact that she has retreated. Ghostwriting does not count for anything but fake.
Sarah Palin is in retreat and her fake posts are failures.
Who is in charge of photography and stage sets? Why do they post photos that show the Palins know nothing about horses. The females can't handle a gun right. The worst shooters on the planet could be posed and photographed to look as if they can shoot.
I don't get why they post photos that show them as liars and frauds.
It's hard to find photos of them as anything but liars and frauds. It's that 'vibrant' fake life they lead. And if someone writes "healthy organic protein" for her again, I will throw up. Frontier women do not spend their time in jets, three states, and on $10,000 a day yachts sunning themselves. Real women work, Sarah. Then they come home and cook dinner, help the kids with their homeowrk instead of looking over relaity TV show ideas, hug their kids, bathe them, read them stories, and tuck them in. When is the last time you did any of that? You are no Abigail Adams, dear, and no Farrah Fawcett. You are a nobody who is expert only in getting limited attention.
Delete"Did Sarah Palin's ghostwriter actually ascribe a desire to nurture others to a woman so cold and aloof that her own children call her by first name, and the little boy with Down syndrome keeps hitting her in the face?"
ReplyDeleteTHAT is probably the funniest thing I've read all year. Nice one.
When I hear Mrs. Palin speak I hear a sly and confused individual who ain't afraid of being found out,embarrassed,locked up or burned at the stake. This broad may not know how to shoot,write,organize,speak or suck a dick but what she CAN do, hoss, is divide. She is amazing,amazing. Dangerous skirt,she is a dangerous fucking skirt,that one.
ReplyDeleteAmen, brother!
DeleteMeh, I think you're ascribing way too much power to her. At this point, the only people she has left who give a shit about anything she says were already against everything she attacks. They just like her because she reinforces their ignorant hate.
DeleteShe's not bringing new minds into her fold, she can't even keep the ones she had in 2008, they've been leaving in droves.
I see no evidence that she has any meaningful influence over anything at all. Just a gaggle of clingy haters who are too proud to ever admit they've been used and taken advantage of.
there is not CHANCE IN HELL that our fucking $arah the bitch wrote that article
ReplyDeleteThe day that $arah speaks in public using a phrase like "politically untenable", I'll be willing to think maybe she took advice from Bill Kristol and studied up.
Until then you feckless vapid bitch, crawl back in your grifter estate and shut your vicious pie hole
Piper has a big thick neck like a bodybuilder! What's up with that? What an unfortunate teen...
ReplyDeleteTheir friends at the ranch from this summer wrote on twitter they were all good shots while mounted shooting. I mean, they've all been exposed to hunting and guns from early ages, as most Alaskans have.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous4:55 PM
Delete"Their friends at the ranch..."
Okay troll...I'm gonna have to stop you right there! Now you know and I know and everyone here knows...that the family of gargoyles don't have FRIENDS!
So stop your fronting and bullshit and we'll all get along just fine! LOL!!!
Their "friends" at the ranch were laughing themselves silly at idiots that perch on horses instead of learning to ride horses. At least the Palins could learn not to publish photos of their pathetic equestrian skills.
DeleteGood Catch, Gina! They can hardly aim when they're not mounted.... pass me the brain bleach.
DeleteWell, la-ti-da!
DeleteMaybe if any of the Palins had a job they would know how important it is to be able to go to work without worrying that you could be the victim of an angry/confused/mentally ill individual who is carrying a loaded weapon.
Not every American is lucky enough to be on permanent vacation. Why don't you just head on back to the ranch, and hang out with your "friends"?
Happy trails!
"all good shots?" Palin couldn't even hit a standing caribou for TV. And how close were they to those balloons? I'm betting the whole setup is so everyone who pays is 'a good shot.' Wouldn't do to make it hard and people not have fun. Personally, shooting anything is idiotic to me. I ahve never even seen a gun. My kids did not have them growing up, and don't now. My son is in TExas, and I pray he knows where his kids go on play dates, and that they stay out of homes with guns.
DeleteFriends at the ranch? Do they mean the hired help that is paid to encourage the guests, make nice to the guests, even "befriend" the guests? I've worked at resorts (college jobs.) You have no clue what the we said between ourselves privately. In public, it's all for the tip. Like the rich nephew said in "Dirty Dancing" - you have to dance with the daughters, even or especially, the ugly ones. In private, we laughed at the 98% of the clueless, ill-mannered, rude, untalented athletically or otherwise guests.
