Thursday, September 05, 2013

Teabaggers apoplectic as Jeb Bush prepares to honor Hillary Clinton.

Courtesy of the National Memo: 

Jeb Bush is set to present Hillary Clinton with the National Constitution Center Liberty Medal on September 10. 

“Former Secretary Clinton has dedicated her life to serving and engaging people across the world in democracy,” Bush said, in statement released in June. “These efforts as a citizen, an activist, and a leader have earned Secretary Clinton this year’s Liberty Medal.” 

As the date of the presentation nears, Tea Partiers — unsurprisingly — are apoplectic that the former secretary of state, senator and First Lady of the United States and Arkansas is receiving an honor previously awarded to Sandra Day O’Connor, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. 

“It is extremely distressing to learn that on the eve of the First Anniversary of the Benghazi attack (9/11/12), in which an American Ambassador and three American soldiers were killed–the National Constitution Center–led by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, will present former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with the 2013 Philadelphia Liberty Medal,” reads Independence Hall Tea Party Association’s website. 

The group is planning a press conference in protest, during which they will name the winner of their “2013 Defender of Liberty Medal” — which I’m guessing will not be Mrs. Clinton. 

Republicans are intent on holding Clinton accountable for the tragedy at a CIA outpost in Benghazi. Strangely, they didn’t apply the same standard to George W. Bush, who was president when there was a terrorist attack on another 9/11.

The "2013 Defender of Liberty Medal?" Does that come with a super secret decoder ring as well?

You know I can almost hear the cries of "RINO" directed at Jeb Bush over this from here.

Let's face for these Teabaggers the Benghazi incident is simply their Whitewater controversy from the 90's. However it is very unlikely that there was a semen stained blue dress still waiting to be uncovered in that outpost.

What the Teabaggers fear, and deservedly so, is that if Clinton becomes the candidate for the Democrats that a LOT of their party members, especially women, will vote for her over whoever they dig up to oppose her on the other side. And every award she wins, or accolade she is given, only makes her seem that much more credible. And that much more electable. 


  1. Jeb has the brains to understand her contributions. If he ends his political life soon, and I suspect he may, he wants to retain some honor. Good for him.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    "You know I can almost hear the cries of "RINO" directed at Jeb Bush over this from here."

    They'll have to yell louder than the cries of "BENGHAZI!!" to be heard

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Wonderful award for Hillary Clinton and well deserved. I can hardly wait to have her announce she will be running for POTUS.

    Remember folks, the teabaggers are a minority in the Republican party. They can make lots of noise, but Hillary has more experience in our country and world than the entire bunch of them put together.

    I can hardly wait to cast my vote for her and have Dems in the White House another eight years.

    1. Sally in MI1:15 PM

      I'm with you, but the baggers are infiltrating state governments at all levels. Do not underestimate their ability to screw things up..even if they have to do it illegally.

  4. Sally in MI10:31 AM

    Let's see. Who could be their super special defender of Liberty? The anti-abortion govs who hate women? Too many to choose from. Boehner? No, he shakes hands with teh President. I know, Mittens, who defends to the death his right to make money, hide his tax returns, and keep Americans AND foreigners who have anything to do with his 'corporate peoples' in poverty. Or maybe the Defender of the Constitution as printed in Cubada, Teddy Cruz, the anointed one. Of course, for maximum TV exposure, there's always Sarah.
    And I'm guessing Jeb decided not to be King Bush the Third.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      This should be a Grande Affair:
      Michelle Malkin and Sean Hannity (tie)

      2nd Runner-up, Mrs Congeniality, & Geography Award:
      Sarah Heath Palin

      3rd Runner-up and Most Fashionable (Best Hair):
      Donald Trump

      Scholastic Award (based on knowledge of Science & American History):
      Michele Bachmann

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Don't forget Largest Number of Citizenship Award -- Ted Cruz.

    3. Sally in MI1:14 PM

      The GOP will never award a female anything.My guess is after the Sarah debacle, we will not see a female GOP VP candidate for another 50 years...I'm certain the big brokers were not pleased with her pick, and even less pleased once she opened that evil mouth. Tha's OK, the Democrats appreciate strong, intelligent women. We'll be happy to elect the first female President.

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    When teabaggers go apoplectic I grin. It is such an entertaining change from their pervasive state of mindless stupor. I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    When she is the nominee, and faces some sort of TeabaGOP opponent, the rightwing misogyny will be there to see in every debate question, every campaign stop. On election day, a great number of Republican women will exercise their secret ballot -- which their husbands and ministers can't see -- and will vote for Hillary.

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    They are SO pathetic. It's ridiculous!

  8. Bagger apoplexy shows up as spikes against the background of constant Benghazi droning.

  9. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Sounds like somebody's hoping for a cabinet appointment in 2016...

    1. Sally in MI1:11 PM

      Jeb is about the only Bush I'd want anywhere near DC..he appears to be smart, and may even be honest.

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Child shoots SWAT officer at reading event

    Yes, this really happened:

    A Lodi Police SWAT officer had a Glock .35 with a flashlight in his thigh holster at a children’s reading event when a boy managed to pull the trigger and shoot the officer.
    How was the child able to fire the weapon? The gun did not have a safety mechanism.

    The officer was showing off the department’s SWAT truck, vest and other gear at a children’s event called Reading Roundup on Aug. 24.
    “A small child, witnesses tell us was 6 to 8 years old, was able to walk up to the officer and was able to pull the trigger.”

    The bullet hit the officer’s leg. He was taken to the hospital for a minor injury and released
    Police department officials are hoping the child's family comes forward because they still haven't been able to interview the child or his parents.
    Video report here.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Because how can you have a Reading Roundup without a SWAT truck and loaded pistols?

  11. Anonymous2:20 PM

    If Jeb Bush didn't know before that the world hates him and his family, all he has to do is watch the votes against intervention in Syria.

  12. angela4:41 PM

    So the teabagger award is the honor all the vicious idiots give each other when they aren't invited to the award ceremony of sane intelligent people?


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