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An oldie, but a goodie. |
“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“We cannot have cuts just for the sake of cuts.”
Considering the devastating effects from the sequester she undoubtedly has a point.
However the Times decides it also needs to point this out:
The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.
I am sure they are hoping that the budget increase will be blamed solely on Obama and the ACA. However what they failed to mention was that George W. Bush's decision to wage two unnecessary wars and create the office of Homeland Security had quite a lot to do with the increased size if the budget.
But it was enough to catch the attention of the Klondike Kracken who posted this on her Facebook page:
Recall that only Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard and cried t'was bare. Today millions see a $4 trillion bloated cupboard overflowing with political goodies to cut.
And then linked to the Washington Times article.
I assume by "political goodies" she means over inflated defense spending, unnecessary farm subsidies, and equally unnecessary oil subsidies, right?
Nah, this is Sarah Palin. She probably wants to cut education money, food stamps, and medicare. You know what she and her kind consider the "fat" of the budget,
After three posts yesterday I was hoping not to have to write about this poorly wigged wingnut today, however I felt that this ridiculous attack required some attention.
Probably more interesting to those of us in Alaska is THIS photo from her Facebook page:
"Here's my nephew in Wasilla this morning enjoying the first snowfall." Reads the caption.
Yes that is snow, and yes it did indeed fall this morning.
In fact this is very early for us and even beat last year's early snowfall by six days.
Oh well at least I don't have to mow anymore this year.
By the way I have no evidence that she is in Alaska to even see this snow, and based on the fact that the time stamp on her tweet yesterday was several hours earlier than AK time and that her interview appeared to be in studio, I think it's safe to assume that she is not experiencing our snowfall first hand.
Not that I'm complaining, if she wants to spend all of her time out of state we, and her family, are all the better for it.
Congratulations Arizona, you win the fake boobie prize!
Sarah Palin is the wicked witch of the Northwest. Some of that Fat in the Budget is the FREE NATIVE HEALTHCARE that her Dysfunctional Family of WHORES receives. Does she want to cut those Funds? The Babbling Wasillabillie Bitch needs to STFU and let the ADULTS handle the situation.
ReplyDeleteShe is not even in AK she in in NY. And she lugged that piece of crap all the way from Juneau? Who paid for that? Who paid for it to get to Wasilly?
DeleteAnd Fuck you Sarah and Fuck you bitch you kocksucking whore!
So, elementary aged nephew is jumping on a trampoline, in the snow, on a Monday when kids should be in school? Perhaps trampoline jumping in the snow is one of them homskuul edumacation type endeavors?
ReplyDeletePerhaps one of the hundreds of HuffPo commenters said it best: she looks and acts like an aging barfly.
ReplyDeleteLast call, Sarah. Time to call a cab to take you home.
I randomly came across this in my random files folder
It really is a shame how nasty teens can be. But the average teen is a liar and is jealous. But luckily, Sarah's kids have good, SOLID friends from their Juneau days, kids who would always be successful.
Did you know Hunter Wolfe? What happened to him? He seemed like a nice kid from a good family.
DeleteEspecially the kids that sold OXY to the Palin children; those that they hung with on the the now sunken party boat. Yes, those were good friends indeed. Such good friends that Palin had to send her children away from Juneau to clean up after spending so much time with their "good buddies". Ah, yes, babies and drugs and sunken boats. Juneau was such a great time for the Palin spawns.
DeleteWere these the same friends that threatened to gang rape Willow? Oh, right, those "gang rape threats" were never reported to ANY authority until Mrs. Palin wrote about them in her book. Just some made up shit to get the the girls and Track into rehab and away from their addictions.
ROFL!!!!! Not true honey. You really need a life.
DeleteYour comments are so weird, stalker like and random. You don't know those kids AT ALL and it's obvious.
Stay on topic!
Such good times in Juneau, partying on boats and then burning them down...
DeleteLooks like we've hit a "troll nerve" :-)
DeleteAlways easy to tell when things are true by the odd postings of the troll. Poor Troll, probably wishes she could have been in Juneau, on drugs, gettin' laid by lots of teen guys and blowin' up boats.
Don't let life pass ya by troll, there's still time, YOLO, ya know!
Hunter offed himself. Never could clean up.
July 17, 2007 email Gary Wheeler to Yahoo Gov.
