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"Oops back in the spotlight. Need to show off my assets." |
The U.S. Senate has some arcane procedural rules, and as ordinary Americans our eyes glaze over trying to decipher them. But it’s important for us to understand that Sen. Ted Cruz’s efforts to defund Obamacare are worthwhile and doable. (Actually it is neither of those things, but please proceed Skeletor.)
We shouldn’t preemptively surrender the fight to those who rammed through this outrageously burdensome and unaffordable ploy for government control of health care even though some are trying to convince us that the fight is futile. (Because it is.) Just because a fight isn’t easy, doesn’t mean it’s not worth fighting. (Didn't you quit halfway through your first term as Governor?)
This defund movement boils down to a very simple request. As Andrew McCarthy recently pointed out: “Obama himself has already unilaterally and unconstitutionally defunded aspects of Obamacare, including repugnant accommodations for big corporations, Obama insiders, and members of Congress.” All we’re asking is that the rest of America “get the same relief from this awful law that Obama cronies, the ruling class, and the politically-connected get.” (In other words put if off until after the 2014 election so that the voters will not have a chance to see how well it works before heading to the polls.)
Please call your senators and politely ask them to stand with Senator Cruz. This is especially important if your senator is a Democrat up for re-election in a red state in 2014. That would be Senators Mark Begich (D-AK), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), and Kay Hagan (D-NC). Remind them politely that we are watching their votes very carefully and even a procedural vote that shuts down this debate will be regarded as a vote for Obamacare, and there will be consequences for them at the ballot box next year. The same goes for Republicans up for re-election. We definitely expect them to stand shoulder to shoulder with Senator Cruz through thick and thin. (Yeah I don't think there are very many Republicans who want to be seen with Rafael Ted Cruz right now. OR be endorsed by Sarah Palin for that matter.)
The number for the Capitol Hill Switchboard is 202-224-3121. Ask for your senator’s office. You can also find their contact information and contact them online at http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm (How nice of Palin's ghostwriter to identify the Senators we need to talk to and provide their contact information. I am sure all of us will take full advantage of it.)
Remember, we elected these senators precisely for moments like this. If they can’t do anything with the power we’ve given them through their elected office, then perhaps it’s time for them to retire and let someone else have a go. (Yes keep replacing experienced politicians with wet behind the ears ideologically driven morns. That has worked SO well for you all in the past.)
Opposition to Obamacare carried us to victory in 2010. And 2014 is just around the corner. (Oh, I think 2014 is going to look a LOT different than 2010. Trust me.)
- Sarah Palin
Okay that post sounded, dare I say it, sane and almost reasonable. In other words it does not sound like EITHER Palin or RAM wrote it.
So clearly somebody has decided that Palin is the appropriate spokesperson to defend Ted Cruz and attack Obamacare, and has provided her with ghostwriting help.
They must also be offering her something in order to use her brand because you KNOW she is not having all of these knocked out, and making back to back television appearance (She will be on with Neil Cavuto tomorrow) for her health.
Remember the Palin mantra, "What's in if for us?"
So clearly something is in it for her. And after those dismal numbers from her last SarahPAC financial disclosures I'm guessing money.
But whose money?
The Koch brothers?
Tea Party groups?
Democrat donors because they realize that having her endorse something is the kiss of death?
Who knows?
But what seems increasingly clear is that Palin's days of stumbling around in auto shows and disappearing for month long stretches at a time are probably behind her for the foreseeable future.
Anybody want to pass the popcorn?
"disappearing" means living life as a normal person, which she is you know. She has young kids. duh
ReplyDeleteEnglish your third language? Or just Xtrian homeschooled?
DeleteJODI? Or Krusty? Sarah Palin does not care about her kids, she only cares about her next Dollar. She is a Pimp's Whore.
DeleteShe "has" a young son she's never photographed with. Her daughter is a pre-teen. The others are adults, although they still suck at the family teat.
DeleteAnonymous4:37 PM
DeleteThis must be a Palin...bored....stupid...illiterate and taking a break from mounting some unsuspecting...strange "dude"!
That you Wallow? Where's your kid? Please get off the computer and go feed and bathe your kid...poor kid is not "living life as a normal person"...instead the poor baby has to spend her time looking at the back of her mother's giant head hunched over a computer...earning money from her retarded grandmother's PAC! LOL!!!
You are a fucking idiou. Duh.
DeleteAre you retarded?
