Wednesday, September 25, 2013

When the Sarah Palin brand meets truth in advertising.

My understanding is that it does NOTHING to prevent pregnancy, and that once it breaks Palin's voice comes out of a little speaker saying "Remember if you get pregnant the baby is mine!"

I believe the initial product testing was done with family members. You betcha!


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    LOL!!! Just seeing a woman toss it at her partner would cause him to lose his erection!

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Man! What a boner killer.

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Uh oh the peebots will be very upset. This is sac religious!!!

  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Those are the recycled Condoms that Todd wrapped in washcloths. They worked so well for Bristol and Willow.

  5. It feels like there's nothing there...

    1. Maple5:49 PM

      Yep, and the condom feels like that too........:)

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Nothing there - between her ears or between your legs. tag lie from package.

    3. Anonymous11:37 PM

      the emperor's new condoms.

  6. lostinmn5:00 PM

    I would personally be very worried about the holes in it since it's based on her resume. There's that big gaping one about her college education for starters. And does it come complete with Herpes or any other STD's?

  7. Anonymous5:11 PM


    Who's the Palin Condom for?

    Palin condoms are the perfect gift for the sharpshooter or moose hunter of the family.

    What's special about this condom?

    These days, Americans need all the protection they can get, especially when they can see horny Russians from their front porch and gay-friendly touchy-feely Canadians from their back yard. Approved by overly aggressive hockey moms running on moose testosterone, Palin Condoms offer the last line of defense between a bored 16-year old daughter and the toothless jock eager to "score the winning shot.”

    Features and Benefits

    Just as thin as her resume
    Hockey Mom Approved
    When abortion is not an option
    Drill friendly

  8. LOL!! Now y'all know Baldy is so narcissistic that she probably has a case of these condoms to pass out to Beefy and Wallow to give to all the different "dudes" they keep finding themselves under!

    In addition...she probably put these in a goodie bag to go along with the "moose jerky" she sent to Rand Paul and Rafael Cruz during their "full of shitblustering" that those two did too!

    The cheap HO!


    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Gotta love the libel from Gina meister. Juvenile is an understatement

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      STFU whichever trampy Palin you are troll! Maybe you should learn to close your mouth along with closing your legs and get a REAL education on how condoms and birth control works!

      Sorry that your skank of a mama passed on her "skank" gene to you and your trampy ass sister!

      Don't get mad at me because you keep popping out babies like tic tacs dummy!


    3. Anonymous8:10 PM

      What's wrong 7:46 PM? The truth hurts? You're wasting your time here. We know EXACTLY who she is, along with with her whole fam damily. YOU are the fool!

    4. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Silly 7:46 pm--Gina isn't juvenile...

      he/she is mature and majestic master of materially momentous manuscription...

      give it a rest!

    5. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Anonymous7:46 PM

      Gotta love the libel from Gina meister. Juvenile is an understatement
      Hold old is this person? "Gina meister"? Do they have piper pimping, ummm trolling for Sarah pac now? It sure looks like a 13 yrs old!

  9. Sally in MI5:43 PM

    I'd be curious to know if she really did send Paul jerky, and if so, if he threw it away. Although, there is something fitting about sending these two 'jerky,' and Sarah mentioning it. The Three Stooges. Randy, Teddy and Slow.

  10. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Ol' empty noggin is probably happy to get the exposure.

  11. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The buzz around the intertubes is that the Heritage Foundation may be underwriting the recent spate of Palin outings...

    not a surprise if the drift of the analysis here is solid:

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      ooo, then Red State responded:

      as always, the commentary is where the action is!

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      So they must have replaced RAM with a settlement check big enough to shut her up? Palin's rantings have not been as Paliny as usual. I was wondering who her new writer and wardrobe people were. Makes sense now.

    3. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Hertiage is a 501c Why does it tweet politics? Just sayin! The IRS should shut down these asshole pacs including Sarah's grifter ATM!

  12. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Eeeeeekkkkk! That would kill the moment. Who could get that face out of their mind?

  13. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Just right for a Pimp's Wife. Bristol and Wallow don't use Condoms.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Why be a jerk?

    2. Anonymous9:35 PM

      7:45 Truth hurts, eh?

    3. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Silly- because if you jerked off, you wouldn't need to spend money on SarahPac condoms!

      Wild Tortoise

    4. Anonymous2:42 AM

      7;45 Why be a jerk?
      Are you serious? Sarah Palin is NOTHING but a stupid hate mongerer. She deserves all/everything she gets.
      Name one selfless thing this woman has ever done. Ever. One

  14. A thing of beauty. My best laugh all day. Thanks, Jesse.

  15. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Oh gee, I wish this was for real. I could see trying to put together a chain letter urging 7 friends to buy 7 packs (and distribute them) and urge all 7 to do the same. Love the product description idea -- should a short paragraph about the preg hoax. This could be a grass rots way arounf the MSM embargo in that story.

    Please someone, put up a web site to sell them. The rest of us can join in with chain letters to our friends to buy/distribute them.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Would have to be a satire site. She trademarked the name.

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      that doesn't matter. Just call it Stupid Palin. Everyone knows who that is and she couldn't do anything about it.

  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    The condom is pretty funny but I'm beginning to think it's things like this that are really fueling her potboiling revenge lately. She's so friggin' mad that she has gone total off her rocker and is declaring her vendetta against her detractors. I'm not sure that ignoring her would make her go away either despite my severe and chronic case of Palin fatigue and constant wishing that she would just go home and 'raise those kids' she's constantly yammering about.

    LOD was discussing just whose big money is funding Cruz and he has probably directed that a bit of it should be thrown her way too because she's about the only one out there as nutty and egotistical as he is. Attack dog for Lucifier, that's our $P.