DeleteNot to side with her, but this is what she's been saying all along. People just WANT to find anything they can twist and make negative. A liberal's MO.
ReplyDeleteBoth conservatives and liberals detest the fake crap Palin has spewed for her. Both conservatives and liberals detest how she uses children. A few conservatives and liberals don't care or support her form of child abuse and the lies and all. Seriously there are Republicans and conservatives that detest her more than any liberal. She is a stinking vile mess who is destroying all she touches. Not all conservatives are as self destructive as she is, not all conservatives want to go down with her.
DeleteAnonymous4:56 PM
DeleteS T F U....YOU!
Baldy didn't say SHIT! The postage paid ghostwriter wrote that crap! Your dumbass is on here because you probably receive "postage" your damn self!
Baldy is a half dead...has been...lazy ass stupid fucking bitch and so are her followers! Stupid bitch has to pay people to "Like" her dumbass and ya know it! LOL!!!
Seriously, Palin doesn't do jack shit. I believe she is curled in a little ball in a very dark place where they keep her medicated and change her diapers. She is semi-conscious when they try and give her a bath. Other then that, she is not there.
DeleteIf someone made an appointment with Roger Ailes for her close up, yes they will start her on uppers and do what they can to make her camera ready. It is not a pretty sight and the odds are in favor of her letting Fox and Ailes down again. They must be tied to a contract, why besmirch their brand anymore?
Gina, don't hold back. Come right out and say what you mean.
Delete?...Not to side with her, but...?
Deleteyou silly, don't you know your own mind?
"...everything after 'but' is bulls**t"
ReplyDeleteThis is not a word. Guess the harpy quitter bitch will at least get credit for makin' up a new word, just like Shakespeare...
Oh, Gryphen, please post Sarah's Facebook photo of her sitting on a horse, firing a shot in what they call mounted shooting. Palin is holding on to the saddle horn like a real beginner. She isn't even holding the reins of her own horse. Someone else is leading the horse for her. She is shooting blanks, not real bullets. If every there was a photo that showed Palin as a fake fake fake that would be it.
ReplyDeleteMounted shooting does not real bullets, it's black powder blanks and the targets are balloons.
Delete$arah has been shooting blanks for years and years...
DeleteToad. Also. Too.
DeleteToo bad Todd wasn't.
Deletesame with Piper's picture - she is holding onto the saddle horn and someone else is holding the reins of the horse she is allegedly riding.
DeleteMight as well have taken her picture up on the roof - or in a tree - or in the's all the same - NOT REAL.
She devoted a large part of her argument to a move but had the nerve to say we need less TV.
ReplyDeleteThe last paragraph in that ghost written op ed had no solution for the problem of violence and guns-- other than turn off your TV, hug your kids and pray. How about putting this one up to Allah, too, Sarah, or maybe God? As a matter of fact, God decided this issue when he handed Moses the 10 commandments, including the one about not killing.
ReplyDeleteWhen has Sarah ever hugged her kids? We see her with her arm draped around the girls like she's some high school buddy, but never have a seen a photo of her hugging anyone. Classic abused woman. And no, she wrote none of that, and doesn't believe half of it..but the money will roll in.
DeleteSarah Palin is one cold fish! No loving feelings or a warm/sweet personality has EVER been projected by her. EVER!!
DeleteCannot imagine being her husband - having sex - can you imagine 'her' trying to please someone else in the act? I can't! Everything is ALWAYS about her! No wonder Toad has used prostitutes and had affairs!
One cold fish and evil woman!
"When those incorporating virtue into their lives are criticized, mocked, and bullied while pop culture’s kingmakers elevate and celebrate a self-centered “I’ll do what I want and consequences be damned” mentality, those kingmakers and bullies are helping freedom destroy itself."
ReplyDeleteThe Palin family knows nothing of the "virtue" portion of her speech, however they exemplify the portion that begins with "pop culture".
Bristol; single mother, making bucks off abstinence. Dancing with the Stars, twice, bailing on Massey's reality show to film "Life's a Tripp" and having to settle with Masseys.. (Check, Pop Culture)
Sarah Palin: "I'll do what I want until the courts tell me I can't". Sarah Palin's Alaska reality show. Bullying the teacher in Homer with the Worst Governor Ever sign while filming reality show. (Check, self centered, bully)
Todd Palin: Threatening Trooper Wooten leading to Troopergate. Burning neighbors cabin and killing their dog because of sign unfavorable to Sarah Palin. Confronting man in Valdez airport. Mistreating his masseuse. (BULLY)
Willow Palin: Calling everyone FAT FAGS on Facebook (Bullying)
Track Palin: Well, Track's been so drugged up for so many years he can't even remember who he is. He and his buddies living in the basement of the Hanger House just sit around getiin' high all day and playing Grand Theft Auto. Guess we'll file Track under "Braindead".
