Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hey, who let the Bristol Palin troll out of her cage?

I don't know how it happened, but it looks like somebody left the gate open and look who showed up over at Wonkette:  

There are some days when Yr Wonkette is very glad that we do not allow comments. Because if we did, we might find ourselves with bucketloads of comments like these, from “Livefree601″ on the topic of Bristol Palin, teen mom and Planned-Parenthood Dismantler: 

"She’s literally the most amazing and strongest woman out there. Who else could remain that strong in the face of haters and slanderers? AND she’s still the fully devoted mommy to the most blessed little boy" 

And this: 

"She’s literally the strongest person out there and the most loving mommy. Such a lucky little boy. Motherhood suits her. And at the end of the day, she’s not fake and doesn’t act like life is perfect".

And nine or ten more. Literally. They aren’t all like that, but it’s just hard to get past how sad it is that somebody out there has decided that their hero is Bristol Palin. Most of Livefree601′s comments appear to be replies to other comments, so we can only guess at the context; apparently, they do NOT appreciate the idea that Bristol Palin, literally the most amazing strongest woman out there, went and got knocked up through unprotected sex. That is a dirty lie, says Livefree601, because you see, “she planned her pregnancy with her friends.” Livefree601 says this three times, which frankly is a new one for us — we knew that her then-boyfriend, wossname, Wrangler or whatever, claimed in his bad remaindered book that Bristol anger-humped him to get with child after she learned that her mom was preggers, but we’d never heard anything about her being in one of those ‘pregnancy pact” things — which were an urban legend anyway. 

The real question, of course, is why would that make any difference? If Bristol Palin planned to get pregnant at 17, as part of a 4-H project with the Wasilla Meth Club, that somehow makes her a brave paragon of intentional teen pregnancy? And that makes her crusade to close women’s clinics a good thing? We do not understand the logic here. 

Actually for anybody who has been reading here, or over at Sadie's blog, for the past few years the idea that Bristol got pregnant on purpose is old news. However apparently Wonkette did not get the memo even though Sadie said as much in her Playboy interview.

My question however is what possessed Kristy to leave the homey atmosphere here at IM to wade into the serpent's den of Wonkettte? I mean THOSE people don't fuck around!

And boy did she spread the crazy! Just take a look:  

Actually, her 1 pregnancy was planned, as her friends’ were. You may want to actually know what you’re talking about before you speak. 

Notice that her 1 pregnancy in her life was planned. So go home you ignoramus. 

Get a life. Notice THEY are all employed and living their solid lives, NOT attacking strangers as you are. 

Nice hateful comment. Why don’t you shut your mouth or get to know someone. BTW, Bristol’s a perfect example of the double standard in teen boys and teen girls. Bristol was FAR from being “easy,” yet because she was pregnant, people attacked her. Her ex was a pretty typical playboy who didn’t deny cheating, even admitted to it. Yet he’s cool, even when he failed to get a job until his son was 3. Bristol matured FAR faster and had a job long before. 

Yep that's her alright. You can almost smell the scent of whack-a-doodle from here.

Well at least now people won't think we are exaggerating when we talk about the Crazy Palin stalker that roams the halls of IM.


  1. lostinmn4:13 PM

    She must be going insane and this is just her snapping point. Just the other day I think I asked what was the latest on her. I figured the silence meant she was baking yet another bun in the old over. That would be four or five? I wonder how many abortions she's gotten as well? Ever the little ripe ovary. I wonder if she'll come wandering in here to check on the comments? That's usually what happens. Such a pathetically stupid, vapid creature.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      hopefully, she got 'fixed'. 3 kids with 3 fathers is more than enough, especially for someone who's unemployed and single.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Who are you talking about? Are you in a hospital with padded walls right now? You're doing no one favors, esp this blog.

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Says a person who idles her/his time at a hate blog and not being happy with family. I feel sorry for you

    4. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Wonkette also had a blog post "Bristol trying to destroy " " with her vagina" which was Hilarius!
      Yes its wonkette who will report what the msm won't with the grifter palins...heh! they even CALL them GRIFTERS!!!

    5. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Interesting that Krusty is emphasizing the *1* pregnancy...

  2. angela4:18 PM

    Poor crazy Krusty.

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    And roams the halls at Malia's and my blog too.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Take it as a compliment, you must be doing something right to be noticed by the dim ones.

      Keep up the good work.