DUH. Who talks like that but uneducated people who are stupid too.
DeleteThe Palins ain't normal. They're freaks. Duh.
Deleteliving life as a normal person you frackin idiotic idiot stupid ignorant pathetic hating hater!!! living life as a normal person? i don't think so unless a "normal person" is a shrinking bobble headed meth queen. unless a normal person is someone who leaves their children for months at a time while they go on vacation after vacation. a normal person who faked a pregnancy. who raised uneducated drop outs. normal? you who spend your time running from site to site spewing vitriolic stupidity? yeah, i suppose to someone like you, skank is "normal". get a clue though, no one cares what she does, thinks or says.
reading posts about her and making comments is like a different adult version of the comics. checking in to see what the crazy witch is doing today and then commenting on the cray cray!!
In what way exactly is she a "normal" person? She's mentally ill, she's an unemployed millionaire, she can't string a sensible sentence together... she's not a normal person except in your imagination.
Delete"She has young kids. duh"
DeleteThey were even "younger kids" when she ran for mayor, governor and VP.
Are you referring to Bristol or Willow? They both have young 'KIDS'. DUH.
Deletewho is this "we" you speak of, you dumb as a box of hair shrew?
ReplyDeleteThe Koch brothers and DeMint's Heritage Foundation are obviously behind this. They don't want Obamacare to work and Cruz and Palin are their puppets while paying them megabucks. Disgusting!
ReplyDeleteso what, they racked their brains trying to think of who is the most vicious, divisive, shallow, clueless, brain dead twat on the face of the Earth and came up with sarah?
DeleteSarah's happy to be anyone's puppet. She has no real convictions of her own except what's good for Sarah.
DeleteYES, 5:02 PM. In a nutshell.
DeleteShe's a kocksucker and Heritage Harpie! They are 501c and not supposed to be political but there they were the other day...I just wish the IRS would see that Koch has way too much $$$ Palin also,too and Heritage needs its 501c taken away!
DeleteI'm sick and tired of this cocksucking cunt and her family of grifters.
and dumbassed trolls!
Sarah is a political whore who will do anytime for money..ANYTHING!!
DeleteAnd don't forget she's a total NRA mouthpiece.
DeleteGOP lies about health care are never ending - the government is making sure health insurance companies don't screw you - as they have been doing for the last many years. NOWHERE is govt controlling health care. people in sane countries applaud single payer (like taxes) health care coverage.
ReplyDeleteIf ever there was a picture that shows Palin for what she is - this is the one. False everything.
They are pulling out all the stops to do what they can to destroy the October 1 ACA implementation. I imagine they are even paying Sarah Palin by the word to spew as much drivel as she can before that date. She, being the 2 bit whore that she is, will do anything for money.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. I have mentioned a few times, and it's getting even more and more obvious. Someone is paying her to use her "voice".
DeleteThey have no solid backing from the republican mainstream, so they are catering to the knuckle-dragging fan clubs of the extreme right.
What is most fascinating is she believes she has a “voice”.
DeleteEmily Post
Ugliest Trojan Horse ever.
ReplyDeleteTrojan Whorse...fixed it for ya.
DeleteIf the Koch brothers or whomever think that having Paylin "speak" will win supporters against Obamacare they are not as smart as they think they are.
DeleteMost Americans will do exactly the opposite of what $creech suggests because they know $he is a phony buffoon.
$arah put the HO in PHONY.
Ted Cruz sent it to her. He is already running for president for 2016. He must have promised Palin an appointed position in his administration, something that doesn't require running for office or being vetted. She is one of Cruz's loyal political friends right now. Neither of them are being embraced by the regular republicans, so all they have are each other, along with some of the wacko tea party people.
ReplyDeleteBaldy the Whore of BabblesOn is sucking Koch (brothers)...they are the only one's paying her at this point!
ReplyDeleteThey have put out a All Points Bullentin in their last ditch effort to STOP the ACA!
This week is going to be down right U G L Y! The Koch brothers and Ginni Thomas' group are in serious DESPERATION mode!
Cruz and Baldy are being paid to rally the loud and stupid wing of the Republican party! They are the ones that are home all fucking day who are suppose to fax and call the senators on that list! Baldy's Bots know how to harass the fuck out of people!
If you go to the Asylum today...on the Open Thread all the nuts are talking about is...how shutting down the government won't stop "important" services! They are being lied to and they are too fucking stupid to know it!