Isn't she really describing herself in the paragraph you quoted?
DeleteWTF is with these people???
If we give her a bunch of money, will she please just go away?
Yeah, that's called "projection" and conservatives are masters of it.
DeleteFor contrast, Chelsea Clinton was on the Daily Show last night and there's an amazing example of a smart woman leading, working and doing REAL things to try and make the world a better place.
The Palins might as well be Honey Boo Boo in comparison. Worthless self-indulgent trash parasitically feeding on the vapid, empty stool of pop culture pseudo celebrity, bringing nothing of substance or value to our culture, only empty headed snark and divisiveness with a little hypocrisy and grift on the side.
"Living vibrantly", indeed.
The Massey's were quick to point out that Bristol's BABIES were a pain on the set. She had a new baby with Tripp.... Her story at the time was it was her godchild....
DeleteLike ANYBODY would give the moran a new baby to take care of for months while she is filming a new show.
The easiest way to see that Baldy didn't write that is there is no Obama hate, there is no liberal hate, there is no snark, no mean girl, no pre-teen attitude. It's too tame and reasonable for a Skank screed. No rage, no smack downs, no seething. Nope, She sure as hell didn't write that article and shame on the National Review for not busting her ass, but instead they just promote and enable her sickness, her lying, her plagiarism, her cheating and her fraud. Sarah Palin is a fraud of the lowest order hiding behind pre-planned questions, FB screeds, twitter twats and child shields. She really has no voice, she just trots out others' words and then takes credit for them. She's a cheat.
ReplyDeleteAwesome comment. I agree totally.
DeleteAgree with Kriski - and I would add, you REALLY need to post your comment over at the National Review.
Delete"We had a blast as staff (some walking on the ground, some riding slowly beside us) took away our control of the horse and led Todd and I in a circle in a ring so we could shoot blanks at balloons. We watched as they led twelve-year-old Piper in the same activity in warm Montana this summer."
ReplyDeleteThere, fixed it for ya.
"....led Todd and I in a circle in a ring...." And that woman claims to have a degree in journalism.
DeleteMy goodness. Such "vibrancy." Such family bonding. Such fresh air full of gunpowder to breathe in. What a pack of crap, Sarah. I'd love for you to go on Greta tonight and discuss your little article with her. Bet you don't even know who pr what Abigail Adams stood for. Try this: Adams was an advocate of married women's property rights and more opportunities for women, particularly in the field of education. Women, she believed, should not submit to laws not made in their interest, nor should they be content with the simple role of being companions to their husbands. They should educate themselves and thus be recognized for their intellectual capabilities, so they could guide and influence the lives of their children and husbands. She is known for her March, 1776 letter to John and the Continental Congress, requesting that they, "...remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation."[2] She believed in educated women who had power. Not guns. Intellectual abilities. She actually read and understood books on philosophy, spoke French, and was an active, involved First Lady.
DeleteThat picture on the snowmachine with the guns reminds me of the time I took my family to Durango and the kids got to dress up in old western garb and get their picture taken holding pistols.
ReplyDeletePure make believe, but at least my kids knew it was just for fun.
I still have that picture hanging in my office.
So, where does the dog fit into the picture? A little ankle-biter like that isn't exactly an outdoors in the winter kind of pooch. Legs're too short to run down game. Does he have his own snowmachine?
DeleteThey have a little froufrou pup bc they want to pose so "frontier" and rill tough hombre chicks.
DeleteShe doesn't pay exorbitant consultant fees for quality photo shoots. She must have hired the comedy techs, photo and script writers from Parks and Recreation.
Way to go silly Wasilly hick-a-billy.
That picture of Geyser Head by Willow is hilarious. I am so glad that crew has no clue how they appear to others. Trig is looking at the Bratz doll and wondering wtf is she doing that phony pose... lol. I sure hope the dog finds a place to pee in the snow soon, he is the only one that has a productive agenda.
ReplyDelete"Geyser Head" Love it!
DeleteShe is such a fucking asshole...
ReplyDeleteI "pray" for the day that Karma gets delivered right to her door.
