1. The Invisible Man.
Reason: Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man is a masterpiece that captures the grim realities of racial discrimination in 20th-century America. Unfortunately, thanks to a ban passed by the local board of education, school kids in Randolph County, N.C, won’t be able find that novel in their library. An angry parent objected to the book’s sexual content and lack of innocence, and the school board agreed to ban the book by a vote of 5-2 with one of the board members, Gary Mason, a scholarly man no doubt, stated: “I didn’t find any literary value.”
Such a great book! I read it when I was young and have recommended to to kids for years. Morons!
2. The entire Tarzan series.
Reason: Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic series about a man living in the jungle was pulled from the shelves of a public library in the appropriately named town of Tarzana, Calif. Authorities thought the adventure stories unsuitable for youngsters, since there was no evidence that Tarzan and Jane had married before they started cohabiting in the treetops. Ralph Rothmund, who ran Burroughs’ estate, protested that the couple had taken marital vows in the jungle with Jane’s father serving as minister. “The father may not have been an ordained minister,” said Rothmund, “but after all things were primitive in those days in the jungle.”
Yes we can't have children emulating this kind of behavior by running off to the wilds of Africa, meeting a young woman, and cohabiting in the treetops with her, now can we?
By the way the Tarzan books were my favorites as a kid and I read all of them, and watched every one of the movies, religiously.
I could even do a rather impressive impression of the Tarzan yell. Used the scare the crap out of the neighborhood dogs. (Well it was either the yell or the fact I was standing in my backyard in my underwear with a butter knife slipped into the waistband. True story.)
3. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.
Reason: The book has been challenged numerous times for sexually explicit passages, and, in 1983, the Alabama State Textbook Committee called for rejecting the book because it was “a real downer.”
Yes what a downer. I mean it certainly had no redeeming value as a lesson on prejudice, or adolescence, or human suffering, or anything like that right?
To be serious it is a book that EVERYBODY should read once in their life. Or perhaps more than once
4. Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Reason: School authorities in Merrimack, N.H. found nothing amusing about Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, in which a girl washes ashore after a shipwreck, disguises herself as a page, and falls in love with her male master. That jolly cross-dressing and fake-same-sex romance was deemed in violation of the district’s “prohibition of alternative lifestyle instruction,” and copies of the play were pulled from schools
Cross-dressing, and faux gay sex stuff must be stopped don'tcha know.
After all nothing says you are receiving a well rounded education quite like raging homophobia, and a fear of literary classic, right?
5. Charlotte’s Web
Reason: A parents group in Kansas decided that any book featuring two talking animals must be the work of the devil, and so had E.B. White’s 1952 work barred from classrooms. The group’s central complaint was that humans are the highest level of God’s creation, as shown by, they said, the fact we’re “the only creatures that can communicate vocally. Showing lower life forms with human abilities is sacrilegious and disrespectful to God.”
WTF? Charlotte's Web? And since when are animals talking "sacrilegious and disrespectful to God?"
Haven't these idiots ever watched a Disney film?
Scratch that, they probably haven't stepped foot in the "Devil's Cinema" in years.
6. The Harry Potter series
Reason: While pretty much every child was devouring the final book in the Harry Potter series in 2007, one school was pulling all seven Potter books from its library shelves. The pastor of St. Joseph School in Wakefield, Mass., deemed their sorcery-heavy story-lines inappropriate for a Catholic school. Parents said the pastor thought most children were “strong enough to resist the temptation,” but his job was to “protect the weak and the strong.”
Yeah well this one was a gimme wasn't it? After all Christians have been freaking out about this series since the very first one hit the bookstores. And do you remember that trio of young exorcists who were going to England to battle the forces of Harry Potter?
Of course these are wonderful books as well, and they have been worth their weight in gold considering how they encouraged so many youngsters to step away from their televisions and start reading again.
So those are the books that certain religious types want to keep out of the hands of students.