  17. PalinsHoax6:40 PM

    Hey Gryph,

    Do those little packets come with washcloths? Tawdry wants to know.

    ~ $arah

  18. Anonymous6:44 PM

    But wait! Didn't she Trademark her name and her image? Here comes a law suit.

  19. Anonymous6:52 PM

    They can pass those out at the Rainbow Bay lodge... "When you catch that Big one and want to celebrate" reach no further than screech's™condoms!

  20. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

    How desperate does one have to be to resort to using one of these? If they are made to Palin ahem, specifications - they'd have to sell them more than half off.

  21. Now, that's a cute idea!

  22. *GinaM speaking in her Geico camel voice*

    Uh oh, guess what day it is? Guess what day it is Huh? Anybody? Gryphen, guess what day it is? C'mon I know you can hear me! Anita Winecooler....Anita.....Anita....Anita, what day is it Anita?

    Wuahahahaha....A Palin is wearing a "maternity" scarf! Whoo Wooot!

    Look for yourself......


    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Nice? Why is the kid giving her the stink eye? Kids don't lie at that age.

    2. Anita Winecooler1:06 PM

      Oh My! One failed quality control about three months ago.
      Winter's coming.... mono season... cough cough!

      champagne and popcorn on me!

  23. Anonymous7:10 PM

    OMG! That is too funny...LOL!!!

  24. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Isn't that old? I mean, the obama condom guy has existed for 5 years and I swear he had Palin ones too

  25. O/T and Holy Shit! Saw this on SNL FB page!

    Baldy is in do! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Ha! Fodder for mirth, over and over and over again. It is a good thing.

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      There is so much material. I hope Tina can sqeeze in the Rainbow Big Bear Hunt. Love the look and the pose!
      "Sarah and Todd Palin are posting to her Facebook page from a bear hunt in Alaska, where Sarah is sporting the latest from the Lady Combat Survival line at Wasilla Guns & Ammo."

  26. Super Fan In Atlanta7:53 PM

    Now THAT is hilarious

  27. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Effin golden I enjoy a bottle (or two) of fine wine this evening there is no way Brisstool would have used them anyway. I'm just relishing in the fun of watching this wack job go down with the rest of the crazies. My popcorn bowl is empty...time to move on to pretzels.

  28. Anonymous8:18 PM

    off top but rilly cool socks!

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      George the 1st couldn't be elected dog catcher in today's GOP

  29. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Hey, Queen Esther and subsequent trolls: Make you a deal. When YOU grow up and have anything intelligent to contribute to political discourse, we'll stay off your @ss. M'kay?

  30. Anonymous8:47 PM


    Sound familiar?

  31. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Does it come with a Palin facecloth to carry it in your pocket afterwards?

  32. Nikogriego9:03 PM

    Here's a comment from someone commenting on the website "newshounds," which is a blog about Fox News, responding to a post about Palin's appearance there, and her answers about a possible Senate run:

    Visitor 55 commented 2 days ago ·

    "ignorant teabagger goddess palin gets more stupid by the day…no, the hour.

    The ignorant one doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning a senate seat, unless she decides to quit Alaska, AGAIN, and instead run in Arizona. The teabaggers in AZ are slightly more stupid than palin, and we all know they’re pretty stupid.

    As for her “nice and pure” spawn, that would only be little Pinecone and the little guy Trajectory. The ignorant one’s older spawn haven’t been nice and pure since 2006.

    And lastly, Teaddy McCarthy Cruz is no where near being a good guy. He’s a corrupt idiot. That’s probably why ignorant teabagger goddess palin likes him. The more corrupt the teabagger, the more he/she’s loved by other teabaggers."


  33. Anonymous9:14 PM

    There should be another package with Bristol's photo on it, "Pause before you play. You have just enough time to use this,"

  34. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Sarah Palin lives a sad life in Wasilla. Does she have any real friends? She is like a prisoner in her own compound.

  35. Amy in Juneau9:51 PM

    Wow Gryph, you sure work hard covering the unhinged freak show ($P) for us all. You've covered her so much this week, your head must seriously need a vaycay from the Palin bullshit saga. Mine does. Unless it involves exposing the cutthroat ruthless bitch of her biggest lies. Trig, dairy, Dar and Curt.

  36. Anonymous11:05 PM

    The sea of pee had a big fight tonight about the Palins getting native insurance. The AK bots tried to deflect but did not deny it.

  37. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:52 AM

    Soooooo...Uncle Teddy Carnival Cruz's wife has an upper management position at Goldman Sachs, ummmm?

    Not only is the lounge singer lookalike covered under wifey's stellar health insurance plan (and wants to deny healthcare to us lowly peons), but maybe that's another reason why our gal Ms. CondomNation is twerking her bony butt all up in his face lately. I'll help you, you help me. A little infusion from the Cruzes would look very, very nice in her atmPAC, doncha think? So much nicer and shinier than all that moldy cup holder change from the cult members!

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Goldman is where Mrs. Cruz works - $40,000 a year premium for their medical insurance. You can be assured it covers anything and everything w/no copays! He could care less about folks that have not been able to afford health insurance or health care!

      And, he comes across so greasy looking. I'm not impressed....has too big an ego and appears not to have 'common sense'!

  38. Anonymous4:31 AM

    She's down, down, down in the dirt more and more every day! And, she's probably not even embarrassed by having her name, photo and great promotion on rubbers! Cracked me up!

    Would be a hilarious christmas gift to guys we all know. Probably should send some to the old, white, fat Republican guys in Congress too even though they probably cannot get it up w/o the help of Viagra! What a friggin' hoot!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.