Sarah praying? Who does she pray to? Isn't she supposed to forgive those who trespass against her and stop mocking and slandering people before she asks God for anything?
ReplyDeleteHug her kids if she wants to - but she doesn't give any kind of role modeling for any kids nor any adults, who seek the help from a loving God. Sarah preaching to others to pray is pretty pathetic, when she can't even say anything nice. Saying, "Let Allah sort it out" in reference to the gassing of children in Syria is the essence of an evil person and I doubt if that kind of evil person who could say such a thing does not pray to God. Sarah serves herself and serves another entity that is against God.
When Palin speaks, she doesn't sound like the person who wrote that op ed piece. Surprise! Consultant fees!
ReplyDeleteTrash! Palin trying to raise money off of dead people. She only speaks up so she can get pac money!!!
ReplyDeleteMany of those people who were shot probably hugged their kids, turned off their tv's and prayed. So what are psychic Sarah's thoughts on that?? Why are they dead? Did they pray wrong? Not enough?
Palin is an insensitive no-nothing. A worthless piece of excrement . Trash.
When she spouts about the 'political class' is she talking about people who've had government jobs for most of their lives? Would this be one certain Heath-Palin type who when it suits her likes to brag that she has more executive experience than the President because she has been a mayor for the largest portion of her political 'career' and a part-time governor position and was appointed to a political energy committee for five minutes? I thought so.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I've read from her versions of a fantasy life to those written by folks who really knew her, I absolutely can't recall her ever having a 'job' outside of some form of government making her a part of the class she professes to abhor. Well, the real public doesn't have to buy her crap and as ignorant as her followers appear to be, this should be enough for them to pull out those credit cards.
She does not compare at all to President Obama!!! He is smart - she is a retard!
DeleteCheck her record in Alaska - she was mayor of a very small town that she left in debt. She was appointed to the political energy committee by Frank Murkowski (I believe - Lisa's Dad) and quit! She quit as gov of Alaska mid term! She was proven to NOT be an 'energy expert' as McCain touted her as being. She LOST when running w/McCain in the second seat (VP) - a position she knew nothing about! They lost to President Obama and she's never gotten over it!
She's nothing more than a liar and fraud - proven time and time again!
So, Sarah, if you believe that the HBO mini-series about John Adams was so full of truth, why shouldn't we believe what the HBO movie 'Game Change' said about you?
ReplyDeleteEven Piper looks like an idiot sitting on a horse she doesn't know how to ride. Do these people ever do anything legitimately instead of merely posing for photo-ops Sarah? What empty lives they must lead.
ReplyDeleteSays the loser posting shit on a hate blog. lmao
DeleteSTFU Wallow! If your lazy mean ass had any talent you would be using that "hair school" degree to make something of your trampy self....instead you have to get money by posting stupid comments defending your worthless ass family! I think the only "loser" on here is you....tramp! LOL!
DeleteWhoever wrote this pile of crap is evil...just plain old evil.
ReplyDeleteI am just so very, very sick of the whole lot of thieving bastards. All they want, is ALL of our tax dollars, by any means available.
This. Really. Must. Stop.
Aaahhhhh. The good ol' Palin Alaskan Frontier - where the tradition is for women to stuff pillows up their shirt and pretend that they are pregnant; where the men are pimps, singing "You Light Up My Life" to their prostitutes; and where grifting is the treasured means of obtaining income.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin didn't write that - she's a retard! Would be a kick in the ass to ask her specific questions about the writing. Know she'd have to eat crow!
ReplyDeleteCheck her record in Alaska folks - the woman is a liar and fraud....demented at best!
Does she know she actually was a politician and "Ran" for "Vice President"?
ReplyDeleteI feel kind of let down, How is she going to hug her kids? Does she know where they are, and her arms are too short to make it around more than one at a time.
haha, she deleted comments on the road warrior hair thread that said things like "you even look good on a bad hair day" and "I love her cuz she doesn't care about what her hair looks like". still 2 comments regarding piper's gender, "you go piper boy" and "he's a very handsome boy". Good comment on the stupid sarah with gun thread "great photo op, about you and that horse you rode in on". the dumb mods haven't figured that one out yet, above their pay grade. hey sawah, you must know that saying, trash mouth that you are. I think it goes
ReplyDelete"F U and the horse you rode in on"..or something like
Blah blah . . . freedoms . . . blah blah . . . Obama . . . blah blah . . . mama grizzly . . . blah blah . . . blech!
ReplyDeleteBlah blah . . . Kiss my big ass Todd, Sarah and Bristol Palin . . . blah blah . . .