And yet the book that these people would endorse without question, and would insist that EVERY student read from cover to cover, is the Bible.
You remember the Bible right? It is the book that has great moral stories like this one:
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That story about Abraham and Isaac scared me silly when I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteThus the dangers of small minds making up the nascent demographic. THIS, is why the Founding Father's wrote the Constitution the way they did, with these Puritans in mind.
ReplyDeleteBut they pull Wasilla Bible Church crap all the time, taking over school and hospital boards, eventually government appointed jobs and even Statewide and national offices to legislate their morals.
I'll tell you what I'd only ever entertain banning, that horrible 'Book' with unnamed violent, crazy, misogynistic authors.
they also want to control our TeeVee! One of them bitched at Kurt Sutter "Son's of Anarchy" about the first episode of the season? And he replied in wonderful SOA speak...got to read it its GREAT!
DeleteFuck these morons.
The kids aren’t exactly eating it up. We used to read straight from the bible in Sunday school, no prepared lessons, and I remember thinking a lot of it was “nasty business.”
ReplyDeleteThriller, horror and erotica would be too much for young readers, but none of those books reach that level. The bible is worse. The religious nuts are being morons, as usual.
Good points.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the best part is G. doing a Tarzan yell outside wearing butter-knife yielding briefs. That should demand some kind of rating.
Can you imagine the thought balloons over the dogs’ heads? “What do we do about HIM Ralph?”
DeleteDude, the visual with the butter-knife yielding briefs alone was enough to make me choke with laughter on my M&Ms. It took me years back to my childhood when my brothers and I used to tie towels around our necks and run around the house in our Underoos as the REAL Batman, Robin, Superman & Wonder Woman. (And for those of you that's going to check my story for Marvel accuracy, there was NO WAY my brothers were going to have a cape and I wasn't!)
DeleteI remember a friend of mine whispering to me that the spells in the Harry Potter books and movies were "real" and would open up a "dark door" for her kids if they even glanced at them. Her pastor told her so!*
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, her teenage daughter had had it with her mom's restrictive crapola and was reading the Black Bible on the sneak, just out of curiosity. Fear is SO effective, no? She's now going to school to get a degree in crime investigation and won't be tied to the kitchen sink as her family wanted. Love this kid!
*Translation: No fostering of imagination for good Xtian kiddies, dagnabbit! If they start to think abstractly, they may start to question things and veer off the "path".
harry potter inluences childten in sorcery. ......an evangelical website sent out millions of email notices that the book did in fact promote satanic arts....they had proof from an article and qouted it as factual and entirely true,this started a major push by christian parents to ban the book citing the email as the basis for the ban......nobody bothered to check that the proof the had was actually taken from an article published in THE ONION a parody/satire online publication. ....OOPS !!!
DeletePS...Anne Frank? Charlotte's Web?
The Wizard of Oz series was banned at one point as well. My mom was able to find all the books for me when I was 8 or 9. I still have them.
Me too - still have them! Purchased a new book re: Anne Frank for my granddaughter along w/the award winning movie when she was 12.
DeleteLoved all the Oz books - wish I owned them, but they were library copies.
DeleteThe Wizard of Oz was written by a satirist - and it had a lot of meaning. Check it out:
Everyone go to the library in your town and borrow these books. Drive these nuts crazy. I am so sick of them wanting to control everything. How many of us remember when they were so against Rock and Roll, then it was the satan's messages.in the songs. Money and church membership won that they could have the music and they made a new money maker, taking the songs and putting God, Christ or worship in there somewhere. . You know the same thing happened with having multiple marriages. It was a sin until nobody came to church and then it was okay to be married more than on time. There are so many people here in TN that have been married 3, 4 times but their good church people ??
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOne group banned Bill Martin Jr's Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you See? because he shares the same name with a terrorist or communist or something and they were too lazy or too stupid to do any research as to exactly who Bill Martin Jr. the children's author, is.