    2. Anonymous10:33 PM

      Badge of honor to you, Gryph, and Malia, SPHASH. Love Wonkette. They know crap when they see it.

  4. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Please don't be jealous, Gryphen. ;-)

    Kristy's presence at IM is especially notable however she's been practicing her Bristol-apologetics routine around the internet for a couple of years now, wherever and whenever Bristol Palin is the subject du jour. She uses several IDs, each leaving numerous comments, to give the impression that B has a huge and devoted following.

  5. SSinMD4:37 PM

    Ok so I havent followed here enough to know about this Kristy person other than seeing the name mentioned here every now and then. Thing is, I get a strong vibe that this (the wonkette comments, anyway) are written by a Palin. Since they are so juvenile, I would say Willow or Bristol herself. And I would not rule out Mama juvenile either. So...who isthis Kristy person and is there proof it is her?

    Thanks, its been a mystery to me since i had read here sporadically for a long time :)

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      You've seen the English grammar level of Bristol and Willow in their homophobic Facebook attacks and on MySpace. It's not them.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I, too, think 'Krusty' may be a Palin/Heath, at least, part time. If Bristol, I think she has someone she can tell what to type, Bristol is not that capable. I agree with 502. Bristol is a little lower on the IQ scale and what ability? For certain the troll and Palins have brains washed at the same place.

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      ISP addys are easy to track on anyone posting to a blog. I actually had to change a lot of privacy features on even my Facebook page(s)and keep that updated frequently simply because of a couple responses I made to "Kristy" (real name btw) I found her in my "other" message inbox after she tracked me down because of my using my usual screen name. (which I rarely use now) She's a real person with many names to spread her love of the Palin family. And yes, there's proof. Several of us have been able to track her down to her home address, family members, Facebook, etc. I mean, it's the's ALL out there if you know where to look. Too many people leave their back door unlocked.

    4. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Kristy Patullo AKA Shit-For-Brains, Dope-On-A-Rope, and numerous others. From Rhode Island.

    5. SSinMD5:33 AM

      Ok, got it, thanks guys. It really does seem like the things they say (barf) couldn't possibly be written by anyone who doesn't even know bristol or the family. I get defending a stranger from persons who are saying mean things about someone they don't know but to create a bizarre fangirl narrative as part of that defense is just scary. I can only imagine that it is mental illness on display. I dont know of anyone who speaks like that of others, even their own cherished children.

  6. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Bristol looks like someone's Pet Fish. That Plastic Surgery really screwed her up.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      That's one of my favorite pics of Bristol. She is trying so hard to look glamorous....must have gotten tips from Sexy Sarah.

      Yes, she looks like a fish.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      She looks like a trout about to be eaten by a BEAR! Or a wolf :)

    3. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Hahaha! It's a favorite of mine too, she's trying so hard but ends looking ridiculous.

  7. Anonymous4:58 PM

    From the comments under the article on Wonkette:

    I'm surprised Livefree601 didn't note how awesome Bristol is at dancing. It was beautiful, like watching swinging beef being hauled by a high speed forklift.


    Thank you fartknocker, you owe me a keyboard.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Me too! There went my 1st sip of wine tonight. :)

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      I read this the other day and laughed and laughed. The people that comment over there are the best!

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      The Wonketteers just crack me up. They always have. Kings and Queens of the one liners. I love to journey over to Wonkette Land. Always a laugh a second with that bunch.

      Fartknocker! Snort!

  8. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Kristy the Palin stalker is a person from Rhode Island. She posts on all of the Anti Palin blogs. I think her last name is Patullo? She's been outed multiple times and is a Palin apologist but has never been here in AK and simply plays defense for the Palin Klan.

  9. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The shit that Krusty writes on blogs is nothing compared to the "messages" from her hundreds of Facebook identities that innocent people get.

    Sunny, I'm happy to contribute so that you can take this psycho to court and have her locked up. Her family aren't doing their job, she's dangerous and she shouldn't be allowed any contact with people who don't know her.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I am reminded of Gryphen's "friend" the facebook lurker. THAT was one of you.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Were your ears burning, 5:43?

  10. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Someone needs to go back to school. You smart ones out there know what I'm talking about, because I don't want to give them an English lesson for nothing. Stupid to the bone.

  11. Boscoe5:20 PM

    You know, I wouldn't have anything against Bristol if she were just humbly doing all those normal, everyday things her trolls worship her for. Got a job? Takin' care of the babies? Awesome.