DeleteWhenever I begin to think John McCain is sane - Palin's head appears over Alaska - and I realize no sane person would have inflicted this one on the nation.
ReplyDeleteWho in the fuck is going to stand in front of a little girl wearing sunglasses on a horse pointing a loaded gun at them so they can take her picture? Piper is not an experienced horse rider or sharp shooter. Piper is not even holding the horse's reins. Sarah Palin you are full of shit.
ReplyDeleteWe had guns growing up in Texas. I was taught you never point a gun at anyone. No play with animals, you only point at what you are going to kill. No exceptions. My sister wouldn't let me point a play gun at anyone, I had to use my finger! To this day it bothers me to see anyone pointing a gun at another human or anything they don't intend to shoot.
DeletePalin bad taste in every way is legendary. That was one of the worst photo shoots.
We were not allowed to point even a finger as if to shoot and kill. It seemed a silly precaution, but just think of the precious lives that could be spared if children were made to feel that pointing was a no-no.
DeleteAnd her finger is wrongly inside the trigger guard. Major fail. If that gun is loaded, and that horse bucks in the slightest, that gun could easily discharge.
DeleteTop picture: Sarah in order to fire your weapon you have to have your finger on the trigger. Didn't daddy teach you that?
ReplyDeleteYeah, what is that about? She is so big on imagery. What on earth is her trigger finger missing the trigger for?
DeleteShe put a bullseye on Gabby Giffords. And she's an idiot. Fuck you, Sarah.
ReplyDeletelaughing my ass off at that top pic - the breech is wide open, nothing in the chamber ...
as any weapon should be when handed to anybody else , particularly for a photo op
dumb fukin' cunt
can she be prosecuted for carrying a loaded gun? Surely that's the reason for the pretend picture.
DeleteShe has a history of mental disease. If anyone should not be carrying a weapon, it's Sarah Palin.
6:20 the gun is like her head.... empty.
DeleteSarah is a fake, a fraud, and a phony. A coward at heart who has been enabled by others. Nothing presented to the public about her life is real.
ReplyDeleteI knew it was coming, just not how long or tedious it is to try to read.
ReplyDelete"and we had a blast teaching twelve-year-old Piper mounted shooting in warm Montana this summer."
ReplyDelete1. Sarah what do you mean we? When you were shooting blanks on a horse, you were holding the saddle horn too like a green horn too.
2. Sarah howx
(I didn't finish 2 and hit publish by accident)
Delete2. Sarah can you explain why Piper has a gun in her right hand and she still has her gun in right holster?
@5:11 LOL excellent. Are these the needy kids Sarah is housing and talking about?
ReplyDeleteTrack Palin: Well, Track's been so drugged up for so many years he can't even remember who he is. He and his buddies living in the basement of the Hanger House just sit around getiin' high all day and playing Grand Theft Auto. Guess we'll file Track under "Braindead"
DeleteHunting is an integral part of our lifestyle in the 49th state. Using guns isn’t just recreation for us; it’s how many of us get our dinner...... but my family still lives by the motto “We eat; therefore, we hunt.” We live off the healthy organic protein provided by Alaska’s wild fish and game.
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
"I was engrossed in picking blueberries when the bear silently snuck up behind us."
-Sarah Palin
Miss Wasilla Beauty Contestant
Republican Party Vice Presidential Candidate
"When they seek to strip away our Second Amendment rights instead of suggesting that those who hide behind the First Amendment need to act more responsibly, they are helping freedom destroy itself."
ReplyDeleteWould that by like when YO, $carah Palin, put rifle site on a map targeting Dem congress people and Gabby Giffords was shot? or when you resort,at almost every instance to violent (punch them in the throat) or coarse and vulgar sexual innuendo?
Hypocrite, liar, fraud = $carah Palin.
Two things. Sister Sarry doesn't now from subsistence lifestyle. Her daddy probably hunted, but I doubt that she was picking greens and preserving them in fish oil, or picking berries for preservation.
ReplyDeleteAlso, what mean your Alaskan Lifestyle, Sarry? You are lounging in Arizona.
They all grew up hunting after school to get dinner. She shot her first rabbit at 7 years old
DeleteThat's what Baldys ghostwriter wrote in that stupid "Going Crazy"....err....I mean "Going Rogue" book! But according to CreepySr....that's not true! He said something about missing drawers and baby mention of rabbit hunting! Try again Krazy! LOL!!