DeleteTypical of the brain dead, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing bigots that go around burning books.
The thing is though that what the bible stories demonstrate are the transgressive human beings of the times and how brutal and barbaric they could become. It's not God's wish for them to be so. It shows how unforgiving and vengeful they were. There's a verse (sorry, not enough coffee, and can't off the cuff remember where), but it's "where there is no vision, the people perish".
ReplyDeleteThat verse would explain that men need a 'vision' and they can even look beyond the temporal and into eternity with God.
Agree, it's hypocritical for some to remove these books, as though keeping their kids eyes off of them will turn them into vicious beings. These books are fictional and teach lessons and give insight, and are written by people just like all of us who try to find out what and why we become so out of control.at times.
That's why the NT provides a savior and a solution - we've shown through the centuries that we can be our own worst enemy.
So there was this Jew named Tobias who was blind because a bird shit in his eyes so he had to send his son Toby on a quest to collect a debt.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, the angel Raphael showed up (in disguise of course) to help Toby on his sojourn.
On the way, Toby stopped to wash his feet in a river and a really big fish tried to eat Toby's FOOT.
Raphael told Toby to keep the fish guts so they did.
Further on, they stopped in a town called Ragus to spend the night with a fellow named Raguel.
Raguel had a daughter named Sara who had a demon named Asodeus living in her HOOha.
Every time she'd get married and try to have sex, Asodeus would bite the husband on the dick and he'd DIE.
Toby fell in love and married Sara so Raguel was pretty sure that Toby would be dead in the morning...
Raphael had Toby burn some of the fish guts and that made Asmodeus come out of Sara's lady-parts and Rapahel took Asmodeus out to the desert and chained him there.
So Sara and Toby had wonderful MARRIED sex and they went and collected the debt and came home.
THEN Raphael had Toby take some of the leftover fish guts and put them in his dad, Tobias's eyes and VOILA! Tobias could SEE again!
And they all lived happily ever after.
The moral of the story?
Man... fuck if I know.
(Tobit - Douay-Rheims bible)
"Raguel had a daughter named Sara who had a demon named Asodeus living in her HOOha."
DeleteGee...who does THAT sound like? Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, Willow Palin anything Palin.
Let the church say.....
DeleteUh, always save fish guts to use for general medical cure alls?
Once upon a time some angels (in disguise, of course - angels LOVE cosplay) went to a town called Sodom to visit this guy, Lot.
ReplyDeleteA mob showed up at Lot's house cause they wanted to fuck the visitors.
Lot told the mob they could fuck his daughters instead.
God was mad at the mob so he rained fire and brimstone down on Sodom, but he let Lot and his family escape first.
As they were running away, Lot's wife turned around to watch the fireworks so God turned her into a pillar of salt.
Then Lot got REALLY drunk and fucked his daughters repeatedly in a cave.
The moral of the story?
It's OK to let a mob gang-bang your daughters, but if YOU want to fuck your own daughters, you need be really, really drunk? Hunh?
Wow! Another Palin story! Sodom being Alasska!
DeleteWow. No wonder all the fundy's want to go to Todd's Rainbow bay lodge/palace.
Let the church say....
Deleteyou're wrong about the Lot story...his daughters drugged him with and raped him while he slept... so apparently that's okay :)
DeleteCharlotte's Web? Out of Kansas? That is like abandoning The Wizard of Oz. There was never a more poignant retlationship than the spider and the pig.
ReplyDeleteThe Wizard of Oz has regularly made the banned list too.
DeleteWitches you know.
BTW, when I read the comments it sends me into another world. Wow. Didn't know it was like this. Book discussion becomes rape threats. The violence is exraordinary.