    It's when she's trying to cash in on it and glorify herself as somehow exceptional for doing shit that millions of other women do with far less help and no access to mommy's riches. Bristol is no fit role model, ESPECIALLY if she consciously decided to become an unwed teen mom. What kind of a dipshit actually CHOOSES to do that?

    Again, for contrast, I would direct everyone to the Chelsea Clinton interview on the Daily Show last week:

  12. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Krusty does not have the wit and Intellect to challenge the Wonkette crowd. She is way out of her league. Krusty is a Junior High School Blogger at best.

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Wonkette's commenters take no prisoners.

  13. *GinaM seriously falling down and rolling on the floor and laughing so damn loud that the neigbors are knocking on the door*

    Krusty done made the big fucking time y'all! Peeking in all those damn virtual windows has sent her ass off the cliff! She has no shame in her pee pee smelling self! When Wonkette gets a hold of your crazy...ya betta recognize! No wonder she was doing drive by post on here lately!

    The Krazy was burning up all those computers trying to get a comment posted on Wonkette! She probably had two ciggies dangling off her lip...eating stale cheetos...and saying Beefy's name over and over again.....

    "I'm your number one fan Beefy...I'm gonna tell these bastards that you didn't have a "bastard" on purpose...non un...nope...Tripp the Blessed was planned since you were 12 years old and I'ma make the WHOLE internet know it too"!


    *shit I fell again...damn this floor is hard*


  14. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Oh dear god, these comments are killing's some doozies:

    Gristle—is she the one who got the jaw job so cum wouldn't pool in her dimples?

    --It’s a play on the Oregon state motto: “She flies with her own wings.”

    I thought the Oregon motto is "Beaver for All". Which, come to think of it, would also work for Bristol.

    I'm surprised that calling any kid born into the Palin clan "most blessed" didn't cause the timeline to collapse in of itself.

    She was against riding a dick to nowhere after she was riding against a dick to nowhere.

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      So funny, thanks for posting.

  15. Anonymous5:40 PM

    So--isn't the official story that Bristol has only one child, Tripp? What's with the troll's "1st pregnancy" thing? Did she get confused as to what the story is supposed to be?

  16. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Kristy Kristy Crazy Kristy!!! Where art thou? We have missed ye not.

    Your poor family!

    Is it true Kristy has children as someone wrote above? I find it hard to believe.

    Gryphen-- look at Sarah's crazy screech at Breitbart . She's so stupid it is ridiculous..

  17. We know Krusty the Krazy is stupid as all get out...obviously she can't read either...did y'all see Wonkette's comment policy?

    "Hola wonkerados.
    To improve site performance, we did a thing. It could be up to three minutes before your comment appears. DON'T KEEP RETRYING, OKAY?
    Also, if you are a new commenter, your comment may never appear. This is probably because we hate you."

    LMAO! I think it's safe to say that Wonkette "hates" Krusty! LOL!!!

  18. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I think the 'stalker' has to be a Palin or an unlucky staff member given the duty to post. The theme blends right into Palin's little sob story on Breitbart today. Po po little victim again, the left media has accused her of every little thing all these years and she has a sad. BUT, she wants NO sympathy!!. Not rootin' tootin' mouth shootin $arah. I know it's hard to keep her multiple identities straight but today she's Lazurus.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      They are allowing her to go back on speed? I can't wait to see her Sunday performance, if I catch a replay.

  19. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Dude, he's almost as nuts as most of the people here.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Anonymous5:43 PM

      Dude, he's almost as nuts as most of the people here.
      High willow.
      Don't you have some "har" to do?

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Who are you talking about "dude." You sound about 11.

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Dude's a lady.

    4. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Oh looky! It's the junior high "Dude" troll. No candy here, Dude, move along.

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Is the "dude" troll Chuck Jr?

