Saturday, September 21, 2013

Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli is reaching out for help in the upcoming race. Help from Christian homeschoolers.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli attended a fundraiser co-hosted by anti-gay and anti-choice activists. Now, the far-right state attorney general is calling for help from Religious Right leader Michael Farris, who runs Patrick Henry College and the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). 

Generation Joshua is the youth branch of the HSLDA, which sends homeschoolers to work on “races across the country, phone-banking, literature dropping and campaigning on behalf of conservative candidates” who oppose abortion rights and gay equality. “Many battles have been won on the homeschooling front, but there are many battles left to fight because the giants of abortion, homosexuality, and moral relativism remain in our land.” 

Cuccinelli was the keynote speaker at the Generation Joshua’s first annual Future of America Banquet, and now the right-wing organization is returning the favor. reports that Generation Joshua is hoping to send around 200 students “to work with the Cuccinelli campaign in two weeks” as part of “Operation: Shock and Awe,” which is complete with this fantastic video:

Last December, Farris gained publicity for his drive to make sure that no gay students are attending Patrick Henry College. A Patrick Henry professor during the college's annual “Faith and Reason” lecture criticized the government for prosecuting rape, sexual harassment, child abuse and domestic violence cases. 

Oh yeah, nothing creepy about that!

I know that sometimes I get a lot of flack for speaking out against homeschooling, and yes I do realize that there are many parents educating their children properly, with NO religious indoctrination including in the curriculum, however the fact is that religous and political organizations have purposefully used homeschooling to isolate a population of young people, and use them for propaganda purposes, political activism, and to train them to openly challenge evolution and climate change in universities and other venues.

They are using Christian homeschooling to dumb down the population and reinforce the kind of faith based outlook which makes them easy to manipulate, and that is going to have serious repercussions on the future of this country.


  1. angela3:08 PM

    Oh yeah. The only way these people want to see women is leading a group of ten of their own children to church and back home again. The gay kids in these families will either end up self hating pastors at megachurches vilifying other gays—then get caught having sex with a same sex in a bathroom or fleeing the home for safe houses. Forget about any child abuse reported within these groups. They talk to the pastor.

    Beside religious indoctrination and laissez faire to no teaching by parents--my only other problem with homeschooling is the fear that many cases of physical, emotional and sexual abuse cannot be detected because third parties like teachers, coaches , etc., usually are not in the mix.

    Anyway, Cuccinelli is extremely crazy. As with most of his lot—he is a bit too into other people's sex lives. Maybe he'll steal a homeschooling list like Bachmann did.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Those are some of the dumbest arguments against homeschooling. First, most homeschooling parents that I know, religious or not, do work very hard at teaching, and getting it right. Second, if you are concerned about abuse, then what about all the 0-5 y o that don't go to school - why don't you want home inspections? And homeschooled kids, with a few exceptions are often MORE in the community, MORE around other people, more participatory, etc.

      So you are speaking from ignorance about homeschooling - bet to keep your mouth shut.

    2. angela5:02 AM

      Anon 8:57

      You are an ignorant ass. I suppose your world is so huge that EVERYONE is an excellent parent and always does the right thing.
      I work with children you poor idiotic thing. I see what people try to hide with abuse. Your argument that home schooled children are more in the community is ludicrous. I also see children coming into the public school system from some homeschooling disasters. Just as I've seen some children thrive in home schooled situations. But they had excellent intelligent parents. Just like public schools--not all homeschooling situations are good. By your hysterical ranting I see you have taken a position and followed it to an idiotic end. Moron.

      Have a good day!

  2. BabyRaptor3:20 PM

    Religion is dying because the assholes that adhere to it won't stop campaigning against other peoples' rights. If they could keep their personal beliefs in their personal life, everything would be fine. But no...Gotta try and force *everyone* to live by their BS.

    Personally, I don't think religion can die fast enough.

  3. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Ig you want to go to a christian college, go to Notre Dame or Georgetown.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Notre Dame, where instead of investigating rape allegations, a coach makes jokes about it. Great Christian school, that!