ReplyDeleteWhat idiots! Actually animals can communicate with humans in their language.What about Koko the gorilla, Michael, Washoe the chimp, all the orangutans that have been taught human sign language? I worked with primates in the past and they are a hell of a lot smarter than members of the tea party! Many moons ago, I put my daughter in a Christian school and I agreed to teach English because I was one o the very few "teachers" that had an actual degree, maybe the only one. I had the middle school students read Ethan Frome and some of the kids took it to the principal to try to get me into trouble, saying it was "immoral." Their little ploy didn't work though. They didn't want to read it. That school was simply indoctrinating kids. I probably would have gotten into trouble over Ethan Frome if they'd taken the time to read it for an implied affair in the story. I actually assigned it after I asked one of my old English professors for suggestions and that was one of his. I consider myself a Christian, but I didn't abandon my brain at the door. I haven't been in a church in years, I got very sick of all the judgments people thought they were able to pass on everyone else. Plus people in church are so nosy and want to get into everyone's personal life. Education is so important in developing critical thinking skills and that is what they want to destroy!
ReplyDeleteCharlotte's web is the work of the devil?
ReplyDeleteThere is no depth of stupidity to which these ignorant Christian Ayatollahs won't sink.
Their Jihad against anyone not a bible thumping Muslim hatin' rill 'Mericun has reached new heights of Palin grade fecklessness.
I wonder if they realize the Bibull is full of human sexuality scenarios, so why don't they just rip those chapters right out?
Why not force Christian women to wear head coverings and floor length skirts at all times? Oh wait,... some of their sects already do that.
Why not keep girls and young women from public schools, or going to college, and breed them solely to marry a man and breed more babies
Oh wait, they are already doing that.
Why not bring back the old ways of beating your kids if they get out of line, or depriving them of modern medical care because
"faith" trumps common sense.
Yep, you guessed it,
Let's just give these religious fanatics all of Texas, and they can have their Christian nation of America, and the rest of us can try to get back to sanity in governance
Thanks for this important post, Gryphen. Fortunately book banners are performing strictly symbolic actions. There are too many places where these books are freely available to stop anyone who really wants to read them from reading them. And what is the best way to encourage young'uns to do something? Forbid 'em from doing it.
ReplyDeleteExactly right, 9:38. I'll bet there isn't a catholic around who hasn't read most - if not all - of the proscribed books listed by the catholic church.
DeleteThe bible should not be read in the public school system - I know it was never in our schools. I'm a senior citizen today and still don't recommend reading 'that' book to anyone. But, then I'm not a Christian!
ReplyDeleteTrivia: Tarzana got its name because it was owned and developed by Edgar Rice Burroughs. What I didn't know until I double checked that factoid that he established the developed properties exclusively for sale to Caucasions.
ReplyDeleteStalky and Co. by Rudyard Kipling is my personal favorite book that should be banned but seems to slide in under the radar. Wiki says: The stories have elements of revenge, the macabre (dead cats), bullying and violence, and hints about sex, making them far from childish or idealized, unlike the typical school stories.
ReplyDeleteBasically it's about 3 boys subverting the education process. As a training manual for an adolescent bent on creating havoc at school, it can't be beat. Alas, I did not encounter the book until college, when my thirst for revenge had waned (because I had actual teachers finally).
"They speak words I don't understand and I am afraid so I must destroy them and burn their books"
ReplyDelete- your typical tea bagger republican
I don't understand how the fundamentalists can deal with the Song of Solomon in the old testament since it is far more subversive than any of these other books they have banned.
ReplyDeleteOf course, these fundamentalist idiots only envision their own unique brand of "bible" that contains only the writings that support their poisoned view of life (much like their own contorted notion of what the U.S Constitution says).
They don't understand the Song of Solomon any more than they understand Shakespeare.
DeleteEver make a huge bowl of popcorn, leave it in a room full of kids and tell them "Don't eat the popcorn"?
ReplyDeletePain in the ass, ain't it? Having to go through the trouble to make another bowl.
FWIW, I don't believe in banning any book, but if you want to find the most perverted porn, look no further than the Bible.