    6. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Or maybe RAM

  20. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Repeating truth by rebutting immature comments is being a troll. Inventing lies and propaganda is being a liberal blogger.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      skank stating in the breitbart piece that the media accused her of faking a pregnancy and abetting murder is a lie. the media has NOT gone after these stories but now that she has opened the door i say MEDIA-DO YOUR JOB! MAN UP!
      she made a false accusation-only thing left to do is make it a true accusation.

      skank is the queen of inventing lies and propaganda and the fictional story that the media accused her of a fake pregnancy and abetting a murder is a blatant lie!

      when i see the stories on msnbc, cnn, fox, cbs, abc, nbc, huffpo, etc. then i will say she was able to foresee the future.

      you are SO boring we need a new word for how boring you are. the fact you support skank shows how pathetic, hopeless, lonely, uneducated, unsophisticated, racist, tasteless, classless, and hateful and hate filled you are.

      rotfl at gina rotfl!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    2. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Anonymous5:47 PM

      Repeating truth by rebutting immature comments is being a troll. Inventing lies and propaganda is being a liberal blogger.
      Hi wallows, so glad you are here in Lib America where you won't get blocked like krazy krusty was blocked by Wonette b/c they HATE you and your fucked up family!

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      ROFL!!!!!! Poor little Kristy P!! Does Mindy know you have made the big time at Wonkette? You are famous dude!

    4. Anonymous8:14 PM

      7:14 PM

      I wish the media would sue for the false accusation.

    5. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Poor baby, poor baby! Are your feelings hurt? Are you going to cry?

  21. Anonymous5:47 PM

    And here I thought the biggest stalker was a man named Jesse who's actually asked people to physically stalk people - and he still repeats lies.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      How old are you darlin? 12 or 13. ? Your comments are so juvenile (I mean immature!). Get a life for God's sake!

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      You never learn, do you, 5:47?

    3. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Where's the proof? Put up or shut up, Shit For Brains.

  22. "...Actually, her 1 pregnancy was planned, as her friends’ were. You may want to actually know what you’re talking about before you speak...".

    As I replied at Wonkette:

    Is she trying to say her ONE pregnancy - or her FIRST pregnancy?

  23. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Tiny North Dakota town braces for neo-Nazi, all-white takeover

    The tiny town of Leith in North Dakota is bracing itself for a potentially turbulent weekend. Its 24-strong population is set to be overrun by opposing busloads of neo-Nazis attempting to create a white supremacist community there and their anti-racist detractors.

    Jeff Schoep, commander of the American National Socialist Movement (NSM), is preparing to travel from Detroit to Leith to hold a town-hall meeting and press conference on Sunday afternoon. On the NSM website, he describes the trip as a “gesture of goodwill”, but goes on to say ominously that the aim is to “plant the seeds of National Socialism in North Dakota”.

    Anti-racist activists are also expected to descend on Leith from other parts of North Dakota and neighbouring Minnesota. “We cannot accept this racist hatred they are bringing here – Leith is in crisis and is crying out for help,”

  24. Krusty's been commenting on Bristol's blog, as late as September 17th; I though she'd been banned from any contact with the Palin tribe.

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      A handful of crusty Krusties and their sock puppets are all Sarah Palin and her grifting family have left to support them. Hardcore, leg-humping dregs of society who are broke financially, and haven't a clue how that happened. I pity the ones who have a mental illness causing their delusions, but most are just ignorant and get what they deserve.

  25. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Republicans Propose Legislation That Would Allow Discrimination Against Same Sex Couples

    Conservatives have a serious problem adhering to the Constitution as a matter of course, but especially when the Supreme Court issues a ruling that is contrary to their twisted ideology. There are still a substantial number or Republicans who categorically state the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional despite the conservative high court ruled it was Constitutional. Christian conservatives are no better, and despite rulings such as Roe v. Wade, prayer in public schools, and Lawrence v. Texas (sodomy laws) among many others, extremist Christians seek ways to circumvent any law or ruling that is contrary to their interpretation of the bible. When the Supreme Court ruled that California’s Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act discriminated against same sex couples, the Christian right and their cohort in Congress and the states went ballistic and threatened to fight on to impose their religious beliefs on every American that marriage is defined as between one man and one woman.

    On Thursday, a group of House Republicans announced their intent to propose legislation to give conservatives groups legal cover to continue discriminating against same-sex couples because in their dysfunctional minds, the bible overrides the Constitution, Supreme Court rulings, and any law they happen to disagree with. The legislation that Representative Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) intends to introduce is titled the “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act” that he says “ensures that any religious institution, organization, or church that believes that marriage should continue to remain between one man and one woman will not be discriminated against by the federal government.” The proposal is saying, in effect, that DOMA is still the law of the land and that the Supreme Court or the federal government has no right to say otherwise.