Baldy got her's she could give a shit if Pete "HeyWhatHappenedToMyFoodStampsYouDamnStupidGovernment" Pietrich doesn't eat! The Koch money has already been spent!
The stupid ass troll that showed up late last night has received their "postage" payment from BaldyPAC...that's why the dumb fuck has been hanging around here today!
yes yes yes gina.
Deletethis is why everyone here has to send all names/contact info skank posted and more to everyone they know to show their/our demand for aca!!!
obama never ever said he could do this alone, he said the fight had only just begun and it was up to all of us to help him win each fight.
well, call, email, harass the congressmen and senators in your district and other districts and demand they keep the government open and running and let aca alone!!!!
be your own better angel and show skank how much we appreciate her posting all the info in one place for us.
i sent out over a 1000 emails already to friends, family and friends of family, past clients, etc.
stop the ted cruz's and skanks who are lining their pockets with koch and insurance company money.
$creech and Rafael Cruz don't seem to care that their attempts to shut down the government will mean no pay checks for "the troops" -- let's hear the lying grifter's response to that. Yeah, right ...
DeletePicking Palin as your spokesperson doesn't strike me as the smartest move.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he'd rather shake her off but he knows she's not a player anyway.
DeleteShe has always been a tool. She is a clown to most people now.
ReplyDeleteThe intended audience is dwindling but the money behind 'it' must think she will have some sway. Pity the dumb folks who esteem her. You can't get much dumber than that.
Oh good, easy contact information so I could log on quickly and remind Senator Begich that many of us support the Affordable Health Care Act and expect his continued support. I just finished and I hope many of you do, as well. Thanks, Sarah, for reminding me to do that.
ReplyDeleteWell done, Anon 5:14 pm !!! Thank you.
DeleteIt is now or never for Palin. She will cower and go catatonic again but she can't afford the set backs. Her whole deal was that she could be Mama Grizzly and run a country at the same time. Now she is going chicken about doing both. She doesn't care for Trig and now she only has a 12 year old. So, her excuse to her cult not to challenge Hillary is lame. Keeping Piper pure in Wasilla while she is in Arizona is not even flipping believable. Those poor idiots at the p place are pitiful. She runs all over them and they lay down and ask for more.
ReplyDeleteWhoever is desperate enough to rely on Palin to save de-funding ACA is not playing with a full deck either. She was all they could come up with and she may be busy for a while but her pattern is to fail. One of these days there will be no reload.
She makes me vomit. This “thing” that gets free health care due to husband’s heritage; she has the morals of a reptile. And she is truly an "Ugly American."
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't get free health care through Indian Health Services, unless she's pregnant with a tribal member's child. That boat has sailed a long time ago.
DeleteHer whole family gets the Native Health Care except her unless she is pregnant by a Native enrollee. Proof of Tripp's coverage at Political Gates, a court copy.
Sarah, I am so going to haunt you when I'm dead.
ReplyDeletelol! I hope for your sake that is not soon.
Deletethe Kcoks, and Cruz and Palin and the whole GOP will fail; if going over the cliff is still their only option, Obama will deploy the 14th Amendment's Section 4, which says:
ReplyDelete"The validity of the public debt of the United States ... shall not be questioned."
If my Mom went out into public dressed like that, I would have left home. Sarah Palin is mentally ill.
ReplyDeletewell, unless it was Halloween,
DeleteOr if she was a stripper or a hooker? At least women in those professions are honest enough to admit what they do for a living. $kanky $carah pretends to be respectible, but we all know better. Honesty is not one of her qualities.
Delete"So clearly something is in it for her. "
ReplyDeleteAw, come on ... what's the one thing that -- rain or shine, manic or depressed -- makes the "Moose Mama" get up off her flabby ass, slap on a dirty wig and pound out her perverse propaganda ?
Cruz has ALWAYS known there was no way he could actually defund ACA and has created this huge (wasteful and unnecessary) stink in order to build his base and raise funds.
Madame Quitter-Governor is once again just riding on one of her equally corrupt co-hort's coattails -- barking yet another stream of lies simply to feed her own coffers.
Get it while the gettin's good, huh, Sarah ?
i copied and pasted all of the contacts and numbers and sent to the 1000s of contacts we have and encouraged them to call and tell the powers that be that we want the aca and intend to go after those that try to defund it or block it.
