Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Remembering Reagan.

Courtesy of Mark Welkie
Gee no wonder the Republicans idealize him.

Look how much corruption there was, and how history has brushed just about all of it under the rug.

I bet it makes Sarah Palin's granny panties all moist at the very thought.


  1. Sally in MI3:31 AM

    Gee, it kind of makes the Big Three Obama non-scandals look wimpy, doesn't it? And I read a lot on other blogs lately, about "Monica," and how Hillary doesn't have a chance. I ask you, GOP, how many Clinton appointees are in jail? How many from Obama? How big was the national debt when Clinton entered office? When he left (hint, a surplus is not a debt.) How much money did Bush squander with his 'political capital?' How much has Obama spent fixing Bush's mistakes? And STILL he has brought the debt down. The GOP is a farce. A disgrace to this country. They believe in spending on their corporate lords and war. They care nothing about the people who are here, trying to work for a living wage, provide for their kids, and make this nation better for them having been here. The GOP cares about enriching themselves, dying with the most sheltered billions, and maintaining power. They make me sick, and Palin and her ilk most of all. What real job has she ever had? If politics is so evil (and notice it wasn't evil when it was paying her bills..oh wait, still is) why did she choose to run for Mayor and Governor? Why does she open her yap and lie at Fox and Breitnart? Why not stay home and live off her spoils and raise her kids?

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      (hint, a surplus is not a debt.)

      Another hint: an apple is not an orange.

      If, for a given fiscal year, there is a surplus, that means that the revenues for the FY exceeded the expenditures. The excess, called "surplus", may or may not be used to pay off some of the debt. Having a surplus does not mean there is no debt; it just means there's some unspent money that can be used to reduce the size of the debt.

  2. Anonymous4:18 AM

    He also ruined affordable college education for the middle class. And fucked over the mentally ill and their families, making it very difficult (and expensive) to get treatment. Not to mention that whole rapist thing while he was still an actor.

    1. He also destroyed public education in California. We were number one until he was Governor. He took the education budget, which was separate at the time, and put it in the general fund. Mostly so no one would notice that school budgets were being cut.

      Then, as President, he had his propaganda specialist create this false piece of crap called "A Nation at Risk" to further his agenda. Didn't matter it was a pack of lies made to order to his specifications.

      That further eroded our once stellar educational system.

      I'd piss on his grave if I had the proper equipment and could afford to travel.

    2. I already did it for you at The Reagan Library . . . Nixon's, too.

  3. Beldar Ted Conehead4:32 AM

    Ok, Gryphen, - if that's really your name which NSA files published on Wikileaks indicate it is not - you go ahead and mock Reagan, because that's what you libtards do, but just remember this: Reagan will always be a shining something or other on the hill as a beacon of hope and achievement that even people afflicted with a devastating mental illness like Alzheimer's disease can still run for public office and be leaders of great nations like the United States!

    And like the amazing dog that walks on two legs, it doesnt matter that Reagan was a terrible president; it's simply remarkable that he was president at all!

    In other news, Canada appears close to admitting that they smuggled secret agent Rafael "Ted" Cruz across the border to destroy the United States in a plot anonymous Canadian officials are calling "not quite an act of war, but more than a childish prank".

  4. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Not just granny Sarah's, but Ted Cruz's also too. Ewwwww.

  5. Reagan also had his own "Benghazi," which was much more deadly. Terrorist attacks in Lebanon killed 241 Americans.


  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Is granny panties incontinence urination the same as pre-cum dribbles?

  7. Anonymous7:44 AM

    And Ronald Reagan is considered too "liberal" for today's GOP! The many scandals never bothered the GOP. Heck, they don't even mind that George W. Bush started a war with the wrong country and just about destroyed the entire economy doing it! They only worry about anything when a Democrat is in the White House.

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I will always remember Reagan as the President who barely had the intellect to tie his own shoes...........said it then,and it still applies......

  9. Don't forget that he gave no public address at all on the topic of AIDS until it had killed more Americans alone then the Vietnam War.

  10. And he's some interesting hypothesizing that he was one of those guys who didn't understand no means no

  11. Here in California I remember he balanced the budget but cutting the mental health safety net and putting mentally ill patients out on the street to fend for themselves. That was the start of our homeless explosion. And not much has been done since to correct the situation and get these people the care they need.

    I spit on Reagan. He was a piss porr Governor and I didn't vote for him because of it.


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