Delete"We have completed our investigation into the e-mail threat that Willow received. I can brief you and the FGOA at you convience."
Is that the date when they were living in Juneau? When did the yacht burn down? Who is Gary Wheeler and what is FGOA? Is Dylan Kovig alive?
Kids like Dylan Kolvig and his Dad's Party boat? Sarah Palin had to move her Drug addicted spawn out of Juneau to try to stop the embarrassing incidents. But they still got into trouble in Wasilla with the Colony Girls, School Bus yards, and a neighbor's house(VANDALISM). Sarah, you can take your kids out of the Drug Atmosphere, but you can't take the Drug Atmosphere out of them. They have grown up watching you and Pimp Daddy doing the same things. You and your Dysfunctional Family will always be Drug and Alcohol using WASILLABILLIES.
DeleteGary was Palin's head of security.
DeleteI asked him about the gang rape story and he said he had never heard about it when he worked for her.
He also said that there was no security detail to meet Palin at the airport after her "water broke" in Texas, thought there was always supposed to be one. He also made the point that if there HAD been one there they would have insisted Palin stop at the hospital in Anchorage before proceeding to Wasilla.
"But the average teen is a liar and is jealous."
DeleteWhat an asinine thing to say. What is wrong with you? Are you icluding the Palin teens in that assessment.
You stupid crazy fucknozzle.
Deletelet's see if we can try to understand what you wrote.
you-"it really is a shame how nasty teens can be"
meaning-"it really is a shame how nasty the palin teens can be and have been"
you-"but the average teen is a liar and is jealous"
meaning-"the palin kids are so filled with jealousy and are pathological liars"
you-"but luckily, sarah's kids have good, SOLID friends from their juneau days, kids who would always be successful."
meaning-"luckily skank's kids have no friends so there are few around them to be hurt by the lies and manipulations. their friends who SOLD them drugs from juneau to wasilla are kids who have made a success of being meth dealers"
okay, how's that? fixed it right up for yer!
Their 'Juneau days?" What, when she flew in for meetings then went home and charged the state per diem to eat out of her 'packed with natural protein' freezer? I didn't think the kids ever resided in Juneau. Were they enrolled in school? I thought during Bristol's 'mono' days she transferred from Wasilly to Anchorage schools where her aunt hid her pregnancy? If indeed those kids have any friends, I wish they'd speak up. The only friends I;ve seen have been that carload of girls drinking on prom night.
DeleteAnonymous3:52 PM
DeleteSuch good times in Juneau, partying on boats and then burning them down...
For the Troll ...Dylan Kolvig.
Had to go out of state into a detox program after the boat incident.
Some say he is the dad of one of Bitchols kids.
I'm sure ole Levi has the DNA from all those kids, or
"someone" does... Right Mrs. Palin?
Sally in MI 6:03pm
DeleteThe kids were enrolled in school in Juneau beginning in January 2007 during Palin's first year as Governor. I don't know if they finished out the winter/spring semester but Bristol did play basketball for a while at Juneau/Douglas High winter 2007.
Another accomplished, intelligent woman that she's jealous of. Anyone educated is always on her shit list.
ReplyDeletePalin's PAC must be really low as she keeps posting to FB and twitter or it could be the Koch brothers are paying her big bucks to keep defending Cruz on defunding Obamacare. The Tea Party is running scared because they know that Obamacare will work.
ReplyDeleteI see Palin will be on Cavuto on FOX tomorrow at 4PM to do more drooling over Cruzz.
Funny that Cruz said that he was embarrassed to have voted for McCain while Palin was also on the ticket. I hope the curse of Palin works on Cruz as it has on others.
So, Anon 3:14, you thought you'd just randomly post that random file on a random post that had nothing to do with "Sarah's kids" to enhance the randomness of your existence?
ReplyDeleteWow, Anon 3:14-- "the average teen is a liar and is jealous" (which doesn't even make sense--jealous of what?) What a low opinion of teenagers you have. Could be from hanging out with those Palins, huh?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin Pals around with the Foreign Born Son of a Communist Castro sympathizer that being Rafael 'Ted' Cruz? is that why he uses 'Ted' instead of Rafael? Is Ted ashamed of his Heritage? Does Sarah want Ted to show his Birth Certificate like she demanded of President Obama? Sarah is 2-faced and a Political Whore for Money.