ReplyDeletei suggest all of you do the same. send a mass email to everyone you know and your family knows and have them contact their senators and congressmen and tell them we want aca!
thanks skank for getting all that info into one place for us.
i have sent emails, left messages and talked to everyone's office she listed and more today. all to say, WE WANT ACA!
When this all settles and the Health care act goes through, she'll go back to filing her nails and shopping for FM shoes and not even flinch. She cares nothing for the citizens or how they are affected daily in real life.
ReplyDeleteThe woman is devoid of love.
I took the time to contact Sens. Landrieu, Pryor and Hagan today asking them to stand up for Americans' right to health care. Please, if you have the time, share your support of the ACA with your local Senator or the above Blue Dogs, and remember to VOTE in 2014!!
ReplyDeleteShe's trying to ride Cruz's coattails and I suspect she wants to ride him.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't need her for anything. Not a thing.
Ted Cruz is Close to Destroying the GOP as only 19% Support His Defund Obamacare Scheme
ReplyDelete...What this means is that Ted Cruz is a political sinking ship. If he was smart, he would abandon his stop the ACA at all costs jihad right now. Cruz tried to bail on this crackpot plan last week, and was immediately called ball less by his own party. The Republican Party is running away from Cruz as fast as they can because nobody outside of Mike Lee and the equally toxic Sarah Palin want to be seen within a political country mile of him.
Sen. Cruz has offered up an idea that is a threat to the political survival of the Republican Party. Everyone from Fox News to John McCain to Mitch McConnell is trying to stop him. All you really need to know about both John Boehner’s inept leadership and the level of insanity in the House is that the Republican leadership was pressured into passing a bill based on Ted Cruz’s knuckle headed scheme.
If the government shuts down over Obamacare, the Republican Party will be screwed. A government shutdown would likely end Cruz’s national political career before it even starts, and it could cost Republicans their House majority.
Drunk on tea party rhetoric, and deluded by his own dreams of the presidency, Ted Cruz is this close to blowing up the entire Republican Party.
More power to Cruz, plus his cheerleader, $carah. Hope to see BOTH of them fade off into the sunset, the sooner the better.
DeleteCrus has a mouth like a bird, has anyone else noticed that?
DeleteRight-Wingers Infiltrate Print Media In Order to Spread Obamacare Lies
Harry Reid Vows, ‘We’re not going to bow to Tea Party anarchists.’
...Majority Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor and issued a battle cry for all Democrats, ‘We’re not going to bow to Tea Party anarchists who deny the mere fact that Obamacare is the law.’
Sen. Reid (D-NV) gave John Boehner and his House Republicans two choices. Republicans can accept a funding bill that doesn’t defund Obamacare, or they can shutdown the government. Reid said, “We will not bow to Tea Party anarchists who refuse to accept that the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is constitutional.” Almost on cue, Sen. Ted Cruz ambled down to the Senate floor and began his game of obstruction and delay by objecting to unanimous consent on moving forward with 4 non-controversial nominations.
Sen. Cruz’s master plan is to delay the Senate vote on stripping the defunding of Obamacare out of the House CR for as long as possible. Cruz doesn’t have a plan, or an endgame. His whole purpose is to get more media attention for himself. Cruz is convinced that if he turns himself into an anti-Obamacare martyr the rest of the country will rise up and a popular rebellion will break out against res state Senate Democrats, and force all Republicans to oppose funding the government without defunding Obamacare.
There is no evidence whatsoever that this will happen, but Sen. Cruz is still going to grandstand for this entire week like his life depended on it.
Harry Reid’s battle cry to Democrats also contained a promise, “Obamacare is the law of the land and it will remain so as long as Barack Obama is President and as long as I am the Senate Majority Leader.” The ACA isn’t going anywhere. Reid is stating the obvious. Democrats will never, ever take one red cent away from healthcare reform. President Obama and the Democrats hold all of the cards. The Republican Party is divided, and Sen. Reid sounds a lot like a man who is certain that the Republicans are going to crack.
These are most likely written by Becky Mansour, who used to be a Hillary supporter, who was rejected by Obama, and who has given over her considerable nastiness and obvious bitterness to Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteNow that there's a good chance Hillary will run for President again, Becky is trying her nasty best to prop up Sarah Palin because there will be comparisons made...not that there is any comparison between the Hillary Clinton and the epitome of our low-life, know-nothing, sound-bite, reality tee vee culture, Sarah Palin.