    Labrador claims the legislation will allow groups such as the Boy Scouts of America, Catholic Charities, and conservative organizations to continue discriminating against same sex couples without losing their tax-exempt status. According to Labrador; “we have already seen the increased attack and discrimination of institutions at the state level, and we just want to ensure that it does not happen at the federal level. I believe the Constitution protects these institutions and I just want to make sure that it’s in the law, that it’s 100 percent sure, that people have no question about it.” What Labrador’s legislation really means is it will be perfectly withing their rights for any organization to discriminate against same-sex couples with the federal government’s blessing.

    ...It is obvious that Christian conservatives are never going to accept the law of the land, and last month the Alliance Defending Freedom published an article that sums up their long-term strategy to subvert the Constitution and transform America into a Christian theocracy. The article, “Step By Step, Small Cases Regain Legal Ground For the Gospel,” describes the thirty-year campaign to use the courts and legislation to gain control of the government to impose their religious ideology on the people, and explains they can use friendly Republicans to propose legislation to force their gospel into law. Unfortunately, they are under the impression that because government gives them taxpayer money for nothing, they are free to exercise their religious liberty on the people including continuing to discriminate against same-sex couples with impunity.

  26. Brisket still has one Guinness Book of Records Achievement...she remains the ONLY person EVER to have GAINED weight on Dancing With the Stars...denying all the while she was pregnant was very obvious and pathetic that of course she was pregnant....AGAIN..she must have been wearing 3 sets of spanks at a time as her middle became increasingly larger throughout the program.....and she MIRACULOUSLY lost all that weight a few months after the celebrity, $$ and free passes because of who her parents are, while she sets out to destroy other young woman's chances of health care, available birth control and choice in pregnancy....karma will be a bitch..

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Yes she does have that record. Let's revisit that shall is a photo of her backstage on the view after her stint on DWTS.

      Yeah, not pregnant AT ALL. /snark

  27. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Krusty would have a heart attack if she read the comments at Huffington Post about Sarah Palin.

  28. Fuck the Palins...all of 'em

    1. Anonymous4:01 AM

      Too late, that has already been done, numerous times!!

  29. Oh quiet everybody!

    Krusty and her multiple computers and voices are here! She's posting her rambling and incoherent thoughts for us to laugh at! She's only able to write one or two lines but her favorite phrases are "obvi".....LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM


    2. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Haters, you don't know and love the Palins the way that I do, stop making things up, get a life, your all haters. Is that good enough? Bristol is the world's greatest mother, and Tripp is the world's greatest son. Just read the letter that Bristol wrote to Melissa during that wife swap thing. Popsicles to bribe the kid because he rules the roost. Never mind.

  30. Anonymous7:21 PM

    media do your job! skank has accused you of reporting on stories that have not been reported on.
    do your job!
    from the fake breitbart piece:

    "I want no pity. I need no empathy. But use me as a barometer. Over the years, the leftwing media has falsely and irrationally accused me of everything from faking a pregnancy to abetting murder. They lie. Deal with it"

    deal with this skank-no one cares what you say and roger just shortened your appearance to 1 minute.
    deal with that you old dried up witch!

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Do you have a link to the "poor me" of which you speak.

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Why won't the media grow some virtual balls and go after her. A quick smackdown is all it will take; a little story about how one moron faked a pregnancy....

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      The media wouldn't touch any story that had to do with Trig or Palin's pregnancies. They really treated her with kid gloves on that score. No one accused Palin of murder, or plotting murder. The media wouldn't touch a story like that either. What does she have to do, show her stretch marks again? (Oh, she never show them or Trig's birth certificate to start with.)

      Palin gave speeches where she accused people of telling her that she should have aborted Trig when she learned that he had DS. The problem with Palin telling that made up story is that she did not tell anyone before Trig arrived that he had DS, so no one could have advised her to have an abortion. It's a story that just doesn't make sense.

      But maybe Palin's guilty conscious is revealing itself. Alaska has seen some unexplained deaths (not murders, not that we know of). Curtis Menard II died because of water in the gas line of his plane, but he was an experienced pilot and would never have made a mistake like that. Dar Miller died under mysterious circumstances. It wouldn't have been mysterious, except her dogs died under her bed. Under normal conditions, they would have smelled smoke and barked. Dogs don't sleep through a fire unless there is something funny involved. I don't think that Palin should be raising the subject of "abetting murder" unless she wants to reopen some unsolved cases. Would the FBI be asking any questions up there in Alaska? Has Todd been threatening people again?