ReplyDeleteAgain, the Palin idiot offers no solutions only demented wailing. If she has a budget proposal, she should trot it out to the media for public scrutiny. The Sarah Palin budget would be even more hilariously inadequate that Sarah's description of Paul Revere's ride.
ReplyDeleteInstead of Sarah Palin posting pictures of her nephew on facebook, how about Sarah Palin opening a book and read it to Trig?
ReplyDeleteSarah uses kids too, too much. Does she want people to question where she is? Why not just take a picture of the weather at her current location? I doubt she is in Alaska. She could mention it is it is snowing where she was raised. She is so hokey to use some poor kid that can do nothing about his crazy relatives. That picture could have been posted on a kids FB or the parents FB for pretend politicians to it. She makes herself look more ridiculous each day. What a clown.
DeleteWhy bring attention to the fact she was at a studio with a green screen and reminding everyone she was not in Alaska?
Is she ever in Alaska anymore?
Where is she vacationing now?
I am not a fan of trampolines in DRY weather..wouldn't that have been pretty dangerous in snow? I know, just those Palins 'living vibrant lives.'
DeleteNo net on that trampoline either..idiot parents
DeletePalin pays no attention to Trig, her one young child, not that she birthed him. She went on vacation the day after others took him to his first day of school. Now she leaves Alaska and most likely Trig.
DeleteShe is the most hideous thing.
So, Mrs. Palin likes the nursery rhymes, does she? How' bout:
ReplyDeleteHickory Dickory Chimp
My Husband is a Pimp
He hires single mothers
For sex with him and others
and hardly pays them a cent.
Does that work for you, 3:14 PM troll?
DeleteAnonymous3:52 PM
ReplyDeleteSuch good times in Juneau, partying on boats and then burning them down...
Don't forget about the good times breaking into that house and destroying it. Nice to have a mother/vp candidate/governor to get you out of these messes.
Willow made the cover of one of the rags as she was swilling vodka like she found her career and the love of her life. The article and others went on to tell that vodka was not her only drug of choice. She was how old? Close to Piper's age?
DeleteLink please anom 4:56
DeleteI'm not "anom 4:56" but just if you are interested in links, just do what I did and Google "Willow Palin" and "vodka". I got back pages of links. These are a few of my favorites:
You're welcome.
There was an old woman.
ReplyDeleteWho lived in a fuck-me pump.
It's time to defund SarahPAC and other slush funds like them!
ReplyDeletePopular bumper sticker in Alaska:
ReplyDeleteGo Sarah go, and don’t come back!
There was a crooked Quitter and she tromped a crooked mile,
ReplyDeleteShe stuffed a crooked pillow up her shirt to hoax and guile.
She bought a crooked bosom as she scammed with a crooked Pac,
And she stinks to all high heaven in her crooked hockey-rink shack.
Linking to the Washington Times -- it's NOT the Washington Post -- is like linking to Breitbart.com or Legal Insurrection. Wacko birds read and write there.
ReplyDeletePalinsHoax, all of that is true.
ReplyDeleteis that bristle's oldest son?
ReplyDelete"Nephew" sounds better--in Sarah's mind--than "grandson."
ReplyDeleteWould someone please ask Sarah what SPECIFICALLY she would have cut from the budget?
For that matter, would EVERY newsreader on EVERY major network please ask EVERY politico that comes on talking about "budget cuts" to please be SPECIFIC.
What EXACTLY would you cut, please?
Sarah ALWAYS ends an earth shattering Facebook "Look at ME" Hey, Speaker Pelosi, toss me a bone? post with what else?
ReplyDeleteA Random photo of a random Palin kid or three, doing some random thing like jumping a TRAMPoline while randomly not being in school when there's a quarter inch of snow.
Next post, Random Palin kid with tongue stuck on a random frozen statue in front of Wasilla High School.
Oh, look! Nancy Pelosi tossed a bone- Fetch, Sarah, Fetch!!!!
Hickory Dickory Dock
ReplyDeleteWho sucked Glenn Rice's cock
The clock struck 4 and Miss Wasilla wanted more
Hickory Dickory Dock
Oh for the Love of her god NO NO NO NO no ya don't. Don't send that wacko to AZ. She most definitely belongs somewhere else. Alaska? Come get your village idiot please. Thank you Alaska kindly, The lower 48 states