Totally new writer for sure. Some high powered firm in Washington or New York? Those PAC dollars have to produce something after all these years. . .
ReplyDelete"The U.S. Senate has some arcane procedural rules, and as ordinary Americans our eyes glaze over trying to decipher them." - That's Sarah in a nut-shell. (She's a nut and those were coconut shells stuffed into her blouse.)
In a 7/08 interview, Larry Kudlow of CNBC’s “Kudlow & Co.” asked freshman Governor Sarah Palin about the possibility of becoming McCain's ticket mate. Her answer?
“As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"
You mean to tell us Sarah, you figured out some arcane rules in the Senate? The Senate that you would have been in charge of as VP?:
Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) sat for an interview with KUSA, an NBC affiliate in Colorado. In response to a question sent to the network by a third grader at a local elementary school about what the Vice President does, Palin erroneously argued that the Vice President is "in charge of the United States Senate":
Q: Brandon Garcia wants to know, "What does the Vice President do?"
PALIN: That's something that Piper would ask me! ... [T]hey're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.
HOLY FUCK , how is it POSSIBLE that this sociopathic feckless moron got nominated?
Sorry Sarah, Mark is the Alaskan we listen to. Not you.
ReplyDeleteUh yeah, thanks for those numbers $carah. I'll be phoning my senators to tell them how much I want Obamacare and how bad it will be for them at the polls should they vote to defund it. Or block the finding vote.
ReplyDeleteHere's Why Conservatives Are Full Of It On Health Care
ReplyDeleteYou can just feel conservatives' glee as they await the "implosion" of Obamacare.
Whether it's technical problems with the health care exchange websites or low participation in the insurance pools, they see big problems on the horizon that will doom Obamacare, and they are psyched.
Tom Miller has a "reality check" for conservatives in the current issue of National Affairs: While Obamacare is going to cause big problems, it's not going to explode in a fireball of health care disaster. Conservatives can only defeat it with a plausible plan to replace it, says the health policy scholar from the conservative American Enterprise Institute.
Unintentionally, Miller's "reality check" explains why conservatives can't come up with an approach to health care other than waiting for Obamacare to fail.
Isn't it odd that now, just days before the ACA rolls out across the country, the GOP is beginning to talk about coming up with their own "healthcare" reform program? As I recall, most of the complications in the enacted ACA come from the GOP in the first place. They put lots of monkey wrenches in before the bill was passed. I don't think that their sabotage efforts worked because the law, though very cumbersome (thank you, GOP), is going to roll out and it will make a huge difference. Hopefully it will in the future lead to genuine universal health care of the sort enjoyed by most people in industrialized countries. It's too late, GOP, you had your say - back in 2009 - now just let the law take effect. And let the US government get back to work without the threat of shutdown and the pain of your sequester. Grow up, GOP, you lost the battle in November 2008.
Steve Schmidt is right.... "the freak show that's been running wild for four years." McCain is a yellow bellied-chicken hawk, but it is good his legacy will stank to high hell.
ReplyDeleteHe declared that moderates need to take “conservatism’s good name back from the freakshow that’s been running wild for four years,” admitting he has “deep regret” for giving Palin her first-ever national platform.
ReplyDeleteSchmidt: We Need A 2016 Candidate Who Will Stand Up Against Palin's "Asininity"
It's the Koch Bros. who are paying her. Palin was a John Bircher from way back (while she was AIP and Wasilla mayor). The Koch Bros. are John Birchers. They bought Kansas and they think they can buy the entire US. They've got a good start in Texas already.
DeleteNo mention of her in this article...
the reference is this one is amusing or alarming, depending on one's sense of humor these days: http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/201310/ted-cruz-republican-senator-october-2013?printable=true
The Koch brothers' father, Fred, was the founder of the John Birch Society.
DeleteAnd they aren't fearless entrepreneurs in a free-market economy. They inherited their huge fortunes and are kicking and screaming to make sure they keep every last penny.
And that a lot of other people are beggared in the process.
Palin is really desperate for attention, 4 Facebook posts in one day. I hope that she will give us a weather up date tomorrow. I'm worried that the sun won't come up. We need Sarah to report on important stuff like snow and the sun, you betcha.
ReplyDeleteAnd rainbows also, too.
DeleteGood one, she's got to earn her couch coins from the moral majority out there and whatnot.