  31. Anonymous7:26 PM

    notice the idiot queen only opened her trap AFTER the vote in the house. not before. after.

    this will not pass in the senate. this will not be signed by the president.
    if obamacare was truly the disaster the repubs say it is then they would sit back and watch it wreck us. then they would ride that all the way to taking control of senate, house, wh. truth!

    oh yeah skank-am sure the big boys and girls in washington really give a rats azz what you think or say. notice how you don't even have any speaking gigs? because EVERYONE WANTS YOU SHUT UP. THANK YOU ROGER AILES!

  32. lostinmn7:38 PM

    Well it's good to see that either brisket herself or this crazy ass creature from out east decided to show up here. Nice to read your usual shit whoever you are. Kind of missed your pissy little snits. Been camping lately brisket or do you simply breed now in your new house?

    1. Anonymous4:06 AM

      What about her new pontoon boat? Maybe that is her new place, more comfortable than a tent.

  33. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I was hoping Willow would spread her wings and embark on her new business cutting hair. It's been six months now and nothing. Is she waiting until Bristol moves to Arizona and she will set up shop there?

    What a business opportunity! Bristol and Willow open up a high end beauty shoppe in Scottsdale. They could call it "The Palin Place." Todd could be in charge of all the massage therapists.

    That would free up Sarah to groom her new Mini Me Piper.

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      At the moment, Willow is busy "spreading her legs" spreading her wings MIGHT have to wait.

  34. I'm cracking up at the fools at the Asylum tonight! The Beerfart article has given the old men "stiffies" and the old women are comparing Baldy to their tough talking.....wait for it.....GRANDMA'S! LOL!!

    They are carrying on as if Baldy wrote the Holy Grail! Tomorrow is going to be hysterical! Ya know why...because when she shows up on Fake News tomorrow morning for her 3 minute appearance...she will try to repeat the parts she wrote but because this is Word Salad Baldy...the shit is going to be a disjointed...mashup of words that don't go together...ending with the Baldy blank stare!

    Here let me see if I can predict what she'll say in the AM after her night of Red Bull while snorting meth off the back of a blank envelope!

    *GinaM clears her voice and tries out her Baldy screech*


    Fox Blonde lady says "Thanks Governor for appearing with us this morning...what do you think of this possible government shutdown?"

    Baldy blinking sleepily starts speaking slowly and then like a runaway train she picks up speed says:

    "I'm ill Shannon at what is going on...but I digress. Americans who are fed Obamacare will need to avoid a...a...government shutdown.Ted Cruz is my friend. Americans are waking up to Obamacare and are on fixed incomes Sharon. Ted is going to fight like a girl! I want no pity. I'm not a victim Stephanie, the media lies, right Sheila. Heck Clinton wore a blue dress and had a hooker named Monica, but he survived the shutdown. I'm practically Lazze fair...ummm I mean Lazarus. Alaska is Texas little sister Stacey.

    Oh and I'm going to remind the Senators that Moose season ends real soon and I have a lot of time on my they can call me. Thanks Susie!"

    Fox Blonde lady blinks and says: "Thanks Governor".

    Hey...this is my story and I'm sticking to it y'all! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM


    2. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Too funny!

    3. Anonymous11:59 PM

      Gina, that's my favorite thing you've ever written. <3


    4. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Has anyone checked to see when moose season is and whether she (or even anyone in her family) has a permit?

  35. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Actually, it's her shit for brains that you are smelling. She's obsessed, ignorant, and delusional. If I were Bristol, I would be thinking that troll was some scary ass stalker who belonged in a rubber room.

  36. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Brisdull looks like a ventriloquist dummy with that chin implant! Just like with breast implants, you can see the outlines of the fake chin.
    And she thinks it's attractive? Those Paylins all win awards for being the most delu$ional people on the planet. Gag me.

  37. Anonymous2:58 AM

    God I love that picture of Bristol.

    My chin gets hard just looking at it.

  38. An oldie but a goodie....
    I read the Wonkette article last night...rereading it and the comments here this morning with my first coffee was the perfect way to start the day...

  39. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Kristy ventured into Wonkette land and found out that they don't play with Crazies. Kristy can't compete with the Intellectuals over there, her 6th grade writings just expose how unprepared she is for the truth.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.