  4. Anonymous3:38 PM

    OT, lookie, lookie now she posted a link to some hogwash the ghostwriter wrote for britefart's page...she's trying to defend cruz who led the parade of baggers to shutdown the government to defund Obamacare. Then he decided, "no, we can never win that, it's futile. What she's trying to say is nuts "repugs aren't for shutting down the government but by golly we're going to defund Obamacare." What an effin' moron.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Yeah...I just read that pile of steaming shit and it definitely has her finger all up in it! RAM might have tried to pile the shit into a pretty shape but Baldy got right in there and fucked it all up! Love this Baldy contribution...

      "I want no pity. I need no empathy. But use me as a barometer. Over the years, the leftwing media has falsely and irrationally accused me of everything from faking a pregnancy to abetting murder. They lie. Deal with it."

      And this smells like Baldy's meth ass...

      "Heck, about the most significant thing that happened during the last government shutdown was Clinton hooked up with Monica.

      As I said in my speech at CPAC this year, it’s time for the Senate to put itself on Cruz Control.
      Ignore the peanut gallery pundits. They’ve written my political obituary so many times, I’m practically Lazarus. Now they’re trying to destroy Ted Cruz. Good luck with that, you weasels. Texans are just as tough as Alaskans. Smaller, but just as tough."

      Bitch PLEASE!

      Love that it's an EXCLUSIVE at Beerfart's site! She probably submitted this shit to NRO and they rejected she paid one of those "consultants" with some "smarticles" to do that other obviously not written by her post and good ole Beerfart accepted this shitty shit defense of Ted "BornInCanada" Cruz funky ass article instead!

      You're so BUSTED Baldy! LOL!!!

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "They are using Christian homeschooling to dumb down the population and reinforce the kind of faith based outlook which makes them easy to manipulate, and that is going to have serious repercussions on the future of this country."

    GOING to??? It HAS!
    GWB Homeskool campaign has seriously dumbed down a significant part of the populous especially in the RED states. I seen it last night as I was trolled on twitter these assholes can't even spell and all pump out the same bullshit party line....

    I know some people here homeschool their kids, but these people do it b/c they want to insulate their little budding murderous spawn from "libril idills", you know sharing with others helping others, having compassion and empathy...Look at the current crop of Teabagging assholes! All sociopaths! No shred of empathy there. Make believe meanings like "pull yourself up with your bootstraps" type word salad palin speak! Fuck that while they bitch about making 172K for doing NOTHING and resent giving people who need food $5. a day!!! While they go on expensive vacays and stuff their pig faces with steak and champagne oh they will need that Obamacare health ins that WE THE PEOPLE PAY FOR THEM!!!

  6. majii4:16 PM

    Cuccinelli is desperate because all of the most recent polls show Terry McAuliffe ahead. The GOP and outside RW groups are pouring money into his campaign at a fast pace, but I don't think it will do him much good. Cuccinelli stuck his foot in his mouth earlier this year when he indicated he has a desire to ban oral sex in VA. What he thinks anyone's sexual habits/preferences have to do with governing is beyond me. For some reason, he is fixated on sex, especially on imposing his beliefs on all others. I hope Virginia voters are paying close attention to these early clues about what he would focus on if he were ever governor, and I hope they plan to send him back to whatever hole he crawled out of before he became involved in government.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Not to mention he has jist learned that some people in his state are looking at p0rn and enjoying their seks!

  7. Anonymous5:39 PM

    The homeskooleerz were why Michele Bachmann was able to win the Iowa Straw Poll. Some reports suggest that the total campaign meltdown which now has her quitting and under serious investigation all started with the alleged theft of a homeskooler email list. Google Bachmann lawsuit and NICHE. It settled but too late to stop her meltdown.

  8. This kind of brainwashing has been going on for CENTURIES...ever seen the 'Walking Dead' ?? That's EXACTLY what comes out of these hell-holes of racism, bigotry and hate ..

  9. Anonymous8:49 PM

    "however the fact is that religous and political organizations have purposefully used private schools to isolate a population of young people, and use them for propaganda purposes, political activism, and to train them to openly challenge evolution and climate change in universities and other venues.

    They are using Christian schools to dumb down the population and reinforce the kind of faith based outlook which makes them easy to manipulate, and that is going to have serious repercussions on the future of this country."

    fixed that for you, Gryphen. And private schools are no different than homeschools - it depends a LOT on accreditation and the accrediting agency.

    And in voucher states, like Indiana and Louisiana, using your tax dollars to do so.

  10. A message from the sane people of Virginia on their feelings about the Cooch's run for governor:


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