DeleteShe's in her "manic" phase, and in withdrawal since Sarahpac;s
ReplyDelete"Heathcare" dried up. Hey, Granny! Get a hobby, crochet a few chastity belts or something constructive. Cruz doesn't want anything to do with your skanky butt, he'll sink on his own pontoon boat.
McCain's foolish old man choice for running mate VP is killing off all the old elephants. Yet young and old, they will give him a pass, I know, it's complicated. I for one support the asininity lady taking the whole party down, so I say let her rip another one and another and so on. Her days are numbered so enjoy the end times of Miss Asininity.
ReplyDeleteI believe her new name is Granny ASSinity.
DeleteLooks like someone poked a stick up her a$$!!
ReplyDeleteGranny ASSinity... teehee
DeleteYou know this wasn't written by Palin, since it twice asks people do contact the Senators "politely."
ReplyDeleteNothing she's said in the past five years has been polite. It's not in her vocabulary, and certainly not in her character.
Good catch!
DeleteSarah Palin if you truly believe in what you are saying then you would run for a Senate seat.
ReplyDeleteSarah can't do that. She has young children that she hires people to care for.
DeletePiper needs a sitter still?
Isn't Monday 30th the deadline for the 3rd quarter PAC donations? She's obviously using this controversial subject to stir up her bots to raise last minute donations.
ReplyDeleteBut my guess is that even so, there will still be some very interesting losses and expenditures in the next PAC report.
Hey Sarah, maybe you should tell your bots that they better hurry up and make a donation before their Social Security gets held up in the budget de-funding that you support because you don't want to see Obama Care funded.
It's a non-election year so the next report is due January 31, 2014. Next year her PAC filings will be due quarterly.
DeleteCheck out Mediamatters...
ReplyDeleteShe has been mentioned on national TV today, but not in a good or positive way in that she is being compared to Cruz and noted for being in support of him.
ReplyDeleteNot good, sister Sarah!! Expect her to continue her rants against the Republican party, President Obama and Obamacare!
A great article about Ted Cruz at
Now ask yourself - Is this someone who would want to have anything to do with the imbecile Sarah unless he is royally screwing with her now only to flush her down the sewer as a used condom when she has outlived her usefulness.
What an Ass hat. Thing is, at these particular schools, every guy came on to you with that "I'll be President one day," bravado.
DeleteLawrence O'Donnell has his say about Cruz:
All that photo needs is the caption FLOOZY... although GOOFBALL would also work. What's up with the tongue?
ReplyDeleteIf I was inclined to hang out with demons I much prefer Gozer.
ReplyDeleteYES - call your Senators
ReplyDelete...and tell them that God-damn it: we WANT Obamacare. You defund Obamacare and we will vote you OUT>
Lia of God's Own Party called the Ed Schultz Show yesterday and explained Dominionism and its relation to SP and Cruz. She mentioned that what the cult's hierarchy wants is for people who are ill, desperate and have no insurance to turn to local churches for help. They would then be indoctrinated into this bizarre "Christian" sect. Ed seemed utterly fascinated and repeated her website address. If he actually reports on this remains to be seen. My question: why is there an obvious media blackout on this Seven Mountains group? Has been for years...and there have been some excellent investigative articles that recieve no major coverage. Are the MSM parent companies being nicely compensated/threatened to turn away from it? Kinda like the Trig saga? Are the Koch boys involved? Once the ACA kicks in, there will be no need for spokesmodels Carnival Cruz or Saint VaVaVoom of the Inflatable Bra to frighten the lo-infos into thinking that Obamacare is the Devil's doing, and the "church" will have to find something else to pick away at.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, some who were tuned in to Ed yesterday will start doing research on their own.
Way past time to lift the veil on crazy evilness of the 7 Mountains cult and the whole universe of dominionism bullshit. Hopefully, Ed will be the man to step up and git-er-dun. Big Time. 'bout time.
DeleteThanks. I just saw actor Leah Remini, was a Scientologists, on the tube. These cults have power and own people. I don't get how they work together but they influence entertainment industry and media.
DeletethePalin condom:
as thin as her resume'
I think it is entirely possible that she found some source of handy dandy pre-written anti-Obamacare talking points available for free to post on blogs, send as emails, etc.
ReplyDeleteIt would fit into her personality (let someone else do the work) and she probably thinks that it somehow gives her "connections" to whatever Koch-funded outfit provides the pre-canned pieces.
I would so much like to fuck her.