DeleteShe shot her 1st rabbit at 7 years old, but could not hit a tethered Moose from 10 yards away with 5 shots? You are a LIAR, and you know nothing about the Palins/Heaths. TAKE YOUR MEDS and GET SOME SLEEP,KREEPY KRUSTY. Wonkette is waiting for your next PACK OF LIES, BWAHAHAHA.
DeleteI suspect that evil awaits sister Sarah.....and, she'll deserve every bit of it!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin has no clue about the Second Amendment, its intention or its history.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I come from a family and live in a community in Alaska that is actually subsistence and there is no way anyone with half a brain would pose with their children with the guns shown in this picture. It would be considered the ultimate in gun safety stupidity. There is an agenda in this photo, and it isn’t about people who know how to use guns, this is about hubris and ignorance.
This Sunday at 140 PM will be interesting one way or another.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin re-posted a picture on her facebook sitting on a horse shooting a gun while holding her saddle horn and not holding the horse rein. Somebody else must be holding the horse?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin
Yesterday at 2:58pm · And here I am doing my Annie Oakley thing.
Question for Sarah, where's your titties?
That 'mount' place is like childhood kiddie rides. The horses were led by adults paid to make the idiots think they are doing something. The horses have been walking in circles for their lifetime and can't swat a fly.
DeleteWho is in charge of these Palin mistakes? I think she is too drugged to have much of a say. Someone who knows less about Alaska, horses, guns and frontiers is setting this up. Are they serious? Are they playing with her and wanting to make her look the brain-dead moron that she is?
Someone inside Palin compound is her enemy and she thinks they are doing her right. Todd must be heavy into drugs also or he would catch on to the sabotage.
Where are the Chucks when someone writes this nonsense? Why aren't they helping old Sarah at her time of need?
DeleteThanks IM for putting up sister Sarah's REAL writings! No comparison to this one posted today...she DIDN'T write it and she doesn't have the thought process to even begin doing so!
ReplyDeleteWhat a continual lying' fraud. And, think it a riot as to when they have her appearing on FOX tomorrow. Very few will be watching, sister Sarah! Too many other things of far more importance - i.e. football!!!!
Using guns isn’t just recreation for us; it’s how many of us get our dinner.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin you fake ass piece of shit. Guns are used for your family photo ops you dirt bag.
By "it's how many of us get our dinner" I wonder if she mean that she brandishes a gun and orders her kids to "go git me a Crunch Wrap Supreme from Taco Bell".
DeleteA half-wit hunter or gun enthusiast would not post those asinine images of fools pretending to be what the clearly are not. What's the saying? ‘Un-flipping-believable’ !! Looks like Bristol is so hungry she is going to shoot the family pet for a tundra snack. Trig is risking a frozen tongue just to make it known he does not approve, he is the only one with any sense. No words can express the so-called 'mounted shooting in Montana'. Pathetic. More so that any other fools buy into the Palin piles of crap.
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHA, The Stupid Bitch is posing for a photo op with an unloaded gun with the Breach wide open and no finger on the trigger. Levi, show that ugly Bitch how to properly use a gun. How much more Fake can those Wasillabillies get? They know that Baby Making is their ONLY Talent.
ReplyDeleteLevi and Sarah have never spoken more than 4 words between them ever. lollll
DeleteShe did try to show him how to cook a roast though
DeleteOh my goodness! Are you answering your OWN crazy fucking comments Krusty?
DeleteBaldy wanted to get into Levi's "Levi's" ya crazy loon! But Levi wasn't that damn desperate! LOL!
The part that is the funniest about the shooting pics?
ReplyDeleteShe didn't even purchase them from the photographer, no one sends out a photo mark like that unless its a proof pic...she's so cheap she didn't even buy this family memory.
You're right
DeleteThose cheap bastards
Piper's the real "pistol.' Bristle is gristle.
ReplyDeleteBristol you said that your family wants their privacy.
Why is your mother posting shit for the whole world to see? The world knows what school Piper plays sports for. Your dumbass mother posted pictures of Piper in a bikini.
Did Bristol say that? Bristol lives in the moment and for her son most of all. She also laughs at haters and ignorant people who sit around shooting mouths off with trash talk and lies.
DeleteYou need perspective
DeleteBeefy is a TRAMP! She spends her day looking for DICK! Poor Tripp and the rest of her kids are lucky if Beefy stops in and says hello to them on her way out to get some more DICK! She is a horrible mother just like her own mother...don't get it twisted Krazy! LOL!